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I want to increase my girth, but I want to share a device that people say good things and this is it: [URL REMOVED]
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I want to increase my girth, but I want to share a device that people say good things and this is it: [URL REMOVED]
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I am confused about something and I need someone truly expert to reply to my message because it drives me nuts.
1. If I enter mityvac erected, at 7hg I feel the pressure but if I put Vaseline I feel like nothing and I easily go to 10hg. Why does this happen? Is it something to be afraid of? With Vaseline, I could go to 13-14hg and barely feel something, but without Vaseline It's impossible to do it.
2. After finding how to use mityvac, I am getting the same expansion as bathmate - without the water retention. The problem is that I suddenly see my penis longer after 5x5x3 ... and the expansion is somehow compressed because the penis is getting elongated? WTF? I stopped doing LM3 bundled stretches because of this, but this thing is happening all the time!!!
3. I thought that, like traditional gym, I should add some weight to my penis for kegels. So, after 5x5x3, I put 300gr weight to my penis and started doing kegels in erect form. Should I continue, or is it dangerous? I am doing like 100 kegels with 300gr weight on my penis. Any thoughts on this?
I am confused about something and I need someone truly expert to reply to my message because it drives me nuts.
Yeah, PE is all about weird new discovery every step of the way. Everyone can walk the same path, but see things differently.

1. If I enter mityvac erected, at 7hg I feel the pressure but if I put Vaseline I feel like nothing and I easily go to 10hg. Why does this happen? Is it something to be afraid of? With Vaseline, I could go to 13-14hg and barely feel something, but without Vaseline It's impossible to do it.
This is friction effects. It's the same pressure, but Vaseline lubricate the base after a few minutes as it gets all over the place. Extra skin from the base of the penis enters into the penis, causing a bigger displacement of water or air. The bigger displacement of water or air because of extra expandable pockets, the higher pressure you can go up. Think about a bath full of water. You enter it, you displaced just enough water for you to submerged under for comfortable enjoyment. Then your lady enters, displacing more water. She decided to get up, then reenters and exits again. When she leaves, the water volume is no longer enough, so you have to add more water in. This extra water is the vacuum pressure.

2. After finding how to use mityvac, I am getting the same expansion as Bathmate - without the water retention. The problem is that I suddenly see my penis longer after 5x5x3 ... and the expansion is somehow compressed because the penis is getting elongated? WTF? I stopped doing LM3 bundled stretches because of this, but this thing is happening all the time!!!
As it was discussed in other posts, Bathmate's design has a wider base and smaller top. This is to maximize base to mid shaft expansion. Over time, you get an inverted baseball bat expansion.

The MityVac cylinders are designed to have equalize expansion to prevent a wide base expansion and small top expansion. When your base maxed out on its expansion in the cylinder, the cylinder forces the length for your penis. This is why you see elongation over girth growth. If you want that beefy girth, get a larger cylinder. I have a 2in and a 2.5in cylinder for that expansion purpose. This prevents the issues of not getting enough expansion. Some brothers go from smaller cylinder to larger just to cover both length and girth through pumping, but also maintain rigidity to ensure good erection quality.

3. I thought that, like traditional gym, I should add some weight to my penis for kegels. So, after 5x5x3, I put 300gr weight to my penis and started doing kegels in erect form. Should I continue, or is it dangerous? I am doing like 100 kegels with 300gr weight on my penis. Any thoughts on this?
This is an old, and still hold true, for kegels exercises to strengthen your erection quality control. However, we warned that your pelvic floor will strengthen, and you will lose a bit of your shaft length because the muscles pull your shaft in to strengthen the erection quality though kegels.
As it was discussed in other posts, Bathmate's design has a wider base and smaller top. This is to maximize base to mid shaft expansion. Over time, you get an inverted baseball bat expansion.

The MityVac cylinders are designed to have equalize expansion to prevent a wide base expansion and small top expansion. When your base maxed out on its expansion in the cylinder, the cylinder forces the length for your penis. This is why you see elongation over girth growth. If you want that beefy girth, get a larger cylinder. I have a 2in and a 2.5in cylinder for that expansion purpose. This prevents the issues of not getting enough expansion. Some brothers go from smaller cylinder to larger just to cover both length and girth through pumping, but also maintain rigidity to ensure good erection quality.
Using bathmate for 3 months, my penis from this: 8=====O became like rugby 🏉 which I hate so much.
If I use mityvac for prolonged period, will my penis come back to its original shape?
Also, If I am doing LM3 I won't lose from my shaft length do to kegels with weights, right? (I am not using much weight thought it's amateur style)
I have 2'' cylinder, and I am 5.1' so I guess it's okay. I am not "feeling the tube" up, only half my penis gets filled side-2-side.
Using Bathmate for 3 months, my penis from this: 8=====O became like rugby 🏉 which I hate so much.
If I use mityvac for prolonged period, will my penis come back to its original shape?
Also, If I am doing LM3 I won't lose from my shaft length do to kegels with weights, right? (I am not using much weight thought it's amateur style)
I have 2'' cylinder, and I am 5.1' so I guess it's okay. I am not "feeling the tube" up, only half my penis gets filled side-2-side.
Yes, it will correct the penile shape more nicely. Use the smaller cylinder for a few sets of pumping until the expansion is equalized. Then the larger one to keep the expansion constant and in the proper shape.

If you use LM, it will counter the loss of length from weight enhanced kegels.
I am confused about something and I need someone truly expert to reply to my message because it drives me nuts.
1. If I enter MityVac - Wet and Dry Penis Vacuum Pump System erected, at 7hg I feel the pressure but if I put Vaseline I feel like nothing and I easily go to 10hg. Why does this happen? Is it something to be afraid of? With Vaseline, I could go to 13-14hg and barely feel something, but without Vaseline It's impossible to do it.
Look at the expansion instead. Start your session with a snug Acrylic cylinder and go wider on second set. The expansion during, and after session is the most important. Just because you have higher vaccum pressure (past a pointl doesn't mean that you get more expansion.

2. After finding how to use mityvac, I am getting the same expansion as Bathmate - without the water retention. The problem is that I suddenly see my penis longer after Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) ... and the expansion is somehow compressed because the penis is getting elongated? WTF? I stopped doing LengthMaster 3 - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging bundled stretches because of this, but this thing is happening all the time!!!
Most likely you will not see a substantial increase in erected length, but mostly in flaccid hang this is my experience. Almost non increase in erected length outside the cylinder but substantially bigger and longer flaccid hang.

Hope my information helps you.
Look at the expansion instead. Start your session with a snug Acrylic cylinder and go wider on second set. The expansion during, and after session is the most important. Just because you have higher vaccum pressure (past a pointl doesn't mean that you get more expansion.

Most likely you will not see a substantial increase in erected length, but mostly in flaccid hang this is my experience. Almost non increase in erected length outside the cylinder but substantially bigger and longer flaccid hang.

Hope my information helps you.
The expansion is okay - it's the "supposed expansion someone could have" speaking always of the mean expansion everyone gets.
SIM based on your experience, LM3 bundled stretches behind the chicks 10 mins and then 5x5x3 will help in length even if it is just 10 mins?
The expansion is okay - it's the "supposed expansion someone could have" speaking always of the mean expansion everyone gets.
SIM based on your experience, LM3 bundled stretches behind the chicks 10 mins and then 5x5x3 will help in length even if it is just 10 mins?
It will help, and you will experience bigger expansion during and after your 5X5X3, because you have loosen up tunica albigunea with bundled stretches. 💪

Did that yesterday and got my biggest expansion ever.

By the way, I realize now how hard BTC-BS are now. After my ligaments have retracted and heald up, it was hard to get into the position. Keep going and progress is the goal.
It will help, and you will experience bigger expansion during and after your 5X5X3, because you have loosen up tunica albigunea with bundled stretches. 💪

Did that yesterday and got my biggest expansion ever.

By the way, I realize now how hard BTC-BS are now. After my ligaments have retracted and heald up, it was hard to get into the position. Keep going and progress is the goal.
Like you, the way you like BTC-BS and this nice pain you get, I like SSJ even though I am not that powerful to hold for time. SSJ gives me somehow...erection haha wtf :P
Like you, the way you like BTC-BS and this nice pain you get, I like Slow Squash Jelq even though I am not that powerful to hold for time. Slow Squash Jelq gives me somehow...erection haha wtf :p
Manual work is important to keep the erection going during session (5x5x3). I need to do that as well. A plus is that you increase the expansion even more in the Acrylic cylinders with SSJ, and after session. Using downward C-Jelq's in order to reduce fluid retention as well.

Yeah! It was not comfortable wity BTC-BS yesterday. But it's not supposed to be. If I would want more length, I would need to become a hermit again. I'm not prepared to do that now. But it was fun 😊
I experienced more expansion when I was pushing mityvac while kegeling. I don't mean doing kegels during the 5 mins. I am speak of pushing air in the vacuum each time you kegel. Doing this I felt inside my penis my body moving and I experienced greater resistance but I so not know if I am damaging my penis doing this. Only @DLD Can answer this I guess.
My mistake when I am saying dld I mean dld, you, the mods, those who have great experience. I am just on mobile and was bored to type :p pardon me !
Okidoki 🙂

I experienced more expansion when I was pushing mityvac while kegeling. I don't mean doing kegels during the 5 mins. I am speak of pushing air in the vacuum each time you kegel. Doing this I felt inside my penis my body moving and I experienced greater resistance but I so not know if I am damaging my penis doing this. Only @DLD Can answer this I guess.
No danger. I also kegel at low vacuum pressure as well as I get up the vaccum pressure to a good level. I can't kegel inside tye Acrylic cylinder when I'm at the highest vaccum pressure.
Man, I can only wonder the "highest" value. 15inHg? Or is it 17inHg now? Getting scare just thinking about it.
@oldandlively say 15 in.Hg is extremely dangerous. And I must agree. For me 17 in.Hg would implode my penis, and inquire it bigtime.
I would not risk it. 😱

10 in.Hg to 12 in.Hg should be enough (be the highest limit) to grow.

I'm growing now at a maximum of 12 in.Hg.
Creap up there for ~2 minutes and then go back down to 10 in.Hg rest of the 3 minutes / set.
I could not stop. 😔
Having multiple size cylinders will also help you grow faster.
@oldandlively say 15 in.Hg is extremely dangerous. And I must agree. For me 17 in.Hg would implode my penis, and inquire it bigtime.
I would not risk it. 😱

10 in.Hg to 12 in.Hg should be enough (be the highest limit) to grow.

I'm growing now at a maximum of 12 in.Hg.
Creap up there for ~2 minutes and then go back down to 10 in.Hg rest of the 3 minutes / set.
I could not stop. 😔
Having multiple size cylinders will also help you grow faster.
I don't understand why multiple cylinders help grow faster. Where do you bade this evidence.
I don't understand why multiple cylinders help grow faster. Where do you bade this evidence.
First set use a snug cylinder force tissue hard into the walls.

Second set use a to wide cylinder, and make the tissue over expand outward. You need to tug tunica albigunea past it's normal expansion to increase your girth.

Third set you can either use a narrow cylinder again to force expansion up your shaft or, a litter less wide cylinder (depending on how you want to grow).

The evidence are between my legs.
And how do I know you wouldn't have this evidence without those cylinders and by only using just one ? I am asking this question as a newbie that I am because if you got 0.5' in 6 months for example, you got the same with the mean of people out there doing 5x5x3. Unless there is something that I do not know
And how do I know you wouldn't have this evidence without those cylinders and by only using just one ? I am asking this question as a newbie that I am because if you got 0.5' in 6 months for example, you got the same with the mean of people out there doing 5x5x3. Unless there is something that I do not know
I grew faster. But that doesn't matter.
Just try it and you will see what happens.

The key is to tug at tunica albigunea at it's limit. If your tissue are prevented to over expand at the girth with a snug cylinder, there is no way you can grow fast.

I have no scientific data of this, I only go by my experience. For me the problem is my banana penis, and using a narrow and wide cylinder interchangeably have been beneficial for me.

I explain it. The wide cylinder you force extreme expansion and with a narrow cylinder you force all that expansion throughout/through up your shaft, creating an evenly thick penis.

You still do 5x5x3.
Banana penis is nice !! Mine is like rugby 🏉 and I hate cause of Bathmate.
Help me so this then. I have 2' in cylinder and I am 5.1'x5.1' what shall I buy? I prefer dry pump like mityvac. Can you guide me on this please.
I recommend water pumping, because you have higher and more even expansion throughout your penis/tissue.

Go with 2.25" if you don't max the 2" completely already. If you max the 2" completetely out (filling it up at the width and girth).
This is where I come in.
And how do I know you wouldn't have this evidence without those cylinders and by only using just one ? I am asking this question as a newbie that I am because if you got 0.5' in 6 months for example, you got the same with the mean of people out there doing 5x5x3. Unless there is something that I do not know
Your penis may look like a rugby ball, and my penis used to look like an inverted bat shap where my glans was small that my base. Now, my glans is larger than my baset though experiment. This has been proven through clinical trials. This is why there are so many different kind of pumps out there, from Bathmate unique wide base to smaller tip, to regular cylinder for uniform expansion, and there are even large glans expansion with smaller shaft cylinder.

Pumping is never meant to do curvature correction, but for lateral shape expansion correction, pumping is the primary choice of approach. Entertainment industry males pumped and continuing to pump for shape correction all the time.
I could not edit so I just continued on my information.
So I have to buy a 2.25 and a 2.50 and I must use them in this order ? ; 2. Then 2.25 then 2.50 at 5x5x3?
Currently inside 2'x I am feeling the pump at the base and at the start of the midshaft around the 12cm hight. I am not expanding the whole penis thought the walls only half. Please advice.
So I have to buy a 2.25 and a 2.50 and I must use them in this order ? ; 2. Then 2.25 then 2.50 at 5x5x3?
Currently inside 2'x I am feeling the pump at the base and at the start of the midshaft around the 12cm hight. I am not expanding the whole penis thought the walls only half. Please advice.
I was using the 2" and the 2.5", but 2.25" also helped. But I was starting at 5.5 Inch erected girth this year.

If you're not maxing out 2" completely I believe 2.25" would be a better fit for you.
Switch between 2" and 2.25".
If you are loose at the bottom at the base and the glans, and still fit the middle of the shaft to pump under 2in cylinder, use it until you can't fit it any more. I know you still have plenty of room. You can just get a 2.25in for uniform expansion for now. I rather purchase all three to have them on standby.

So, pump in the 2in until you can fit it any further for your sets. For the remaing sets, use the 2.25in.
I am never 100%. I am something between 85% and 90%. The last time I was 100% was when I was 23 years old.
I am 5.1' midshaft, 5.5' base, 4.5' before glans
Let's take 5.5 inches as your primary largest circumference size. We have to restrain the base from going any further. What you have is not a rugby shape but an invert baseball bat. This is highly common for most males in the world. The glans always tend to be the smallest.

So, our main point of attack is to get a cylinder that fits well with the base. Your base is currently 1.75 inches for the diameter of the cylinder. Everything has to catch up. That means you need to start out at 1.75 inch cylinder. This allows your mid shaft and glans to catch up. Once you pump the first or second set, you'll notice the mid shaft if will tighter, but there are plenty of room for your glans to continue to expand. If you cannot get your penis into the 1.75 inch cylinder any more because the base and mid shaft becomes too big, go to the 2 inch cylinder now. This allows your base and your mid shaft to continue to expand.

The trick going up with constrictive sizing is to also help with your erection quality. How so? By providing your penis time to hold onto the rigidity of the penile base tissues all the way up to the mid shaft tissues. You're not forcing all the tissues to work at the same time. Just the upper shaft tissues to expand laterally. Your routines work on the Length Master will force your longitudinal growth for length, but that won't cause fatigues for the base to mid shaft. This allows your penis to build up stronger rigidity to help out with your ED.

As your penis becomes more uniformed, you'll notice your erection quality becomes stronger because you have more equalized blood flow, rather than abnormal blood flow. What do I mean by that? You currently have a lot of blood flow at the bottom to roughly the mid of the shaft. But there's a bottleneck, or reduction, of flow to the glans. There's not enough blood volume to push through the glans for stronger rigidity because the blood vessels are not supporting larger transport of blood volume to the upper part of the shaft comparing to the bottom. That may be the reason why you're reporting in only 70% to 80% rigidity (erection).
Let's take 5.5 inches as your primary largest circumference size. We have to restrain the base from going any further. What you have is not a rugby shape but an invert baseball bat. This is highly common for most males in the world. The glans always tend to be the smallest.

So, our main point of attack is to get a cylinder that fits well with the base. Your base is currently 1.75 inches for the diameter of the cylinder. Everything has to catch up. That means you need to start out at 1.75 inch cylinder. This allows your mid shaft and glans to catch up. Once you pump the first or second set, you'll notice the mid shaft if will tighter, but there are plenty of room for your glans to continue to expand. If you cannot get your penis into the 1.75 inch cylinder any more because the base and mid shaft becomes too big, go to the 2 inch cylinder now. This allows your base and your mid shaft to continue to expand.

The trick going up with constrictive sizing is to also help with your erection quality. How so? By providing your penis time to hold onto the rigidity of the penile base tissues all the way up to the mid shaft tissues. You're not forcing all the tissues to work at the same time. Just the upper shaft tissues to expand laterally. Your routines work on the LengthMaster will force your longitudinal growth for length, but that won't cause fatigues for the base to mid shaft. This allows your penis to build up stronger rigidity to help out with your ED.

As your penis becomes more uniformed, you'll notice your erection quality becomes stronger because you have more equalized blood flow, rather than abnormal blood flow. What do I mean by that? You currently have a lot of blood flow at the bottom to roughly the mid of the shaft. But there's a bottleneck, or reduction, of flow to the glans. There's not enough blood volume to push through the glans for stronger rigidity because the blood vessels are not supporting larger transport of blood volume to the upper part of the shaft comparing to the bottom. That may be the reason why you're reporting in only 70% to 80% rigidity (erection).
Okay, so I have to abandon the 2'' cylinder and go for 1.75'? When I was using 1.75' I was pretty sure that my penis was hitting all the walls in the cylinder. Also, my penis WASN'T like this! (like invert baseball bat)!! It became like this after 3 months of bathmate pumping!
Do you mind explaining to me with human argo language this ED thing you are talking about because it is somehow difficult for me (since i am not in the field) to understand? How can I solve this ED issue?
Okay, so I have to abandon the 2'' cylinder and go for 1.75'? When I was using 1.75' I was pretty sure that my penis was hitting all the walls in the cylinder. Also, my penis WASN'T like this! (like invert baseball bat)!! It became like this after 3 months of Bathmate pumping!
Do you mind explaining to me with human argo language this ED thing you are talking about because it is somehow difficult for me (since i am not in the field) to understand? How can I solve this ED issue?
Nope. Didn't say you have to abandon it. Simply go down one size for the first few pump sets, and then use the 2in cylinder as you expand.

Follow the method of smaller cylinder to larger cylinder. What you will be doing is to create harder penis structure from the base up. You will reshape your penis into a nice equal circumference from the base up to the glans. This will ensure your blood vessels equalize in size all the way up to the glans. Your ED will improve as you reshape it, on top of making it bigger and longer based on your routines. Hang in there with your PE disciplines.

Since you are aiming for the 6.5in length and 6.5in girth, make sure to grab the 9in x 1.75in cylinder. 9in height will give you plenty of headspace for growth, just in case you want to reach 8in for length. If you want 9in length, you have to switch up to 11in height cylinder. But that is still years down the road.
I know it's a silly question but we know that 5x5x3 is the best program for girth.
My question: is 5x5x4 more fruitful than 5x5x3? When I say fruitful i mean, will it give better results in 6 months than just 5x5x3?
And if 5x5x4 is better then , is 5x5x5 better than 5x5x4? Always speaking in terms of results after 6 months.
I know it's a sili question but we know that 5x5x3 is the best program for girth.
My question: is 5x5x4 more fruitful than 5x5x3? When I say fruitful i mean, will it give better results in 6 months than just 5x5x3?
And if 5x5x4 is better then , is 5x5x5 better than 5x5x4? Always speaking in terms of results after 6 months.
5z5x3 is merely a fundamental approach. It's not a start all and end all routine. It's the base where you develope upwards to match your needs. Some needs 3x3x5 at higher pressures, some need 5x5x5 at lower pressures, and some need 2x2x10 for specific plateau reprogramming. No matter what option you select, it's not about more time, but how the time is being used. No matter what style of approach, the numbers are focused on the SSJ, Pump, and X sets you need. The fundamental base routine combo of pump and SSJ to. But do be warned that too much pressure for too long will cause your penis to exceed fatigueness recovery limits. It will recover less and less.
Is this good or bad because doing 3 times a week whereas your penis gets super rested is not giving the best results.
Is this good or bad because doing 3 times a week whereas your penis gets super rested is not giving the best results.
You can do 3 on 1 rest (or 2 rest) and repeat.
It all needs to be reprogrammed to your needs, and according to your session structure and intensity.
I would like to post some info regarding my PE work and I would like to hear your thoughts on this.
As you know, I am focusing on girth with 5x5x3, and sometimes when I have the time, I am using LM3 before to do 10 mins BTC-BS. I also use MOSRED 10 mins before starting routine and 10 mins at the end of the routine.

What I found is this:

1. After doing 2 mins SSJ, my penis gets 0.3' inches bigger. Yes, exactly. I know its crazy - but After 2 mins of SSJ my penis gets bigger (without m mityvac).
2. After the first 5 mins of mityvac (first set), my penis remains as is (0.3' inches bigger)
3. After doing 5 mins SSJ, my penis is still 0.3' inches bigger.
4. After doing 5 mins mityvac (second set) my penis gets 0.45' to 0.5 inches bigger
5. 3rd pumping set is not increasing my size.

Please your thoughts on this.
I would like to post some info regarding my PE work and I would like to hear your thoughts on this.
As you know, I am focusing on girth with 5x5x3, and sometimes when I have the time, I am using LM3 before to do 10 mins BTC-BS. I also use MOSRED 10 mins before starting routine and 10 mins at the end of the routine.

What I found is this:

1. After doing 2 mins SSJ, my penis gets 0.3' inches bigger. Yes, exactly. I know its crazy - but After 2 mins of SSJ my penis gets bigger (without m mityvac).
2. After the first 5 mins of mityvac (first set), my penis remains as is (0.3' inches bigger)
3. After doing 5 mins SSJ, my penis is still 0.3' inches bigger.
4. After doing 5 mins mityvac (second set) my penis gets 0.45' to 0.5 inches bigger
5. 3rd pumping set is not increasing my size.

Please your thoughts on this.
Maxed out expansion. Your skin can only expand so much. It's like the inner tube of the bicycle. It can only expand so much and still maintain rigidity for functions. Your body is attempting to restrict the penis from going beyond the safety zone, such as blood vessel failures, nerve branch damage from being ripped apart because of over expansion.

This is where we talked about adding more time on SSJ for internal expansion over pumping. 7 to 10 minutes on SSJ, 3 minutes at the pump while using dynamic pressures to go up and down between your current moderate pressure (8inHg) and creeping upper pressure (11inHg, and be very careful!).
So you say I have to go for 10 mins per pump or at the last pump?
10 minutes of SSJ.
5 minutes of pumping, but allow your pressure to rise and fall. 1 minutes at 8inHg to initiate the expansion, 1 minutes at 10inHg to bring pressure up, 30 seconds screep to 11inHg, drop to 9inHg for 1 minute, up to 11inHg for 30 seconds, and drop again to 9inHg. Use up the 5 minutes going up and down.
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Also I want to ask if the 3xpansion with dry mityvac is Reay or if there is a possibility for something like retention to exists like water pumping because sometimes the expansion is bigger and I am wondering if it is a bug of myself
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
      P (Guest) pedguin: ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master...