Just thought about this

I just realized I have no friends. I've been rooming with a guy all year who I thought was a good friend, but I'm starting to feel like once he moves out of the dorms this next semester, I'm not going to talk to him at all after this, and with that, there goes my connection to a lot of other people.

He's a pretty funny and social guy, and he's a lot better at social interaction that I thought I ever was. Maybe spending literally a year with this guy has made me lose my social skills because I never wanted to be embarrassed around others for saying something stupid, or just because I didnt know what to say. I feel like I was better at interacting with people before I met this dude. I'm thinking about it now, and I just feel like a third wheel all the time, like I can never hold a conversation on my own and that I'm just awkward as hell. I honestly dont know what to do. I don't know what social circle to attempt to get into, because I dont even know what the hell my own interests are.

And the worst thing is this social confidence comes and goes, so one day I feel like I can take on the world, and other days I feel like this. Maybe this is just one of the swings.
God fucking dammit.
I know how you feel, we all go through phases of this, up and down. Sometimes we're on a high for a really long time, and when we hit the low it is so low, after a high it feels like the end of the world. It doesn't feel like you can move on but it passes, not everyone can be the most popular, and not everyone can be the one everyone likes, and sometimes it has to be that way for some of us because that is how life is. Take this time to learn about yourself and find things to appreciate about it that you wouldn't have if you were bogged down with hundreds of friends. Like things about you, and I mean really really like them, and people that you like will begin liking you too.

A forum is a great way to communicate with other people but it is so quiet and it can feel so lonely there just isn't enough you can do on a forum to "fix it" for somebody else. Take some time off from your routine and do some things you like doing like going on a walk to a beautiful park, see a movie, or visit the city. When you begin to take the focus off what is really hurting you other things will make themselves present to you and you will start opening up. What is bothering is not really being lonely it has to do with something you are not happy about with where you are. I guarantee when you find that you will start finding happiness.
Same boat here. Just try remain positive, god knows its hard but have faith and remember it can only get better! Try to use art to help you with thoughts and maybe look into the Law Of Attraction to bring about more positivity because it really does work. If your religious, remember we're never alone and god is always with us and you can pray to god, Jesus Christ and the Saints anytime you want ... St Jude would be a good one to ask for help from in Desperate times. Check Art of attraction section for more on that.

I have had miracles happen in my life from positivity and my trust in faith, you dont need to be heavily into Church either but one day things do look up. We dont need a massive circle of freinds and going out at night getting pissed hooking up with women, its not the life at all. Have a small group of freinds and we here on [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] are freinds! This is part of my life and has been a great aid to me in my recovery of various ailments and distresses in my life so dont be afraid to ask on here and will be honest in saying [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] has been a great support for me in very troubling times, one of which I'm going through now.

This is a rare place, a place of not just big dick making but healing, support, fun, freedom, debates YOU NAME IT because here its a cyber support group aswell as a place for penis enlargement. If only I had come here and talked about my alcohol addiction when it started.
Hey, you got more friends here than you can shake a stick at! We all love you dearly and will always be here for you.
Hey bluetard,

How old are ya? Yeah...don't worry; it's all a part of you finding out who you are. Everyone on the planet goes through this to one extent or another, for however long it takes to either discover who you are or decide who you want to be.

It's kinda coincidental you bring this up just as I'm reading George Carlin's "Last Words".
His "sortabiography", (I kinda revere GC as a rebellious genius I gotta admit) in which he not only writes about his life, but also his struggles with the exact same issues you're bringing up here and how he used this challenge to finally become who he really wanted to be for many years.

If you wanna read a damn good book, laff yer ass off at some damn good George Carlin and maybe recognize some similarities in order to grab a little growth, then, I'll tell ya; you can't beat this book.

And, don't stres too much; relaxed is the best way to greet life; the universe ain't in no hurry, why should you be?

Good luck.
"Friends" is such a damn subjective term these days. I have "50 friends" on my facebook page...how many do I actually do anything "friends" do together with? ZERO. Hell, real life people I've associated with are as flakey as a mangy dog. There's always a game, a sport, a girl, a guy, or some other thing they'd rather mess with. I don't care. Why should I? I've got my own stuff to do as well. I'm my own best friend.
stillwantmore2;430505 said:
"Friends" is such a damn subjective term these days. I have "50 friends" on my facebook page...how many do I actually do anything "friends" do together with? ZERO. Hell, real life people I've associated with are as flakey as a mangy dog. There's always a game, a sport, a girl, a guy, or some other thing they'd rather mess with. I don't care. Why should I? I've got my own stuff to do as well. I'm my own best friend.

The older you get the more you realize the number of friends you have is not as important as what the friends you have mean to you. At a young age a number is important to you when you get older who truly has your back is what is important.
stillwantmore2;430505 said:
"Friends" is such a damn subjective term these days. I have "50 friends" on my facebook page...how many do I actually do anything "friends" do together with? ZERO. Hell, real life people I've associated with are as flakey as a mangy dog. There's always a game, a sport, a girl, a guy, or some other thing they'd rather mess with. I don't care. Why should I? I've got my own stuff to do as well. I'm my own best friend.

The older you get the more you realize the number of friends you have is not as important as what the friends you have mean to you. At a young age a number is important to you when you get older who truly has your back is what is important.
Making friend locally should be as easy as requesting friends, locally on facebook. This way you can find men who have similar interests to you and hopefully meet up with a few in real life. Don't feel too bad though, all of my friends are online, period.
I have found that some of my best loyal friends have been animals and I remember a local bird of prey that I trained and tamed as a young lad and than released him back into the wild. He nested and stayed near to where I lived and when I would go for walks or skip school he would sometimes be nearby sitting watching me ... would let me go near him but not stroke him like old ... I got the message that he didnt want his freinds to see him mixing with a human :) i.e. his street rep! however I was being attacked one day by a nasty little shit who always picked on me. He was with two other lads and they were getting nasty in this area where my bird friend lived ... by luck I saw him to my right as they were getting heavy and I remembered learning him to respond to a whistle I knew and so I did it because I was desperate for help here and guess what? he actually flew over like a bat out of hell and bombed down right onto the fat lads face tearing a chunk out of it with his huge magnificent talons ... he than shot up and came around for a second go like an A-10 tank buster he scratched another and tried biting the third ... before I knew it they all ran like fuck with blood on them and memories not to mess with me again.

I rewarded him with some gestures he understood as good boy and later one brought him back some fresh meat. I mention this story because animals have never let me down once. From the strong loyal Alsation dogs that fight to the death for the master to my beuiftiful parakeets of today who provide me with many hours of company and love .... I love nature and animals, they are always our friend and will ALWAYS listen to us ... remember that! They know us deep down better than anyone, they really do.
REDZULU2003;430655 said:
I have found that some of my best loyal friends have been animals and I remember a local bird of prey that I trained and tamed as a young lad and than released him back into the wild. He nested and stayed near to where I lived and when I would go for walks or skip school he would sometimes be nearby sitting watching me ... would let me go near him but not stroke him like old ... I got the message that he didnt want his freinds to see him mixing with a human :) i.e. his street rep! however I was being attacked one day by a nasty little shit who always picked on me. He was with two other lads and they were getting nasty in this area where my bird friend lived ... by luck I saw him to my right as they were getting heavy and I remembered learning him to respond to a whistle I knew and so I did it because I was desperate for help here and guess what? he actually flew over like a bat out of hell and bombed down right onto the fat lads face tearing a chunk out of it with his huge magnificent talons ... he than shot up and came around for a second go like an A-10 tank buster he scratched another and tried biting the third ... before I knew it they all ran like fuck with blood on them and memories not to mess with me again.

I rewarded him with some gestures he understood as good boy and later one brought him back some fresh meat. I mention this story because animals have never let me down once. From the strong loyal Alsation dogs that fight to the death for the master to my beuiftiful parakeets of today who provide me with many hours of company and love .... I love nature and animals, they are always our friend and will ALWAYS listen to us ... remember that! They know us deep down better than anyone, they really do.

Whoa, that's a COOL story!
Red, I love that story.
When a guy has friends like that you can really connect with the true strength of the love that's still in this world, even though we don't see much evidence of in our everyday lives.

That was one extremely fulfilling aspect of the military; I made some friends for life-guys I knew damn well had my ass through thick and thin. We all knew, at a deep, unspoken level, that we'd each live or die for the other.

Like I like to say, "Life's too damn long to carry a grudge and too damn short to ignore old friends."

Bluetard, if you ever do make a friend of that depth (male, female...critter) cherish it, for it is truly a rare thing indeed. And you'll know it the instant it happens.
REDZULU2003;430655 said:
I have found that some of my best loyal friends have been animals and I remember a local bird of prey that I trained and tamed as a young lad and than released him back into the wild. He nested and stayed near to where I lived and when I would go for walks or skip school he would sometimes be nearby sitting watching me ... would let me go near him but not stroke him like old ... I got the message that he didnt want his freinds to see him mixing with a human :) i.e. his street rep! however I was being attacked one day by a nasty little shit who always picked on me. He was with two other lads and they were getting nasty in this area where my bird friend lived ... by luck I saw him to my right as they were getting heavy and I remembered learning him to respond to a whistle I knew and so I did it because I was desperate for help here and guess what? he actually flew over like a bat out of hell and bombed down right onto the fat lads face tearing a chunk out of it with his huge magnificent talons ... he than shot up and came around for a second go like an A-10 tank buster he scratched another and tried biting the third ... before I knew it they all ran like fuck with blood on them and memories not to mess with me again.

I rewarded him with some gestures he understood as good boy and later one brought him back some fresh meat. I mention this story because animals have never let me down once. From the strong loyal Alsation dogs that fight to the death for the master to my beuiftiful parakeets of today who provide me with many hours of company and love .... I love nature and animals, they are always our friend and will ALWAYS listen to us ... remember that! They know us deep down better than anyone, they really do.

thats like with this documentary about this lion and these two blokes raised over in england before they released it into the wild of africa, they went back years later and everyone even professionals said would kill them but it ran up and played with them. Animals are always loyal and do not forget a person. good story.

P.S to the thread starter i know this is gay corny advice but i can tell you everyone digs a person that is always smiling and laughing. if you go to classes just go sit next to people and say something funny now and then but dont be desperate. if you feel awkward then say youve got to go somewhere and leave otherwise next time they wont be as inclined to talk to you, that's the truth.
Benji;432423 said:
P.S to the thread starter i know this is gay corny advice but i can tell you everyone digs a person that is always smiling and laughing. if you go to classes just go sit next to people and say something funny now and then but dont be desperate. if you feel awkward then say youve got to go somewhere and leave otherwise next time they wont be as inclined to talk to you, that's the truth.

So true now that I think about it!
Wow red, that's an awesome story! Its a reminder to me that we as living creatures are never truly alone, not even for 5 seconds! Even if there's only a fly in the room or down to the microscopic level, germs, everything around us is ALIVE and existing alongside us. We are all connected, and even animals can express love and respect for each other and us. Cheers
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