Hi guys, I'm quite afraid of what I did right now.
(pictures, warn nsfw and graphics)
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
1 week ago (pictures are as of today) I tried to prep a solution of 20% benzyl alchool, 10% lidocaine and rest of water. The purpose was to numb my penis so I could put my [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] without any pain. Now the thing is that my penis is litteraly burned ! I think that the alcohol did this but I couldn't feel it since my penis was numb.
I know that I'm completely dumb for doing this, all I want to know is if you think it's going to heal and leave scars and do you have ideas of thing to put on it so it heals better and faster ? I've never seen white wounds like this and I must say that I'm fucking scared. Did I chemically burned my penis ? Omg
(pictures, warn nsfw and graphics)
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
1 week ago (pictures are as of today) I tried to prep a solution of 20% benzyl alchool, 10% lidocaine and rest of water. The purpose was to numb my penis so I could put my [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] without any pain. Now the thing is that my penis is litteraly burned ! I think that the alcohol did this but I couldn't feel it since my penis was numb.
I know that I'm completely dumb for doing this, all I want to know is if you think it's going to heal and leave scars and do you have ideas of thing to put on it so it heals better and faster ? I've never seen white wounds like this and I must say that I'm fucking scared. Did I chemically burned my penis ? Omg