Hello all -
I am finally done moving into my new place and got all my internet wires done and such.
I have been notified some of you gotten confussed with our product. Yes it is a [words=https://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=113512&s=1220]JES[/words] [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] but we have the rights to sell it as the ViMax [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]Extender[/words] :)

Sorry if there was any confussion.
If you hvae any quesitons feel free to ask or PM Me ... I prefeer pm's as they are way easier to manage then these forums

PM's may be easier to manage, but by posting in the forums you may avoid being asked the same question several times, and by being cross examined you gain integrity with our crowd. You are right, there is a TON of confusion.

For the first question, why not market it as a [words=https://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=113512&s=1220]JES[/words] [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]Extender[/words] in the first place? I understand you may have the rights, but wouldn't it be easier to market the [words=https://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=113512&s=1220]JES[/words] if that's what you are going to send?
Second, why do the clinical trials on the Vimax and [words=https://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=113512&s=1220]Jesextender[/words] web sites conflict with each other: http://www.jes-extender.dk/template...?catalog_id=255 and http://www.vimaxextender.com/clinic-results.html . Which is it 2,8cm or inch's? If you read the trials then it is obvious that they are the same ones. I posted this before but got no response. I think I may have indirectly answered your question here AlloyCG and mine I suppose.
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AlloyCG said:
PM's may be easier to manage, but by posting in the forums you may avoid being asked the same question several times, and by being cross examined you gain integrity with our crowd. You are right, there is a TON of confusion.

For the first question, why not market it as a [words=https://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=113512&s=1220]JES[/words] [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]Extender[/words] in the first place? I understand you may have the rights, but wouldn't it be easier to market the [words=https://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=113512&s=1220]JES[/words] if that's what you are going to send?
We have a whole line of products that we have used the Name ViMax with and we just wanted to keep with that name :) We never hid the fact that it was a [words=https://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=113512&s=1220]jes[/words] [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] as on our site it states the doctors name.
It was just a branding thing for us :)

TomdW : The Offical [words=https://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=113512&s=1220]jes[/words] [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] page has not been updated in ages as far as I know :)

DlD: Great to beat in the new place. I hate moving lol
I checked out the study data... it's two different studies with logically different results. Have you always owned both [words=https://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=113512&s=1220]JES[/words] and Vimax?
What would the page being updated have to do with it? Wouldn't it be so that the original quoted results were the correct ones and the results posted after that were modified? How would it occur that the results were posted firstly on the [words=https://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=113512&s=1220]jes[/words] page wrongly then later on the vimax page correctly? Was it an initial mistake on the [words=https://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=113512&s=1220]jes[/words] page or were the results modified when the stretcher was re-marketed as the vimax to make the gains appear better. These are the only two possibilities that I can think of as it is impossible to do the exact same study twice at different times which is one of two alternatives that could lead you to need to 'update' the [words=https://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=113512&s=1220]jes[/words] site. The other is that you did an extremely similar study which resulted in exactly the same measurements as in the first study but in inch's instead of in cm's. Both sound fishy. Any further explaination available?
AlloyCG said:
I checked out the study data... it's two different studies with logically different results. Have you always owned both [words=https://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=113512&s=1220]JES[/words] and Vimax?

[words=https://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=113512&s=1220]JES[/words] site:
The average result of [words=https://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=113512&s=1220]Jes-Extender[/words] treatment was an increase in erect length of 2,8 cm (1.1 Inch) after 1100 hours at 1200 g [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] force. The corresponding flaccid increase is 1,9 cm or 0.75 inch.

Viamax site:
The average result of treatment with Vimax [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]Extender[/words] was an increase in erect length of 2,8 inches after 1100 hours (12-14 weeks) at 1200 g [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] force. The corresponding flaccid increase is 1,9 inches.

Not yet updated? WTF???

It could just be an oversite. If so, I am sure they will rush to fix it but if it is not fixed soon, one really has to wonder...
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AlloyCG said:
I checked out the study data... it's two different studies with logically different results. Have you always owned both [words=https://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=113512&s=1220]JES[/words] and Vimax?

Still don't get it though. Let me get this straight. They had the exact same amount of participants, with the exact same age range, with the exact same pressure applied for the exact same amount of time and the exact same results to the decimal point (2,8 corresponding to 1,9) but the only difference was that the first one was cm's and the second was in inch's. Very, very similar studies.
From Vimax:

The undersigned, Jorn Ege Siana, M.D., Specialist in General and Plastic Surgery, has developed and tested The Vimax [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]Extender[/words] as described above.

From [words=https://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=113512&s=1220]JES[/words]:

Testet by
March 28, 29 and 30, 2001, Alicante (SPAIN)
Report Title
VIA MECHANICAL [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]TRACTION[/words], [words=https://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=113512&s=1220]JES[/words] [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]EXTENDER[/words]®
A prospective study in 26 males
It's natural to have the same study replicated... but if they are run by the same person - why not have just posted one on both sites? To further draw a line between the two products?

I just want to know why run both companies, market them similarly AND differently, ask different prices, send the opposite of what you are marketing...

I'd also like to follow up on those studies and see if they are real and if the experimental procedures and results are exactly what they are advertised to be.

Further, the [words=https://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=113512&s=1220]JES[/words] page hasn't been updated AS FAR AS YOU KNOW? And you, Mr. Vimax, have the rights to their products?
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Yep, wierd. So they were very similar studies indeed with very similar results. Still the fact that it is 2,8 in both seems a bit dubious. I just wish that chris could explain some of this.
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AlloyCG said:
It's natural to have the same study replicated... but if they are run by the same person - why not have just posted one on both sites? To further draw a line between the two products?

Come on Alloy, look at my post above. There is no way that those are two different studies. It is completely fucking impossible!

Also, oddly enough, there ain't no mention of that study on puBathmateed and they list EVERYTHING that gets published. If they could have published it they would and if they couldn't one really has to wonder if it ever even took place.

And no, it was not refused publication because it was a Penis Enlargement study.
Oh guys, I'm with you. But part of the experimental procedure is designing a study that can, and should, be replicated. This could be the case.

Granted, I think this is shady as fuck, but I don't want to go on rants about things that are easily explainable.
Bigbadbison said:
Come on Alloy, look at my post above. There is no way that those are two different studies. It is completely fucking impossible!

Also, oddly enough, there ain't no mention of that study on puBathmateed and they list EVERYTHING that gets published. If they could have published it they would and if they couldn't one really has to wonder if it ever even took place.

And no, it was not refused publication because it was a Penis Enlargement study.

The plot thickens. I think really we need to take this all with a pinch of salt. It doesn't change the quality of the product at all and we have a very reliable mod (stillwantmore) thoughouly testing it out. His opinion will mean more to me than either of these questionable studies.
TomdW said:
The plot thickens. I think really we need to take this all with a pinch of salt. It doesn't change the quality of the product at all and we have a very reliable mod (stillwantmore) thoughouly testing it out. His opinion will mean more to me than either of these questionable studies.

Ahhh come on guy. SWM is reliable, sure - but statistically that is a horrible argument. A single person doing an experiment is hardly generalizable to the public. On the other hand, a well performed study is MORE generalizable. If these studies were in fact published, put before a board of experts, and replicated I would value them much more than SWM's conclusions due to confounding variables and lack of control variables.
Yeah you are right, for the public the studies if genuine would probably be more useful but for me and probably many others on this site we have a lot of experience wrapping and hanging and therefore we would probably have more in common with SWM. + general Penis Enlargement has got to add a certain muscular preparedness to our penis' in relation to this device. In other words maybe some of the control variables that were present in the clinical trials would not be applicable to us Penis Enlargement'ers. Either way personally I will pay more attention to results that come from reliable members of this site.
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Bigbadbison said:
[words=https://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=113512&s=1220]JES[/words] site:
The average result of [words=https://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=113512&s=1220]Jes-Extender[/words] treatment was an increase in erect length of 2,8 cm (1.1 Inch) after 1100 hours at 1200 g [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] force. The corresponding flaccid increase is 1,9 cm or 0.75 inch.

Viamax site:
The average result of treatment with Vimax [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]Extender[/words] was an increase in erect length of 2,8 inches after 1100 hours (12-14 weeks) at 1200 g [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] force. The corresponding flaccid increase is 1,9 inches.

Not yet updated? WTF???

It could just be an oversite. If so, I am sure they will rush to fix it but if it is not fixed soon, one really has to wonder...
We are having it looked into. As it may be a typo but I am not sure. I do not run that side of this.
AlloyCG said:
It's natural to have the same study replicated... but if they are run by the same person - why not have just posted one on both sites? To further draw a line between the two products?

I just want to know why run both companies, market them similarly AND differently, ask different prices, send the opposite of what you are marketing...

I'd also like to follow up on those studies and see if they are real and if the experimental procedures and results are exactly what they are advertised to be.

Further, the [words=https://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=113512&s=1220]JES[/words] page hasn't been updated AS FAR AS YOU KNOW? And you, Mr. Vimax, have the rights to their products?
Kinda hard to explain to you what we are doing when you are no in the biz we are in.

We do not OWN [words=https://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=113512&s=1220]Jes[/words] ... We have rights to RESELL the product under our name.
I officially think that everything going on involving ChrisVimax, the [words=https://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=113512&s=1220]JES[/words], and the Vimax is sketchy as hell, but that's just me. So Chris, can we get real answers to all the questions that have been posed or are you going to continue to smokescreen things??? Inquiring minds would like to know.
Skepdick said:
I officially think that everything going on involving ChrisVimax, the [words=https://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=113512&s=1220]JES[/words], and the Vimax is sketchy as hell, but that's just me. So Chris, can we get real answers to all the questions that have been posed or are you going to continue to smokescreen things??? Inquiring minds would like to know.

I agree... sort of.


It's not shady because we think there isn't a fairly quality product coming in the mail when we pay our $200. It's shady based simply on principle. Some people are comfortable with the fact that they might not like what's going on behind the scenes... as long as everything works out on their end - especially if they don't have to hear about the "behind the scenes" events.

Obviously this sale is directed towards those "some." The inquiring minds, though, would like to unravel whatever is going on - whether it be conspiracy or not. Chris does do a good job avoiding questions and concerns. Whether that turns out to be a disturbing ignorance or a blatant oversight is yet to be determined.

It is hard to imagine that the stretcher could cost much more to make if you shipped it with the belt and belt tray in place of the loop and loop tray. I feel extremely confident in my prediction that the talk about this stretcher will drop of very quickly or turn even more negative once the experienced Penis Enlargementers here try and use the loop because they will get cold numb heads as soon as they move toward the 3 pound max that your stretcher can deliver. They would be better off hanging 3 pounds from their dick with a golf weight or something like that.

If you ship it with the belt and belt tray in place of the loop and loop tray the cost goes up by $ 2-3 at most. Charge us an extra $5 or something and then you might be selling a potentially viable product at a very good price and in the long run, you will almost certainly make more money.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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