getting off to the right start!

i have just begun 1st of November with 10 min warm up, 10 min of stretching, and about 10 mins of Jeqltings.
I am 6.5 hard, 5girth -i am pushing my time a few minutes each time to increase the intensity, so i'm very interested with what others would recommend.
Welcome to the forum.
The best advice just about anybody can give you is: Don't rush things.

At the beginning the temptation runs something like; if some is good, more must be better, right? Well, you can't make any gains with a broken dick. Take it slow, pay attention to what you're doing, get in the forum and search for whatever you need.

(There's a shitload of great advice and, literally, hundreds of years of collective NPenis Enlargement experience here to learn from.)

Find what works best for you via experimentation and a little trial and error and, last but not least, remain focused and dedicated.

Good luck & good gains!
start off with either DLD's Phase 1 routine or you could do redzulu's routine (just don't pull too hard because it's a pretty intense workout if you make it one). i'd recommend doing around 30 minutes of exercise 3 times a week and see how that feels. just read all that you can and find the exercises you like best
Pretty much listen to your dick. Some guys can make gains with no days off some need a day or 2 off. Everyone is different. Keep it simple yet dedicated. Best of luck