So a while ago I had a thread saying my wife found my pe stuff but over the weekend something way worse happened, so I had a house warming party I was in my kitchen with about 15 people when my brother & sister in law walk in they were searching for the strobe light & for some reason they thought they'd look through all my drawers in my bedroom & without even thinking about it they walk in & loudly say we found your cock pump & a whole heap of other shit, everyone started laughing & asking why I had it I swear I've never been so embarrassed in my entire life people started questioning me about what I was doing with it & what else I had I could start to feel myself getting pissed off & I guess people could tell I was about to lose my shit so they backed off & didn't speak of it again but I had a pretty decent go at my brother & sister in law for going through my private stuff, not sure how I'm gonna live this one down I assumed if someone found my stuff it'd be one or two people not a house full of people it was even worse than my worst case scenario