Some thoughts about the future of Gene modification therapy and penile growth


well known member
Nov 8, 2009
I am just putting my words out there because there are currently multiple forums with discussions and ideas, experiments, etc.

The consensus is that a REAL 100% guaranteed gene therapy that will completely modify, restructure and radically change the appearance and size of the penis, is probably some 50 years away for the next generation.

The reasons behind this consensus is that whoever makes it possible, it requires an extremely high level of technology and infrastructure. Therefore it will require powerful investors such as pharmaceutical corporations. These people plan ahead in 50-100 years, just like real state developers. You know for example during the real state crash of 2008, they were still building giant skyscrapers in Miami for example. Why? who will buy those condos? how are they going to fill them up? Well, there answer is, these people do not build to acquire a return in 5 years. These people build to secure a revenue for the next 50-100 years, a multi generational process.

In the medical industry is the same. Some people might say "Hey!, if they came out with that therapy now I would pay for it!! Well, a therapy like that would be around $50,000.00 In its infancy. True, over the course of time it will become popular and generic and prices will go down, but the fact is that currently nobody is willing to invest in it.

Another obstacle is the complexity of the penile structure. There are too many different tissues and each one of them respond different to enzymes, proteins, etc and each one of them has its own genetic print. That is why the technology behind to achieve this is astronomical. Although I truly believe that at a government level in classified programs they have achived all kind of genetic experiments, that has been accomplished with the best brains in the world and UNLIMITED FUNDS.

However my approach to the gene therapy is different.

We all know in our community that from all these penile structure the most difficult and limiting is the tunica and the septum. We know how to grow girth fairly quick and easy. After all, girth is determined by internal smooth muscle and smooth muscle is almost as simple to grow skeletal muscle. But when it comes to the tunica and septum is a different story.

We still know pretty much how tomato the tunica give up some size. Jelquing, squeezes, bends, etc they all target tunica. Including pumps, and other things. Wed have the real anecdotal experience, we have the proof.

Now with length is a different story. Certainly, we have gifted members (no pun) who have achieved majestic length gains. But at the same time, it doesnt work for everybody equally. We have multiple stories of no gains, or little gains. I personally in all these years was able to gain 2 inches of length, and is game over now.

In my own personal experience of having the septum as the ultimate limiting factor, I firmly believe that EVERYBODY at some point will reach that wall. The end of the road. Wether you gained already 4 inches in 10 years, or you gained nothing, that stopping point will be determined by the ultimate limiting factor. The Septum.

Therefore i have been researching the possibility of simplified gene therapy. Attacking ONLY the septum with nuclear weapons. We can identify the genes responsible ONLY fort the septum. Now, it is not easy. Questions will arise such as "is the septum the same as tendons, ligaments?", "if we modify the genes for the septum will my joints be affected, other ligaments and tendons in the body?" of course, we need to address all those scenarios and make sure there are no health risks associated.

However, we can use genetically modified stem cells. Satellite cells that inly target the septum. In the study that I posted the other day, scientists were able to grow cartilage from genetical modified stem cells. Well, what if were could grow septum tissue in a lab, from our same cells, genetically modified, then through surgery implant those extra 3-4 inches of septum.

In the same way, we could theoretically utilize these genetically modified stem cells for the septum, injecting in a regimen of therapy and allow the septum to start growing on its own, WHILE we continue exercise to target other tissues.

I believe that by modifying the septum, ALL other tissue will slowly accommodate to the new length without a problem.

Just some thoughts. Surrender is not an option. To wait for others to do it is despicable. To depend on pharmaceutical corporations is unacceptable. We MUST find the way. We have thousands of biology, medicine, genetic engineering students, we as the people MUST accomplish this by ourselves.
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