
Jun 25, 2004
Here are a few that I have read and like:

1) Have a retail store and sell items like capt wench, power stretcher, cable clamps(Im pretty sure people in foreign countries would like the option to buy cable clamps through this site.) etc...

2) Include the tshirt website that gives money to MOS when people purchase tshirts.(Im2mackin's idea)

3) Have a $5 charge every 6 months or so for every member. Many other ways to distribute this charge.

4)Sell vimax extenders at a lower cost and get more money from more sales.

A couple that I have thought of:

5) Sell tshirts that say "Club 7", "Club 8", "Club 9" and on a very limited basis "Billy CLUB 10". They are very unobvious, can be worn anywhere(secretly snickering the whole time wearing it) and I think members would buy them when they hit that goal.

6) When members sign up have a box that asks if they want to contribute a few bucks a month.

7)Limit the �naked people movies� section to people that donate. Whether it be $2 or $200, as long as it is a donation.

Im sure we have some people here that will have some better ideas than these. Im just hoping that there are alot of them. DLD is a damn nice guy and personally I would like to see him making more money and not having to stress about it. Stress = lack of growth

Lets hear some good ideas! :)
I like all the ideas except for #3. While I think it's fine to limit the high bandwidth access (�naked people movies�) to the freebies, I think that charging everyone would push a lot of folks back to �other PE site� and peforum
Holy CRAP!

I just PM'd DLD some of my ideas! Wow, talk about synchronicity. I swear, this is a sign. As soon as I hit refresh, what are the odds, this post will come up with the same thing?

Great minds think alike!
Ok...a few questions and comments.

In my opinion, if DLD can run some retail items or the shirts( I like the 7-10 club
idea BTW) to help cost and that would be cool. Maybe even matching hats or coffee
mugs or other things.

This question of a 5 dollar charge every 6 months or so. Would that apply to even paid subscribers? If so, I don't think that would be fair.

Maybe have certain sections JUST for subscribers. In my opinion, we deserve a little more than just the "free" guys any way. As far as that goes...if the decision is made to run retail items, have like 5-10 bucks or %(depending on the item) for subscribers.
My point being is not just to sell some things to get some money coming in, but also to stop giving away so much for the "free" area.
All of my thoughts are just that, thoughts... There is of course nothing set in stone. I just want to open up the ideas and hope to get more ideas coming out.

#3 may not work, but Im sure there is a way to make money on it.
I agree that #3 could work. But honestly do you think it's fair to add this same
"surcharge" to those of us that have already paid our "one-time" subscription fee?
yea that inch club shirt is a bomb idea. I actually had a dream a while back where I reached 8 inches in length, then wore a shirt around that said "8 Inch Club" on the front. All the ladies were lookin :D....

and sections for the paying members only would be good too... it would only work for the �naked people movies� section though
lextheimpaler said:
Holy CRAP!

I just PM'd DLD some of my ideas! Wow, talk about synchronicity. I swear, this is a sign. As soon as I hit refresh, what are the odds, this post will come up with the same thing?

Great minds think alike!

Very cool Lex. :) Post some ideas here, would love to see them.

koooky said:
I agree that #3 could work. But honestly do you think it's fair to add this same
"surcharge" to those of us that have already paid our "one-time" subscription fee?

NO, I agree I think that once you pay the membership fee, it should be like it is now, all access included.
I am assuming DLD doesn't have his own server. If he did or does a good way that people would want to pay for the �naked people movies� section would be to have a couple full movies a week or something. I would be able to give access so that there would be a few movies or just scenes in there and such. Guys could watch them as they did their routines.

Also I had proposed this many months ago to another MOD before I was one. I suggested that if you kept all related items to Penis Enlargement close like in a circle of sites you could make more money. Anything from Penis Enlargement devices to supplements to medicines and �naked people movies�. If they were all linked together it would be easy for a customer to navigate through and make a few purchases. Most people who are looking for a �naked people movies� site with full movies are going to take interest in Penis Enlargement/Penis Enlargement devices and Viagra and things like Horny goat weed. Although my idea didn't ever get anywhere.
You said it real Enthusiastic Jak.....

Lotsa fine ideas there......I would probly buy a Vimax if it were lower priced.....

And DLD, You can be sure as hell thtat I want an 8"Club shirt shipped to me upon my reaching my goal.....

(Whether you plan to sell 'em or not) LMAO
E-books, downloadable manuals that casual surfers will pay to use. roll them out in 3 month increments.
It's ridiculous how little people give. If DLD was selling dick by the inch for $200 a pop, people would pay it - why? Because what people learn here literally changes lives DRASTICALLY. It's truly priceless, but some feel the need to take what they want and refuse to give back.

Forcing people to pay is not a great idea, perhaps some of the greatest contributors haven't donated. Not everyone has the money, though everyone deserves the info. Though, you would think if people have computers, high speed internet, digital cameras, Bib Hangers, pumps, pills, etc. they could fork out a few bucks to help the forum that has helped them so much.

I think selling things is a fine idea - I personally don't need to be sold anything. I'll be giving every time I have $5 to give.
How about a 'dream date' auction? We can auction DLD off to some lucky black lady with a big ass? Surely some ladies would pay for a night with DLD?? ;)
I think membership should ultimately be free, for everyone whose just genuinely interested in Penis Enlargement. Revenue can be generated through specialty memberships perhaps, access to MoS excercise site, special discussion sections of the forum, name tags, etc. Look at DNForum.com as an example of paid membership forum.
Jakb had some great ideas! I especially like the t-shirt idea and the Penis Enlargement equipment store (cable clamps, capn's wenches etc)... I would sure as hell buy a Club8 t-shirt upon reaching my goal! But then again, that would require me to to change my goal accordingly. :D
I thought the banner would help but it may be the product is wrong.
man I think the shirts idea is a garantee sale. I mean what guy especially right after he realized his gains wouldn't run out and buy a shirt like that? Also I think some of the other ideas like capt 'n wench and so could be sold at a fair price and make some fair money for the site. That coupled with DLD's rep. in the Penis Enlargement world and even more so here at MOS would in my opinion be a great combo.
doublelongdaddy said:
I thought the banner would help but it may be the product is wrong.

I dont think the product is wrong, I think it is the price. If those things sold for $100, they would be selling like crazy but $300 is steep.

So, DLD what do you think of some of these ideas? Can you make any of them work?
I think a Penis Enlargement store would be a GREAT idea. Wenches, clamps, theraband, medical tape (for the FR guys), etc.
We have some good ideas, do we have any more? Curious to see what DLD thinks of these?!?
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