so what should i go for? so as the title says what size should i go for? im saving for that [words=!!!]lm[/words]!!!!!!!! but dont know when to stop with length i was shooting for 9 maybe 9 1/2 inchs long what do yall think? i mean i know everyone is different but ya i just dont know haha i figured 9 was good lol i thought 10 is a bit much lol please share your thoughts i hate makin choices haha
To be perfectly honest and blunt: go with trying to gain 1/2" first. Don't dream about some massive size that you may or may not have the patience or inclination for. Nine and a half is lofty and pretty unusable for most girls. I don't know how much of a gain that would be for you but you can figure 1 year for a solid true inch as a guideline. Maybe sooner, maybe later.
Set a major goal (say 9") and that will be your final goal, keep it in the back of your mind. Now what you want to do is set a goal of .25"....with each gain use that as motivation to the next. String together enough .25" gains and you are there.
You've gotten some good advice... Also, what program/products are you using? I gained much quicker than I see most people talking about around here but I followed a VERY specific routine.
Ah I see, I personally got the best results just doing lots of manual enlargement but I've heard of others having luck with such devices, best of luck and keep us posted!
Although I haven't used the [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words] yet, people have suggested using it in addition to the stretches and other manual exercises that focus on your length. I'm using that concept with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and Penis Enlargement routines to maximize my gains. However, If that's all you can swing because of privacy, keep doing what you're doing!
qwerty2;373351 said:
Although I haven't used the [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words] yet, people have suggested using it in addition to the stretches and other manual exercises that focus on your length. I'm using that concept with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and Penis Enlargement routines to maximize my gains. However, If that's all you can swing because of privacy, keep doing what you're doing!

The various, valid Penis Enlargement devices so add major gain potential to every manual routine.
NWA - not sure what your starting stats are.

I guess it wouldn't matter, since in theory you could hit the "9" if you were starting at "5" or "7" (it's just a matter of time).

If I may offer my opinion however, I would say you focus a little less on the length. While I'm sure there are some girls that can accommodate a "9" ... for others it takes a good amount of time, and some can never accommodate that much. Sex can be a pain (pardon the pun), as you won't be able to go fully in with most girls (I personally like being as deep as I can go). IMO, if your dick is 6" or more (give or take .5 - 1.0 inches), then your length is totally fine, and quite usable with most girls in an aggressive (and deep) fashion.

Not sure what your girth is, but ... a 9" cock that's 4.9 inches in girth might look a bit skinny. A 7x6 will not only be more usable, but uber pleasurable to girls.

My objective is sex (and pleasing girls) however ... not sure what yours is.
haha my starting stats r 7x5 i clamped for a long ass time 6-8 months and it didnt give me any girth but what it did give me was a wider penis haha now my penis is oval instead of round and its 2 inchs wide lol well my gfs past lover had a lil less than or even a 9 inch penis lol and like a 5 1/2 inch to 6 inch girth she accidently let it slip one night but i dont hold it against her she didnt mean to and felt horrible bout it shes a really nice girl but anyways i want to be 9 i guess its in my head i want to be the biggest shes had haha i know silly but what can i say but whats funny is shes 5'4 and weighs like 115 and she said 9 inchs hurt as well at first but then she got use to it and heavy/hard sex didnt hurt anymore she knows im gunna use the [words=!!!]length master[/words] and she said im fine the way that i am but i want bigger lol she said no more than 9 tho she doesnt wanna go threw that again haha but it seems 9 inchs long is her vaginas limits and i wanna be right at those limits lol but if u find my thread where it says the visualizer. net i think if u type in 9x5 its still really impressive it doesnt really look skinny it looks like a nice size but i think its easier for me to gain length than girth girth was a total bitch but once i reach my length goals then i will go for a 5 1/2 to 6 inch girth
seekngirth;373371 said:
in theory you could hit the "9" if you were starting at "5" or "7"

Penis Enlargement is such a miracle that you can actually say this:)
I just set a big goal immediately, it was 8x6 (now it's 9x6 or even 10x6). And I went after it with full intensity.

For some people I believe it's necessary to set a big goal immediately and not small goals in between. For me, a big goal will put a "fire under my ass". Without the end goal you have nothing to aim for. Goals should be clearly defined, this is the fundamentals of setting a goal. Just saying, getting as big is possible is not sufficient in my mind.
so what should i go for? so as the title says what size should i go for? im saving for that [words=!!!]lm[/words]!!!!!!!! but dont know when to stop with length i was shooting for 9 maybe 9 1/2 inchs long what do yall think? i mean i know everyone is different but ya i just dont know haha i figured 9 was good LOL i thought 10 is a bit much LOL please share your thoughts i hate makin choices haha

Don't go above 9. Even 9 is problem but also exciting to have. 9x6.5.