No matter what my size, I just want to be the guy my wife can count on for a good long satisfaction and any speed or position.

I feel like reverse kegels and deep breathing with controlled motion during sex definitely help slow the process, but when my wife and I only have sex 1-2 times a month, it's hard to get practice. And it's not as exciting to be like "OK slow down now"... or something similar.

Kegels are hard to stay with. I remember some quote on this forum that said to kegel 100 times a day, everyday. If it truly helps I will commit to it.

I've also read that l-arginine helps prolong the inevitable, but I'm not sure how effective it would be. But I'd like to do this without taking anything.

So, for those who kegel or do daily exercises to prolong the end, how long has that solely allowed you to go and has it completely taken away the urge to go?

*I also am aware that everyone is different and a daily Penis Enlargement routine is probably going to supplement the effect of kegels. But I'm just curious and somewhat desperate. :)
Have you tried doing the "Stop and Start"? You can also ejaculate before you anticipate having sex, or you can use any of the numbing lotions available at any drugstore. Either of these methods will prolong your [words=]stamina[/words].
ironically i last longer without the condom...go figure. condom i go in there, 20 mins of pounding and i blow. but without? an hour is the average. and the stop and start thing is a really good idea big al's got the right methods going on there.
For me its up in the air, dependant on the mood, girl, relative sobriety, etc. If I'm really horny and haven't had sex/jacked it in a while, I'm lucky to last 10 minutes. When Im feeling normal, I can go 30 and beyond (depending on how tired I am, sometimes after 30 I just try to quickly bust so I can sleep). Also, pussy size matters a great deal. The last girl I had sex with before the current gf, had a cavernous vag. At first I was nervous because I hadnt had any sort of ejaculation in over 2 weeks, so I figured I would bust in like 2 minutes and look like a loser. I got in there and felt like I was masterbating with my feet. It worked out for her, after a good 20 minutes of experimenting I found the spot and broke her off something good for the rest of the hour. Sobriety is the biggest key for me. If I've been drinking hard liquor and Im wearing a condom, I have to fake it, I've only cum once (with a condom) while being drunk off liquor and that was the first time I had sex. Usually Ill be going for a good hour and then just stop when I feel myself losing wood. This is a fantastic circumstance for my new girlfriend. When she drinks whiskey, you could make her orgasm by blowing at her vagina from 10 feet away. Last weekend she came 9 times in half an hour and then was like "Im completely worn out, just keep going til your finished Im going to pass out" Basically shes a fantastic person. It worked for me because then I took off the rubber (shes on the pill weve both been tested, condoms are a redundancy) and had some rare fun.

I felt bad about it the next day, the taking off the rubber thing. but then she tells me, "I didnt really want to go to sleep, I wanted you to take off the rubber, but I knew if I asked you youd get all bitchy and keep it on, so I figured if you thought you were being sneaky it was my best shot at some raw dick." Fantastic girl, fantastic.
Interesting question. I think what I've -noticed- helping the most with lasting longer is simply put...being in shape. When I was in my hay day of working out I can remember one time we went at it almost non stop (only stopping to change positions) for 2 and 1/2 hours. She actually said "we need to stop I'm getting sore" before I finished :P

On average I'd say it usually goes 45 minutes or so but most the time it's time constraints that stop us not me Having to get off. Stop and Start works fairly well kegels are a HUGE help and I love how hard my cock is these days from doing kegels. Also deep breathing and breath control is a big factor.
I'll definitely try kegels doing 10 reps for as many sets as I can remember to do during the day. I've tried the start and stop for a while in the past, but it just wasn't that effective for me.

And I'm sure it's mental, too. I try not to psych myself out or "put the pussy on a pedestal" per se. :) It's just really sensative and it's easy for me to reach the top of the hill...

I've also tried numbing creams, too. However, stopping to prep is a mood killer, you know?

Anyone else have any suggestions? The first batch were great.
I've been with my wife for 10 years and it still varies. Sometimes I can last forever and sometimes only a few minutes. I really all depends on how much foreplay I get. If I get a 10 minute bj beforehand, then I will of course go quicker than I would if I got none. But our average sex usually lasts 30-40 minutes, including foreplay, and that is perfect for us. That's long enough for her to have 3-4 orgasms usually. rofl
Most of the time I can last as long as I want and have multi-orgasms without popping. Its a mind set and knowing your point of no return. It takes alot of practice and will power but anybody can do it. I think the most orgasms Ive had without popping during sex is around 5 or 6. And trust me when you get the hang of it your sex life will increase 3 fold!!
Well that sounds great. Do you do any exercises to help you out or keep your [words=]stamina[/words] up or has it just always been easy?
Kegels are the way to go... you can do them at any moment during the day...learn how your body reacts, how the machine flows...
If you know how to use your fingers and toungue your set... relax, ask her what she likes, observe her body language and flow with the moment...
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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