To all MOS bodybuilding fellows !! Need extreme help



Hi dawgs, sup?

First of all i'd like to make a small intro about my BB stats.

I have been bodybuilding for the last 8 years and the last 3 were downtime due to a nasty ass injury of my rotator cuff. I basicaly managed to rip my shoulder labrum apart. All is cool now and i have jumped right back on the horse and am doing quite well.

I am 5'9, 221pnds, 18.9" arms, 28" quads, 15%bf.

I have been on a very strict diet as of the last 3 weeks and am starting to notice the abbs popping out, muscle separation starting to show, overall more defined and strenght is up there and climbing.

This very strict diet may be considered stict by me only cause i know how hard it is to get it done. I have simply cut off all soda ( i had about 1 or 2 a day for like forever ) all non-natural juices, all kinds of sweets, put sweetener on my expressos, cut all fried stuff, increased veggies, still take carbs all the time from like potatoes and pasta and also pizza once or twice a week.

I only do cardio for like 20 minutes PRIOR weightlifting to get my core warmed up and to pre-exhaust some strenght so i don't kill my shoulder again. This is 4 to 5 x a week for no more than 75 minutes a day. Cardio included as well as rest time betwin sets.

I feel my health is improoving BIG TIME and feel lighter on my feet as in more flexible and energetic. My mood is much better also. I only have white meats and very rarely i go the red meat route. Chicken and turkey plus the damn tuna.

I like my body type and am happier everyday with it but still i need to improove many things to get to where i want to be at.

I need lower pec separation, as well as serratus anterior ( obliques as you well know ). I need trap developement and calves. Also i need to get the damn forarms to rip cause they are big, hard as hell and very very strong but i can see no vascularity and no shape to them other than a log pretty much.

I started on prolab creatine, 5g a pop 30 mins b4 workout and have now bought a 180 capsule USN AAKG bottle. ( Arginine AlphaKetoglutarate ) To try to bring my NO up and maybe see some vascularity.

Most of my fat is located at the lower ab and at the sides of my waist. Other than that and the infamous fat freekin pad i have a very tight body all in all.

No trouble gaining wheight, no trouble loosing it, no trouble maintaining it. I admit to a sweet tooth but that is no more. I don't really have the chance to be eating every 2 hours cause of the damn job but i get my protein and cals in everyday.

Sorry for the long ass thread but i know peeps always need some more info and this way i just spill the beans out in 1 go.

So, ripped body gurus, diet freaks and bodybuilding experts ( steroids included of course ). Would you please help a fellow BB'er get in shape once and for all? I just turned 33 and if i don't do it now, i'll never have the age to try it again so this is a do or forget kind of situation here.

Also, i have been researching anabolic compounds for like 7 or 8 years and read thousands of threads on the subject as well as MD articles and others but never got around to really take the plunge to the dark side. I am now ready.


Is this AAKG crap worth it?

Advice on diet and exercise routines ? What to cut, what to add etc

Steroid cycle advice ? As in, just test 12 weeks to start with or what ? Advice Advice Advice please. PCT ? etc

Dyuretics? ECA? heeeelp....

Well i know not many will really be in the know about all of this but i will thank forever any good advice you dudes can throw my way.

Please give it all you got on this cause it WILL help me and i'm sure it will help many others too.

Feel free to participate and maybe this can be stickied to help all that want need help like me.


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Here's a couple VERY good books on dieting:

Prolab 'No Mistakes' Book


Fat Loss - Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle - Diet Program

These were instrumental for me learning proper dieting. The second link is especially helpful, and doesn't push any supplements.

Most supplements (besides glutamine, creatine, and protein powder) are of very little benefit, including AAKG. Fat burners help, but they are unnecessary in my opinion. I suggest you read these books; highly recommended.

I learned most of my training from high school football coaches, and most of the rest I got from Arnold Schwarzenegger's Modern Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding (very good). Several other sources, but besides my coaches, Arnold's book was the most instrumental. Available at most book stores.

For information on steroid cycles, check out:

Chemical Muscle Enhancement by Bodybuilders Desk Reference -

It was recommended to me by princeAlbert, and I can say it is awesome.

Good luck Mike.
pec seperation- dips, flys and decline

lats- single row, double row on incline bench, and chinups

calves- as many calve extensions as you can handle up to 4 mins. striaght, with only couple sec. for lactic acid to die down and back at it.

forget a AAK or NO or what ever, I think creatine and supple amount of protien powder is more than enough, 1lb or so per bodyweight.

tip for tuna- half cup salsa for a can makes awsome meal! ! !

Forget the roids, to old for that shit! just work hard and keep an eye not to fall of diet to badly.
Mike its not that hard to drop bodyfat down to a reasonable level,it just takes the will power to keep motivated.Getting the lower chest cut and forearms ripped is simply a case of dropping bodyfat low enough.

The first few weeks of a cut it is mainly water weight you are losing and its at this stage when alot of people quit because its when you look your worst ,your muscles will have flattened out but you won't have really started to burn bodyfat,quite normal to drop a good few lbs at this stage but its really just water bloat.

The most effective fat lose approach imo is early morning low intensity cardio for 30-40 mins before eating,powerwalking,spinbike,treadmill.

This is a very good read with progress pics that will show you the type of diet plan that produces results.

POWERHOUSE 585 Gets Ready: A Journal

For traps try doing face pulls and shrugs,though shrugs may cause problems with your shoulder,AAS use will cause very quick growth in the traps and neck as these contain more receptors than any other muscle group,well developed traps and neck are often a tell tail sign of a steroid user.

Calves high rep torture 3x50 reps rest pause if needed twice a week.

Personally i would forget about AAS while you are cutting,you have never ran a cycle before so save it for bulking,get your bodyfat down then run a cycle.

You could use an ephedrine based fat burner but i would wait till your fat loss starts to slow.

I highly recommend MuscleTalk Bodybuilding Forum
blackice said:
pec seperation- dips, flys and decline

Forget the roids, to old for that shit! just work hard and keep an eye not to fall of diet to badly.

Pec seperation is down to having sufficent mass in the chest along with lowish bodyfat,the exercise's you listed will build mass but won't cause seperation.

He's the ideal age to start AAS imo.
You think 3 sets of 50 reps (with stop-pause) is the best shock treatment for calves? It's my #1 problem area, they just don't want to grow at the same rate as the rest of my body even though I train them twice per week. I usually do 2-4 sets of 12 reps, on leg press machine. Maybe a few torture sets are what they need...
Dudes, dudes i'm having a great time reading into all this very usefull insights and all the links you guys provided me with. This will keep me busy for some time to grasp all the info in there.

As for being too old for AAS ( i know you ment that in a good way ) ... I'm not in the least bit too old, i believe muscle maturity is needed for best results as well as dropping the most body fat possible before using as well as reaching as close as possible to my genetic limits. I have also confirmed this after reading many many articles stating the same from highly regarded literature specialized on the subject. I can say that i know roids very well and also they sides etc.

Keep the good info comming dudes as i can already notice that all this info WILL be very usefull for many dudes searching for a better body.

I will keep you all up to date with my progress as well as my AAS endeavours that will soon follow.

Thanks again friends


shock your calves with the illest routine: 4 minute calves, only a moment for the lactic acid to die down and back at it! my foremarm routine is wrist curl,extension and reverse curl, also reverse triceps on the cables hits the upper wrist and forearm!
goldmember said:
Here's a couple VERY good books on dieting:

Prolab 'No Mistakes' Book


Fat Loss - Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle - Diet Program

These were instrumental for me learning proper dieting. The second link is especially helpful, and doesn't push any supplements.

Most supplements (besides glutamine, creatine, and protein powder) are of very little benefit, including AAKG. Fat burners help, but they are unnecessary in my opinion. I suggest you read these books; highly recommended.

I learned most of my training from high school football coaches, and most of the rest I got from Arnold Schwarzenegger's Modern Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding (very good). Several other sources, but besides my coaches, Arnold's book was the most instrumental. Available at most book stores.

For information on steroid cycles, check out:

Chemical Muscle Enhancement by Bodybuilders Desk Reference -

It was recommended to me by princeAlbert, and I can say it is awesome.

Good luck Mike.

Bummer mate, i was reading like a mad man up to a certain point and then...

Buy it now? Visa Mastercard etc etc etc

damn, i was loving this stuff but the sample can only so far right mate ?

8InchMIKE said:
Hi dawgs, sup?

First of all i'd like to make a small intro about my BB stats.

I have been bodybuilding for the last 8 years and the last 3 were downtime due to a nasty ass injury of my rotator cuff. I basicaly managed to rip my shoulder labrum apart. All is cool now and i have jumped right back on the horse and am doing quite well.

I am 5'9, 221pnds, 18.9" arms, 28" quads, 15%bf.

I have been on a very strict diet as of the last 3 weeks and am starting to notice the abbs popping out, muscle separation starting to show, overall more defined and strenght is up there and climbing.

This very strict diet may be considered stict by me only cause i know how hard it is to get it done. I have simply cut off all soda ( i had about 1 or 2 a day for like forever ) all non-natural juices, all kinds of sweets, put sweetener on my expressos, cut all fried stuff, increased veggies, still take carbs all the time from like potatoes and pasta and also pizza once or twice a week.

I only do cardio for like 20 minutes PRIOR weightlifting to get my core warmed up and to pre-exhaust some strenght so i don't kill my shoulder again. This is 4 to 5 x a week for no more than 75 minutes a day. Cardio included as well as rest time betwin sets.

I feel my health is improoving BIG TIME and feel lighter on my feet as in more flexible and energetic. My mood is much better also. I only have white meats and very rarely i go the red meat route. Chicken and turkey plus the damn tuna.

I like my body type and am happier everyday with it but still i need to improove many things to get to where i want to be at.

I need lower pec separation, as well as serratus anterior ( obliques as you well know ). I need trap developement and calves. Also i need to get the damn forarms to rip cause they are big, hard as hell and very very strong but i can see no vascularity and no shape to them other than a log pretty much.

I started on prolab creatine, 5g a pop 30 mins b4 workout and have now bought a 180 capsule USN AAKG bottle. ( Arginine AlphaKetoglutarate ) To try to bring my NO up and maybe see some vascularity.

Most of my fat is located at the lower ab and at the sides of my waist. Other than that and the infamous fat freekin pad i have a very tight body all in all.

No trouble gaining wheight, no trouble loosing it, no trouble maintaining it. I admit to a sweet tooth but that is no more. I don't really have the chance to be eating every 2 hours cause of the damn job but i get my protein and cals in everyday.

Sorry for the long ass thread but i know peeps always need some more info and this way i just spill the beans out in 1 go.

So, ripped body gurus, diet freaks and bodybuilding experts ( steroids included of course ). Would you please help a fellow BB'er get in shape once and for all? I just turned 33 and if i don't do it now, i'll never have the age to try it again so this is a do or forget kind of situation here.

Also, i have been researching anabolic compounds for like 7 or 8 years and read thousands of threads on the subject as well as MD articles and others but never got around to really take the plunge to the dark side. I am now ready.


Is this AAKG crap worth it?

Advice on diet and exercise routines ? What to cut, what to add etc

Steroid cycle advice ? As in, just test 12 weeks to start with or what ? Advice Advice Advice please. PCT ? etc

Dyuretics? ECA? heeeelp....

Well i know not many will really be in the know about all of this but i will thank forever any good advice you dudes can throw my way.

Please give it all you got on this cause it WILL help me and i'm sure it will help many others too.

Feel free to participate and maybe this can be stickied to help all that want need help like me.




First, it sounds like you have ample mass for your height and are primarily interested in cutting up. The first thing I would say to you is leave the supplements alone -- concentrate just on whey protein. Drink TONS of water to minimize water retention. It sounds like you may be overdoing it with the carbs, which will cause you to retain fat (particularly around the waist) and retain water. If you eat carbs, try to make it directly before and after a workout. Start to reduce your carb intake as the day wears on and your metabolism slows. Of course, continue to eat LOTS of protein, which will increase your metabolism and reduce fat. It sounds like your workout is fine.

I hope the helps.
brianrex said:

First, it sounds like you have ample mass for your height and are primarily interested in cutting up. The first thing I would say to you is leave the supplements alone -- concentrate just on whey protein. Drink TONS of water to minimize water retention. It sounds like you may be overdoing it with the carbs, which will cause you to retain fat (particularly around the waist) and retain water. If you eat carbs, try to make it directly before and after a workout. Start to reduce your carb intake as the day wears on and your metabolism slows. Of course, continue to eat LOTS of protein, which will increase your metabolism and reduce fat. It sounds like your workout is fine.

I hope the helps.

Yes brotha...mass never was a problem for me, muscle separation, striations and water ret. always were a huge pain in the ass. I blame it upon myself and a terrible diet with loads of sugar and carbs but that day is gone.

I respond very quickly to whatever changes i make at all levels though and that is good i think.

When you say leave the supps alone you mean supps or roids ?

I also admit to having a very hard time drinking insane amounts of water along the day cause it reaches a point where i almost puke from it but hey, a great body has a tall bill to fill so i gotta suck it up. :D

Also, you talk of carbs and i know nothing about dieting to cut, only to bulk and that part anyone gets but the question here is:

Which ones are a total no no ? Pizza? Potatoes ? Pasta? which ones? All of them? Should i cut them all to dry up? Won't i loose energy like mad and just flatten out ? Guide me here bro, i am at a loss...


8InchMIKE said:
Also, you talk of carbs and i know nothing about dieting to cut, only to bulk and that part anyone gets but the question here is:

Which ones are a total no no ? Pizza? Potatoes ? Pasta? which ones? All of them?


Mike you want to cut out

Fried foods
whole-fat dairy products
takeaway food pizza ect.

Cut back on the amount of starchy carbs you eat,you still need some but nowhere near the amount you normaly eat


increase the amount of fibrous carbs

green beans

Go for lean protein sources

chicken breast
turkey breast
egg whites
lean cuts of red meat

include healthy fats

flax seed oil
olive oil
nuts and seeds
Natural peanut butter

these are just a few examples.
goldmember said:
You think 3 sets of 50 reps (with stop-pause) is the best shock treatment for calves? It's my #1 problem area, they just don't want to grow at the same rate as the rest of my body even though I train them twice per week. I usually do 2-4 sets of 12 reps, on leg press machine. Maybe a few torture sets are what they need...

GM if your calves don't respond to a normal rep range then you need to change it,high reps are very effective for calves but painful to perform and as such most will avoid doing them.

Its pretty hard to do 50 reps non stop as the lactic acid builds up very quick so you may need to do rest pause reps as the set progresses,weight used will be pretty low but heavy poundage isn't your goal,slow reps deep stretch squeesing at the top.
prince Albert said:
GM if your calves don't respond to a normal rep range then you need to change it,high reps are very effective for calves but painful to perform and as such most will avoid doing them.

Its pretty hard to do 50 reps non stop as the lactic acid builds up very quick so you may need to do rest pause reps as the set progresses,weight used will be pretty low but heavy poundage isn't your goal,slow reps deep stretch squeesing at the top.
You are absolutely right. I do 260 pounds on the machine I currently use, for 12 reps. So how much would you suggest as a ballpark for a 50-rep set? Maybe 100 pounds?

BTW, the advice in this thread is awesome. Mike, if you plan on using (paying money for) AAS, I don't see why buying a book or two on the topic would be such an issue...
goldmember said:
You are absolutely right. I do 260 pounds on the machine I currently use, for 12 reps. So how much would you suggest as a ballpark for a 50-rep set? Maybe 100 pounds?

Probably less than that,try 100lb and as the set goes on drop the weight if needed,try if for just 6-8 weeks as an experiment,you will see an improvement if you can stick it out,be prepared for some Doms in the following days.
@ Prince Albert, dude thanks again for all the very usefull help mate, it seems that that is pretty much my diet since almost a month now except for 1 small sized pizza once a week for luch. I will remove it alltogether from my meals.

Very good pointers there mate, for me and anyone trying to cut as i am.
Bit tired of the whole bulking thing, it's getting old and i need to be able to feel better with what i see in the mirror, not big.

@Goldmember, yes mate i follow your reasoning but as it stands i have dozens of e-books on the whole roid matter as well as ANABOLICS 2005 from william llewellyn. It covers most of everything EXCEPT dieting. Yuo are right, i should just go ahead and buy them diet books and take it from there.

Many thanks to you too and all others that are helping me get through this.


The first link I put up is for "No Mistakes". The book only costs $5, so that would be a good start. The second link is a better book on dieting (and much longer) but the first one is a great start for a guy looking to cut on a budget without losing much muscle.