This is way more comfortable when I stretch. I don't see anything on the site against this but I want to make sure I'm not fucking up my head.
If it is comfortable, effective and not causing irritation then this is fine. I am too sensitive to do it but I have heard of guys that do.
EEEEEEK! That would hurt me! I grasp from about a half-inch behind the head with an okay grip. When I start to stretch, my skin pulls up into a kind of pad behind the glans. I do not touch the glans directly.
This is the method I've been using, since it's the most comfortable and gives me the most solid grip. If I get a lot of skin under my fingers it tends to slip for me.
I used to do that, but then I got MAJOR irritation in between my head and shaft. Red and hurt to the touch from being stretched. Took days to go away.
DO NOT STRETCH FROM THE HEAD!! I suffered a bad injury after 1 month of Penis Enlargement, I almost tore the head right from the shaft. I actually heard a rip, and it hurt incredibly bad for a month, I though I would never be able to Penis Enlargement again, thank God it healed ok. There's weak connective tissue connecting the head to the shaft, and that's what ripped. Stretch from well behind the frenulum, trust me.
I would also recommend against grabbing the head. I started out that way and suffered an injury. Luckily, it wasn't that bad and was okay after a week or so. You can get just as good of a stretch by grabbing just below the glans.
do you grab the head between your fingers and pull on the head itself?

I usually grab the top of the shaft right behind the head, with my fingers clenched around the shaft, but pressed up against the head. This was more comfortable for me in the beginning, as if I got much skin pinched inder my fingers, I was stretching more skin than anything and it was a little painful (the skin stretching). The skin seems a bit more conditioned now and I can grab lower down the shaft, but out of habit I still tend to grab next to the head.

I don't pull directly on the head, though. I squeeze and pull on the shaft, but have sone incidental pressing on the head as a result.
I am pretty sure that Stillwantmore stretched like this for years with no injury but it sounds like other guys have had problems so I would considering suggest modification if possible. Like other guys, I stretch just below the head.
I grip with my index finger and thumb forming an ok grip just under the head and my other 3 fingers gripping round the the head. Its the only waty I can stretch without pulling on the skin as Im uncut. You just have to be careful you get all the blood out of the glans otherwise you can get dark purple patches at the tiop. Ive had no sensitivity probs and have gained through it.
Looks like I'm in the minority... When I stretch my OK grip is wrapped around the base ridge of the glans. I usually have it wrapped with some toilet paper, too.

I've done some pretty intense strecthes with that grip where I pull the glans to either side while using my other hand as a fulcrum just below the glans so my shaft still points straight out. That way the main area that's stretched is right below the glans along the c-scar.

I don't think I've ever strecthed with as much effort as I can, though. I guess I've always been a bit timid with regards to injury...
I think men have extremely different sensitivity, skin consistency and endurance levels when it comes to the glans. I mean allot of people have very different skin types on their face, some very sensitive and thin while others have thicker, less sensitive skin.
I stretch by pulling the head constricted when I do the TCS/CTS stretch and have no problems. Its what makes that stretch what it is and so effective. Just dont pull VERY hard and keep the pressure away from the underside of the head where the delicate parts are. The head will be red afterwards, but its to be expected.
I have been stretching by grabbing the head for three months now, and there hasnt been a problem. I grip the head between my thumb and my index finger and stretch.
I grabbing just behind the head and a finger on the head. I thought that was the way to go. Never had any pain. Get the purple patches but I just spank that away after the stretch before the bext stretch
I was asking the same thing on another thread, but it seems to have been deleted <:( Anyways, I too find my best grip is just at the base of the head and get it "caught" between thumb and fingers. It's not uncomfortable, but to stretch for any decent length of time, I have to have a crushing grip, and just want to make sure this isn't going to cause permanent damage.
wannabe10 said:
I was asking the same thing on another thread, but it seems to have been deleted <:( Anyways, I too find my best grip is just at the base of the head and get it "caught" between thumb and fingers. It's not uncomfortable, but to stretch for any decent length of time, I have to have a crushing grip, and just want to make sure this isn't going to cause permanent damage.

Wasn't deleted, it was split from another thread because it had nothing to do with what was in that thread. You can find your question here
Yer i stretch just below the glans also.. though i must say the only reason I stop my stretching session is because the soft skin gets tender.. which sux.