This could have gone down as a blog, as a hanging thread, as a sexuality thread or in this thread, so don't rant and rave if you feel this doesn't belong here.

Okay so last night i was in my biology night class and we got onto penis sizes and if identical twins would have similar penis sizes. The teacher, who is a nympho i swear, got pretty into it saying it was more the 'environment' more than the genes that influenced penis size. I found that a bit of an odd statement, considering if your family are known for small penis, it's unlikely you'll naturally have a big penis. The only environmental factor that can increase penis size, would be Penis Enlargement exercises. However, she went on to say how 'Big penis' aren't good or bad, it's more how you use it'. You know, standard women quotes. (It's probably as he husband has a small penis yet she loves him so she tries to kid herself small isn't bad. She's probably a size queen. She always talks about sex). I always find it funny when they say that stuff as i'm sure a girl will pick 7 inches over 3 inches given the chance.

Anyway, she then said about how the vagina is 10cm deep (less than 3.5 inches). I call bullshit on that, i can fit my 7.6 BPenis EnlargementL hinge deep inside some girls, so that was another thing i disagreed with.

The final thing i disagreed with, which she said as a joke was 'You can hang weights off your penis or whatever but it won't make any difference and it won't make you better in bed'... I sat there, thinking 'I really wish you come across [words=]MoS[/words] in the near future'.

I love it when people straight out deny Penis Enlargement as fiction. Yet here i am sitting in front of her with a 7.6 inch penis which 2 years ago was 6 inches. I almost feel like i should show her myself and teach her for a night.

This doesn't really have a purpose. I'm just showing you all that belief is such an important thing. We are lucky DLD opened our eyes to believe in P.E. So many people put it down as bullshit, yet they're missing out. We are the lucky ones.
Well some of the things she said are true.. A vagina is only that deep however they retract and adapt to penis size.. Just do a google search on the topic you will find the info. I agree with you though about girls saying such things as it doesn't matter etc etc.. In a sense it is not the end of the world but there are certain sizes that will affect the pleasure a girl receives. A girls sexual pleasure is just as important as yours. Also as guys have different sizes girls have different needs in regards to size. So for one lady to say size doesn't matter is a moot point as maybe she gets off from a smaller member but her sister might need extreme girth and vaginal stretch to reach orgasm.

Although she is obviously wrong about not being able to increase size I think being good in bed is very important. Cause in my experience if you do the prep work on the front end... even if you lack the size you can still show a girl a great time.

good thread though.. gets you thinking.

Sounds like you want to bang your teacher though ???
'Big penis' aren't good or bad, it's more how you use it'. You know, standard women quotes. (It's probably as he husband has a small penis yet she loves him so she tries to kid herself small isn't bad. She's probably a size queen. She always talks about sex). I always find it funny when they say that stuff as i'm sure a girl will pick 7 inches over 3 inches given the chance.

Your generalising here and often from my own experiences with girls and older women they tend not to be that arsed about huge cocks at all. Sure women talk about a big dick in groups but that doesn't mean its the bee all and end all as talk is talk, gossip is gossip and women love talking about shit. This teacher may very well love her husband and perhaps have kids, so why would she want a big cock because we assume the cap fits? not at all, big generalisation as I said.

Size Queens are obvious but they have their uses :) Fuck um and dump um is my motto.

she then said about how the vagina is 10cm deep (less than 3.5 inches).

She's right ... RELAXED it is but aroused it goes deeper.

Women also climax from sex more from the EMOTIONAL side rather the physical like us men. A penis is only a very small piece of the puzzle to talking to her, touching her, looking at her, kissing her etc etc etc. I'm a guy who speaks from having a 6.6X5.4 to now a 8.5x7

Maybe you should work your charm on her and see if indeed your assumptions about her closet size queen status are true and if so than impale her on that fat cock.
Medicating;423605 said:
We are lucky DLD opened our eyes to believe in P.E. So many people put it down as bullshit, yet they're missing out. We are the lucky ones.

I don't wanna bang her! She's not attractive at all. I just liked how she passed P.E. off whilst i sat there knowing very well that it worked.

I know shes right about the vagina being 10cm deep but she said whilst in sex. If she was right, i doubt we'd be doing P.E. as we'd bottom out even if we were below average and an 8 inch would leave 5 inches in the cold...
Take her this picture and ask her if she still maintains her opinion: Oh waaait, the penis is its' own, magical part of the body...riiiight...not just more skin and tissue ;)