Some of the following is unfair, some of it is
not ...
comparing ourself with dildos is pointless
Not really. Should we not compare ourselves with rulers too? Women don't f*ck rulers, you know.
So if there is no tie to any objective truth then how could anyone know where they are at, or know where they'd want to go, or how to stop when they got there?
The original article, between the content and the comments, compared both dildos and cocks, and defined some areas of difference in the two. So did my post. Understanding is Knowledge ... it's not 'pointless'.
and should be the same as girls comparing their tits with that on a sex doll.
Again, not really. Every guy in the universe doesn't have a drawer full of sex dolls .. and widespread socially accepted opinions about what the top sex dolls are so all of their friends can go buy them too.
when a woman is together with a man. she wants maskuline energy. she gets this by:
feeling desireable.
getting compliments.
getting dominated.
getting fucked.
and in this.
a big throbbing cock glaring at her waiting to penetrate her and make her surrender to it's size. is very much a turn on.
So you're saying that chicks like Guys and Cock? .. That's some keen insight there. I wonder if anyone else has figured this out before?..
Indeed they -might- like cock so much that they buy
hundreds of millions of -copies- of cocks in every possible size and color and material and mechanical accessorization so they can use them at-will without needing to 'surrender' to a maskuline male, nor have to wash/dry/style their hair, or wear makeup .. or pick up his dirty socks, etc.
(a good friend of mine is a woman with a sex shop. so i actually know alot about this)
So your friend keeps her business doors open by selling maskuline throbbing males to her customers...
... or by selling a couple-dozen dildos every single day? ..
most dildos and vibraters is designed to hit certain spots or area's. very few are designed to hammer down to the bottom.
That's because hammering down to the bottom is only a subtextural, rather nebulous, feeling of being stretched .. and has essentially no discrete ability to deliver orgasms. (An enormous amount of the effect isn't even the bottoming out per se but rather the male's mons/hips/balls/base slapping against the chick's thighs/clitoral labia/clitoral glans/butt/and the typically wider penis base causing more stretching of the vaginal opening.)
It's all of the "spots and areas" that the dildos [etc] hit that are actually the more pleasurable. That's
why they're made to do that.
ohh and one last thing. even though we have a really hard erection a dildo is still a lot harder than our cocks. so a 6' dildo is harder to take than a 6' cock
Not if it's CyberSkin/Softskin, or Silicone, or phthalate Jelly, or non-phthalate Elastomer, or latex rubber, or TPR .... but otherwise (aside from almost every dildo out there) .. yes.
ohh and one last thing, ever hear of a Rabbit
Vibrator? ... penetrates the vagina .. also contacting the Gspot, vibrates the clitoral labia, vibrates the perineum, spins around (for pete's sakes) inside the vaginal introitus, and vibrates the clitoral glans ... a chick can come so much, over and over, and over, that the orgasms crash into each other. I guarantee you that no amount of maleness and no amount of penis can cause such effects ... and that's
me saying that ... I can rip a pro bowl linebacker's head off, and according to Mike I'm bigger than Ramone (which is still shocking) .. so i actually know alot about this.
Now, in the middle there I was [no pun intended] being a dick ... but only because no one was arguing against the points you made.
Yes, chicks like dudes. Yes a strong masculine energy will tend to bloom the feminine energy of the female. (They actually LOATHE weak males. And I've always thought that when a chick meets a new dude .. not knowing whether she's going to dominate him or swoon before him is about half of the reason that they're crazy.
Maleness/Femaleness .... good points ... but unrelated here. You're trying to use those to throw out the baby and the bathwater. Back to the topic and objective measurements ... the main point was Girth, and how the preferences were being stated as sizes below what we'd tend to think of here as a goal. A lot of the chicks were saying their ideal girth was 5.5 and anything over 5.75 was too big. (after more than a dozen years at this, and being well bigger than that, I [essentially] agree).
There's a size of diminishing returns where instead of a chick swooning before one's male energy .. they become more and more likely to say "You want to put -that-
where? lol, no!'
And if the size is such that the 'where' equals nowhere .. then you're also at the friend's store too .. getting the titty doll you mentioned..
IMO .. we should consider a serious site discussion on (at least suggesting) a topper on size goals which are more in line with actual female physiology .. instead of the perhaps unrealistic dynamics of dysmorphia and idealized aesthetics that can tend to drive the goals presently.
All of which also trumpets the success of PE and of [words=]Mos[/words], which is something I've said for like seven years, .. not so dogmatically, .. most guys (and doctors too for that matter) think there's nothing non-surgical that can be done about penis size, and meanwhile here at [words=]MoS[/words] we're hitting size goals at-will and occasionally going "hmmm, I think I might have gone too big .."
When someone is starting out, they're in their own head about their smaller starting size and don't realize that one can oversucceed. That, if using real chicks as a benchmark, 'too big' is an achievable actual thing.
Otherwise, it's a free country (and world, metaphorically) .. one can do whatever they decide, .. and there
are size queens out there ready and waiting, but to make an Nth argument ... a 9 inch girth is probably too much. Agreeable point? Then one is already, if subconsciously, aware that there is a limit .. and that 9 is above it ... and that somewhere less than that is a more proper, or even 'right' amount.
There are 8 inches around a coke can (8.17 or etc). That's also pretty friggin big, but something one can find readily to get the scope of it. -- 7, less so, but still. -- 6.5, less so, but still ..
If the
mean of chicks are saying 5.5 to 5.75, the veterans here should at least probably advise that as information, if not fully an
admonition, to think about not radically exceeding it.