Gruesome, isn't it? Some may wonder why I am such a avid "intactivist". It is mainly out of a sense of fairness. It's one thing to let a man who is full grown and who is educated fully in the matter to choose whether they want to be circumcised or uncircumcised. It is quite another for this to be done wholesale to babies by the thousands. $400 million dollars a year is made off the procedure alone. Then the tissue is sold off to be used for research, even cosmetics. How long are you guys going to sit on your asses and let yourselves and your children be victimized so your doctors and whoever else can stick a few more bucks in their pockets? Stop being dumb. You don't even know what was stolen from you until you start restoring and experience the difference!
BTW, to know where I'm coming from, refer to the pictures labeled "very tight circumcision", "hairy penis" and "keratinization of the glans". I had all three when I started restoring. My hair virtually grew right up to the circ scar, and I in fact had to remove a very nasty ingrown hair from the c-scar that had grown down the shaft on the inside and got tangled and scarred into the meat and shit on the inside at the base. It still gives me a little pain if I am stretching or really hard. Even after 18 months of stretching, I still have a turkey neck that attaches two inches up the shaft. Yep. Circumcision. Cool stuff.
You might want to consult with a plastic surgeon, dermatologist, or urologist. It's probably a minor surgery to correct, so the cost may not be too bad.
man I am so glad I didn't have any of those complications from my circumcision as an infant. The more an more I've been thinking about, I am leaning to the side that if i every have children, and one happens to be a boy, I will not circumcise him but allow him to make the decision him self. It is a form if body modification just like a Prince Albert, face lifts, lipo suction, tattoo's, and many other things. These things are usually done as an adult. So should circumcision if one decides to.

On kind of a side note does any one know if these same complications exist when a full grown adult male gets a circumcision?
It's very unlikely that a full grown man would be "satisfied" with a skin bridge if he had an elective circumcision. He'd get it fixed right away I'd imagine. With the infant, it's probable that nobody noticed, or that his mom didn't want to be bothered with something like that if she did see it.
That's probably what I would do if I had skin bridges. I'd suggest trying to find a sympathetic dermatologist that was willing to do it inexpensively first though.