Problems With GF (Depressed)

Hey, Im new here and i Have a huge problem right now.

My penis is 7inch erect and my girlfriend has slept with many guys as One night stands (shes had like 10 guys and 2 that were actually fucked when she was sober rest are just on enight stands abroad etc.)

Anyways, she says I am bigger bar one. A one night stand guy she slept with was around 25cm she says (shes european, which is like 9.5inch)

It haunts me, she says it hurt soo bad and its the worst sex shes ever had, she also says im the best shed had, And i drive her crazy she sends me naked photos, videos etc to my mobilephone when not with her that shes never done for anyone. Apparently im the only guy who has made her cum with only my dick and no hands etc (This guy with the HUGE dick didnt make her cum apparently either and only lasted like 35mins including foreplay and branded him "An Amateur")

She says she only fucked him cos she was REALLY drunk, but says it hurt bad after a while, and it barely fit inside her and dick that size are no good. But he keps fuckin her... she didnt stop him until he cum etc so i cant understand how a one night stand she would do that?

But, she says im the best shes had by FAR and the rest are amateurs. Just the thought of her having tat 9.5inch dick insider her like 1 year ago haunts me... she says it aint much bigger than mine.. but 2.5inches bigger, thats HUGE! Barely fit inside her... I feel ashamed with my dick out infront of her etc Its just a horrible thought and depresses me.

Deep down i know shes saying this just to please me and not hurt me, how cant a girl like a dick that big pummeling her? How the hell can she even feel my dick inside her? If it apparently hurt why not stop him

I feel i can only talk to guys like you, i mention it to her and she goes absolutely crazy saying... "Youve went on about this for months.. Ive told the truth, I hated it.. your by far the best ive had etc etc"

Soo many questions running through my head, Its driving us apart and making our relationship crazy. I just cant understand how she would want a dick inside her like that and lie to me.

Shes an absolutely gorgeous Finnish girl (as you all kno 99% of scandinavians are beautiful) And tbh shes out of my league. So ive no idea how im keeping her right now.

Oh , and the biggest problem of all.. Shes pregnant 10 weeks with my baby, and i feel this is gonna drive us apart because in my head i know itll never rest untill she tells the truth about this situation.

Any advice at all? Im going insane, I really am
Here's my advice about it:
1. Shut the fuck up about bullshit that has happened in the past; you can never change it or erase it.
2. Grow the fuck up and get ready to take proper care of the new life you are bringing into the world.
3. Get a set of balls and quit whining about crap you make up in your own head, there's enough shit to deal with in THE REAL WORLD without you throwing your juvenile hissy fits.

And did I mention grow the fuck up? Good. Now go grow the fuck up.
Firstly you say she really likes you and has praised you endlessly with skills in bed etc so dont worry on that. The horse man as she said was an amateur and size isnt everything as we keep saying on here ... plus how the heck does she know how large he was? women cannot guess sizes well at all and if she had a drink come on! I have trouble remembering much when I drank, so its possible her mind made stuff up and things have become distorted but even if they didn't she praises you up.

Secondly her looks as you say 99.99% of Scans are sexy which I disagree but sure many are nice on the eye but its the inside that counts yes? not her body and looks. I assume you love her for what she is and what she and you have? a connection plus that baby coming is serious and you have to be a man and provide for it and her now.

I think that your being selfish tbh with you and not to sound harsh if I do then SORRY but really this isnt a big deal at all. I'm having hell in my life atm and this is small fry. Let me tell you, this girl sounds like she loves the bones off of you and is angry because come on this is OLD NEWS and who gives one? the guy was a well hung drunk 1NS and that is that! Its now your insecurities that are being projected onto her and in time if you keep doign that she will leave you but you neednt do it with what has been mentioned here plus you know the SECRET to getting a larger cock and being better in bed > [words=]MATTERS OF SIZE[/words].

I think your reading too much into this but its natural male thing with ego and pride regarding size. She didnt stop the creep because she was so pissed out of her head and hence why it didnt stop. Come on mate you must have shagged some women on 1NS and loved the big ass they had or awesome tits? we all have secrets like that but doesnt mean we dont love the person we are with now and she loves you and your having a kid so get your shit sorted and be a man ... I would give my teeth and hands to have what you have, seriously I would.

Again I do not want to sound harsh or nasty but it needs saying and wish I had someone kicking my ass into shape back in the day. I hope I have helpped you ... just dont worry about it, its your concern but it can be prevented by looking at all the positves and doing Penis Enlargement for your own benefit.
I feel so bad for you, gosh that must be so hard; she told you she likes you better, and she didn't even like the other guy, and she is getting mad at you because she can't tell you enough times that it is the truth and you just don't believe her, and she's carrying your child, and she really loves?

2.5" is not even that much bigger, did she use a ruler when she was drunk? Did he tell her the truth? I think you need some real life experiences to straighten you out and you'll feel 11x better.
I would believe her. 9.5" IS huge and it WOULD hurt many girls and many would not fuck that guy again after finding out what he has. I'm only 7.5" BPenis EnlargementL and I have to be very careful with my wife or I'll hurt her. My girth is about 6.2" and that too is almost too big for her. You should assume she's telling you the truth and be happy and not rock the boat with insecurities. Bigger is not always better. Most of us want 8" because that's about as big as it gets before it could be TOO big IMO.

Buck up, you're a lucky guy in all these issues :)
Cuhz.... thoughts like that will fuCC your relationship up hella quiCC.

So let me start by saying this, a lot of females like the idea of a BIG diCC, that's why they always brag about it(which your missus is NOT doing)and most the time the females that do havent even had one(besides size queens,whores,sluts etc). And girls cant make guesstimates or measure... fact.

Your GF said it hurts her, it wouldn't surprise me hearing her say that because a lot of females that have actually had a big diCC will say the same thing.
Dont you think that if it was all about size that your missus would of left you along time ago?... and she hasn't... that should show you that size isn't everything and what you and your GF have is.
Now the important part.

Your having a kid... come on bruh, that's the second thing that Ive gotten from your post that shows me your missus loves you.
No female wants to raise a kid on there own, its time for you to step up and forget about all this bullshit. Alot of my mates have kids that they dont see, they just got the bitch pregnant then did the Houdini and disappeared.

And here's the truth... any bitch muthafuCCa can get a female pregnant and have a kid... but it takes a man to raise one.
you best do the right thing cuz.
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MAXAMEYES;440703 said:
Here's my advice about it:
1. Shut the fuck up about bullshit that has happened in the past; you can never change it or erase it.
2. Grow the fuck up and get ready to take proper care of the new life you are bringing into the world.
3. Get a set of balls and quit whining about crap you make up in your own head, there's enough shit to deal with in THE REAL WORLD without you throwing your juvenile hissy fits.

And did I mention grow the fuck up? Good. Now go grow the fuck up.

lol Nice
There are so many guys out there who wish they had your problems. Don't you trust your lover if she says that she was hurt by a cock that wouldn't fit inside her and that if you have one that fits better whether it be smaller or whatever, that it's the truth? You're still above average and a 7-inch dick can fit inside just about anything AND be better than average at the same time. It's more of an ego thing than anything else.
Hydromaxm, she had 10 one night stands, and two other guys, that sounds kind of slutty in my opinion, hope she used protection. If I had a choice to have 10 one night stands I would but I haven't had sex in almost 2 years, a girl that been with that many guy's in a short time would kind of make me angry like that's mad dirty especially if I didn't have sex with any other girl, so I could see why your a little upset. If she was prego with your baby or in a relationship with you why would she go around messing with all these dudes.
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Sounds like a slutty lovedigger. Sluts around to feel loved, finally finds 'her one' which is you, gets pregnant, now she lives in white picket house and acts like she didn't have 90 dicks inside of her. Probably the reason she's so hot as well, many women starve themselves, cake on makeup, do all that extra shit, perfect smell, etc. All to fuck a guy and hope he stays. Pretty pathetic.

You chose this problem and you knew it would be a problem. Either man up that your girl used to be a cum dumpster and (hopefully) isn't one now, or sock her in the stomach and run.

Those are your two options. Harsh, yea? Truth yea.

And one more thing: The dick probably wasn't bigger, and she was lieing. 'I had a big dick in me and I didn't want it, I want his. If I tell him that he'll feel special and know that I love him!' or 'If I tell him I haven't had a huge dick in me then he'll think I'm less then him or I'm average!'
I went through a similar situation. I found out without ever bringing up penis size or ever discussing penises at all. I was crushed. Same story.. too big, it hurt, felt like being fucked with a pencil, etc. I'm 7.5 EL-NBP, and it was longer than mine she said. I'm still bothered by it, but I ignore it and Penis Enlargement like a motherfucker. I know I have a big dick.. she's said so.. but I want to be in the "huge" category. Fortunately, this guy didn't have any girth.

You can choose to believe "he probably wasn't bigger," like some are saying, but if he's hurting her and you aren't... well.. facts are facts. The only thing you can do is not bring it up and just do work on your dick. Beef it up to a size where you know that even if you weren't the absolute biggest in all areas, you're still huge. 8.5x6 is the goal.. maybe a little less. I've hit around 7.75x5.75 after pumping, and it's fucking huge.
She sounds like she needs to grow up. If she was really drunk how would she know or even remember how big it was especially on a o.n.s. .

Women lie. Do pe for yourself. Use what she said for motivation.

Best of luck.
MAXAMEYES;440703 said:
Here's my advice about it:
1. Shut the fuck up about bullshit that has happened in the past; you can never change it or erase it.
2. Grow the fuck up and get ready to take proper care of the new life you are bringing into the world.
3. Get a set of balls and quit whining about crap you make up in your own head, there's enough shit to deal with in THE REAL WORLD without you throwing your juvenile hissy fits.

And did I mention grow the fuck up? Good. Now go grow the fuck up.

Amen brother - this is 100% spot on - I would hate to see the OP deal with a real fucking problem
I think this gentleman has ran for the hills but I hope this isn't the case as we are only trying to help and sadly the truth can hurt ... it does hurt. I will say again to you that this situation is nothing, really its small fry and you can deal with it so easily and like I said myself would choose your spot in a heartbeat, you must decide now to keep letting this ruin you mentally which will driver her off anyway, let her go or evaluate the whole lot .. do you love her? daft to be wondering if she is the one when you have her up the duff and I aint an advocate of abortion one bit but if this is not the women for you and you aren't fit to be parents then it could be an option.

She does sound like a bike from what you say and would have hitched a ride to whatever went past. Have STD/STI checks ASAP because you never know what she may have caught in her biking days. If this is the princess for you then good luck and I hope it does workout for you I really do ... happiness and peace is nice.
I understand your head trip about your situation but you gotta let go of her past or your relationship is doomed.

I have read other posts on this forum where guys with 6" to 7" dicks feel they don't measure up. You lucky fuckers! I wish I was that size right now! Working on it....
MAXAMEYES;440703 said:
Here's my advice about it:
1. Shut the fuck up about bullshit that has happened in the past; you can never change it or erase it.
2. Grow the fuck up and get ready to take proper care of the new life you are bringing into the world.
3. Get a set of balls and quit whining about crap you make up in your own head, there's enough shit to deal with in THE REAL WORLD without you throwing your juvenile hissy fits.

And did I mention grow the fuck up? Good. Now go grow the fuck up.

Hahaha. Would say I'm a nice guy but got to agree with the above on this one. Even if she'd fucked Jonah Falcon why would you care?
then again I did once fuck a girl who'd been with 15 other guys who went onto tell me and her friends that I was both the biggest and best she had ever had. Oops, sorry for bragging.... haha
My girl was with more than 115 guys an a handful of women, when I met her I was the biggest, when she started to become honest about her past I was no longer the biggest..4 years later I was again the biggest, thanks to Penis Enlargement:)
Think your right red.

Honestly i dont think 10 inches is a good thing for 1ns. I was in alanya turkey for drunk partying last week. And one of the girls that was down there with us went home with a guy and then ran away from the hotel room because he apparently was huge...

Some girls like huge guys some dont. I think in a regular relationship the girl will have some time to adapt. But 1ns. I think most girls will just experience alot of pain :(
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