If that was your girlfriend: The Pros and Cons

+ Can bait her own damn hook!
- YOU sleep in the wet spot, bitch!
+ Kills spiders and crickets herself.
- Flat as a board...and hairy! Ewww!
+ Will never ask, "Does this make my ass look fat?"
- That gruff, deep voice groaning, "Oh, yeah, fuck that pussy!" can be a mood killer!
+ Can back you up in a bar room brawl.
- She could kick your ass, too!
+ Buys her own fucking tampons.
- The muscular strength of a male PLUS pms?!? Fuck that crazy shit!
Just one more. I promise! :D

If this was your best buddy. The pros and cons:

+ Less likely to fuck your wife.
- Has to pee every 20 minutes on long road trips.
+ No jealousy issues at the mens room urinal.
- Nobody wants to hear their buddy say, "Oh, shit! I just started on the rag!"
+ Got somewhere to hide your stash if the cops pull you over!
- The accidental pussy farts when spotting him at the gym are just so distracting!
+ Won't cockblock you at the club.
- YOU have to cockblock for him at the club.
+ Your best buddy has a pussy...and your not getting any at home.
- Your best buddy has a pussy...and your not getting any at home.

Okay. I'm done! :D
Smallguy44 said:
let me clarify. Watch too much regular adult entertainment, move on to harder stuff, like anal. Watch too much of that, get bored, experiment with other types of adult entertainment. Stumble upon shemale adult entertainment, watch that, like. Thats how it was for me. Don't particularly care for it anymore, guess it was just a phase.

dude that had happened to me for a while, except with mature adult entertainment. like moms and boys turned me on for a while ... it was fake tho just the idea u know.... haha
If its a man who looks like a woman I find that sickening. Its still a man no 2 ways about it. Although on the other hand I wish my wife (a true woman) either had a huge clit , 1 to 6 inches or if she up and grew a dick, I wouldnt mind. It would be fun as long as she was a true woman, if you get what Im saying??
To all who have contributed their opinions and in a certain way innermost feelings on the matter, please hold your thought for a minute and look at these pics. I, for one, would be reduce to a quivering piece of jelly.
"I go weak ..... weak in the presence of beauty - any kind!! :dropjaw:
Sinker... please oh please tell me she's a woman! She's so beautiful, and I'd feel incredibly cheated if she were a shemale. :D
geewise said:
if you'd like to see more guys her site is here:


The one with the big lips was makin out with britney spears's ex husband at a club in miami a few months ago haha
I saw this thread and found myself oddly intrigued. I never considered myself turned on or off by shemales until I saw some of the gorgeous women lately. And I didn't find it odd that it did turn me on. And I think I figured out why.

Penises don't turn us off. Not any of us, we stare at each others' all day. The least of which myself. Now, with a shemale, it's still a 100% feminine creature internally, and about 99% externally. I found out, watching two shemales fuck eachother, that it isn't the penis that turns me off. It's the masculinity. That's why a picture of a guy just doesn't do it for me. A shemale? Nothing, except for a pecker, is masculine. And the penis? Well, it is weird, but strangely not unattractive. Granted I prefer a woman's plumbing, but seeing a trans adult entertainment isn't all that bad. Erotic even.
I see things the way you see them... Lately I'm thinking seriously about having a shemale, good looking one rather than thinking in a girl, no matter how sexy she could be...
Having sex with a shemale, I think it will be unlimited in choices... ad I think it will change my life...
Smallguy44 said:
let me clarify. Watch too much regular adult entertainment, move on to harder stuff, like anal. Watch too much of that, get bored, experiment with other types of adult entertainment. Stumble upon shemale adult entertainment, watch that, like. Thats how it was for me. Don't particularly care for it anymore, guess it was just a phase.

I agree. . .adult entertainment is addicting for a while. . . like smallguy44 says its sometimes just a phase. But I still watch? Until my g/f gets back from the NAvy.:)