Reliant on alcohol ... lets share our struggle here!

I dont want to be apart of AA, but alcohol is destroying me, physically, mentally, and financially. Every time I try to step away from this poison...I go get more....I need to stop this before I go back to jail....FUCK! >:(
Alcohol serves no purpose what-so-ever. Addicts tend to go from addiction to addiction. Try replacing drinking with a healthy addiction such as going outside, exercising, painting, etc. Etc
ALcohol will kill you. You guys watched it destroy me a number of times and my family had to live through it too. The only way to get off alcohol is to quit, period. Check into a local detox or hospital, these places are generally very decent and extremely helpful for that first step. From here you need to address why you are drinking to begin with, what fuels these things, what are you trying to avoid, etc. For some guys, like myself, I was not really hiding from anything, I just needed the escape. I destroyed my life much in the same way with heroin, this one was super tough to kick. I finally found weed. Weed can be any high I choose, I can be drunk, euphoric, elated, speeded out, whatever! Weed has become so perfected that certain strains bring certain really is an addicts best friend. I have been clean for more than two years thanks to weed.
is this why you haven't been around for awhile? some people just cannot have one or two drinks and be done with it...if you find yourself drinking everyday...before or after work or going to drink besides doing something else more productive then it is a problem...and one that you might have to seek professional help for...many of people try to knock it out by themselves only to fail many times...dld said it..get yourself into a treatment for one...then take steps to find the triggers to drink and rectify those...good luck crazy
Dashdeming;414645 said:
I broke away from the demon alcohol by smoking weed. Then quiting weed is a piece of cake if you want.

I tried this method, but eventually I wanted to get drunk before I smoked up....awe! <:(
Turnover;414647 said:
Alcohol serves no purpose what-so-ever. Addicts tend to go from addiction to addiction. Try replacing drinking with a healthy addiction such as going outside, exercising, painting, etc. Etc

I ride my bike to work and back...really basically everywhere....But I drink and ride to ....I still clamp my ass off....and love to fish....but I associate alcohol with all of these activities
doublelongdaddy;414652 said:
ALcohol will kill you. You guys watched it destroy me a number of times and my family had to live through it too. The only way to get off alcohol is to quit, period. Check into a local detox or hospital, these places are generally very decent and extremely helpful for that first step. From here you need to address why you are drinking to begin with, what fuels these things, what are you trying to avoid, etc. For some guys, like myself, I was not really hiding from anything, I just needed the escape. I destroyed my life much in the same way with heroin, this one was super tough to kick. I finally found weed. Weed can be any high I choose, I can be drunk, euphoric, elated, speeded out, whatever! Weed has become so perfected that certain strains bring certain really is an addicts best friend. I have been clean for more than two years thanks to weed.

DLD Thanks for the advice! Are theses places free (rehab) that you speak of? I thank you for spitting that personal info about yourself. After spending 18 months in a long term treatment prison program back in the late 90's you would think I would know better...frustrating really is!
twins172_up;414654 said:
is this why you haven't been around for awhile? some people just cannot have one or two drinks and be done with it...if you find yourself drinking everyday...before or after work or going to drink besides doing something else more productive then it is a problem...and one that you might have to seek professional help for...many of people try to knock it out by themselves only to fail many times...dld said it..get yourself into a treatment for one...then take steps to find the triggers to drink and rectify those...good luck crazy

Thanks Twin....I was thinking along the lines of you....just wanted to make sure!
wow looks like we are both very similar Ed! Alcohol has been the vain of my fucking life since I was 14 years old and now I'm 27. It can be attributed to causing all my problems in life, sure I did whatever it was but the alcohol was a major factor ... it changes people immensely and has them do things they never would do.

In my honest opinion here from experiences in life, reading and speaking with those who have had drugs, treated them and family's that alcohol is far worse than all the other drugs combined!!! worse than LSD, Cocaine, weed etc etc etc because its so easy to get, easy to get hooked, is advertised so fucking trivially in soaps where young kids can see and has a tendency to affect us all in different ways at different times, more so with the mentally ill and those on meds.

I've wrote a thread in the mod room Ed you may wish to check. You have done the right thing by seeking help now and posting about it on here before it get out of hand, which is what I did! You can get help and stop before its too late. I know medications exist that will make you puke your guts out if you even touch alcohol and they can, will put you in the ER room if you touch the stuff which is a deterrent ... speak to the doctor about meds which work like that or campral which takes away alcoholic cravings.

The AA is a great thing to have. I'm doing something similar now and have been clean for 6 weeks now..

I take Campral now but wish this would have happened before. Hey I knew what game I was playing but didst think it could explode like this. Sad thing is us boozers think we can keep cheating the demon drink and ride our luck, which we do .... but then BOOOOOOOOOOOOM it gets you, always has done with me but I kept going back and now well. .... I think the Muslims have the right idea by never drinking the crap.
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crazyed27;414660 said:
DLD Thanks for the advice! Are theses places free (rehab) that you speak of? I thank you for spitting that personal info about yourself. After spending 18 months in a long term treatment prison program back in the late 90's you would think I would know better...frustrating really is!

Nah, it is part of the journey. It took me years of jails, prisons, hospitals, AA, NA and every other method of intervention to get it. Once you do get sober it becomes a daily effort to stay that way. You will get it as you are humbling yourself and asking for help. I got you just like all your other friends here.

Detox, rehab and hospital rehabilitation are free. Most programs only last 5-8 days, which is just enough time to get you off the juice safely. From there it is up to you to find external support to stay sober. I do not agree with this at all, I think the rehabs should be 28 day programs as they were before but I guess Obama needs the money for Israel and wars more than helping it's us citizens. You can apply for assistance or even free entry to the longer programs. Where are you right now? I can help you find a good place.
Same in the UK, our funding is getting cut and waiting times for treatment in these areas is despicable unless you PAY and go private, which isn't what most can do. If your very severe and going to kill yourself than yes you get a bed haha
REDZULU2003;414727 said:
If your very severe and going to kill yourself than yes you get a bed haha

As funny as that sounds it is a sure way to get a bed in a good hospital psych-unit. I have done it many times to get a bed. The hospital is usually much nicer, better food, more privacy then a typical detox so if you are willing to put on an act to get the help do it, I did.
Dude... Dudes, look into the Sinclair Method!!!!! It worked wonders for me and all the alcoholics I've recommended it to who tried it. It's a bona fide, no-BS CURE. It has an 80% success rate and TONS of research behind it to back it up. The vast majority of alcoholics it doesn't work for simply don't stick to it, it's not a failure of the treatment. Do yourself a favor and try it... At least check into it. It pains and frustrates me to see people suffering needlessly with alcohol addiction like I did for so many years The worst that could happen is I'm full of shit and it doesn't work for you.
Crazyed, I'm going through a seriously difficult time myself right now. It hasn't got anything to do with substance abuse, it is equally as painful. I once had a terrible drug addiction at 19 y/o. What I can tell you is it is up to you. You and only you have the power to break the addiction and willing to admit you want help is the best step before actually taking the next step and getting help. Do what you got to do man. If that is going to AA meetings, outpatient program, therapy, or rehab, make the choice.

We can toss back and forth what is best for you. I havent gotten to check the whole thread since what Im going through has left me beyond exhausted on the regular. You said you associate drinking with your daily hobbies already, the only way is for you to get rid of any alcohol and get new hobbies.
Put all of your extra cash in a jar that you save from not buying alcohol and at the end of the month celebrate with a nice evening out and enjoy your accomplishment!!
turnover;414801 said:
crazyed, i'm going through a seriously difficult time myself right now. It hasn't got anything to do with substance abuse, it is equally as painful. I once had a terrible drug addiction at 19 y/o. What i can tell you is it is up to you. You and only you have the power to break the addiction and willing to admit you want help is the best step before actually taking the next step and getting help. Do what you got to do man. If that is going to aa meetings, outpatient program, therapy, or rehab, make the choice.

We can toss back and forth what is best for you. I havent gotten to check the whole thread since what im going through has left me beyond exhausted on the regular. You said you associate drinking with your daily hobbies already, the only way is for you to get rid of any alcohol and get new hobbies.

Penis Enlargement is as addicting as any drug/alcohol. You seek a certain high from it, and think that having a bigger dick will make you happier.. and it will, but thats only temporary. I would think that most people on this site suffer from body dysmorphic disorder (it's worth to learn a bit about it). Addiction has been part of my life for atleast 9 years. About the marijuana maintainence (dont know how to spell), I think smoking to maintain your addiction is bullshit. it hasnt worked for me
I agree with you. Penis Enlargement is addictive and for those with obsessive traits it can possibly overtake their lives. For me its not a problem as I do a couple sessions per week but in the early days yes I was more obsessed, didnt cross over into my life though but I did think about if often. Those with body dysmorphic disorder will find this very addicting but then again its not doing them any harm so long as they follow it safely this is much more productive to ones life if kept under some control then alcohol or drugs ever will be.

Marijuana maintenance, well I know it has worked for some incl DLD but I would never recommend it nor try it. Using shit like that is a false smoke and mirrors hiding the actual cracks under the surface that are one day waiting to shatter. Its hard, its sad a road to hell but one must face it HEAD ON the addiction and fight it. Using other stuff in its place wont combat it, just have other addictions. This being said if one is under a doctor always take the professionals advice because they are dealing with different drugs to treat the addictions at times such as Campral for alcohol cravings.

Alcohol has been a 'demon' for me many years but much of that was my own weakness not the drinks ... the drink is just the fuel and once you ignite it either goes into a small sparkle or you go up in an inferno. I've recently been in the inferno and now trying to recover from it but its going to be one hell of a fight.
Alcohol causes many problems around in society atm with most crimes in the UK at least being attributed to the shit. Sure the person has to answer from this but the stuff is known as the demon drink for a reason. A glass of wine daily would be fine I imagine but its when alcohol is taken higher hence this thread is alcoholism which obviously means the person/s do not drink moderately because of a problem they have. I was in that category but aint touched the shit in 10 months now and wont touch it again.
Trading one substance (or action) addiction for another isn't exactly a fix. Weed isn't as benign as all the Mellow Fellows would want you to believe- you Chronic types who spend a bunch of hours stoned daily are being deeply effected, you just don't realize it yet, until you QUIT for several months. You are being passivated and killing every ambition you ever had. I speak from experience, and EVERY SINGLE person I have ever talked to about it has agreed, once they quit. Do I think The Boo is evil? No, its no worse, and often better than many other mind-altering substances, BUT..........ANYTHING that alters perception of reality from without, used habitually, is counter-productive. INCLUDING legally prescribed meds. adult entertainment. Pretty much anything. "Moderation in all things....", It makes the highs higher. Call it Mental Edging if you will, same principle. Don't saturate and become immune.

This is coming from someone who thinks EVERYONE, should at least once in their lives try some good, clean LSD, in the proper environment.

Some of us are just addictive personalities; recognize, and use the one that affects you negatively in the least.
At first it may be beneficial to trade an extreme addiction for another, keep working on it. At some point you need to quit trading addictions. Work towards that. And realize they could be ANYTHING.

Its pretty much OK to be a workaholic when you are younger, single, and working towards a career goal, and not negatively effect those around you, BUT, once you have other obligations, like wife/hubby/kids, it can destroy everything you have been working for. Same thing with exercise, food, entertainment, sex, adrenaline sports, you name it.

And realize NOBODY, no entity, no place, no program, no faith, can make you quit, only YOU can, YOU have to decide, then JUST FUCKING DO IT!
see I've never seen pot as a bad thing, but I guess it's what you make of it, for me brew aka Alcohol has been a bad thing I got caught with a Drunk in public here in Lorton, VA in 09 but with bud nothing bad ever happening to me I guess, ppl just get shit luck with pot but when it gets legalized then it would be okay hopefully but if ppl still argue with, then I won't convinced them other wised, I've already thought of the concept of trying to not convince ppl of anything that i think I just leave it up to them if they want to believe it then yep let them believe in it other wise let them figure out on there own either way it won't push me away from what I believe. peace G.A.O
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I did AA for a year. I highly recommend it. Personally I couldn't work the steps as I have no concept of a higher power as a Buddhist-took me a while to figure out that the entire program is Christian based and duh-made no sense to me.

However-it's important to join a group like this to find like-minded, or like-problemed people. Seriously. If you do quit, you have to change your whole life-your routines, your friends, your hangouts, etc. Thus, a new group of people with the same problem is nearly a must. I went for pot, I live in a small town and there were no MA meetings, and the NA meetings were just court ordered punks-so I went to AA. It's all the same shit to some degree. Anyway, I highly recommend it. Just look it up in your phone book, call up, find out when the meetings are and start going to meetings, at least one per day. Anyway, good luck, addictions can steal your entire life-best to quit while you're still alive.
Crazy Doc;454311 said:
I did AA for a year. I highly recommend it. Personally I couldn't work the steps as I have no concept of a higher power as a Buddhist-took me a while to figure out that the entire program is Christian based and duh-made no sense to me.

However-it's important to join a group like this to find like-minded, or like-problemed people. Seriously. If you do quit, you have to change your whole life-your routines, your friends, your hangouts, etc. Thus, a new group of people with the same problem is nearly a must. I went for pot, I live in a small town and there were no MA meetings, and the NA meetings were just court ordered punks-so I went to AA. It's all the same shit to some degree. Anyway, I highly recommend it. Just look it up in your phone book, call up, find out when the meetings are and start going to meetings, at least one per day. Anyway, good luck, addictions can steal your entire life-best to quit while you're still alive.

Thats right. I've not been to AA but another group in the UK. It helped greatly, as you say being with like minded folk is very beneficial and these were people of ALL BACKGROUNDS from money to the poor, doctors to street cleaners. Alcoholism holds no boundaries and no one is immune from it. I see drinking it now as a poison, which it is really. I just dont want to associate with it again because my behavior in the past with anxiety which temped me into the affair with drink was a disaster waiting to happen.

I'm to blame ... I dont blame it all on the drink. I was weak and pathetic to see the signs until something terrible occurred. Now I see what I had, what I SHOULD have done. The western world is out of control in many respects to drink and drugs. Its advertised to easy, made to look big and so SO sexy. No wonder kids are getting drunk younger now.

What I will say from my experience and hope it helps someone reading this on the verge. WHEN or IF you get the thoughts about quitting, that you have had enough of the drink and the guilt is around you for doing what your doing such as sneaking the stuff inside you before work and lieing about it ... take it from me, PLEASE at that moment seek help! You must in that moment tell your nearest and dearest about the heavy heart you have ... go to the doctors, hospital or simply throw the booze away and think what could happen if you keep this going ... never ever think the demon drink wont come to get you because like a pact with satan it will always want something back in return. PLEASE at that moment you stick your head out the water for air, get out and sea at the nearest life boat and dont do what I did and get dragged back under to near death .... funny thing is many people have a problem and dont know it yet. Those who go clubbing get drunk beforehand now or a few swifts ones ... this is an alcohol dependency, not alcoholic but dependent all the same. Seek help before something happens, something bad.
Alcohol just needs to be side stepped completely. In almost every case it will systematically destroy your life. It is very difficult to control and eventually it takes control of everything. Stick with the herbs!
Dashdeming;414645 said:
I broke away from the demon alcohol by smoking weed. Then quiting weed is a piece of cake if you want.
Same for me !! I drunk really a lot, and started to be addicti. One day, I discovered weed !! fabulous !! When i tried to drink alcohol during smoking, it gave me huge head ache. So, i only smoked, drink fruit juice and play music !
Later, i wasn't able to smoke anymore (job, active life), and stopped easily (the first week was difficult, but 2 weeks later i felt free !!).
I drink alcohol again, but not a lot, barely less than before. Quality over quantity !! :)
Hope you'll all solve your problmes with alcohol, one the more addictive drug in the world.
Dashdeming;414645 said:
I broke away from the demon alcohol by smoking weed. Then quiting weed is a piece of cake if you want.

I was able to free myself from Heroin and Alcohol using Weed. I am now able to feel drunk if I want, dreamy if I want, hell, anything. Weed can safely mimic most highs and it is COMPLETELY safe!
Alcohol has been harder to quit then when I was a cocaine addict. I was doing blow and drinking everyday for almost 2 years and when I got off the blow alcohol definitily took over big time. I was drinking atleast a pint of whiskey everyday up until a few months ago. I cut back but didnt stop and as of 3 weeks ago have only drank once. I made a commitment to make Penis Enlargement my addiction and its helped me out because I could never get a solid routine in while I was drunk. It was very hard to quit but having a clear head lately has felt great. I havent had a clear head since I was 14 and Im not 26. I stopped smoking ganj a few years ago and everytime I smoke now I get WAY too high haha. Maybe I should try just a leaf and 2 crystals next time lol
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