Fixing leftward bend

the problem is, my dick bends to the left.

i feel as if by continuing jelqing is only gonna make the curve more visible

so does anyone know any ways of correctin a bend like this?

its startin to really piss me off...
Try doing bends to the right, and also this exercise. Try the exercise just regular and also at the same time as doing a bend, I think this will work.
To perform a bend: Use an "ok" grip at the base, or a constricter such as a cable clamp (the clamp is more effective, in my opinion), and bend with the other hand against the curve. The reason for the grip or clamp is to fill the CC chambers up with more blood, so that when you bend there will be more stress on the cells within them.
Any kind of semi-erect to erect girth exercise that is done against the curve, in time, will correct the curve. If your predominate girth exercise is jelqing then you should put more effort against the bend on the stroke that gives that side of the penis the most pressure. You can also look into doing DUAL-FULCRUM STRETCHES, semi-erect (again against the bend)

I worked with allot of guys who have had everything from a slight bend to serious peyronies disease and, using these techniques, they all made big improvements in their bends. I actually added an upward bend to my penis (you can see it in any side shot) and I did this by using the above advice.

If you are a member of the pasite there is a section that is dedicated to Peyronies Disease here: Disease.html