Double Long Daddy, The Guru
Staff member
Super Moderator
Much has transpired since we last spoke. I will need the next couple of days to put together an explanation of the my recent weeks but be sure that February 15 is on as planned. I have missed you all and appreciate you that much more now. We will talk soon. I was released this afternoon and am now reassembling the past all the way back to tyne Sabbath. This cronology will prove to be very important. I will return with this story before the close of the weekend. I have many pictures, recordings, videos and the like to share and bring life to this unbelievable journey. Please be patient.
Oh the suspense will make a for a slow couple days.
"I was released"
That alone makes a good yarn!

doublelongdaddy;472384 said:
Much has transpired since we last spoke. I will need the next couple of days to put together an explanation of the my recent weeks but be sure that February 15 is on as planned. I have missed you all and appreciate you that much more now. We will talk soon. I was released this afternoon and am now reassembling the past all the way back to tyne Sabbath. This cronology will prove to be very important. I will return with this story before the close of the weekend. I have many pictures, recordings, videos and the like to share and bring life to this unbelievable journey. Please be patient.
The post is indeed a great opening monologue for a thriller! LOL...Mike you should write a book! You have to grab the reader right from the beginning...that you have. (Not everyone has that ability :D)
Released from all the AMAZING frantic group sex he was having with the finest whores the land could offer :) Mike you dirty fucking dogg I love ya L)
Unfortunately this thriller is very true and includes levels of abuse, violations of human rights, prejudices, anti-Semitism and the direct limitation of freedom of speech, expression, right to worship and many disability injustices. I was detained, arrested, processed, sentenced and released over the past 3 weeks. I am very upset and my story will be the opening chapter of AlphaBlade and the day of launching [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] to the world at no cost! All men deserve to know Phase 1, it is their right and with Phase 1 they will learn the skills to understand and become part of AB. My suffering is only a sweet reward for the lessons I am about to teach. I am now compiling film and date, including announcements and other important information. I can assure you this was not a 3 week vacation, it has been the trials of becoming the Pope of AlphaBlade! Now where are my priests? Men of the Blade stand up and take your place....we are about to embark on some of the greatest knowledge ever known to man:) :) Smile face indicates Love and Happiness :( Indicates me and how badly I was abused...I hope my story helps others.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012 is a very special day for me and the day I will be opening Alpha+Blade and the FREE access to [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Matters of Size[/words] Phase 1. I chose this day for a very personal reason that a few of you guys know but many do not but on February 14, 1999 I had died for 7 minutes and some change (close to 8 minutes) I died from a Heroin overdose. I will begin my story there, from that night and I hope by the 14th my story will be the fuel of the AlphaBlade Temple!

I will also be making a MASSIVE announcement on that day. I am about to release 2 of the best Penis Enlargement devices EVER! You will be very proud of me. These were designed in Europe just for US! Just for [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Matters of Size[/words]! So incredible. By the grace of God they will be available to view online Feb. 14! Do not feel pity for my plight, feel joyful in the bounty we are receiving! So much news, so many words to be written, I am on it!
To obliterate tragedy by using triumph is truly the mark of a great man.
I wish you all the best, my friend; welcome back, and may your journey be always successful, peaceful and happy.
Brilliant wonderful amazing superb astonishing we are all with you and are as one, together we will become our own gods to our own kingdoms where no one can interfere and the information for/to mankind can be revealed ... the truth and the date is set. I can feel the energy of the planes swirl in ecstasy as the date comes more nearer and then not only is this announcement made for Mike but also another secret for mankind revealed ... a path to the left that many frown upon because they fear it through ignorance and false tales from the venom on the right but come soon the name will be released and the coffers open for ALL the brothers here to glimpse the offerings into a world where REAL SUPenis EnlargementRNATURAL forces can be used for your own ends, its not fairy tale but real and it all will be revealed. You can be apart of it or merely use its relics for your own ends, the same outcome is that the working men (US) are finally given a fucking weapon that we can wield and no government can stop us because we have the left hand guiding us a force so strong that no god/s can stop it because you YOU ALL will have the chance to become your OWN GOD TO YOUR OWN KINGDOM ... excited as the clock ticks.
LOL...We are all Gods unto ourselves...just too many are afraid to admit it to themselves...hopefully Mike can shine the light so bright that the truth cannot be hidden in the shadows of ignorance, fear, and the delusion of isolation anymore. :D
Dirk-Diggler;472512 said:
Okay, of course I'm very new here, but..........What the f*ck are you all talking about? lol

Edit: In particular, Redzulu :P

Just wait and see mate! ;)

Cant wait for the updates! DLD your an absolute legend and an inspiration. Stay safe teacher, your disciples await your return! :)
doublelongdaddy;472384 said:
Much has transpired since we last spoke. I will need the next couple of days to put together an explanation of the my recent weeks but be sure that February 15 is on as planned. I have missed you all and appreciate you that much more now. We will talk soon. I was released this afternoon and am now reassembling the past all the way back to tyne Sabbath. This cronology will prove to be very important. I will return with this story before the close of the weekend. I have many pictures, recordings, videos and the like to share and bring life to this unbelievable journey. Please be patient.

Hey DLD,

how come you said "No" when Ron Jeremy asked you to do adult entertainment ? I've always thought it was every man's dream to have sex with the hottest girls and get paid...

REDZULU2003;472595 said:
I see, your just 18 :) makes sense, no worries mate I understand and was the same at your age. I'm nearly 30 hahaha

Hahaha good than it's not me who is oversexed :P. Don't your wifes/girlfriends or anything bother the size ( For all the 8 inch plussers here ) ?

I aint had a women since 2010 :) no sex since 2010 :) DONT ASK hahaha yeah they liked it but it can take time. You go for it my Dutch freind.
REDZULU2003;472617 said:
I aint had a women since 2010 :) no sex since 2010 :) DONT ASK hahaha yeah they liked it but it can take time. You go for it my Dutch freind.

I'm doing my best, going to see if anyone can make me a video about those Horse Squeezes, and just did 4 hours on the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]Extender[/words]. Got to figure alot out though haha.

- AG.
I might be able to help, cant promise but I do have several videos hanging around my old disks with various Penis Enlargement-exercises. Might have what you want, but I'll get through them tomorrow and upload.
REDZULU2003;472660 said:
I might be able to help, cant promise but I do have several videos hanging around my old disks with various Penis Enlargement-exercises. Might have what you want, but I'll get through them tomorrow and upload.

Yeah would be great !
Thanks already mate.

Once again DLD has risen from the ashes to overcome and inspire those who are fortunate enough to be apart of [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words]. Thanks for establishing this temple of humanity and I await the updates and release of AB. It has been a long journey for AB(I remember when it was supposed to come out a few years ago) and I cannot wait to see how it will propel [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] into a whole new level of inspiration. The new devices will just be icing on the cake, I can't wait to se what they are. I know I will be logging in on Feb. 14 like a kid on Christmas morning.
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wow, i can't wait to hear what happend and see the new products , this alpha blade project sounds pretty kool what is it though?
So is today still the "Day of Creation" in the Genisis of Alpha Blade? I cannot wait to see the new "Light" that will come to be known as "Day". :D
I am waiting also, I just don't know wether the new devices will be on the forum, the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] paysite(in the Free Phase 1 section), or the AB website. Just waiting on the word. It can go down any minute now!
Damn! I work nights...I might miss the first moments of the Dawn. :( Such a beautiful and inspiring sight...but Radiance from the Divine never diminishes and it simply is obscured from view under the Veil of Delusion produced by the false sense of Isolation. I will still be able to bask in the Light as I strain to peek over the horizon at it in all of its glory, cheating the horizon's false shadow casted upon, actually created by, those with eyes wielded tight against the splendor and majesty of Truth, to create my own perceptual time of Dawn. :D

Is there anything more beautiful, perfect, and natural as Creation? :D Hint in a question: Is there anything other than Creation? LOL
Short check in, all according to plan despite the attempts of the local and state authorities. This is a new day coming and it will all be fueled by the pain and suffering of my punisHydromaxents. Just or unjust this is part of the trials of manhood that AlphaBlade requires. If we can not stand firm in the face of adversity we have no place at the table of AlphaBlade. Last time I came forth with the Blade I was met with similar resistance but I have remained steadfast and swift in my message....AlphaBlade NEEDS to happen.

Today I celebrate the anniversary of my death in 1999 and my rebirth into the privies of a second life. Since this time I have dedicated myself to the betterment of the male race on every level. AB is the next step in empowerment, it is the way for every person who is asking themselves why? Why what? Well, like you I had many whys? Why don't I have this, why is my life a mess, why am I unhappy, why do I not have enough, why am I in pain, and I could go on for pages. I stopped asking why and I learned how and I am about to teach each and every curious person this....Fuck it, if I know it you guys DESERVE to know it.

I have an attorney who is dealing with the civil rights case and it more than likely will be a class action suit. On the premise of my blindness and religious beliefs I have been greatly persecuted. I will go into detail on the 15th after I speak with my council. Keep your heads up and believe in the Blade! I promise you my presents and my attorney will see that I am able to be in constant contact with you NO MATTER WHAT.

Empowerment, Unity, Unification, we are the ones and I am proud to be your leader! Please show the utmost respect for my honorable staff, you guys ROCK!

Love and safe travels

The force that you are about to unleash DLD will ripple and effect the masses in a way that will influence generations. These adversities are just mere pebbles trying to block a tsunami. I'm waiting like a crackhead for a hit on your new Penis Enlargement devices and AB. Stay strong, stay in good health, and keep us posted because we are in this fight with you.
Only the man who steps into the fire risks getting burned.Mike, if you need anything; ask.If it's in my power; it's yours.
doublelongdaddy;472856 said:
Short check in, all according to plan despite the attempts of the local and state authorities. This is a new day coming and it will all be fueled by the pain and suffering of my punisHydromaxents. Just or unjust this is part of the trials of manhood that AlphaBlade requires. If we can not stand firm in the face of adversity we have no place at the table of AlphaBlade. Last time I came forth with the Blade I was met with similar resistance but I have remained steadfast and swift in my message....AlphaBlade NEEDS to happen.Today I celebrate the anniversary of my death in 1999 and my rebirth into the privies of a second life. Since this time I have dedicated myself to the betterment of the male race on every level. AB is the next step in empowerment, it is the way for every person who is asking themselves why? Why what? Well, like you I had many whys? Why don't I have this, why is my life a mess, why am I unhappy, why do I not have enough, why am I in pain, and I could go on for pages. I stopped asking why and I learned how and I am about to teach each and every curious person this....Fuck it, if I know it you guys DESERVE to know it.I have an attorney who is dealing with the civil rights case and it more than likely will be a class action suit. On the premise of my blindness and religious beliefs I have been greatly persecuted. I will go into detail on the 15th after I speak with my council. Keep your heads up and believe in the Blade! I promise you my presents and my attorney will see that I am able to be in constant contact with you NO MATTER WHAT.Empowerment, Unity, Unification, we are the ones and I am proud to be your leader! Please show the utmost respect for my honorable staff, you guys ROCK!Love and safe travelsMichael
I will not be able to speak openly on this until tomorrow afternoon as my attorney does not want me exposing anything prematurely. Trust that I have excellent council and the rewards of this journey will far outweigh the suffering. I know my sword is nightly and they have awoken a true monster. If not for the least of my brothers! [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Matters of Size[/words] Phase one will be open to the public some time tomorrow morning. Enjoy and prepare for the best journey pod your life. It does not matter where I release this from, as long as you get it. I wish I could have made it more beautiful but I have been detained for 3 weeks. I will do my best for you and I hope it is worthy. Enjoy!
My man--good to see you back Mike. I am so looking forward to this. I can't believe all the things we've talked about are about to come true. Very excited!
Solid Snake;472860 said:
Happy anniversary DLD! Huge respect for everything you've done and all that you're doing! You're an inspirational man Mike.


Happy anniversary ! And you're a God, not kidding if it wassn't for you I'd still feel insecure about my penis.
If I was a millionaire I bought you a damn Rolls.
SOrry folks but all connection to my house were made not available to me until this morning. Things are very out of control and I am deeply saddened by the circumstances because it is not only me they are attacking and harming, it is those who need AlphaBlade! I was able to get my cable back and make a quick post before I go back to the lawyers office. Up till today there has been round the clock watch at all ends of the studio streets and wherever I travel I am followed. Today will be the day I am able to post the record if the cable remains on. I am off to the office at 12:00 noon and should have a beautiful post for y'all then. Thank you for your unbelivable help and support. I will need much more once you know the circumstances but I KNOW AlphaBlade will get me through this with flying colors. To my brotherhood I say Veni, vidi, vici for the pst the present and our BRIGHT, STRONG, UNIFIED FUTURE!

Michael Salvini, your humble leader and servant!
Latest news...i am working from a pad so forgive any missellings and such...i am not permitted to speak on the case yet but i can say i will be arrained on the 27th of feb. Do not worry...i will get off but this is not the goal of ALPHABLADE...our goal is the moments, hours, days, months, years and if necessary lifetimes that proceed this victory of my day in court

The first plan of action is to eliminate our enemies that are currently attacking us, mainly the false forum virus issues. These are false warnings and are being orchestated by the same adversaries who are atacking me personally. Please understand it is costing me $150.00 per hour for online security and our attornies are billing us $250.00 per hour and thus far bills are close to $18,000.00 and this is before any supinas have been written or served. As many know, i have heavily invested in silver and gold over the last few years and have done very well. I so far have kept up with the bills but i may need help and if i do, it is feom the most humble heart and every penny will go to the first case of injustice ALPHABLADE wins..

Some think AB is a religious movement...including the autheities...let me make a public statement......IT IS!
What happened to the big announcement? The 2 new amazing Penis Enlargement products that were supposed to be announced last Tuesday?

"I will also be making a MASSIVE announcement on that day. I am about to release 2 of the best Penis Enlargement devices EVER! " - referring to Feb 14th
I wish I could tell you guys whats going on but I have no idea. Just maintain your goals with Penis Enlargement and you will achieve them.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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