I just got off the phone with Mike. He has to handle some things on his end but looks forward to posting soon about everything and getting back to the forums!
Bathmate_helps;473528 said:
Thank you Agust for changing your name from [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] to your real one. You in no way shape or form represent our company as your childish attitude and drunken ways getingt the better of you.

Right lets clear a few points up... You worshipped [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] till we cut your supply... would you like to go public why???

Your recent order is several hundred pounds short and is still sat in the warehouse waiting for you to pay. You have been notified and you have replied so why come on the forum slagging our company off. Dont you realise anyone with a brain will realise your just a big girl throwing his toys out of his pram.

Your living in a dream world thinking our company is going to crumble away.

Our product has its success because of its quality, reliability and outstanding aftercare we offer to all customers this was a motto you stood by a up until a few days ago. Explain that Agust then grow up.

I'm sorry, but this is DLD's thread, right? Not your thread to come in here and spit your beef with Ag. Right? Go start another thread for that shit, jeez. Reps like YOU give company's a bad name. If you got somethin to share, do it.
I just dumped the extraneous crap for/from and about anything but Mike Salvini.
Please, guys; stay on topic.
There are plenty of other threads for venting.
About ANY-thing.
DLD, maintain your strength, motivation, sanity, health, and spirt and know that we are here for you and await ALPHABLADE with great anticipation. All that you will gain will far outweight what you have loss.
hepcat;474013 said:
I don't know what everyone's talking about. DLD's posts all make sense to me. Try searching for AlphaBlade. I think there might also be information in DLD's [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] thread as well. Once you read those posts it will all start to make sense.

Its starting to sound a little weird actually.

Hope all is ok with dld
Flannery first off DLD doesn't owe u shit!
Who the fuck do u think u are?
He's got more important things to do than "communicate with his audience" right now.
He will make his announcements when he is good and ready u twat.
This thread is like the build up of a thriller, so much anticipation! Cannot wait to see what good DLD is planning now.

Veterans and Newbies alike at your service DLD!
How sad that your approval hasn't been met.
However, at a staggering average of less than

seven posts per year
I, for one, am amazed you had any time to notice.

You seem to be incredibly demanding of a forum which you have been abyssmally non-supportive of.

I'm sure DLD will give your comments every bit of credence you have earned here.

flannery;474052 said:
So what happened to the new product announcement (2 actually) promised over a week ago?

I am not bothered by any of DLD's non-Penis Enlargement philosophies (AlphaBlade) being mentioned, as he has every right; this is his forum. I am, however, bothered by promises made without being kept.

(case in point: "I will be making a post tonight. Please stay tuned. " - this was posted yesterday by DLD. The post later that evening : "Thanks for your continued support! This is proving to be quite the challenge but who better for the job than me? My only warning to those who have ill intentions towards me is I am NOT a worthy opponent, with me there is obly one rule in war...I WILL NOT LOSE! ")

The second promised "post" was essentially a non-post (i.e-no new info).

So here's the deal: DLD, communicate with your audience! We don't need every last detail, but you are making more of a mess of this situation every time you promise without delivering.

I have purchased nearly every product that you have sold through this forum, and I am prepared to support you in anything that's solid for Penis Enlargement, but I don't approve of empty promises.

If there is going to be a continued delay for a future post, product announcement, or other event, then JUST SAY THAT!!! Penis EnlargementRIOD. None of us should be upset by this.

I will continue to show you respect by calling you out when the behavior is unacceptable, or not in-line with the incredible reputation that you have created for yourself through continued dedication to Penis Enlargement.

-with Respect, Flannery
hepcat;474054 said:
Well, I'm weird so maybe that is the reason why I understand his posts.

I understand what he is saying.
What is weird is the way that it is being said, and could be inline with dld coming off of psychotropic medication.

I hope he is ok
I am very disappointed with the people on this site. We are here to grow our penis not go gossip about what one man is doing. Im sure when Dld releases whatever this is it will be cool. There are no gods among men here or anywhere! This is ridiculous of people putting Dld on a pedestal. He is only a man. He is no better than anyone else.

He also does not owe any of us an explanation. We are not a jury. We are not the god that will pass judgment. i am here to learn how to increase the size of my penis and to try and help people that want to learn. I do this because people have helped me.

Stop gossiping and help your brothers. This is not productive.
rebel2011;474098 said:
i am very disappointed with the people on this site. We are here to grow our penis not go gossip about what one man is doing. Im sure when dld releases whatever this is it will be cool. There are no gods among men here or anywhere! This is ridiculous of people putting dld on a pedestal. He is only a man. He is no better than anyone else.

He also does not owe any of us an explanation. We are not a jury. We are not the god that will pass judgment. I am here to learn how to increase the size of my penis and to try and help people that want to learn. I do this because people have helped me.

Stop gossiping and help your brothers. This is not productive.

^^^^ this
celttank;474060 said:
Flannery first off DLD doesn't owe u shit!
Who the fuck do u think u are?
He's got more important things to do than "communicate with his audience" right now.
He will make his announcements when he is good and ready u twat.

rebel2011;474098 said:
I am very disappointed with the people on this site. We are here to grow our penis not go gossip about what one man is doing. Im sure when Dld releases whatever this is it will be cool. There are no gods among men here or anywhere! This is ridiculous of people putting Dld on a pedestal. He is only a man. He is no better than anyone else.

He also does not owe any of us an explanation. We are not a jury. We are not the god that will pass judgment. i am here to learn how to increase the size of my penis and to try and help people that want to learn. I do this because people have helped me.

Stop gossiping and help your brothers. This is not productive.

Well said, fuck all you people that say bad shit about DLD.
Keep it up and I just start banning the trolls and flamers myself
Last edited:
This thread has been missing me off for some time.

I will admit alot of Dld recent post have sounded like the ramblings of a mad man. I have no idea what he has going on. I really don't care. If he needed my help i would try to help in any way i could. When the time comes we will learn about what he is trying to accomplish.

It is not my place to judge a man that i have never met. For all i know he could be saving orphan kids or burning churches. Let this die. When the man is able to tell us what is going on he will tell us.
I have talked to him on the phone at length. He is gonna be okay, he is our brother. He has all helped us so much, we need to stand behind him
He was manic for a time, and I know what that is like because I have been there. DLD would give his shirt off his back for any of us, do the same for him
rebel2011;474103 said:
This thread has been missing me off for some time.

I will admit alot of Dld recent post have sounded like the ramblings of a mad man. I have no idea what he has going on. I really don't care. If he needed my help i would try to help in any way i could. When the time comes we will learn about what he is trying to accomplish.

It is not my place to judge a man that i have never met. For all i know he could be saving orphan kids or burning churches. Let this die. When the man is able to tell us what is going on he will tell us.

if what i say sounds like the "rampling of a madman" then my message is being heard loud and clear. It is your choice to follow what i write, not mine. I have gifted miles of penis and a lot of people have faith in me....if you do not then stop following the threads. My gift of AlphaBlade is my FREE choice....no ones arm will be twisted to join but it will take a REAL MAN or WOMAN to remain a member. No one should take for granted they will be given membership....ALPHA:-) BLADE is exclusive.
I think you have took my intentions wrong.

We for the most part have no idea what you are talking about. We can not understand why your being prosecuted. I personally have no idea what alpha blade is. I would like to know but its your choice and right to tell me when and if you want to.

I do not know you personally. I don't know anyone who does. From what i know about you from an on line experience is you seem to be a great guy that is always willing to help people with advice. Anything else would just be a wild assumption. I am far from being an expert on personality or physiology.

My point with the two posts is this. While we have no clue what tour talking about and while we can't understand what is going on (making you sound like a mad man) it is your right. You don't owe us an explanation of what is going on. I think when you can you will fill us in. People need to leave this alone until you are ready. Their efforts could be put towards helping their brothers learn. To grow as men.

If i have offended you with my words i am truly sorry. This was not my intent.
rebel2011;474227 said:
I think you have took my intentions wrong.

We for the most part have no idea what you are talking about. We can not understand why your being prosecuted. I personally have no idea what alpha blade is. I would like to know but its your choice and right to tell me when and if you want to.

I do not know you personally. I don't know anyone who does. From what i know about you from an on line experience is you seem to be a great guy that is always willing to help people with advice. Anything else would just be a wild assumption. I am far from being an expert on personality or physiology.

My point with the two posts is this. While we have no clue what tour talking about and while we can't understand what is going on (making you sound like a mad man) it is your right. You don't owe us an explanation of what is going on. I think when you can you will fill us in. People need to leave this alone until you are ready. Their efforts could be put towards helping their brothers learn. To grow as men.

If i have offended you with my words i am truly sorry. This was not my intent.

No worries rebel, I know your intentions are good, I known Mike for the past 10 years. He is always true to his word.
A man high on enthusiasm is what's with DLD in those past writings on here and aint it catchy? The prick who posted further back with 7 posts a year or whatever it was seriously needs to self destruct or get a life, perhaps fuck off from these forums. IF DLD does take meds for whatever then this is his matter and no one elses. Wild assumptions from potential know it all's on his state of mind and potential side effects to psychotropic meds is rather low, when you know he is under a prosecution i.e legal matter. I can say 99% of you wouldnt even be arsed to visit, let alone post on here going through what Mike has had to endure recently.

I can understand that arses are twitching on seats in anticipation to the firework display he has, but just WAIT and be patient without allowing your minds to race thinking all kinds. Most who have commented apart from one prick further back have had Mikes best intentions at heart and just are worried about him, understandable but please keep in mind that whatever the state of mind at times, we are not around to see the person in the flesh at the moment and so we cannot judge for it can reap more harm then it do good ... please absorb this.
I don't come on the site often anymore. So I really am lost about all this. Legal action. Server attacked by hackers. That's weird stuff.

Hope everything is going to be ok.
Unfortunately this thriller is very true and includes levels of abuse, violations of human rights, prejudices, anti-Semitism and the direct limitation of freedom of speech, expression, right to worship and many disability injustices. I was detained, arrested, processed, sentenced and released over the past 3 weeks. I am very upset and my story will be the opening chapter of AlphaBlade and the day of launching [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] to the world at no cost! All men deserve to know Phase 1, it is their right and with Phase 1 they will learn the skills to understand and become part of AB. My suffering is only a sweet reward for the lessons I am about to teach. I am now compiling film and date, including announcements and other important information. I can assure you this was not a 3 week vacation, it has been the trials of becoming the Pope of AlphaBlade! Now where are my priests? Men of the Blade stand up and take your place....we are about to embark on some of the greatest knowledge ever known to man:) :) Smile face indicates Love and Happiness :( Indicates me and how badly I was abused...I hope my story helps others.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012 is a very special day for me and the day I will be opening Alpha+Blade and the FREE access to [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Matters of Size[/words] Phase 1. I chose this day for a very personal reason that a few of you guys know but many do not but on February 14, 1999 I had died for 7 minutes and some change (close to 8 minutes) I died from a Heroin overdose. I will begin my story there, from that night and I hope by the 14th my story will be the fuel of the AlphaBlade Temple!

I will also be making a MASSIVE announcement on that day. I am about to release 2 of the best Penis Enlargement devices EVER! You will be very proud of me. These were designed in Europe just for US! Just for [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Matters of Size[/words]! So incredible. By the grace of God they will be available to view online Feb. 14! Do not feel pity for my plight, feel joyful in the bounty we are receiving! So much news, so many words to be written, I am on it!

@oldandlively I am guessing you haven't read about this before. I'm thankful to God for keeping DLD for us till this day. Many more years to come @DLD
😊 thanks! I have not abandoned AlphaBlade just on hold until I get a real laptop
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