Gives you an idea of how much pull you are really putting into your Silistretcher routine.

Based on previous wear with Silistrap I put on Siliscale and it was registering in at about 2.5 to 3 lbs.

I tightened up the Silistrap and was able to get to about 7 lbs.

I think everyone should have the Siliscale because it will give you an idea how much pull you are actually using.

It will be helpful for example if someone says they are not getting growth to report how much force in lbs they are using.

Or maybe someone will find the sweet spot of growth force and then recommendations can be made.

The one thing I wish the Siliscale came with is some additional hooks/ connectors.

I purchased some on amazon and they work good.
Gives you an idea of how much pull you are really putting into your Silistretcher routine.

Based on previous wear with Silistrap I put on Siliscale and it was registering in at about 2.5 to 3 lbs.

I tightened up the Silistrap and was able to get to about 7 lbs.

I think everyone should have the Siliscale because it will give you an idea how much pull you are actually using.

It will be helpful for example if someone says they are not getting growth to report how much force in lbs they are using.

Or maybe someone will find the sweet spot of growth force and then recommendations can be made.

The one thing I wish the Siliscale came with is some additional hooks/ connectors.

I purchased some on amazon and they work good.

Thanks for your review and it sounds like a positive one but I also thank you for your advice on adding to the package. What did you have in mind when you said hooks and connectors?
Ok so I am only able to get between 1 to 2 lbs most was about 2.5 lbs with the Silistretcher belt.

I think the Silistrap allows for more tension.
I was able to get up to about 7 lbs.

Ok so here’s the question
In Siliscale lbs what is considered lbs for healing/ growth.
-active light stretching
-active medium stretching
-active heavy stretching
Ok so here’s the question
In Siliscale lbs what is considered lbs for healing/ growth.
-active light stretching
-active medium stretching
-active heavy stretching

Based on seven pounds this would be the proper weight distribution. First there’s only two portions to active and passive. We can build on this as I show below but anything that’s not active his passes.

ACTIVE: 7 pounds
HEALING or PASSIVE heavy: 4 pounds
HEALING or PASSIVE medium : 3 pounds
HEALING or PASSIVE light: 1-2 pounds

That would be the order as active games are always the maximum you can take. After that it becomes passive so you could progressively become passive from the 7 pound mark all the way down to the 1 pound mark but that’s just a lot of extra work that isn’t necessary. I would follow what I post below.

ACTIVE: 7 pounds
PASSIVE or Healing: 1-2 pounds.

But I would suggest that you look to the reverse pyramid hanging as a way to train because it is far better than any other hanging routine. Follow the link below.

Based on seven pounds this would be the proper weight distribution. First there’s only two portions to active and passive. We can build on this as I show below but anything that’s not active his passes.

ACTIVE: 7 pounds
HEALING or PASSIVE heavy: 4 pounds
HEALING or PASSIVE medium : 3 pounds
HEALING or PASSIVE light: 1-2 pounds

That would be the order as active games are always the maximum you can take. After that it becomes passive so you could progressively become passive from the 7 pound mark all the way down to the 1 pound mark but that’s just a lot of extra work that isn’t necessary. I would follow what I post below.

ACTIVE: 7 pounds
PASSIVE or Healing: 1-2 pounds.

But I would suggest that you look to the reverse pyramid hanging as a way to train because it is far better than any other hanging routine. Follow the link below.

Thanks @DLD.
This will give me a good guide of where to be with active stretching.

Would the 7lbs active stretching apply to ADS mode as well or do I want to be in a more passive state for ADS?
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This weekend we will be testing the SiliStretcher traction stretcher adapter. This adapter will be able to work for people that have existing traction stretchers such as SizeGenetics, Jes, and the MOS extender coming.
So how’s it going with the extender mod for Silistretcher @Lightning ?
I’m curious to know what it looks like and what a difference it will make tension wise since I know that I can get about 7 lbs with Silistrap.
Maybe it will be a matter of preference, but also in helping for those who would like to straighten their member.
Thanks @DLD.
This will give me a good guide of where to be with active stretching.

Would the 7lbs active stretching apply to ADS mode as well or do I want to be in a more passive state for ADS?

It definitely applies to that in active mode but I’m looking more towards a healing passive mode. But the more the better.
So how’s it going with the extender mod for Silistretcher @Lightning ?
I’m curious to know what it looks like and what a difference it will make tension wise since I know that I can get about 7 lbs with Silistrap.
Maybe it will be a matter of preference, but also in helping for those who would like to straighten their member.

We have the test attachment in-house and it's ready for production. We will update everyone once it's ready to ship.

It's nothing fancy, It's pretty much a larger belt head strap similar like those on most extenders that attaches to the SiliStretcher. The bottom line is it works and it's a nice solution for those searching for a vacuum traction stretcher add-on.

This is the adapter that will adapt the SiliStretcher to existing traction stretchers ranging from regular 1.7" wide to 2" wide retention bases. It is not something that I would considered stealth and is intended to be worn at home in privacy. You may get away wearing it under loose pants.

As far as our extender add on that works with this, the tension springs will be on the high end for tension. We don't have any numbers yet but we will very soon. This week is a big test week.
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Maximize the life of your SiliStretcher
When you are done using the SiliStretcher, extract the piston back to the bottom of the SIliStretcher to relieve pressure on the clear vacuum cylinder. The SiliStretcher cylinder is slightly tapered at the top, when you leave the piston retracted when not in use, the piston adds more tension to the cylinder and o-rings. This may cause a hairline crack over time and extra compression on the o-rings.

We are releasing complimentary structure rings to permanently slide over the top of the cylinder to counteract this.
Maximize the life of your SiliStretcher
When you are done using the SiliStretcher, extract the piston back to the bottom of the SIliStretcher to relieve pressure on the clear vacuum cylinder. The SiliStretcher cylinder is slightly tapered at the top, when you leave the piston retracted when not in use, the piston adds more tension to the cylinder and o-rings. This may cause a hairline crack over time and extra compression on the o-rings.

We are releasing a complimentary structure ring to permanently slide over the top of the cylinder to counteract this.

When using the SiliStretcher for Hanging weight is it best to pull your forskin back towards the base before rolling the sleeve over your penis which is the way I have been doing it,or is it best to keep it all forward over your glans before rolling the sleeve down.Wonder If I have been doing this step ass backwards..Does the skin move down when the weight is attached to the SS and thus cause a gap between the tip of the penis and sillipad inside the SS.. Just curious on how other uses have been putting it on.My last couple times hanging I had some white spots swelling underneath the glans on both sides from the middle which went away in about a hr or so.Is this normal when hanging with over 10 lbs of weight regardless..
With any type of stretching or hanging it’s very important to pull the foreskin back because if you do not do this you’ll be stretching the foreskin and not penis. Although I know it’s very sensitive it’s imperative that you do retract, eventually you’ll become accustomed to it so begin now.
With any type of stretching or hanging it’s very important to pull the foreskin back because if you do not do this you’ll be stretching the foreskin and not penis. Although I know it’s very sensitive it’s imperative that you do retract, eventually you’ll become accustomed to it so begin now.
Thanks DLD..I have been doing it right all along then..I always pull the foreskin back before attaching the SS.Just wanted to be sure I was doing it right..One more point..I always warm up with a Rice sock for 5 min before hanging.When I do this my glans become a little bigger which is normal with increased blood flow and when I am done my 1 hr hang and take off the SS I notice the tip of my glans is more pointy compared to more round like before the hang.Would this mean the tip of my glans is taking most of all the weight pressure more than the other areas.Wonder if I am pulling away from the Sillicap inside the SS.I am also getting a little edema just under the glans sometime a big turkey neck about a inch and a half down from the tip of the glans on the underside.With this maybe I think I am not centered correctly before rolling down the sleeve or I have some foreskin bunched up there under the sleeve which might cause it. I have noticed all this started to happen since with hanging 12 lbs this week I have been using 2 sleeves one on my shaft and another on the SS since it gives me the best grip holding power to hang 12 lbs and not have it slip off.Cant wait for the new Duro sleeves to become available.They will be the cats meow without any worries for the heavier weights..Curious why the sleeves are not made from a soft durable Rubber instead of Silicone..Would they not last longer and be tougher.Just a thought.
After your warm-up and you’re putting on your sillystretcher to make sure you squeeze all the blood out of your head before you attach, that should solve that issue
I’ve been using the wider long sleeve with Silistretcher last couple of days and it has been working very good.
At first I was using the shorter sleeves because I just thought the long sleeve was too long, but actually I think it grips better due to having more surface area of the shaft.
Although I still use the double sleeve method with the Silistretcher for ultimate grip.

I don’t remember who mentioned it, but I also tried putting a small pinhole on the Silicap tip and seems to lessen the vacuum that causes fluid build up when the Silicap slides forward.
Putting the pinhole on your Silicap is at your own risk as you are making the hole yourself.

I will keep trying trying the methods above and see how it goes.
I’ve been using the wider long sleeve with Silistretcher last couple of days and it has been working very good.
At first I was using the shorter sleeves because I just thought the long sleeve was too long, but actually I think it grips better due to having more surface area of the shaft.
Although I still use the double sleeve method with the Silistretcher for ultimate grip.

I don’t remember who mentioned it, but I also tried putting a small pinhole on the Silicap tip and seems to lessen the vacuum that causes fluid build up when the Silicap slides forward.
Putting the pinhole on your Silicap is at your own risk as you are making the hole yourself.

I will keep trying trying the methods above and see how it goes.

It seems like the double sleeve nothing is being used by quite a few people but I believe the new Duro sleeves will make all this much easier and allow us to use so much more weight. The pinhole is simply smart!
Do I win a Prize for coming up with the Pinhole idea..Just Joking...Helping fellow Brothers out in our Quest is a good Reward in Itself...But a Free "Mos-Red" would be Oh So Cool too..Lol
That pinhole idea was a great idea (clap)
It seems like the double sleeve nothing is being used by quite a few people but I believe the new Duro sleeves will make all this much easier and allow us to use so much more weight. The pinhole is simply smart!
So I think I came up with the double sleeve thing. Well at least I posted about it (like).
Anyway NIK1 is right on, making things better for the brothers.
Of course, MOS has provided invaluable information and for that I am grateful. (clap)
Not a great wk with SiliStretcher this wk
I was at work and of course had it on and the veltro came apart but was lucky in a dark rm w just one person so was able to catch it before it fell under my shirt n was visible and then just stepped back and stuck it back on real quick
On mother's day while everyone was over I slipped out of SiliStretcher sleeve but luckily had just gone upstairs to change the baby as everybody else finished dinner downstairs
So after that I put new sleeve on and on day 4 I was at work with a bunch of people around me and I just feel out of it but was lucky enough to have my arm at my side n just caught it w my elbow before my manhood feel below my shirt n just calmly walked to bathrm to see what happened. To my surprise the silisleeve had completely ripped in half where silisleeve meets silistretcher
View attachment 1821790
This all happened after I started taking the silisleeve of the SiliStretcher when not use as I read from a post by lightning.
Also noticed this little crack dead center View attachment 1821791
One of the first threads with hanging mentioned I seen was this one so I figure I could ask this here, what would be the minimum weight for hanging? I ask because I have a prince albert and I'm noticing the larger my piercing, the larger the flaccid hang. I currently wear a 2 gauge stainless hoop with another attached and it seems to keep me semi stretched all day.
One of the first threads with hanging mentioned I seen was this one so I figure I could ask this here, what would be the minimum weight for hanging? I ask because I have a prince albert and I'm noticing the larger my piercing, the larger the flaccid hang. I currently wear a 2 gauge stainless hoop with another attached and it seems to keep me semi stretched all day.

Can’t you take out the rings while you train? I mean the minimum weight you can hang could be as little as 1 pound but gains will take a very long time. Maybe you can stick to using your SiliStretcher as an ADS. This will give you lots of time and it should not effect the ring.
Can’t you take out the rings while you train? I mean the minimum weight you can hang could be as little as 1 pound but gains will take a very long time. Maybe you can stick to using your SiliStretcher as an ADS. This will give you lots of time and it should not effect the ring.

Oh no, i take the ring out all the time, i was just wondering as it is a very heavy piercing and i noticed it helps keep me extended all day. I dont use an ADS or a hanger but i do have the heavy piercing. I suppose I just want to know if an ounce or two over years could be beneficial
I found a little trick for the Silicap if you are having problems like me when Hanging.For me the Silicap was pulling up a bit away from the tip of my glans when I was doing my 1 hr hang causing a air pocket at the tip and I was getting a little swelling in that area.When I got the Silipads and tried them they greatly reduced the swelling and puffiness a lot but the silicap was still pulling up a tad at the tip.For me this all started when I was hanging with anything over 8 lbs.I am at 12 lbs now.How I fixed the cap slippage was I took a sewing needle and poked one small hole right at the center tip of the Glans Cap.After doing this the glans cap remains tight and now I get no more pulling up off the tip like I used to.I used this Cap twice now hanging and can confirm it stays put.Just a little trick I thought to share if your having the same problem as me.

I found a little trick for the Silicap if you are having problems like me when Hanging.For me the Silicap was pulling up a bit away from the tip of my glans when I was doing my 1 hr hang causing a air pocket at the tip and I was getting a little swelling in that area.When I got the Silipads and tried them they greatly reduced the swelling and puffiness a lot but the silicap was still pulling up a tad at the tip.For me this all started when I was hanging with anything over 8 lbs.I am at 12 lbs now.How I fixed the cap slippage was I took a sewing needle and poked one small hole right at the center tip of the Glans Cap.After doing this the glans cap remains tight and now I get no more pulling up off the tip like I used to.I used this Cap twice now hanging and can confirm it stays put.Just a little trick I thought to share if your having the same problem as me.
Can you please link to glans cap you bought?
We will be shipping complimentary tension rings to beef up the SIlIStretcher this week and the new SiliSleev Duros will start shipping next weekend.

We will update this thread as soon they are in house.

What are the durps? Are they going to be more durable? I'm asking because my length work is at a halt because I need some sleeves. I can order some today if they will work.
What are the durps? Are they going to be more durable? I'm asking because my length work is at a halt because I need some sleeves. I can order some today if they will work.

The Duro SiliSleeves will be twice the strength. They are scheduled to go out next week but we had some issue with shipping that may delay it a day or two.
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The Duro SiliSleeves will be twice the strength. They are scheduled to go out next week but we had some issue with shipping that may delay it a day or two.

Dang I'll have to wait I suppose. I'm needing something for an ADS but haven't gone wrong with and ACE wrap before. I was going to start doing some hanging but needed sleeves for that. I will probably order one now anyways since I'll only be doing lower weights for now and manual strechtes.
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Dang I'll have to wait I suppose. I'm needing something for an ADS but haven't gone wrong with and ACE wrap before. I was going to start doing some hanging but needed sleeves for that. I will probably order one now anyways since I'll only be doing lower weights for now and manual strechtes.

Definitely order your SiliStretcher now and get used to it, we will send you the Duro sleeves when they come in. Everyone who gives a SiliStretcher review receives the Duro Sleeves at no charge.
What I personally would really like is if you added a cone like autoextender does. The chamber would need to be deeper for that of course.

The more suggestions the better so keep these ideas coming and throw them out here
The New SiliSleev Duros start shipping this Friday, May 31st!
All SiliStretchers now come standard with these New SiliSleev Duros!


These are the new improved SiliSleevs to be used with the SiliStretcher.
They are semi-transparent to better monitor your penis and are very durable.
They are currently available with inside diameters .75" (19mm) & 1" (25mm)
Lengths are 5.7" (145mm) and can be cut by user or we can custom cut to size free of charge.

Current SiliStretcher Owners that are Currently Active in this thread
If you are currently active in this thread, you are eligible for a complimentary set (shipping charges apply). Send an email to sales@mattersofsize.com with your full name and email so we can verify and get you a complimentary set.

Within the next two months, we will have two other diameters and longer lengths available in sizes up to 8" (210mm) long as well as an 8" (210mm) SiliCap.

Get those emails in!
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Thanks @DLD.
This will give me a good guide of where to be with active stretching.

Would the 7lbs active stretching apply to ADS mode as well or do I want to be in a more passive state for ADS?

That’s completely up to you but I feel as though after a length routine I would want to spend a greater amount of time in passive mode. This also depends on which exercise or routine you’re using. For instance if you’re using triangle pyramids by the time you’re done you will want to wear your this also depends on which exercise or routine you’re using. For instance if you’re using Triangle Pyramids by the time you’re done You will only be able to use the silly you will only be able to use the SiliStretcher in passive mode.
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Introducing the new SiliStretcher 2.0

We have performed some major upgrades to the original SiliStretcher based on feedback by all the current users making the best ADS/Hanger combo even better!

New features
  • Reduction to the overall length for stealth and strength
  • A new thicker acrylic formula for strength
  • New long lasting SiliSleev Duros to intensify your stretches
  • Improved vacuum piston system for grip
  • New deeper SiliPads to control fluid retention
  • Reinforcements for heavier hanging/tension stretching
  • DuroBand to add a layer of protection around the SiliStretcher rim
  • New 1.25" (3.2mm) diameter available
The new vacuum piston knob is half the size of the original coming in at 1" (25mm) long. This cuts down the overall length of the SiliStretcher to make it even more stealth and reduce friction on the handle and acrylic bell when hanging heavy weight and intense stretching. This also helps eliminate kinking when side stretching.

Our new thicker acrylic formula and re-enforcement system improves overall strength to the acrylic vacuum bell to eliminate hairline cracks that occasionally happened with the original SiliStretcher.

Our new semi transparent SiliSleev Duros (DuroSleevs)will not only last much longer than the original SiliSleevs but intensify your stretching and hanging sessions while allowing you to monitor your penis.

The new piston system is now set to where the piston travels half the vacuum bell to allow you to insert your penis into the bell, then apply vacuum for more security and control.

We've now added a DuroBand to provide an extra layer of protection around the SiliStretcher rim where the SiliSleev Duro attaches. You simply slide the DuroBand over the SiliSleev at the base of the SIliStretcher. This great addition eliminates wear to the SiliSleev when wearing under jeans and rubbing against the SiliSleev increasing the life of your SiliSleevs & DuroSleevs.

We've also added a new 1.25" diameter SiliStretcher which is the sweet spot for men that don't fully fit in the 1.5" version or find the 1.1" too small. This new 1.25" version will be the perfect fit for most men.

Best of all, if you are a Current SIliStretcher owner and are currently posting updates in this thread, you are eligible for a complimentary 2.0 version (shipping rates apply).
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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