Here's what my [words=!!!]LM[/words] routine consists of. I do this ad least once a day preferably before I go into to [words=]SG[/words] or [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I've also stopped taking days off.
- hot towel warm-up, I fill a large plastic popcorn bowl full of steaming hot water with a wash clothe
- [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for 6 min. (you can do more if you please)
- put on [words=!!!]LM[/words] and bundle twice, start by doing your straight out stretches while doing rolls. It will be hard to do rolls once you start stretching even if your conditioned so get your penis used to the rolls so you can do them with ease for all the other directions while doing straight out stretches. ( I roll so the top of the chamber with the grooves is facing up, which feels the most natural to me, you also want the two metal screws pointing away from you ) Also I just use the bundle chamber, The [words=]PA[/words] I use for inner penis stretching but thats a different story.
- when I finish straight out I go to the upward stretches, for these your going to want to roll in the opposite direction so your rolling and pulling towards your face so you can feel that strong upward stretch feeling.
- next I do downward stretches, I'm even leaning back while doing these. I do them under my left and right leg. I also do the V-stretch during this phase.
- now it's time for the btc stretches. stretch while rolled btw the regular way. After you do those for a little, it's time to stretch and place the [words=!!!]LM[/words] chamber behind your upper ass cheeks with the screws facing directly away from you. The higher you put the [words=!!!]LM[/words] on your ass the more intense the stretch becomes. You can also lean back while doing these.
- Last is the btc lazy stretches. Sit down and simply do lazy stretches while leaning back. After those are done, still in the lazy stretch position, we are going to lean all the way back slowly until your back is resting on the bed like your going to sleep with your legs hanging off the bed to add leverage. Take a deep breath a relax as you feel the wonderful stretch feeling for these! This is the best and most powerful stretch I know and you feel an insanely good stretch. So save the best for last basically.
- I then take off the [words=!!!]LM[/words] and while still wrapped, I do 25 slow cranks using two hands as hard as I can.
- The stretching session is now 100% complete, after this I usually do the hot towel warm-down. If It's ealy or mid day I put on the [words=]SG[/words]. If it's late I will jump right into girth.
The whole time I'm doing this I'm bundled twice while doing rolls. I will switch up bundling to the left and right. For example I will bundle to the right while doing all the stretches besides the btc stretches. Then when it's time to do the btc stretches I will bundle to the left. When it's time for the next stretching session I will do the other stretches bundled to the left and do the more powerful btc stretches to the right. That's everything I think. Please feel free to add anything. Thanks for reading.
- hot towel warm-up, I fill a large plastic popcorn bowl full of steaming hot water with a wash clothe
- [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for 6 min. (you can do more if you please)
- put on [words=!!!]LM[/words] and bundle twice, start by doing your straight out stretches while doing rolls. It will be hard to do rolls once you start stretching even if your conditioned so get your penis used to the rolls so you can do them with ease for all the other directions while doing straight out stretches. ( I roll so the top of the chamber with the grooves is facing up, which feels the most natural to me, you also want the two metal screws pointing away from you ) Also I just use the bundle chamber, The [words=]PA[/words] I use for inner penis stretching but thats a different story.
- when I finish straight out I go to the upward stretches, for these your going to want to roll in the opposite direction so your rolling and pulling towards your face so you can feel that strong upward stretch feeling.
- next I do downward stretches, I'm even leaning back while doing these. I do them under my left and right leg. I also do the V-stretch during this phase.
- now it's time for the btc stretches. stretch while rolled btw the regular way. After you do those for a little, it's time to stretch and place the [words=!!!]LM[/words] chamber behind your upper ass cheeks with the screws facing directly away from you. The higher you put the [words=!!!]LM[/words] on your ass the more intense the stretch becomes. You can also lean back while doing these.
- Last is the btc lazy stretches. Sit down and simply do lazy stretches while leaning back. After those are done, still in the lazy stretch position, we are going to lean all the way back slowly until your back is resting on the bed like your going to sleep with your legs hanging off the bed to add leverage. Take a deep breath a relax as you feel the wonderful stretch feeling for these! This is the best and most powerful stretch I know and you feel an insanely good stretch. So save the best for last basically.
- I then take off the [words=!!!]LM[/words] and while still wrapped, I do 25 slow cranks using two hands as hard as I can.
- The stretching session is now 100% complete, after this I usually do the hot towel warm-down. If It's ealy or mid day I put on the [words=]SG[/words]. If it's late I will jump right into girth.
The whole time I'm doing this I'm bundled twice while doing rolls. I will switch up bundling to the left and right. For example I will bundle to the right while doing all the stretches besides the btc stretches. Then when it's time to do the btc stretches I will bundle to the left. When it's time for the next stretching session I will do the other stretches bundled to the left and do the more powerful btc stretches to the right. That's everything I think. Please feel free to add anything. Thanks for reading.