Just wanted to let some of my stress loose and perhaps gain some support from you guys.
It will be 9 months, as of Feb. 16, since I started such drastic changes in my life. I have learned so many beautiful things and experienced some ugly ones. I always try to look at my life as seeds I have planted and the result of this planting is the results of my past. Seeing life with optimism does get hard for me. I know that so many people expect me to have everything together, have my life in order and ultimately growing and getting better but sometimes it just does not seem this way.
When Jen left me, 9 months ago, it was tragic, I had lost my other half, the driving force in much of my life. This is when I decided to embark on ALPHA+BLADE, an idea that would take advantage of all the pain I was going through and produce guidelines for other people to change their lives for the better. SOme things were easy. The penis was easy, as Jen fully supported me in my endeavors. She was an endless source of support and love. This made my life seem limitless. I had been ostracized from Thund3rs Pl@ce and I was able to create a site that would grow to be one of the biggest ever. This was and is incredible. My weight (at the time she left 260lbs.) also was easy. I attacked weight loss and muscle gain with the same motivations that made Penis Enlargement possible. In 4 short months I was at 145lb. and my body looked like a different person (if only Jen could see me) The ALPHA+BLADE studios, the apartment JEN and me shared for 5 years was underway but due to financial crushes it came to a screeching halt a couple of months ago. This is hard but I can endure, I can survive this, I know it. The toughest part of the apartment, believe it or not, is getting up and facing each day with no comforts (aside from the computer and cable access, thank you guys for your donations!) Having no electricity, bathroom and kitchen was something I was willing to endure to prove that I would see this project through. Miraculously, I make it through each day and get to the next. It is like a perverted version of SURVIVOR.
In addition to the financial hardships the injury I sustained has been difficult too, getting back to normal function, something the doctors said would be impossible, is something I have done. The pain in incredible sometimes but I can do everything they said I would not be able to do. It was like a nightmarish pit-stop in a surreal world that was nothing like I remembered only months before. I still ask myself, wtf happened. I look in the mirror and I see a miracle on so many levels but I still struggle with understanding it all.
Jen, oh beautiful Jen, how I miss her so. This is the hardest. I am constantly charting my past with her and finding myself wishing to change everything I ever did to hurt her. I see places, people, things that just strike up so much emotion and I feel totally helpless is changing any of it. She left without a trace, no calls, no letters, no contact at all and it has been hard. Having her with me for 5 years and loving so much more than I ever admitted haunts me still and sometimes consumes me at levels that are unexplainable. I sometimes believe no one can relate to this pain, no one can possibly understand and it prevents me from even talking about it. Like a total helplessness. I know she is in Worcester, Massachusetts but I don't dare even try to go there in fear of being hurt beyond my wildest dreams. It gets so lonely sometimes and I guess I dip into depression. My son told me to make my signature say JEN IS COMING HOME ON VALENTINES DAY and now on the eve of that day, I find myself childishly sad.
I had imagined ALPHA+BLADE done, Jen home, my life back in order and everything better than I could ever imagine but it is just not this way. I don't want life after JEN, nor do I have any interest in anyone else but her but I also know what the world says about this. Where do I go from here guys?
It will be 9 months, as of Feb. 16, since I started such drastic changes in my life. I have learned so many beautiful things and experienced some ugly ones. I always try to look at my life as seeds I have planted and the result of this planting is the results of my past. Seeing life with optimism does get hard for me. I know that so many people expect me to have everything together, have my life in order and ultimately growing and getting better but sometimes it just does not seem this way.
When Jen left me, 9 months ago, it was tragic, I had lost my other half, the driving force in much of my life. This is when I decided to embark on ALPHA+BLADE, an idea that would take advantage of all the pain I was going through and produce guidelines for other people to change their lives for the better. SOme things were easy. The penis was easy, as Jen fully supported me in my endeavors. She was an endless source of support and love. This made my life seem limitless. I had been ostracized from Thund3rs Pl@ce and I was able to create a site that would grow to be one of the biggest ever. This was and is incredible. My weight (at the time she left 260lbs.) also was easy. I attacked weight loss and muscle gain with the same motivations that made Penis Enlargement possible. In 4 short months I was at 145lb. and my body looked like a different person (if only Jen could see me) The ALPHA+BLADE studios, the apartment JEN and me shared for 5 years was underway but due to financial crushes it came to a screeching halt a couple of months ago. This is hard but I can endure, I can survive this, I know it. The toughest part of the apartment, believe it or not, is getting up and facing each day with no comforts (aside from the computer and cable access, thank you guys for your donations!) Having no electricity, bathroom and kitchen was something I was willing to endure to prove that I would see this project through. Miraculously, I make it through each day and get to the next. It is like a perverted version of SURVIVOR.
In addition to the financial hardships the injury I sustained has been difficult too, getting back to normal function, something the doctors said would be impossible, is something I have done. The pain in incredible sometimes but I can do everything they said I would not be able to do. It was like a nightmarish pit-stop in a surreal world that was nothing like I remembered only months before. I still ask myself, wtf happened. I look in the mirror and I see a miracle on so many levels but I still struggle with understanding it all.
Jen, oh beautiful Jen, how I miss her so. This is the hardest. I am constantly charting my past with her and finding myself wishing to change everything I ever did to hurt her. I see places, people, things that just strike up so much emotion and I feel totally helpless is changing any of it. She left without a trace, no calls, no letters, no contact at all and it has been hard. Having her with me for 5 years and loving so much more than I ever admitted haunts me still and sometimes consumes me at levels that are unexplainable. I sometimes believe no one can relate to this pain, no one can possibly understand and it prevents me from even talking about it. Like a total helplessness. I know she is in Worcester, Massachusetts but I don't dare even try to go there in fear of being hurt beyond my wildest dreams. It gets so lonely sometimes and I guess I dip into depression. My son told me to make my signature say JEN IS COMING HOME ON VALENTINES DAY and now on the eve of that day, I find myself childishly sad.
I had imagined ALPHA+BLADE done, Jen home, my life back in order and everything better than I could ever imagine but it is just not this way. I don't want life after JEN, nor do I have any interest in anyone else but her but I also know what the world says about this. Where do I go from here guys?