Is the hair on your shaft evidence of the amount of length you've gained?

Or is it just some loose skin?

I'm sure it's related to your growth, but I was wondering if you could really tell how much you've grown just by looking down at how far the little forest has progressed onto your shaft.
I never paid attention to the hair on my shaft...I just keep shaving it. Are you trying to use the hair growth on your shaft as a visual measurement to how much you have grown?
I was always amazed at how the hair would slowly creep up my shaft. It really is a combination of penis growth and skin stretch. At one point I thought I was going to end up with a Wooly Mammoth penis:D but some simple plucking deal with it.
doublelongdaddy said:
I was always amazed at how the hair would slowly creep up my shaft. It really is a combination of penis growth and skin stretch. At one point I thought I was going to end up with a Wooly Mammoth penis:D but some simple plucking deal with it.

Heh, wonder how a girl would like getting fucked by a penis with significant stubble? :idea:

Or a Wooly Mammoth? :idea:

Experimentation is in order.
I shave with an electric screen razor. Whatever escapes the razor on the shaft gets plucked with my wife's eyebrow tweezers.
As always - be careful with sharp/cutting objects around your dick.
Have to shave mine. Dont have an electric razor and have to do it mannualy, im a little scared of what can go wrong with that thing near my dick :D
But mine is amazing, hair took over almost 1.5" of my dick O_O
I wouldn't trust any electric. I take care of mine with a steady hand and razor.

I think it shows you stretch the skin, but also get some gains. The veins that start to appear at the shaft seem to be more of a sign of growth to me and the distance between my tvein and glans.
The hair on my shaft goes up about 1 or 2 inches.... its amazing... and I don't know what to do about it..... I can't shave it because I get razor burn and then ingrowns... I can't pluck it.. I get ingrowns.. and when I use the electric nose hair thing.. I can only get down to a stubble... so its a lose lose situation. SInce I a lot of you seem to have this problem I was wondering how you deal with it.. like with the ingrowns/razor burn....
-- on the back of my penis it goes ALL the way up... but its just thin tiny hairs and only like 7 of them.. so its not bad at all. on the front its like forest for 2 inches... it really SUCKSSSSSSSSSSSSS

I think some of it has to do with friction.. so ppl who dry jelq... watch out you might some hair on your shaft.
Mine have also begun to walk further and further, but its only a few straws nothing much.
And I do believe that its a sign of skingrowth(lengthgain), why would the hair be longer up otherwise.
After like a week of 15mins every day i managed to remove all the hair in my shaft using an eyebrow tweezer (cant say it didnt hurt, fuckkkk poor cock). But now, it looks so much better, and longer also :D
Maybe FR would help, since your penis is getting longer and the hair is being pulled out, it seems as though the skin isn't stretching enough. so maybe FR would help bring the hair back down to the base and off the shaft itself.
twins172_up said:
i don't think i notice too much before pe...but since i started i know i have more hair going up my shaft....even my girl notice rofl

I have seen pictures of guys, who obviously Penis Enlargement, with hair growing up their shaft like 3-4 inches! Crazy looking shit.
do you guys think electrolysis would work to get rid of shaft hair? (I dont like the idea of running current through my dick tho)
I use beard trimmers on the bush and a Mach 3 on my shaft and entire scrote...nice and smooth all the cuts either...(knocks on wood) As far as gains go, I'd just keep a log and document with a ruler every month or so but I'd say loose skin. as far as stubble sex...I wouldn't dick has never felt pussy unless through a condom <:( for pleasue, rofl for disease and baby free :P