I am looking to get in a high volume of hanging this month and am going to really try and keep my focus on the minutes being 120 or more per day. Any encouragement is welcome and anyone wanting to join and go for a great month is welcome!

9/1 28 minutes
9/2 163
9/3 142
Airshy, noticed you're makin good gains....what's your routine, just hangin? What kinda of weight and angles are we talkin? I'm thinkin about backin off the heavy hangin and doing longer times with less weight. Didn't u do a write up that was an alternative to the standard 20 minute sets?
I'll join in I only been hangin bout 40 minutes per day this week at 10 pounds straight out I just started straight out im about to start goin for about 10+ sets per day I hit 2 sets today im bout to go hit bout 3 more... what weight and angle you doin right now
I mix it up pretty good these days on the angle. I hammer the shit out of one angle usually for 2-3 hours of hangtime and then move on. I do a lot of SD, SU, and SO. i also find it very effective to use a simple fulcrum on SD (rolled t-shirt under penis before hanger) to stress the stretch on the tunica going down, and vice versa for SU hanging. I think this is the simplest way to benefit from a fulcrum and it does provide a different stretch for sure.

My weight hovers from the 7.5-12.5 pound but I dont care about weight only reaching fatigue. Because I do a few hours a day I do not feel the need to punish myself each set as much I used to because I know given time with not much rest I will create the fatigue I need to gain.

Good luck and please join me for the rest of the month!!

(Didn't u do a write up that was an alternative to the standard 20 minute sets?)

yes I vary the pressure often when I stretch to create fatigue. From manually pulling on the hanger for short periods of time to acutually doing more interval type training with the weights.
nice man im joining in I've done 3 sets today at 20 mins each I'm not the guy that wrote up an alternative you must have me mixed up with someone else. My problem is privacy I don't want people poppin in my room and see me hangin I dont have a lock on my door. I might bang out a couple more sets tonight before I go to sleep. Then tomorrow once I get done with my classes at college and hit some weights Ima bang sets all weekend, nothin but SO I been doin SD for a while and didnt really gain (I stopped at 8 pounds and didnt hang more than an hour a day so thats probably why) so Ima bang out some SO for this month and I might do some SU. We can keep each other updated on how many sets we bang out this weekend I want to get about 10 sets a day this weekend at 10 pounds so if it's possible for me with my privacy problem. I might put 12 on if I'm feelin good.
sounds good keep it up. I have to travel this weekend but will be back on my computer sunday night. I am going to do my best to get in some hanging.
i wanted to comment on BTC hanging and what I have noticed. one of the reasons i think it is so effective is because it pulls in 2 directions. downward force as well as a curve on the tunica stretching it down (stretching the top portion). this can be achieved easily at other angles and the difference in stretch is immediatly noticable.
9/1 28 minutes
9/2 163
9/3 142
9/4 172
9/5 128
9/6 90
9/7 52
9/8 245
9/9 0
9/10 157
9/11 186
9/12 140
9/13 0
9/14 54
9/15 186
9/16 200
9/17 186
updated hanging chart (there were a few hangs I did after the input)

9/1/2007 71
9/2/2007 28
9/3/2007 163
9/4/2007 142 60
9/5/2007 172
9/6/2007 246
9/7/2007 118
9/8/2007 90
9/9/2007 0
9/10/2007 157
9/11/2007 186
9/12/2007 142
9/13/2007 140
9/14/2007 0
9/15/2007 54
9/16/2007 52
9/17/2007 208
9/18/2007 206
9/19/2007 110
9/20/2007 120 90
9/21/2007 177 210
9/22/2007 188 280
avg 126/ day
9/1/2007 71
9/2/2007 28
9/3/2007 163
9/4/2007 142 60
9/5/2007 172
9/6/2007 246
9/7/2007 118
9/8/2007 90
9/9/2007 0
9/10/2007 157
9/11/2007 186
9/12/2007 142
9/13/2007 140
9/14/2007 0
9/15/2007 54
9/16/2007 52
9/17/2007 208
9/18/2007 206
9/19/2007 110
9/20/2007 120
9/21/2007 177
9/22/2007 188
9/23 165
9/24 211
9/26 123

I am finishing this month strong. Come my next measurment I am more than determined to see a .25 inch plus gain. Motivation comes in waves but the trick for me is to screw whether or not i am motivated every day and just do it. my mind has been made up. i am going to 9 inch BPFSL and refuse to let up. that was my goal when i started this and for now my focus is set.

here i come baby. oct 20th is my measure date and i hope to be surprised. whatever happens i will keep the work up but i have put in my time and been smart through the process daily for 6 months. best luck in gains to all of you working your ass off too!!!

because of Penis Enlargement:
i am more flexible than every in my hips from BTC legs apart hanging!

i have a much bigger penis

i have remembered what it is like to be truly committed to something. during this process i have dropped from 200 to 180 lbs at 6 feet and am 9% body fat. i have gotten my deadlift back up to 455 which i have not done in years.

i have one more thing to look forward to everyday that i do for myself. the hard training, this website, your posts, and the confirmation anything is possible.
9/1/2007 71
9/2/2007 28
9/3/2007 163
9/4/2007 142 60
9/5/2007 172
9/6/2007 246
9/7/2007 118
9/8/2007 90
9/9/2007 0
9/10/2007 157
9/11/2007 186
9/12/2007 142
9/13/2007 140
9/14/2007 0
9/15/2007 54
9/16/2007 52
9/17/2007 208
9/18/2007 206
9/19/2007 110
9/20/2007 120
9/21/2007 177
9/22/2007 188
9/23 165
9/24 211
9/26 175
9/27 0
9/28 123
9/29 119
9/30 120

results in 30 days:

average day was 127 minutes per day!!!