I have a question regarding gains. I used to wear a "your skin cone" produced by the maker of [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]TLC[/words]-tugger, especially when I was doing alot of foreskin restoration, which I still do on an off in addition to Penis Enlargementing (I mostly just wear the [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]TLC[/words] [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]tugger[/words] at night, it is soft enough and I have enugh skin to cause no problems with circulation even with nocturnal erections. I figure I'll gain some skin this way and possibly even help with length gains).
Anyway, my glans is pretty sensitive and having no foreskin I don't very much like the feeling of it flopping around in my pants all day, it is uncomfortable and can sometimes lead to undesired erections. So instead of the cone I often simply wear somewhat but not overly tight briefs, and I find if i just roll what skin I have over my head and it will mostly stay in place that way throughout the day. I don't really have to push my dick "in" so much to do this, maybe only slighly so, I have mostly enough skin just to keep it coverered. I don't know if this is what is considered "turtled," its not really at its maximum flaccid length in this "covered" state but it quicky flops out to its natural length with exposed glans if I remove my underpants. Do you guys understand what I mean?
I remember reading somewhere DLD mentioned as an experiment he wore really tight underpants and it hindered his gains as a result. Am I preventing my dick from growing by keeping it sort of "tucked in" with briefs to keep the glans protected rather than just letting it hang out and flop freely around? Granted its mostly in an extended state during the night so this may help counteract this. I wish I had enough foreskin to just let it "hang loose" and not worry about head sensitivity, but growing this skin takes a really long time, even longer than getting length gains through Penis Enlargement I reckon. What do you guys think, am I slowing my gains down by doing this?
Anyway, my glans is pretty sensitive and having no foreskin I don't very much like the feeling of it flopping around in my pants all day, it is uncomfortable and can sometimes lead to undesired erections. So instead of the cone I often simply wear somewhat but not overly tight briefs, and I find if i just roll what skin I have over my head and it will mostly stay in place that way throughout the day. I don't really have to push my dick "in" so much to do this, maybe only slighly so, I have mostly enough skin just to keep it coverered. I don't know if this is what is considered "turtled," its not really at its maximum flaccid length in this "covered" state but it quicky flops out to its natural length with exposed glans if I remove my underpants. Do you guys understand what I mean?
I remember reading somewhere DLD mentioned as an experiment he wore really tight underpants and it hindered his gains as a result. Am I preventing my dick from growing by keeping it sort of "tucked in" with briefs to keep the glans protected rather than just letting it hang out and flop freely around? Granted its mostly in an extended state during the night so this may help counteract this. I wish I had enough foreskin to just let it "hang loose" and not worry about head sensitivity, but growing this skin takes a really long time, even longer than getting length gains through Penis Enlargement I reckon. What do you guys think, am I slowing my gains down by doing this?