Her ex was huge... but she prefers me?!?

Been going out with her for about a year now. We've spoke about it alot and I believe almost everthing she tells me. She only had one previous sexual partner for 2-3 yrs. He was big (9 long and thick) and I'm only 6' by 5' girth. She says she never came with this guy and didn't like it because it hurt. She ain't a small girl (slim but tall), and she's african and men in her family a BIG (obvious thoughts of a deep ass pussy!) but she's very tight and sometimes it's hard to get in even if she's drippin. She says she prefers me and she almost always cums with me (I believe her cos she ain't afraid to tell me if she didn't). I love her alot but can't help think she's lying when she says she didn't enjoy her ex. Obviously she wouldn't tell me she prefered him cos that would fuck me up, but I can't stop thinkin' bout it and at times it gets me soo down. I love her completely and want to be with her, I'm just paranoid that she compares me to him :(

In all honesty, is it possible that she could actually prefer me to her ex?
have you told her about Penis Enlargement?

if you tell her about it and she says that she really doesnt want you to get bigger (in a sincere way, not just a not to hurt your feelings type way) then maybe she just doesn't like it any bigger

the thing is... why are you so worried about it?

she's with you now right?
Yes, it is very much possible and quite likely. Sexual skill is still required, even moreso for a guy with a really big dick as he can easily cause pain. And as you've noted, she has a tight pussy even though she's tall.....like penis size, vagina size has little or no correlation to physical size. I've read before, about short women with deep pussies. He probably did hurt her, especially since he was her first.

Look at it this way.....She's with you and not him! If she is satisfied and happy with you then just forget about him and any physical advantage he may have. Who is it that is sleeping with her now!

It is amazing what you can do besides just pushing a BIG cock in her pussy. Technique and variety as well as imagination DO count.
I told her bout Penis Enlargement, and she wasn't against it, but said she is fine with my size and doesn't want it big.
I've dabbled lightly with Penis Enlargement for years, and have had insignificant gains, not that I doubt it, it's because I've never maintained the trainin' for more than 2 weeks at a time *sigh of shame*.
She goes on about 'loving the way I move' and loves the new things I've showed her cos I think I'm far more sexually experienced (don't get me wrong I'm a freak-a-leek) as she says with him it was almost always missionary.
I know that in today's society and western ways, bigger is seen as better, and whenever this subject comes up with us (budweiser ad, sex n city etc) I'll always come back to it.
Thing is it's like I got this image of her with him, playin in my head and someone keeps hittin the replay button. It's makin me very insecure.
When you hit that rewind button in your head, picture this instead:

Your girlfriend and her ex are doing it. She's not having fun cause it hurts and she's not getting off either. He's laying there missionary style, not doing anybody but himself any good. She fakes an orgasm kind of half-heartedly to get it over with cause she'd rather watch Sex in the City. He's done after five minutes, rolls over and goes to sleep. She lays there with a sore, unsatisfied puss, wishing she could find someone who knows what they're doing with a dick and can get her off. She pictures a good-looking freak that can knock a pussy on its side and show it who's boss! Hey, wait, she's daydreaming about you!
Woah. I think that's hit home.

I'll keep that in mind and try picturin that instead. Feel like I could go all the way with this girl and didn't want to keep havin these fucked up thoughts playin on my mind and messin up our reltionship, now our in the future.

It's really put things in perspective for me, as come to think of it, that's the impression she gave me when she said she would only have sex in order to please him and disway him from goin elsewhere! Whereas she loves to get down with me and she knows I aint goin nowhere (she's a stunner).

Thanks alot!
OMG....Great point Kong. But on the other hand....Things I just don't get---

Why do some of you guys seems so concerned to even ASK your current SO how big their ex's are? I don't get it? Why would you want to know something like that that has so much potential to really fuck you up? I mean we men already have fragile enough egos as it is. And also, it's really none of anyone's damn business about hers(or yours) previous sex life. As long as you aren't giving each other STD's, why does it matter? My wife and I have never, EVER discussed our sex life with other people with each other. It can only do nothing but harm. Does she really want to talk about me hammering someone else? NO! Do I want to talk about how many and what size cocks she has had/seen? HELL FUCKING NO!!!! Why do some of you guys persist on setting yourself up for something that can bother you so much?

I agree with you, koooky, but sometimes it "just happens." For instance, I'm in a similar situation as RichSteele but then I agree with Kong and don't let it get to me... much.

I'm around 6.5-in NBP (7.25 BP last I checked, been out of Penis Enlargement awhile and trying to get started again), and occasionally when I get one of those diamond hard-ons we all crave, I can hurt my current SO when I go too deep (she's about 5'7" or 5'8", so not small by any means and has also had 3 kids, but she's still fairly tight and apparently not too deep -- I previously dated a girl who was only about 5'3" and rarely would I bottom out in her, but it is fairly regular with my current gf).

Anywho, she's complained of soreness from me going too deep on a few occasions so we started discussing it as I didn't want to be hurting her, so I asked some questions about what I needed to do different as I'm not interested in leaving any part of my soldier "out in the cold" if you know what I mean. One thing led to another and we're talking in almost technical terms about her inner workings and my penis when she mentions how her ex-husband frequently made her hurt this same way and that doggy style especially was out of the question as he always seemed to go too deep. It wasn't until this point that some e-vile demon in my head decided to play mind games with me and whisper, "You only go too deep 'occasionally' and only when you're sporting a raging boner... but this guy used to do it 'all the time'. Don't you feel wonderful now? Uh hahahahaaa!" Motherf....

But I always try to remember the other things she's said about him to offset this. Such as how when we first met we were having a ridiculous amount of sex and I usually last a good hour or more and she always referred to him (and most of her other lovers) as "the 3-minute Man". Or how he rarely was willing to try non-missionary positions, and he insisted the lights be off; after years of marriage, they had never once had sex during the daytime. And how she could only have an orgasm if she was on top, that I was the first lover she'd had who could make her orgasm in basically any position. Or how the sex was so infrequent after over 10 years of them being together that in the first 9 months or so we were together, we'd had sex more than she had the entire time she'd known him (and she loves sex).

So, you have to focus on the positives; I would assume in your case, Rich, that they far outweigh the negatives -- she's basically told you as much. While you can use the negatives to fuel your desire for Penis Enlargement, I've always been of the opinion that you should be doing it for yourself and for your own reasons. My gf has told me many times I'm the "perfect size" for her as I fill her up but not to the extent that I hurt her, but I'm getting back into Penis Enlargement for my own reasons which are the same as when I started before I even knew her: *I* don't feel I'm big enough and want to be slightly bigger -- if it looks like this is going to be long-term, then I will make sure to stop if hurting her becomes regular, of course, but for the time being, especially in the girth department (which I think she'd enjoy, actually), I'm going to keep Penis Enlargementing. And every time that annoying little voice pops into my head, I just shut it up by thinking, "Yeah, but he sucked in bed and I can make her cum almost at will. Anything else you want to talk about?" Chirp. Chirp. Chirp.
Kooky, I asked because my then girlfriend/ future wife never gave me any compliments about my lovemaking. She was perfectly happy with our sex life, but because her first husband constantly cheated on her, she was afraid if she bragged on me I would get a big head and do the same thing. I didn't know that, but because she never said anything positive, I began to think more and more that I was lacking in the dick department.

So one night I asked her. Her answer was, No, I wasn't the biggest, or the best. My wife is blunt, let me tell you :D She said I was a good lover and that she was happy with our sex life, but she wasn't going to lie to me or fake anything because she'd done it before and was tired of not getting what she wanted out of sex. It hurt my feelings, but it also made me feel bad because I wanted to be the best for HER, not for me. So I researched everything I could about sex and vaginas and orgasms and positions. I made myself into a good lover, and when I discovered Penis Enlargement on the internet years later, I made my dick the biggest she ever had, too.

Now she brags on me all the time, and will tell anyone that I've got her dick-whipped, but it didn't start out that way. Good lovers are made, not born, and good relationships come from honesty, not deception.

You can learn how to fuck, and you can make your dick bigger if you need to, so what's the point of NOT asking?
RichSteele said:
In all honesty, is it possible that she could actually prefer me to her ex?

Same deal with me, large ex, but she loved me to death. We broke up after 5 years because she couldn't control her gambling, but I have no doubt she loved me and couldn't care less about her ex's massive member.
My GF hadn't had much experience when it comes to sex. She was brought up to think that sex was bad, lost her V-plate at 19, and did it rarely (because it hurt). When we first started out, she was soo shy. She knows how to dance, therefore has brilliant rhytHydromax and movement, and when it came to sex she was good, but hadn't experimented. She, apparently, had a pretty dull sex life until now, and my freakyness has rubbed of on her abit as she's becoming far more relaxed and is now abit of a nymph. I think because she never properly experienced orgasms before, as she's said, but I've shown her the way :D

But yes, for my own reasons I still haven't given up on Penis Enlargement. I've wanted to do it properly but have never been consistent with it. I don't think I will ever be the size of her ex (9'), and I don't think I really want to if she wouldn't enjoy it as much. However it's still fun to play with a bigger toy right? For me and for her. 7' or 8' by 6' and I would be content. And she wudn't complain, as long as I'm hittin the same spot and not goin too far.
i think most girls are only 4" deep so its not the lenght that matters they just like looking at a long dick but when it comes to fucking one i think any girl will prefer a phat dick thats were the real orgasms come from so really as long as you got a 7x6 you wouldnt get any complaints youll have the length they like to see but not to deep and that phat orgasm poping pole.
Damn you're with her, making her cum, and that's what matters. She says she was hurt physically by her ex's massive penis so don't worry about it. Man it never amazes me anymore to hear guys with relationships and worrying about something or other that doesn't really matter, but it ends up playing with their minds so much it messes up the good thing they have. Be appreciative to what you got there man and don't let your insecurities eat at you. If she told she prefers you and is with you then shit I'll take that as as much confirmation as I need.
I can add s.th. to this as well:
I was in a similar position a couple of years ago. I knew the girl I was with was going out with my friend before. and I knew his size. she never talked about his size, but knowing he was MUCH bigger than me almost killed me. I also knew that he never made her cum, that she disliked sex with him, that he treated her bad. I was giving her an orgasm the first time I touched her and we had an excellent sex life, she even wanted me to do adult entertainment just to "share" my abilities with other girls (ok, she was joking).
but that didn't make me feel better, I was always thinkin about my buddy fucking her with his huge schlong.

In my current relationship, I'm trying not to get in the same situation. one day I was tempted to ask about her ex's sizes out of insecurity and got the "your size is just fine" remarks. It fucked me up that day, but THANK GOD my gf is wise enough not to tell me anything about her past sex life, apart from the fact that it sucked and she always felt pain. I'm 100 % sure that her other guys were bigger than me, but this time knowing that I'm the only one who ever made her cum is enough for me not to let it fuck with my mind.
be confident, don't think about size and all that shit that doesn't matter to a woman that loves you (unless you have 2"). think about how great it is to be with her. the fear that she might "secretely" want her ex's size is insulting her as it would mean that cock size matters to her more than you treating her well. you know it doesn't. enjoy your great time with her. you're a lucky bastard. if you'll ever be single again (what I don't hope for) you'd realize how stupid you were to let that drag you down.
Thanks for the feedback. Seems like I was going thru this shit for nothing. Seems kinda silly. It's like her being upset that I went out with a girl with bigger tits (although come to think of it, I haven't). Guess your right and I need to appreciate what I have.
Biggis is (usually) better but it ain't everything man. I have heard a lot of women complain that the sex was less than stellar with the really massive cocks they've fucked. An average sized dick can almost always hit all the right spots.
I had the same experience last weekend, and can vouch for the fact that, as the saying goes, 'it's not how big it is, it's what you do with it that counts'.

My partner's ex husband was huge, but he was useless with it. Now while I would say I'm big, he must've had an inch or two on me in the length department, but I was able to make her cum through vaginal penetration, and she told me her ex had never been able to do in eight years of marriage.

So I would try to think in more positive ways - i.e. your gf loves your technique etc. Changing the way you think can have a huge impact on your life - either for better or for worse. And as worse sucks, think better, live better!
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