kegeing flaccid vs erect

When I usually kegel it's when I'm flaccid but when I'm erect I don't feel my pc muscle my erect penis just goes up and gets harder am I doing it right and also what's the best way to kegel.
You're in the right boat...your muscle makes your penis jump up like that when erect. You can do great routines with this....Just squeez...
Whatever way you kegel works fine. I like to do 50 to 100 short ones, then do a whole bunch of 5 second holds , then 10 second holds, etc. and then end up holding it as long as I can until the muscle is completely exhausted.

Once I establish a regular daily kegel routine, I do them all the time without even thinking about it. It's a hell of a lot better than biting my fingernails.


The more I vary it, just like my regular routine, the less bored I get. I'm blessed in that after 31 months, I still find P.E. exciting.
That's a sure sign your "kegeling" muscle is weak. You'll be amazed as you develop that muscle how easy it will be to stop the flow.

I don't think it really matters whether you are sitting down or standing up. I like to kegel when I'm in the car, going to and from work.

The great thing about kegels is that you can do them anywhere, anytime, and noone will know the difference.
I think that kegeling while erect is actually better than flaccid. When I think about it, the extra weight that an erection has will actually work as resistance to the PC muscle in a much more intense manner than with a light flaccid penis.
Penis Enlargementing is getting very frustrating I'm kegeling everyday and still I get no results, is your pc muscle suppose to be sore after you flex it for a while because if that is the case mine don't.