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LOL...were we all supposed to be intrigued and offended by what goes on at another site? I would think that anyone that was that interested in what another site says or does would simply go there instead of "wasting" their time here. :D
Exactly who cares what goes on at another forum!!! Seriously who cares!!
Wow Thunder--looks like this thread sort of back fired on you. Like others have said, who cares about what goes on over here and why waste the time to bitch about it here? Why not try to contribute something positive here that might help someone else?
This is a Penis Enlargement forum....thats what we do, we dont waste time worry about other peoples business, it serves no purpose.
Very good then.We are all happy you are out.Please stay out.Have a nice life.And goodbye.
�other PE site� bull;473246 said:
Twerp.. imagine that.. Typicall just like at �other PE site�.. I see that no one wants to talk about the Bullshit..Matter of fact i see many of the same bullshit that happens at �other PE site� are also here. same people same problemsWonder what you name is there lolLove the avatar. Big avatar lol.. Little Twerp yeah if that make you feel like more of a man. Internet bully :)Obnoxious where is that in my post. I have not attacked anyone just posted a statement. i have not called anyone here a name or insulted anyone. So i do not see where I have been obnoxiousAs for the form this is deep thought nothing to do with Penis Enlargement or any of the Penis Enlargement forms here. This site is deciated to Pe you are correct but you also have other forms here for expession of thoughts like mine that have nothing to do with Penis Enlargement.Im outpeace
there are 3 big forums and all three are good and have guys who know their stuff. obv. the top team her is the top in Penis Enlargement.
I dont care what happens at TT but I will set the record straight in that I have no ill feelings towards them as they were one of the first forums I lurked on back in 2001. MOS has a freedom of speech policy that DLD is a strict believer in. He advocates people having a say no matter what, so long as it isnt going into depraved illegal topics obviously.

So if you want to inform the world about whatever it is you want to inform them about then do it, just dont expect everyone to jump on the bandwagon as many (myself incl) dont give a fuck about name calling another site.
koooky;473280 said:
Wow Thunder--looks like this thread sort of back fired on you. Like others have said, who cares about what goes on over here and why waste the time to bitch about it here? Why not try to contribute something positive here that might help someone else?

Not really wanted to see if this form was any different. Same peeps same results
REDZULU2003;473637 said:
I dont care what happens at TT but I will set the record straight in that I have no ill feelings towards them as they were one of the first forums I lurked on back in 2001. MOS has a freedom of speech policy that DLD is a strict believer in. He advocates people having a say no matter what, so long as it isnt going into depraved illegal topics obviously.

So if you want to inform the world about whatever it is you want to inform them about then do it, just dont expect everyone to jump on the bandwagon as many (myself incl) dont give a fuck about name calling another site.

As you can see that is not that case.

MOS has a freedom of speech policy that DLD is a strict believer in but as you see the mods here say other wise.

There are several misconception that are being preached there but you cannot openly debate them there. I thought this would be a open form to do just that but when you have the same people with the same view pertending that they are different then you see what happens.

I did not attack anyone here yet some became defencive. You only defend what you beleive in.

you state we dont care what happens at that site but you came to read this and jump on the author like a pack of wolves. That sayes alot about how you feel about the site that you said you do not care about.

Alot of good info there but the view point so some matters should be talked about so that we all can learn

Close minds egual closed results
dickerschwanz;473309 said:
there are 3 big forums and all three are good and have guys who know their stuff. obv. the top team her is the top in Penis Enlargement.

You are correct but you also have mods who dictate what is fact and fiction and that is not how it should be
Dude what are you talking about? one is censoring you. We just are not into bashing some other forum...this is a Brotherhood here...we could care less about �other PE site�. We want to talk about Penis Enlargement, growing, positive things. This whole concept of having a thread to bash another forum is sili. It just doesn't fit here, with the positive vibe of this Brotherhood. If those people over there want to bash us...fine...who cares. We are growing. We are happy. We are a Brotherhood. Let them be whatever they want to be over there. It doesn't effect what happens here in any way at all.

Don't you see how a topic like this can only be negative? What possible good could come from it? That is why you are getting the reaction that you are. It is just negative, with no possible benefit for anyone here in any way.

What is your routine? How are you trying to grow today? Can you share your experiences while doing Penis Enlargement? Have you learned something while exercising that you think can help someone here?

These are the things that people want to know and share around here. We are not here to have petty squabbles with irrelevant outside forums or people.

Please, drop this... join the Brotherhood and just grow...your penis and your person...that is what we do here. Improve your life and help improve the lives of others if you can. I hope that you can understand and appreciate what I am saying.

I love you Brother. Come join us in the Light! You are welcome! Leave the ugliness that you may have found elsewhere where you found it. Let them have it. You don't need it and neither do we.

Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Now, grow up.
Talk about �other PE site� here if you wish but what I dont care for is reading about it. I post in this thread because I'm a mod here and fealt I had to say something. No one is being funny with you but surely you didnt expect everyone to simply sheepishly join in and slag off the other forum? maybe someone will and thats fine also but fine that no one does as I said I dont care but would or will care if it spirals into something that becomes troublesome and does nothing for these forums.
�other PE site� bull;473948 said:
Not really wanted to see if this form was any different. Same peeps same results

Dude--if it was the same me or any of the other Mods who posted in this thread would have banned you on the spot--

Do you not get what is the obvious message?

We don't care what type of BS that goes on over there.

We don't care to bring that BS here

We DO care about being positive and not trying to bring down others

We DO care about what is working for you in your routine--share it in a positive way--maybe it will work for others.

We DO care about your growth as a person--share it as well--maybe it will work for others.
MOS and the guys on it are awesome, reading threads like this just proves it, I love how everyone rallies round with logic, sense and straight talking. I truly feel this forum is teaching me a lot more than just how to grow my dick. I thank you all!
You got no idea how much more comforting, vindicating and validating comments like those are; rather than Mom's, "Shut the fuck up, dickwad."
From all of us!

synergio;474063 said:
MOS and the guys on it are awesome, reading threads like this just proves it, I love how everyone rallies round with logic, sense and straight talking. I truly feel this forum is teaching me a lot more than just how to grow my dick. I thank you all!
Im closing this thread. Stupid, and a waste of time
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