Hey Guys,
Several years ago (probably 6 years ago) I used a [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]penis pump[/words] for the first time. Not knowing much about pumping I applied too much pressure. My penis got extremely big, once I released the valve I took my penis out of the pump. I started getting blisters on my penis and it was sore. Also, I got some discoloration not on the penis but around my fat pad on the pelvic. The veins on my penis also got really big.
I went to two different Urologists and they said everything appeared normal. They even had a ultrasound done and checked out the arteries, veins, corpa cavernosa (think I spelled it right) and everything appeared normal as well.
Now when I get an erection my penis is not curved at all, therefore indicating there shouldn't be anything wrong with the tunica. But you know the inner part of the penis that doesn't show, when I feel the inner part of the penis by taking my finger and feeling along the inner penis by going over top the scrotum sack, it doesn't feel particularly smooth and I feel chunks of tissue in different places that almost feel like they were disconnected from other parts of a tissue as if they were torn. At least I think I'm feeling the tissue along the inner penis.
The Ultrasound the Urologist did doesn't show soft tissue.
1) Obviouisly, I have nothing else to compare to as I only have one penis but the soft tissue I'm referring to along the inner penis is that normal?
2) Could the tissue I'm feeling be something else and maybe it's not on the inner penis but tissue for something else in the scrotum sack?
3) Can these chunks of tissue along the inner penis affect Penis Enlargement?
4) I noticed that most men when they get an erection their penis points stratight out. My penis points quite a bit to the left. Is this normal?
Several years ago (probably 6 years ago) I used a [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]penis pump[/words] for the first time. Not knowing much about pumping I applied too much pressure. My penis got extremely big, once I released the valve I took my penis out of the pump. I started getting blisters on my penis and it was sore. Also, I got some discoloration not on the penis but around my fat pad on the pelvic. The veins on my penis also got really big.
I went to two different Urologists and they said everything appeared normal. They even had a ultrasound done and checked out the arteries, veins, corpa cavernosa (think I spelled it right) and everything appeared normal as well.
Now when I get an erection my penis is not curved at all, therefore indicating there shouldn't be anything wrong with the tunica. But you know the inner part of the penis that doesn't show, when I feel the inner part of the penis by taking my finger and feeling along the inner penis by going over top the scrotum sack, it doesn't feel particularly smooth and I feel chunks of tissue in different places that almost feel like they were disconnected from other parts of a tissue as if they were torn. At least I think I'm feeling the tissue along the inner penis.
The Ultrasound the Urologist did doesn't show soft tissue.
1) Obviouisly, I have nothing else to compare to as I only have one penis but the soft tissue I'm referring to along the inner penis is that normal?
2) Could the tissue I'm feeling be something else and maybe it's not on the inner penis but tissue for something else in the scrotum sack?
3) Can these chunks of tissue along the inner penis affect Penis Enlargement?
4) I noticed that most men when they get an erection their penis points stratight out. My penis points quite a bit to the left. Is this normal?