I have sex a lot with my gf even though she does have chest pains and does not last a long time we still manage to do it a lot. I have been doing exercises since mid dec and my length has increased 2 cm I started off at 22-23cm so now I am 25 cm (pics coming soon). I also gained noticeable thickness very much so. She always said it hurt going in and worried about it going to deep cause it hurt. Since doing these exercises she says sex is more and more painful. In a sick way I am like wow I am mr.well hung so big it hurts but this may be a sign to stop exercising. She asked me today why is your penis still growing its not suppose to grow anymore at 21. I was like its rare that it grows at 21 but I guess it happened. She has had no idea about these exercises I do them in the morning or late at night .
How much foreplay do you engage in? If she's horny as hell, it should help. Redzulu speaks of putting his 7" girth in women after about an hour of oral and foreplay.

Then again, there is the chance that she is just extremely tight (like if her pelvic bone opening is too thin then horniness is not the issue). What is your girth measurement?

So unless she is physiologically incapable of taking really thick cock, it is more a mental problem. The chest pains make me think this is mental. Hypnotherapy, belief reprogramming, meditation or yoga could all help in this instance.
Post some pics up bro, those are some serious claims there...Not doubting you but since i only know of a dude or two that are a real top measured 25cm it would be interesting to post those as proof that there are other mandingos out there.

Measure from abdomen to tip ( from the top ) and post them.

Also, enough about the whole 7" girth requires a huge amount of lube and foreplay...I am over 7" girth and have been for at least 2 years now having started Penis Enlargement at 6.5" mseg.

Sure...it does take a fair amount of spit ( hey i like it better than lube ) OR LUBE and it is a good thing if she is pretty turned on, otherwise she will squirm a bit but only at the beguining, from there on...it's all good and it shows in her eyes.

Banguing the cervix is generally not good for the girls, it hurts, i must say it happens IN ALL POSITIONS for me but then again...i don't really go balls deep anymore because of that...no drama, no pain.

Now measure it and post it and include your routine for those 2 cm gained. What you did, for how long, etc.


AxeMaster911;338702 said:
I have sex a lot with my gf even though she does have chest pains and does not last a long time we still manage to do it a lot. I have been doing exercises since mid dec and my length has increased 2 cm I started off at 22-23cm so now I am 25 cm (pics coming soon). I also gained noticeable thickness very much so. She always said it hurt going in and worried about it going to deep cause it hurt. Since doing these exercises she says sex is more and more painful. In a sick way I am like wow I am mr.well hung so big it hurts but this may be a sign to stop exercising. She asked me today why is your penis still growing its not suppose to grow anymore at 21. I was like its rare that it grows at 21 but I guess it happened. She has had no idea about these exercises I do them in the morning or late at night .

Alright mate, Congrats on your gains! huge unit you got.
Makes sense why your girl complains of pain with something so huge and to be fair if you do try to change your style somewhat than this could help i.e your thrusting, speed, depth etc and pay more attention to her when doing that.

Spend more foreplay and oral on her to her so horny her clit is throbbing and her vaginal lips are easier to part open. I have to spend good time doing foreplay and oral to get them to loosen up well and I read what Mike said regarding him being more than 7 inches girth and it not being so much an issue, however I assume he's with the same woman and maybe been with her for awhile? age? thus far our poll here on vaginal looseness says that age does play a slight role, that coupled her her pussy being conditioned to regular penetration by a very thick cock makes it easier for her.

What I'm saying is, spend more time on foreplay & oral plus get lots of lube brother.

Your length also seems the major thing here, not your girth so unless she's just really tight or your hitting her too deep than you can always adjust.
Hey there,

to start off with, you dont need this kind of exercises, at least not in length if you were 22cm at the start.
Penis Enlargement is for everyone sure, but sometimes you gotta think one step further Imo (this is Imo). If this is a girl that you really love and think that you will live for a long while with you should stop it already. I mean how would you feel if you were the girl and your boyfriend had a dong that could penetrate a whale? Not so nice eh? =P

As many of the others say sure, you can have one HELL of a long foreplay and a HUGE amount of lube but this would, at least for me, take too much time out of my day if I were sexuall active with my girl daily. It's one thing if you guys are meeting each other like 1-2 times a week and having sex. But if you are together often and you enjoy doing quickies or dont wanna spend 1 hour on just the foreplay....I wouldent suggest doing more Penis Enlargement.... since there isnt that much time after work n such a longer Penis isnt what I would've wanted with that size of yours.

But what is it that makes it painful for her? is it the length or is it the girth? And what is your size of the girth?

I hope I helped you a little with my own visions. But good luck with everything!
i think you were asking should you stop pe because your gf can't handle the gains..well my answer is are you peing soley for her or is it more so for yourself..if it is just for her then you should respect the fact that she can't take too much more and slow down on the pe but if it's for you and your esteem then i say forge ahead...and hopefully she will get acclimated to it...for a small population of woman vaginal sex is just painful, they can't take too much but then again if a woman can give birth through it she shouldn't have any problems taking you after she adjust to your size.
yah I understand its claims like that that people are like yah right. I am very blessed before pe yes and after its just crazy , she wont use lube cause a friend of hers said she is so wet that she never needs lube but her friends bf has a small penis apparently where as I am well endowed
If you love her and she is more than happy with the size you have now than I suggest you stop Penis Enlargement and concentrate on a living relationship.
Or maybe you just do kegels and a very light jelqing routine to keep your errections rock hard.
If this is the woman you really love and the sex already hurts, more size wouldn't make her happy...

1" thick silicone, foam or rubber donuts placed a the base of the penis will allow those in your situation to have full depth sex while keeping out of painful area in the partner.
AdmiralLongDong;338845 said:
I had thought to reply here. Then I thought naw, ain't worth it. I feel slightly trolled.

What happen?