well i tracked for this site like a month and i want to start to do the newbie program.

first i have a few questions guys.

i heard that its dangerous to train 7 days a week because the soft tissues in the penis
they are like muscles and they need 24 hours to rest and rebuild themselvs.
is it true how many days in week it is recomended to train and in which day
it will be the rest day? for example its ok to train from Sunday to friday 6 days in row and
in Saturday take a rest?
another question that i have how much time the workout should take
45 minutes? one hour? and is it recomended to train only once in day or
it should be like twice to increase the effect on penis?
the last question that i have is where do you find tme to train?
i myself live with my parants and sister
so i work and when i come back everybody home and we all need
privacy and space where we can do the workout?
so do you do it when you in the shower because i didnt figure out
if i will go everyday and lock my self in the bathroom for hour it will look
very susspicious and strange so what do you suggest me to do?
and what you do and if someone with problem with time and privacy like
me how you manage the things?

i really glad to join to number 1 forum in the world of Penis Enlargement
and i know there are a great guys and suppertive
that increase their penis from small/avarge to larger from life!!
with a lot of didacation and hard work and patiance.

anyway i want to thank for the people who will answer my questions
best regards (-:
Bully12;449689 said:
well i tracked for this site like a month and i want to start to do the newbie program.

first i have a few questions guys.

i heard that its dangerous to train 7 days a week because the soft tissues in the penis
they are like muscles and they need 24 hours to rest and rebuild themselvs.
is it true how many days in week it is recomended to train and in which day
it will be the rest day? for example its ok to train from Sunday to friday 6 days in row and
in Saturday take a rest?
another question that i have how much time the workout should take
45 minutes? one hour? and is it recomended to train only once in day or
it should be like twice to increase the effect on penis?
the last question that i have is where do you find tme to train?
i myself live with my parants and sister
so i work and when i come back everybody home and we all need
privacy and space where we can do the workout?
so do you do it when you in the shower because i didnt figure out
if i will go everyday and lock my self in the bathroom for hour it will look
very susspicious and strange so what do you suggest me to do?
and what you do and if someone with problem with time and privacy like
me how you manage the things?

i really glad to join to number 1 forum in the world of Penis Enlargement
and i know there are a great guys and suppertive
that increase their penis from small/avarge to larger from life!!
with a lot of didacation and hard work and patiance.

anyway i want to thank for the people who will answer my questions
best regards (-:

Everyone is different and some guys need to go everyday while others will need time off. I have always trained 7 days on no days off. I think this type of schedule promotes a more habitual program. For me days off can quickly turn into weeks off so it is better for me to be a daily trainer. I also believe that the penis only needs 24 hours of recovery before it is trained again. Some guys either do not have the time for this or it may be too difficult at first. In this case I recommend deducting one day at a time until the perfect routine is created. i.e. 6 on 1 off, 5 on 2 off.

It depends on which workout you use when it comes to time. If you are using the Newbie Routine you will be training for an hour a day (about). If you choose to go with something like the 1" in 12 Weeks Workout you may be training in upwards of 12 hours a day::) This is so individual and you really need to know your body and it's rate of repair and rest. Keep in mind that any routine can be made more intense or less by trimming or adding set, reps and super-sets.

Privacy is an issue we all struggle with. It is best to make time by getting up earlier or going to bed later. You can also look for private places within your school or work. I used to use a bathroom in the attic of my old job, no one used the bathroom and I could spend my lunch hour training. I also used to get up a half hour earlier than everybody else to get my length in and I would go to bed a half-hour later to get my girth in. Today I live alone and privacy is no longer an issue.