Hi Everyone,
I have been significantly researching the benefits of using Maca orally once per day, and unrefined, raw, organic Shea butter topically on the penis daily. Both supplements have led to increased blood flow in numerous scientific peer reviewed research trials.
My goal here is to see what effects they will have on erection quality (EQ)
I would prefer as many volunteers as possible, with an even number of persons in the control group (not taking maca or applying any shae) and experimental group people.
I plan on plotting all data received over a 28 day period, and distributing the results to this site.
To start I need the following:
Bone pressed erect length - BPEL
Erect Length - EL
Bone Pressed Flaccid Stretched Length - BPFSL
Mid-shaft erect girth - MSEG
Base erect Girth - BEG
Below Glans Erect Girth (BGEG)
Erection Quality - EQ
I'll require weekly updates for the next 4 weeks.
Please reply to this in the forum and we can set this thing up!
I am so pumped (Pun intended) to see the results. BOOM
I have been significantly researching the benefits of using Maca orally once per day, and unrefined, raw, organic Shea butter topically on the penis daily. Both supplements have led to increased blood flow in numerous scientific peer reviewed research trials.
My goal here is to see what effects they will have on erection quality (EQ)
I would prefer as many volunteers as possible, with an even number of persons in the control group (not taking maca or applying any shae) and experimental group people.
I plan on plotting all data received over a 28 day period, and distributing the results to this site.
To start I need the following:
Bone pressed erect length - BPEL
Erect Length - EL
Bone Pressed Flaccid Stretched Length - BPFSL
Mid-shaft erect girth - MSEG
Base erect Girth - BEG
Below Glans Erect Girth (BGEG)
Erection Quality - EQ
I'll require weekly updates for the next 4 weeks.
Please reply to this in the forum and we can set this thing up!
I am so pumped (Pun intended) to see the results. BOOM