Alright I have this problem that I think many people have. I have all of these things that I would like to accomplish throughout the day but at the end of the night I barely get anything done. I am the worst procrastinator in the world. I am a college student so maybe it's common but I need to change. I honestly have a lot of free-time between work and school and I do nothing but waste time. There are so many things that I would like to do like set aside time to get school work done, a time for housekeeping, laundry, working out, Penis Enlargementing, etc. But it never fails I get up at the last minute go to class or work and barely make it on time. I come home and veg out on the internet or tv or guitar or something else.

Now I know that most on task people would just say "stop being a fuck up and just do it" But it's like I'm a drug addict and getting nothing done is my drug. Every night I lay in bed and say "tomorrow it's going to be different." I can reflect and think about how it's going to change. But when I'm in the actual moment I choose to do the wrong thing. All of this really just causes me to feel shitty because I feel like I'm becoming a loser. If you are a motivated person then you will not understand anything that I'm saying. I know that it's just automatic for some people.

I am always rushing to get things done. In school I am an average student. Sometimes better than average. I'm always doing everything at the last minute and I work great under pressure. The problem is senior classes are filled with projects that can't be done last minute. I know I have the potential to do some great work...if I started EARLY for once.

What do I do? Am I messed up in the head? Am I really just a whiny fuck up? Is there some underlying problem that never lets me get motivated when I'm in the moment to actually do what I need to do? Is it something like I really don't want to do good? But I swear that I really do? If I could just change right now then I would, but it's not that easy.

The funny thing is I am a pretty normal guy in every other aspect in life IMHO like social things: friends, relationships, etc. It's just this motivation thing that I can't do.

Sorry if I have been rambling on and this is a waste of your time. This is the first time I've ever really told anybody how I feel and what my problem is. Any help would be appreciated...Please. Thanks

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Try some supplements or exercise for some more energy. I'm the same way and it's all mental. You just have to want something badly enough I suppose.
I'm the same way and it's all mental. You just have to want something badly enough I suppose.

While that certainly can be the case, I think I'm in the same shoes as Supes. Well, not exactly, but in a similar situation. In my case, I've struggled with self-control for as long as I can remember... not being able to avoid useless diversions and having no ability to focus on anything whatsoever, whether I want it or not (a lot of people assume it's just things I'm not interested in, but it doesn't matter WHAT it is). Oh yeah, and procrastination? My middle name... I have a CS exam tomorrow morning; haven't touched the text for a long time.

I'm good at planning and organizing things and coming up with brilliant ideas and understand complex concepts etc. (just take my word for it, no point in trying to prove it), but I can't apply any of it to action because I can't "get started", or if I do get started I can't focus enough to get anything done. The minute I tell myself to 'focus' I see a flashing light somewhere and that's the end of it.

Anyway--that was a bit of a tangent--but it could be that that's what you're talking about... sort of. If that's the case, you might consider at the very least talking to someone close to you about it or even a counselor, or you might do what I did... after sooooo much pussyfootin' around I finally set up an appointment with a psychiatrist.

That may not apply to your case, or that might sound extreme--I don't know the details of your situation--but it's worth considering as a possibility.

In any case, good luck getting past this... I can't imagine you won't, after all you're recognizing it as something you want to work on and as cliche as it is to bring up, that's the first step.
If you lack motivation you won't achive any goals. Period.

As Penis Enlargement is concerned maybe you are simple happy with your current penis size. Ask yourself. If so there is nothing wrong with it. Not everybody needs a bigger penis to feel happy.

Check your diet/daily routine/sleep, etc. Maybe you lack energy because you don't take care about yourself.

For general motivation find something out of your reach what you really want and fight for it.
I can totally relate to this. It's like forcing yourself to be unhappy by wasting time. I'm getting up early to "get things done" but after a shower and a breakfast I usually end up in front of the computer for some time until my girlfriend calls me, asking if I have accomplished anything today like studying, getting a new job etc. So I find myself in a position of constantly excusing to the people I love but that still ain't motivation enough it seems.
I can totally relate to you , except I have different responsiblities. If you looked up the word procrastinate, my pic would be beside it :) Being a college student you probably will "grow out of it" so to speak. I however, am way beyond that and still have not figured out a solution. Try being a working mother who can't make it to work on time, rushes her kid out the door every morning, laudry piles everywhere, bills everywhere (unpaid), house messy, car messy, not to mention eating right, working out, shopping, etc. etc. etc. Then I see other women who seem to have it under control 24/7 and have every hair in place to boot. It is a very frustrating feeling.

I can relate to what everyone who posted previously said. I get all these grand ideas in my head, plan everything down to the millisecond, and then don't follow through. I always just figured I was plain lazy...but I know that's not the case.

I seeked counsling for this problem, and it basically was a waste of money - FOR ME. You might have different results. Or it could be I wasn't seeing the right person.

I think mainly you just have to really PRACTICE following through on things. Everyday I get a little better, if I just tell myself. The sooner you DO IT the sooner it will be DONE and you can quit running it over and over in your head...which is exhausting in itself. I agree that if you want somehting bad enough, you will motivate yourself to do it....but sometimes when the reward is so far out of sight, it's hard.

Also - don't be so hard on yourself. If your a good student, not flunking out, working to pay your bills, doing the doing better than a majority of college students who party everyday and could care less about their grades etc. At least your admitting that you have a weakness and trying to find some answers. I think that is awesome. So good luck....I'm in the same boat, and like I said - it does get easier.

One thing my counselor told me that did stick in my head.....after soemthing like 14 or 30 days of doing a task it becomes a habbit. I had a major probelm getting up early to get myself to work on time. I actually took a calendar and hung it on my bathroom door. Every morning when the alarm went off I would get right up and put a mark on the calendar. Making that mark, as stupid as it sounds, was motivation for me. Sure enough after about 3 weeks, I didn't even need the alarm. SO it is true, and it is a mind thing.

GOOD LUCK!!! Hang in there, and GET MOTIVATED BOY!!! HAHA!

Motivation is vital toward creating a stable situation in our lives. When I become unmotivated it can create a circle of self destruction where things become progressively worse in my life. This creates an even worse situation and becoming motivated gets even more difficult. For me it is a scenario of regret for my past, I become consumed with the dream of what I could have done in my past and I end up in a lake of pity. I need to take small steps, everyday, no matter how bad I feel. It it easy to accept our shitty situation, it takes work to change it but ultimately it needs to happen. I can only sit in my shit for so long until it becomes a do or die situation and I am not ready to check out.
Everyone of you hit it on the head. I guess I understand I have this problem and I really want to fix it. Is counselling the answer? Last night I was really thinking hard about getting rid of the internet. I have my friends and relationships with girls and other things in my life but I seriously love the internet. Its my TV. I can just veg out in front of it. I can get access to the internet when I'm at school. But I love having it for the convienence factor. I can work on projects from my apartment, talk to friends, download music, and other stuff. I just hate to think that I have to physically remove something instead of just controlling myself. That may be what it comes down to.
supes83 said:
Everyone of you hit it on the head. I guess I understand I have this problem and I really want to fix it. Is counselling the answer? Last night I was really thinking hard about getting rid of the internet. I have my friends and relationships with girls and other things in my life but I seriously love the internet. Its my TV. I can just veg out in front of it. I can get access to the internet when I'm at school. But I love having it for the convienence factor. I can work on projects from my apartment, talk to friends, download music, and other stuff. I just hate to think that I have to physically remove something instead of just controlling myself. That may be what it comes down to.

The internet can become a very big excuse to living a "real" life. I know I have allot of fear when it comes to starting my life over and essentially this is exactly what I am facing. Since Jen left I have had to really look at myself, who I am, what I do, my friends, my interests, everything and to be very honest with you, I did not like what I saw. I have the choice now to either sit in this negativity, eternally suffer and wallow in regrets and fear or I can pull myself up and take this as an opportunity to really learn who I am, Mike Salvini, not DLD. This has been the most difficult thing I have ever had to do and I have been through heroin addiction, death, poverty, mental illness and incredible abandonment issues but this trial of my life is so much more difficult. It takes a while before we can make the right decisions to move forward, it is human to suffer and it is a weakness to remain that way, it's easy and predictable. For myself, I need to leave the comfort of my computer and the DLD world that is so familiar and go and learn who Mike Salvini is.

You do not need to give it up but you will need to prioritize it, create a schedule that promotes growth while still enjoying the things that bring you comfort.
supes83 said:
Last night I was really thinking hard about getting rid of the internet. I just hate to think that I have to physically remove something instead of just controlling myself. That may be what it comes down to.

It may work for a while but without any mental changes the chances are that you will replace it with something else. If you see internet as a way to escape you'll find something else to escape into.
First step would be to write down every activity of one typical day. It can help you to realize how much time you're wasting.
hehe thats nice...we're in the same boat. i think it's all about your addictive potential (don't know how to translate it right) because you can't have the internet in the house without using it.
It's the same with everything else...I can't resist smoking when theres dope in my house, I can't resist drinking a beer when I have one.
So my life depends on selfrestriction: I don't buy dope, I don't buy beer when there's no reason like party or else. I limit myself to what is healthy because I can't handle temptations.
It's pure weakness I know and I'm fighting against it for many years but it's really hard most of the times.
martialmatters said:
hehe thats nice...we're in the same boat. i think it's all about your addictive potential (don't know how to translate it right) because you can't have the internet in the house without using it.
It's the same with everything else...I can't resist smoking when theres dope in my house, I can't resist drinking a beer when I have one.
So my life depends on selfrestriction: I don't buy dope, I don't buy beer when there's no reason like party or else. I limit myself to what is healthy because I can't handle temptations.
It's pure weakness I know and I'm fighting against it for many years but it's really hard most of the times.

its like a convenience factor, if its there why not. Not buying the stuff is a key step to a healthy lifestyle, but since a lot of us are college students the weekend part of life isnt making us any better. A lot of it is just to help us accept who we are, drastically altering our lifestyle in a split second is a different things i think it takes time and like the other member said you have to stick to the plan for a while for it to start sticking.

I dont know but i hate it, when im high sometimes, i get those revelations on cleaning up my act, being responsible, and getting my shit done and it never follows through. Our brains are a mystery. It tells us to do something, but we ourselves fail to listen to them.
supes83 said:
Alright I have this problem that I think many people have. I have all of these things that I would like to accomplish throughout the day but at the end of the night I barely get anything done. I am the worst procrastinator in the world. I am a college student so maybe it's common but I need to change. I honestly have a lot of free-time between work and school and I do nothing but waste time. There are so many things that I would like to do like set aside time to get school work done, a time for housekeeping, laundry, working out, Penis Enlargementing, etc. But it never fails I get up at the last minute go to class or work and barely make it on time. I come home and veg out on the internet or tv or guitar or something else.

Now I know that most on task people would just say "stop being a fuck up and just do it" But it's like I'm a drug addict and getting nothing done is my drug. Every night I lay in bed and say "tomorrow it's going to be different." I can reflect and think about how it's going to change. But when I'm in the actual moment I choose to do the wrong thing. All of this really just causes me to feel shitty because I feel like I'm becoming a loser. If you are a motivated person then you will not understand anything that I'm saying. I know that it's just automatic for some people.

I am always rushing to get things done. In school I am an average student. Sometimes better than average. I'm always doing everything at the last minute and I work great under pressure. The problem is senior classes are filled with projects that can't be done last minute. I know I have the potential to do some great work...if I started EARLY for once.

What do I do? Am I messed up in the head? Am I really just a whiny fuck up? Is there some underlying problem that never lets me get motivated when I'm in the moment to actually do what I need to do? Is it something like I really don't want to do good? But I swear that I really do? If I could just change right now then I would, but it's not that easy.

The funny thing is I am a pretty normal guy in every other aspect in life IMHO like social things: friends, relationships, etc. It's just this motivation thing that I can't do.

Sorry if I have been rambling on and this is a waste of your time. This is the first time I've ever really told anybody how I feel and what my problem is. Any help would be appreciated...Please. Thanks

supes83, your first post hit me in the face man. That's exactly me. I can waste time like no one else on the internet, pushing the bed time up to 3 am, even if I KNOW I have to wake up at 7 am. I'm at college right now and having those stupid marks that will stay there for all my life because I have that self destructing behavior.

Like you I'm wondering why I'm acting like that. I consider myself to be a tad higher than average on the school skills ( I used to have 90-100% in elementary school, 80-90 in secondary school) and now it's all bull crap.

I have all that free time that I could easily put to good use like doing some homework, clean my bedroom, get in touch with friends, but god damn it at the moment I get something positive for me (good grade, new girl, or anything...) I will always fuck it up. I always take step so that it does not get any better. And I don't know why.

Frustrating and making me crazy at times. Every sentence you wrote IS me.
I agree also with this gogoteta. If anyone has read my previous threads about shitty times then you know I should be using that as motivation and fuel on doing well. It hasn't turned out that way as I can't seem to fucking get that shit from hometown and the flop of progress I had even with the move out of my head. My college life has been crappy as I have worked hard this term and still getting shitty marks because of a terrible mood that keeps coming up before tests. Anyway sorry to hijack but the OP situation had my name also written on it.
ggogeta said:
supes83, your first post hit me in the face man. That's exactly me. I can waste time like no one else on the internet, pushing the bed time up to 3 am, even if I KNOW I have to wake up at 7 am. I'm at college right now and having those stupid marks that will stay there for all my life because I have that self destructing behavior.

Like you I'm wondering why I'm acting like that. I consider myself to be a tad higher than average on the school skills ( I used to have 90-100% in elementary school, 80-90 in secondary school) and now it's all bull crap.

I have all that free time that I could easily put to good use like doing some homework, clean my bedroom, get in touch with friends, but god damn it at the moment I get something positive for me (good grade, new girl, or anything...) I will always fuck it up. I always take step so that it does not get any better. And I don't know why.

Frustrating and making me crazy at times. Every sentence you wrote IS me.
I'm still struggling. The hardest semster of my life is coming to a close and these last weeks will really either make or break me. They are all pinnacle classes that would stop me from graduating anytime soon if i don't pass. they aren't offered every semester. i need to force myself to work and forget about wasting time, forget about going out with friends, forget about the girl i want to be with, and just focus. it's really such a small amount of time compared to rest of my life. money is another big issue i've always had trouble with.
But I still would like a psychologist to tell me where is this self destructive behavior coming from. I mean that's quite counter intuitive to do that.
ive also been in this situation. currently am. im in second year of uni and this is really important, it determines the rest of my life! so why is it that i stay in bed late followed by playing video games all day? ive got exams in the summer which i tell myself every night im going to revise for but i dont. i managed to get over it in my last jan exams. id dope myself up on caffeine in the morning and put all the work i have to do in front of me. then id allow myself ome "rest" time (which i allowed myself to play video games for a bit) this worked pretty well for me. will have to do it again soon
Sometimes when you are feeling a mild depression you might feel a lack of motivation. Depression can do that to people..make them not care and not be interested in the things that they used to be.
If you are having the same old same old in your life, you may need something that is a driving force to get you moving. One thing that gets me going is the fact that life is so short. We think we have all the time in the world, and we really don't. We are lucky we have just today to do what we have to get done.
Another factor can be a low level of testosterone. Have your testosterone checked by your doctor some time. You might be surprised what a difference it makes to have enough testosterone. Even young men can have a low level these days.
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