For those that wish to receive the complimentary SIliStretcher 2.0 and complimentary future add ons, you must be active in this thread. If you are expecting complimentary upgrades, we are expecting feedback/routine updates from existing SiliStretcher users.

So again, if you are not actively posting in this thread, please do not request complimentary upgrades.
For those that wish to receive the complimentary SIliStretcher 2.0 and complimentary future add ons, you must be active in this thread. If you are expecting complimentary upgrades, we are expecting feedback/routine updates from existing SiliStretcher users.

So again, if you are not actively posting in this thread, please do not request complimentary upgrades.

*cracks knuckles and cracks neck*

Time to get busy...and that's actually fair...thanks @Lightning
The durosleeves really took the silistretcher to the next level for me. The silicap would slip off sometimes with the silisleeves and cause irritation on the glans. The durosleeves solve this issue completely because they grip the silicap so much more preventing slippage.

Anyone who gets constant fluid retention or bruising try this, get some nexcare absolute waterproof tape and wrap the top of your glans with it.(wrap around in a circle once then two pieces going over urethra going opposite directions) Then roll down the silicap making sure there is no air trapped in it. I then retract the piston all the way then unretract it a a half turn. Finally put your penis in the silistretcher and retract all the way. I also use the squishy silipad and it is very comfortable.
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The term "brotherhood" just isn't some ploy to sound nice. We (in part) need to make sure: trust" ensues here. Here on MOS is a platform unlike any other. You now have the woodwork confirmed with other pe forums coming out, etc. which all have learned a little from MOS. But this place still remains GENUINE. Let's preserve it as an untapped resource My Brothers. Like creating trusted reviews like my man Minceydice to help compliment all the energy put into the present allowing for the future here to be just flawless! THAT'S THE GOAL. TY so much MOS for having our best interest at heart. . (hearteyes)

Kudos to everyone. actually wanting to help! (clap)
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The term "brotherhood" just isn't some ploy to sound nice. We (in part) need to make sure: trust" ensues here. Here on MOS is a platform unlike any other. You now have woodwork with other pe forums coming out, etc. that all have learned a little from MOS. But this place is GENUINE. Lightning is better than ?'s place. Let's preserve it as an untapped resource My Brothers. Like creating trusted reviews like my man Minceydice to help compliment all the energy put into present work allowing for the future here to be just flawless! THAT'S THE GOAL. TY so much MOS for having our best interest at heart. . (hearteyes)
Kudos to everyone. actually wanting to help! (clap)

Hallelujah my brother beautiful words with such truth!
Can't take this for granted, u know? (fail)

yup! If the brotherhood was not here where would people go to get the truth? There’s not many trustworthy places out there, you can trust the brotherhood because it’s all real people making real posts and real gains.
The term "brotherhood" just isn't some ploy to sound nice. We (in part) need to make sure: trust" ensues here. Here on MOS is a platform unlike any other. You now have the woodwork confirmed with other pe forums coming out, etc. which all have learned a little from MOS. But this place still remains GENUINE. Let's preserve it as an untapped resource My Brothers. Like creating trusted reviews like my man Minceydice to help compliment all the energy put into the present allowing for the future here to be just flawless! THAT'S THE GOAL. TY so much MOS for having our best interest at heart. . (hearteyes)

Kudos to everyone. actually wanting to help! (clap)

The day I found MOS was the day my life changed. I'm so thankful for these amazing devices, exercises, and routines that dld and lightning have put together. Having a bigger dick makes you so much more confident in your life its amazing, it honestly changed me. Knowing I most likely have the biggest cock in any room I'm in is liberating lol.
The day I found MOS was the day my life changed. I'm so thankful for these amazing devices, exercises, and routines that dld and lightning have put together. Having a bigger dick makes you so much more confident in your life its amazing, it honestly changed me. Knowing I most likely have the biggest cock in any room I'm in is liberating LOL.

Much love to you my brother! ❤️
View attachment 1820388

With over 15 years of research and development, MOS is proud to bring you our exclusive stealth silistretcher for all day penis stretching and weight hanging.

The silistretcher is a simple yet effective fool-proof vacuum piston ASD/Hanger system that is self contained and requires no external pumps or attachments. No fancy bells and whistles, no fancy packaging, just a hard-core system that works.

The silistetcher can be worn as an all day stretcher in stealth mode under your clothes while you are at work or out running around. When you are at home, you can use the silistrecther for your weight hanging sessions.

The vacuum and silisleev combination provides the ultimate in comfort with no blistering or fatigue as in standard vacuum hangers and ADS systems. The silistretcher and silisleevs come with a lifetime warranty from MOS even if you break them (which is nearly impossible).

View attachment 1821565
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ADS belt for strapping to waist or leg
2.5lb starter weight set and arbor
Four SiliSleeves (two long and two regular) and one silicap
Discrete carrying bag
Lifetime warranty (even if you break it!)

Optional inline SiliScale to monitor constant tension up to 55lbs/25Kgs

How to size your SIliStretcher

Troubleshooting the SiliStretcher

Maximizing Vacuum on the Silistretcher

How to use
  1. Apply a siliscap to the head of your penis to prevent fluid retention and reduce sensitivity.
  2. Put the head of your penis into the silistretcher,
  3. Unroll the silisleeve over your shaft
  4. Give the silistretcher vacuum knob a couple of twists (clockwise).
  5. Your penis will be safely and securely pulled into the silistretcher.
  6. Begin your session
To release vacuum, give the SiliStretcher vacuum knob a couple twists (counter clockwise).

When you receive your SiliStretcher, you may notice a small amount of translucent lube inside the SiliStretcher vacuum bulb behind the piston. This is a food grade lube that provides years of use and ease of piston motion.

The piston valve is designed to come out for maintenance. If you over extract the piston valve, push it back in with your finger and twist the vacuum knob to re-engage it.

For the most effective vacuum sessions with the SiliStretchers and SiliSleevs, follow this guide below.

Make sure your entire penis is shaved clean of hairs

Hairs will create loss of suction with SiliSleevs and the SiliStretcher .

Make sure your penis is clean, dry and free of oil
If you put lotion on your skin, this will cause loss of grip . Your skin also has a natural oil that can cause loss of grip. Sweat causes loss of grip. We strongly recommend cleaning and drying your penis then using MOSGrip to remove all the natural oils of your skin and create a tack for maximum grip. MOSGrip also helps eliminate sweat under the SIliSleev .

Make sure your SiliSleevs are clean, dried and powdered with MOSGrip
Dirty oily SiliSleevs with pubic hairs in them will cause loss of suction/vacuum /grip . You want to clean your SiliSleevs before each use

Make sure you do not have a pin hole in your SiliSleev from excessive use
Pinholes are easiest to find if you blow up the SiliSleev with a little air from your mouth. Don't blow them up In a big balloon. Pin holes are like a slow leak in a tire.

View attachment 1820404

Free Duro Sleeves to SiliStretcher users.
For those that wish to receive the complimentary SIliStretcher 2.0 and complimentary future add ons, you must be active in this thread. If you are expecting complimentary upgrades, we are expecting feedback/routine updates from existing SiliStretcher users.

So again, if you are not actively posting in this thread, please do not request complimentary upgrades.

BUMPED ? You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.
As to add your own personal steller reviews for this breakthrough: To better understand on how to stay one step ahead of those nasty competitors! (movember) Eich.
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As to add your own personal steller reviews for this breakthrough: To better understand on how to stay one step ahead of those nasty competitors! (movember) Eich.

That’s why we love reviews and take them very seriously. We make the best products because we listen to our customer feedback, good or bad.
The New SiliSleev Duros start shipping this Friday, May 31st!
All SiliStretchers now come standard with these New SiliSleev Duros!


These are the new improved SiliSleevs to be used with the SiliStretcher.
They are semi-transparent to better monitor your penis and are very durable.
They are currently available with inside diameters .75" (19mm) & 1" (25mm)
Lengths are 5.7" (145mm) and can be cut by user or we can custom cut to size free of charge.

Current SiliStretcher Owners that are Currently Active in this thread
If you are currently active in this thread, you are eligible for a complimentary set (shipping charges apply). Send an email to with your full name and email so we can verify and get you a complimentary set.

Within the next two months, we will have two other diameters and longer lengths available in sizes up to 8" (210mm) long as well as an 8" (210mm) SiliCap.

Get those emails in!
I can’t wait to get the long Silicap, I think it is really going to help. I was having some issues early on with fluid on the glans, but I have noticed it has minimized or gone since I started using the longer silisleeves.

Maybe the longer silisleeves grab better and they don’t put all the concentration on the tip of the glans, but spreads out the stretch on the penis.
The durosleeves really took the silistretcher to the next level for me. The silicap would slip off sometimes with the silisleeves and cause irritation on the glans. The durosleeves solve this issue completely because they grip the silicap so much more preventing slippage.

Anyone who gets constant fluid retention or bruising try this, get some nexcare absolute waterproof tape and wrap the top of your glans with it.(wrap around in a circle once then two pieces going over urethra going opposite directions) Then roll down the silicap making sure there is no air trapped in it. I then retract the piston all the way then unretract it a a half turn. Finally put your penis in the silistretcher and retract all the way. I also use the squishy silipad and it is very comfortable.
I like the duro sleeves, I just takes me a bit to put it on and take off because the grip is incredible.
I completely agree with on the duro sleeve gripping the Silicap.
I feel like the duro completely grips the Silicap and hold it to prevent the fluid buildup.
I still feel like the long Silicap is going to help as well.
@Lightning is the long Silicap going to come in blue and in duro?
Is there somewhere I click to keep getting the updates for this thread?

I wasn’t seeing the updates on the bell icon, so I didn’t know there was more updates.
@Lightning is the long Silicap going to come in blue and in duro?

The 8" Long DuroCap is coming in a 7/8" diameter. The material is the same as the Duros but the Cap is thinner for less restriction. There are no long blue SiliCaps in the works anytime soon.

We also corrected the problem with the Blue SiliSleevs occasionally splitting at the mold point.

I’ve used the silistretcher for a little over a month now. I’ve found that it’s much easier and more stealthy to stretch down the leg. Wearing it stretched to the side around the waist seems to pinch the sleeve, and would therefore wear it out quickly. I’m not a huge fan of the Velcro. What if you have a quality knee brace with a loop sewn into it, and attach the stretcher to it with a double-ended clasp? Much more comfortable and it won’t twist or dig in if you’re working in it.

I’ve used the silistretcher for a little over a month now. I’ve found that it’s much easier and more stealthy to stretch down the leg. Wearing it stretched to the side around the waist seems to pinch the sleeve, and would therefore wear it out quickly. I’m not a huge fan of the Velcro. What if you have a quality knee brace with a loop sewn into it, and attach the stretcher to it with a double-ended clasp? Much more comfortable and it won’t twist or dig in if you’re working in it.

Thanks for your feedback.

The DuroBands prevent the SiliSleevs from wearing out when rubbing against jeans all day, daily. The DuroBands are 2" long DuroSleevs that slide over the SiliStretcher and SiliSleev around the rim of the SiliStretcher bell to add a durable layer of protection. We now ship DuraBands standard with the SiliStretcher.

The knee brace is a good idea. For the velcro rubbing against the skin, you can try wrapping with an ACE bandage or TheraBand before applying the belt/strap.
Thanks for your feedback.

The DuroBands prevent the SiliSleevs from wearing out when rubbing against jeans all day, daily. The DuroBands are 2" long DuroSleevs that slide over the SiliStretcher and SiliSleev around the rim of the SiliStretcher bell to add a durable layer of protection. We now ship DuraBands standard with the SiliStretcher.

The knee brace is a good idea. For the velcro rubbing against the skin, you can try wrapping with an ACE bandage or TheraBand before applying the belt/strap.
Thanks. I’ll try that. I’d also like to reserve the traction stretching attachment if that’s possible. I’d be happy to review it, and write accordingly. I don’t have a lot of time for PE, so I’m always willing to purchase tools to make it easier.
Now this is what I like to see! Excellent reviews all around. Keep up with the good reviews my brothers.
I have been using the wider duro sleeve with the Silistretcher.
The grip is great and these duros are stronger.
For me the duro is not as flexible as the other sleeves.
I find it a little more challenging to put on.

The sweet spot for me right now are the long wide blue sleeves.
I will continue to try the duros though and report back.
I am yet to try the duros by themselves.

I will be placing an order of the long wide blue sleeve.

I am mainly using the Silistretcher as an ADS.

For those that are using the Silistretcher with weight which sleeve is your preference long blue or duro sleeve?
When we created the duro, we wanted something very strong for people wanting to hang heavy weight or perform intense stretching and have a sleeve that s built to last a while. LG has sleeves that are very hard to apply and very restrictive but also good for hanging heavy weight. We wanted something similar but more realistic for the end user to put on and take off frequently.

Keep in mind, you can enlarge the Duros by putting them on a pipe that is a bit thicker overnight.

In a few weeks we will have additional diameter Duros including a 7/8" version, 1 1/8" version and the new long DuroCaps. With all 4 diameters, there will be something for everyone.

The DuroSleev line up will be
3/4" x 5.7" & 4"
7/8" x 8" & 4"
1" x 5.7" & 4"
1-1/8" x 8" & 4"
and 7/8" x 8" Duracaps

We may also have a SiliSleevs in the same sizes but a slightly stronger formula in the near future.

We will definitely be the one stop shop for sleeves. ;)
When we created the duro, we wanted something very strong for people wanting to hang heavy weight or perform intense stretching and have a sleeve that s built to last a while. LG has sleeves that are very hard to apply and very restrictive but also good for hanging heavy weight. We wanted something similar but more realistic for the end user to put on and take off frequently.

Keep in mind, you can enlarge the Duros by putting them on a pipe that is a bit thicker overnight.

In a few weeks we will have additional diameter Duros including a 7/8" version, 1 1/8" version and the new long DuroCaps. With all 4 diameters, there will be something for everyone.

The DuroSleev line up will be
3/4" x 5.7" & 4"
7/8" x 8" & 4"
1" x 5.7" & 4"
1-1/8" x 8" & 4"
and 7/8" x 8" Duracaps

We may also have a SiliSleevs in the same sizes but a slightly stronger formula in the near future.

We will definitely be the one stop shop for sleeves. ;)
This is awesome!

The blue sleeves are still staying though yes.

Sounds like a great lineup, a sleeve for everyone and it will fit to their liking.
It seems like the longer your sleeve, the more elongated you will stay, and the less likely your “stuff” will shift or slip. Like DLD said the LG sleeves are meant for hanging heavy weight. They are a SOB to get on if you’re pretty thick in the flaccid state. What I had to do with mine is cut them into segments. The duro, however, is better for use during stretching, and ads application.
This is a welcome development. Waiting for the big announcement
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When we created the duro, we wanted something very strong for people wanting to hang heavy weight or perform intense stretching and have a sleeve that s built to last a while. LG has sleeves that are very hard to apply and very restrictive but also good for hanging heavy weight. We wanted something similar but more realistic for the end user to put on and take off frequently.

Keep in mind, you can enlarge the Duros by putting them on a pipe that is a bit thicker overnight.

In a few weeks we will have additional diameter Duros including a 7/8" version, 1 1/8" version and the new long DuroCaps. With all 4 diameters, there will be something for everyone.

The DuroSleev line up will be
3/4" x 5.7" & 4"
7/8" x 8" & 4"
1" x 5.7" & 4"
1-1/8" x 8" & 4"
and 7/8" x 8" Duracaps

We may also have a SiliSleevs in the same sizes but a slightly stronger formula in the near future.

We will definitely be the one stop shop for sleeves. ;)

Is there anyway I can get the durosleeves back to their original shape? I use the silistretcher about 8 hours a day and take the sleeve off the silistretcher after. Even doing this, the sleeve is still slightly deformed and is losing some of the tightness that it once had.
Is there anyway I can get the durosleeves back to their original shape? I use the silistretcher about 8 hours a day and take the sleeve off the silistretcher after. Even doing this, the sleeve is still slightly deformed and is losing some of the tightness that it once had.

Anything that is elastic and skin safe will stretch out over time (including silicone, latex, rubber, etc). There is no way to counteract this and all sleeves face this issue. We are testing harder materials but anything harder will also be harder to apply and remove.

If you are losing tightness over time, you can wrap the sleeve with a band which also will loosen up over time. We will be releasing 2" long DuroBands that will be fairly inexpensive for a pack and will help with this.
Anything that is elastic will stretch out over time (silicone, latex, rubber, etc), there is no way to counteract this and all sleeves face this issue. We are testing harder materials but anything harder will also be harder to apply and remove.

If you are losing tightness over time, you can wrap the sleeve with a band which also will loosen up over time. We will be releasing 2" long DuroBands that will be fairly inexpensive for a pack and will help with this.

A good way I've noticed to combat this issue is putting the sleeve barely on the silistretcher then when it begins to weaken and lose strength put more of the sleeve on the stretcher. That way you always can have new sleeve around the opening as the wide opening is what causes the sleeve to deform. I believe doing this you could lengthen the life of a sleeve for the silistretcher considerably.
A good way I've noticed to combat this issue is putting the sleeve barely on the silistretcher then when it begins to weaken and lose strength put more of the sleeve on the stretcher. That way you always can have new sleeve around the opening as the wide opening is what causes the sleeve to deform. I believe doing this you could lengthen the life of a sleeve for the silistretcher considerably.

When we release the 8" long DuroSleevs, you will have more sleeve to work with because they are cuttable by the end user.
Is anyone just trying the Silistretcher by itself without any other methods and see if they get growth?

I was just wondering.

I’m not willing to try right now as currently my routine consists of manual work then the Silistretcher for healing.
hey guys wondering if someone can help me, i cant seem to use this longer than 1 hour otherwise my head gets deformed at the tip. there is also discoloration and feels a bit cold. (no pain though)View attachment 1822011
Not to worry you will get good feedback from everyone.

How are you wearing the Silistretcher?
Long sleeve?
Short sleeve?
Belt around the waist or to the knee?
How many turns on the Silistretcher?
Is your glans at the tip of the Silistretcher bell or do you turn the piston and start further in the Silistretcher bell?
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    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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