DutchAthletic’s ascension path to 10” BPEL

It’s saturday night 11:00 PM

I’m soooo fucking sore I cannot stretch anymore. It stings and hurts like a bitch, I stretched so hard that I got blood blisters in my circumcision scar. I have to let it heal.

God dammit, I want to stretch longer and harder but i’m only hurting myself at this moment. If I strap on my lengthmaster, I turn the screws till my dick is completely flat, it hurts, and then I start bundled stretching..... I have very loose skin, and I get fluid build up, and I slip because of my loose skin.

I feel like i’m only pulling on the skin, without a strong grip on the internal tunica shaft, I slip and I damage my glans.

I strap on while erect, then because of the pain and stretching my erection goes away a bit, then I have the problem that I slip, I mean I pull as hard as I can but It slips a bit, that really annoying.

I don’t have the internal tunica pull when bundled stretching. I stretched for 26 minutes today, I didn’t make it till 35 minutes.

I wish I could numb my dick with medications or something, I wish it would stay completely flaccid. I am hurting myself because I keep getting erect while stretching.

No. I can’t ejaculate every day for multiple times. That shit doesn’t work for me, it drains my life force and energy that I need for other stuff like school and gym.

My dick is so stubborn and strong, it stays fully erect while bundled stretching and that hurts. I have deep internal sharp shaft pain by forcing it too hard.

I am really mad at my dick, now that I stopped stretching, my erection also is gone. Fucking stupid retarded nonsense.

Really guys, I don’t know what to do anymore.......

I wish I could extend or hang for 15 hours without interruption or having to take off the weights because your stupid dick can’t go for more than 20 minutes without circulation.

I really hate those human limits. seriously fuck that shit. I want to hang from 6:00 AM till 11:00 PM without a hassle and breaks. I don’t have time for this shit. I’ve got things to do.

I saw the MOS shop has that SizeDoctor hanger for $274 .... If I had the money.... I’d buy it instantly. That is too expensive for me ??

I also tried stretching with little force but that is not effective. It’s kinda pointless to stretch with low force, and I have to bypass my pain treshold in order to get effective stretches.

I feel like i’m not gaining, length is so so hard for me. It’s ridiculous. I have 3 thick tunica layers and when I stretch hard, I only get sharp pain. I feel like i’m not making any progress at all ?

I think i’m gonna take a few days off stretching, I don’t know what to do. I’ll continue my kegel program and jelqs, i’ll just do 100 wet jelqs every hour to compensats for lack of stretching.
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It’s saturday night 11:00 PM

I’m soooo fucking sore I cannot stretch anymore. It stings and hurts like a bitch, I stretched so hard that I got blood blisters in my circumcision scar. I have to let it heal.

God dammit, I want to stretch longer and harder but i’m only hurting myself at this moment. If I strap on my lengthmaster, I turn the screws till my dick is completely flat, it hurts, and then I start bundled stretching..... I have very loose skin, and I get fluid build up, and I slip because of my loose skin.

I feel like i’m only pulling on the skin, without a strong grip on the internal tunica shaft, I slip and I damage my glans.

I strap on while erect, then because of the pain and stretching my erection goes away a bit, then I have the problem that I slip, I mean I pull as hard as I can but It slips a bit, that really annoying.

I don’t have the internal tunica pull when bundled stretching. I stretched for 26 minutes today, I didn’t make it till 35 minutes.

I wish I could numb my dick with medications or something, I wish it would stay completely flaccid. I am hurting myself because I keep getting erect while stretching.

No. I can’t ejaculate every day for multiple times. That shit doesn’t work for me, it drains my life force and energy that I need for other stuff like school and gym.

My dick is so stubborn and strong, it stays fully erect while bundled stretching and that hurts. I have deep internal sharp shaft pain by forcing it too hard.

I am really mad at my dick, now that I stopped stretching, my erection also is gone. Fucking stupid retarded nonsense.

Really guys, I don’t know what to do anymore.......

I wish I could extend or hang for 15 hours without interruption or having to take off the weights because your stupid dick can’t go for more than 20 minutes without circulation.

I really hate those human limits. seriously fuck that shit. I want to hang from 6:00 AM till 11:00 PM without a hassle and breaks. I don’t have time for this shit. I’ve got things to do.

I saw the MOS shop has that SizeDoctor hanger for $274 .... If I had the money.... I’d buy it instantly. That is too expensive for me ??
How about slowing it down and start being more methodical? It sounds bad what you are doing right now, you want so much but sounds like you going down the wrong path.

Take inspiration from superdick he hangs a 50lbs kettlebell and says that weight is enough to force the penis shaft to grow, no need to go heavier. He says 5 minute set twisted to the right and 5 minute set twisted to the left repeat 4 times for 20 minute total.

He hangs off a chair with the dick resting on the chair using the Lengthmaster.

At this point it sounds like adapting this kind of routine for 20 minutes every day would be far more productive for you. And if you pull the hardest you can 50lbs bundled will be no match for you to take.

I say buy a kettlebell and start with the superdick program.
I also know of something that will numb your dick and help you loosen up the internal ligaments and buchs fascia that I use myself but it requires a lot of respect for it because it makes your skin 100% penetrable for the following 30mins to 1hour so you can not come into contact with heavy metals or dangerous stuff in that time or it will absorb into the body.
How about slowing it down and start being more methodical? It sounds bad what you are doing right now, you want so much but sounds like you going down the wrong path.

Take inspiration from superdick he hangs a 50lbs kettlebell and says that weight is enough to force the penis shaft to grow, no need to go heavier. He says 5 minute set twisted to the right and 5 minute set twisted to the left repeat 4 times for 20 minute total.

He hangs off a chair with the dick resting on the chair using the Lengthmaster.

At this point it sounds like adapting this kind of routine for 20 minutes every day would be far more productive for you. And if you pull the hardest you can 50lbs bundled will be no match for you to take.

I say buy a kettlebell and start with the superdick program.

You cannot hang 50 lbs when you start, that takes months of soft tissue conditioning, preparations, and 20 minutes a day hanging isn’t productive, I mean it likely doesn’t do anything for me....

I need long hours of constant weights and applied force, not 20 minutes of hanging a kettlebell....

Or do you mean to substitute the lengthmaster stretching sets with the kettlebell hanging stuff? Like you’d do 2x 20 minutes bundled kettlebell hanging

I don’t know if it is the same force applied, lengthmaster is more dynamic, and I wouldn’t know how much force I generate with my hands, but it’s alot. I can easily approximate 30 lbs kettlbell weights or even higher, I have strong hands / arms
I also know of something that will numb your dick and help you loosen up the internal ligaments and buchs fascia that I use myself but it requires a lot of respect for it because it makes your skin 100% penetrable for the following 30mins to 1hour so you can not come into contact with heavy metals or dangerous stuff in that time or it will absorb into the body.

Well, thanks for the offer, but that seems dangerous to me lol. One stupid move and you’re done. I don’t want permanent damage
You cannot hang 50 lbs when you start, that takes months of soft tissue conditioning, preparations, and 20 minutes a day hanging isn’t productive, I mean it likely doesn’t do anything for me....

I need long hours of constant weights and applied force, not 20 minutes of hanging a kettlebell....

Or do you mean to substitute the lengthmaster stretching sets with the kettlebell hanging stuff? Like you’d do 2x 20 minutes bundled kettlebell hanging

I don’t know if it is the same force applied, lengthmaster is more dynamic, and I wouldn’t know how much force I generate with my hands, but it’s alot. I can easily approximate 30 lbs kettlbell weights or even higher, I have strong hands / arms
Yeah man I meant substitute since you say you hurted yourself from your current routine :(
Yeah man I meant substitute since you say you hurted yourself from your current routine :(

Do you have a link to his starting guide? How do you start this kettlebell bundled hanging?

Maybe this is something for me. I could do these bundled hanging sessions in my chair, while studying. It’s hands free after all.

Bundled hanging seems very interesting. Could also use other type of weights,

How do you start this kind of routine? Because i’m sure as hell not conditioned to start hanging 50 pounds kettlebells lol
Do you have a link to his starting guide? How do you start this kettlebell bundled hanging?

Maybe this is something for me. I could do these bundled hanging sessions in my chair, while studying. It’s hands free after all.

Bundled hanging seems very interesting. Could also use other type of weights,

How do you start this kind of routine? Because i’m sure as hell not conditioned to start hanging 50 pounds kettlebells LOL

The purpose is use extreme force to get maximum results in short time. I think DLD or lightning can link Superdicks demonstration video. You can not study at the same time tou will have to focus 100% on the hanging. But you will have gotten the max gains for that day after only 20 mins. Ofcourse it will help to heal elongated in a sleeve but no more active PE is needed if you follow his program.
The purpose is use extreme force to get maximum results in short time. I think DLD or lightning can link Superdicks demonstration video. You can not study at the same time tou will have to focus 100% on the hanging. But you will have gotten the max gains for that day after only 20 mins. Ofcourse it will help to heal elongated in a sleeve but no more active PE is needed if you follow his program.

Okay that sounds like a solid plan to me. So the theory states that one could achieve maximum potential length gains on a particular day with a 50 lbs kettlebell, bundled shock hanging. If I use those MOS sleeves that will be a perfect application of SRT theory.

Is it possible to jelq after this shock hanging? Like doing 200 wet jelqs, for bloodflow etc?

Also won’t I get the same bloodblisters by applying such weights on dick?

I once overdid hanging with too many lbs, I increased too much too fast, the pain and soreness were brutal, also got bloodblisters from that, had to let it heal, that was around 7kg (15 pounds)

But it still interests me, even though you have to be careful of course.
Yea, he is also known as “the Ice man” or something ? I do a pussy version of his method LOL!

I take cold showers, and it really hypes you up and gives you a boost in mood early in the morning. A nice side effect is that when you go outside in the “cold” , you aren’t cold anymore. At winter time this is extreme discipline and hard.
Yes, that's him. The cold exposure is one side. But for what you are explaining as your experience right now might lend itself to the BREATHING methods he employs. It's not "new" by any means and has been used for millenia. But he does break it down into a very accessible method. Some say with practice they can level their hormonal system and control immuno-reaction. Crazy stuff, but verified in the lab many times over.

Anyway, hope that helps...
Sunday january 27th

11:00 AM

Taking a breaking from stretching.

200 wet jelqs, coconut oil. Have to let my soreness and wounds heal.

Last night I fapped 2 times, this morning one time.

I am drained lol.

I’m gonna do kundalini yoga exercises to get the sexual energy flow freely through my body.

They key of Nofap is to transmute sexual energy, not to let it build up in your groin area which leads to uncontrollable horniness.... Without yoga or other energy blockage clearing methods, Nofap is very hard to do.

I have all kinds of energy blockages in my body, deep emotional subconscious fear and other emotions are in essence energy. They block my potential gains and power.

I never did this before, but I got some yoga poses that will surely free up your sexual energy pathwAys so that your energy flows up your spine into your brain.

It’s all interconnected, if you lack in one area of life, it will show in other areas... My emotional breakdown was due to emotional blockages, I must break free and clear everything up.

I’ll start over today and i’ll be doing these yoga exercises to clear my chakras. I think Nofap is very easy and sustainable when you transmute your energy in raw cognitive horsepower for your brain and raw strength power for gym training.

Now I only get extreme horniness levels build up in my groin area, it gets stuck there somehow, deep emotional issues, and they need to be cleared.

I will keep you guys up to date on how my journey is going and how it’s affecting PE.

Also i’m trying to figure out that KettleBell bundled hanging method, maybe I should try that for stretching instead of lengthmaster, it would save me lots of time, I want to buy these new MOS sleeves, I think they are a great substitute as a wrap, hanging, SRT, healing in extended state.

Anyways guys, I hope you all have a great sunday!

Nofap: day 0
@DutchAthletic92 - being from Holland are you familiar with the work of Wim Hof? His breathing and cold exposure protocols have helped many with imbalances and depressive bouts. It's worth checking out. Thereis a very active Facebook group with people willing to help the "newbies".

Hope that helps...
Please leave the links to these. I want to check him out to
How long does it take to see significant gains? And for how long should I hold that grip? 1 minute sets? 2 minute sets? After every jelq?

I heard growing a bigger glans is extremely difficult, how wad your experience? How much did you gained?

I have to log off now, please PM me about this and I will get back to you.
Tuesday january 29th
09:30 AM

I slept well tonight, I have been fasting since sunday noon 05:00 PM and this will be a 48 hour water fast. My energy has skyrocketed through the roof!

I add organic pink himalayan salt, 7 grams (sodium chloride) potassium 4 grams and magnesium 1200mg to my water to charge it with electrolytes. This is very important when fasting. And normally I eat one big meal a day and fast for 22 hours. I dissolve that in 3.1 Liters of water.

This is a sick body hack, every day I am bathing in my own increased HGH, DHT, testosterone levels, it skyrockets to 2000% above baseline when you fast for 24 hours.

I believe this well help tremendously with recovery and growth. I told you guys about my soreness and injuries. Well, they’re completely gone now. 2 days, that’s all it took.

Normally I would have to wait a bit longer. I will do Intermittent Fasting for the rest of my life. It’s so therapeutic. I am eating just below maintenance calories, like a 15% decrease so around 2500 calories. I’m not starving myself at all.

I’m really interested in kettlebell hanging, but at this moment I don’t have money to buy equipment, I have to wait a few months to start this shock hanging stuff. I will continue doing bundled stretching with my lengthmaster.

I get overly excited with that device and then I stretch way too hard, I need to learn to listen to my body, and adjust my strength. I overdid it too much.

Also adding sets as minutes to increase my total bundled stretching is something that you slowly need to increase....

Well, this path is all about trial & error, getting to know your own body and limits. I really want to gain fast and i’m eager to work hard, but I have to listen to my body.

I wanted to give a shoutout to @REDZULU2003 for writing this awesome post:

Psychic penis enlargement: Building your inner sanctuary - Matters of Size | Penis Enlargement, Male Enhancement & Peyronies Forums

I am definitely gonna try this out! This really resonates with me.

20 mins of bundled stretching, 300 jelqs, (reverse) kegel training and gym training ??‍♂️??‍♂️
Wow you are amazing! 48 hours on a water fast! That is impressive and that comes from an X-Catholic ?
I have done many water fasts, some up to 72 hours. You are correct to add electrolytes and certain supplements. I have shifted to doing a fasting mimicking diet once a quarter for a week. It is less stressful and taxing on my body in general. There are lots of ways to use fasting to improve many parts of our health and wellness.

Mimicking the Fasting Mimicking Diet - My 5-Day Results

Thanks for the link! I’ll look into that, very interesting.
Next week i’m gonna try out 72 hours. It gives me super powers, LOL

I feel so awesome on a fast ?

Fasting has some very good qualities effects. Saint Faustina said that whatever you can’t accomplish through deeds or were you can accomplish through fasting and prayer. I don’t usually listen to Catholic rhetoric but what she says makes a lot of sense. Thanks and also be used for concentration or for other reasons that you want to create a hunger within yourself to get something done.
Fasting is very powerful for the body and mind, due to you not needing to process all that junk, just concentrating on liquids.

Once the body calms, the mind + spirit can be reaches far easier, and fasting helps with this.
Fasting is very powerful for the body and mind, due to you not needing to process all that junk, just concentrating on liquids.

Once the body calms, the mind + spirit can be reaches far easier, and fasting helps with this.

Yeah it’s a super body hack, I plan to do a very long water electrolyes fast, just to reset my whole body.

For anyone who is interested this website has great info:

Extended Fasting + electrolytes | Fasting for weight loss

It’s a myth that we need to stuff our mouths every 2 hours of the day, we won’t starve to death, and you also don’t lose muscle. But they are some key points that you have to take into account.

A plain water fast, without electrolytes, is something totally different, and actually quite dangerous than long electrolyte-water fasts of several weeks.

Minerals and natural salt, like celtic sea salt / pink hamalayan salt with all its minerals and trace elements, are essential to long weeks fasting.
Yeah it’s a super body hack, I plan to do a very long water electrolyes fast, just to reset my whole body.

For anyone who is interested this website has great info:

Extended Fasting + electrolytes | Fasting for weight loss

It’s a myth that we need to stuff our mouths every 2 hours of the day, we won’t starve to death, and you also don’t lose muscle. But they are some key points that you have to take into account.

A plain water fast, without electrolytes, is something totally different, and actually quite dangerous than long electrolyte-water fasts of several weeks.

Minerals and natural salt, like celtic sea salt / pink hamalayan salt with all its minerals and trace elements, are essential to long weeks fasting.
I did 2 weeks at the end of year to cleanse and cut before the new year. It's a great habit to get into, and is just as good for the mind too. I try to do it twice a year. I have never done more than 2 weeks though.
Fasting is very powerful for the body and mind, due to you not needing to process all that junk, just concentrating on liquids.

Once the body calms, the mind + spirit can be reaches far easier, and fasting helps with this.

I don’t really like to quote religion or their doctrines but in this case I will. Saint Faustina said that anything we could not accomplish through deed or word could easily be accomplished through fasting and prayer. This is true as I have lived through it many times. Fasting allows you to set aside a fleshly desire to make a more powerful spiritual prayer or meditation. Even those who do not believe in the Lord can benefit from this, when we take the importance of food we can use that energy to change many things in ourselves for the better. Jesus said “man does not live by bread alone but everywhere word that comes from the mouth of God”. This was said to the devil while Christ was fasting.
Saturday february 2th
11:00 AM
Hanging 1 lbs for 1 hour, 3x 20 mins sets

200 Wet jelqs

EDIT: I hung for 3x20 minutes, I started off with 1 lbs, but I wasn’t even feeling anything.... So I increased weight to 6.6 pounds (3kg)

My tunica is one tough motherfucker and it needs to get fatigue quickly?

I switched up my routine, I will work my way up to 50 lbs hardcore heavy bundled hanging. I have decided that I can still hang, only if it’s just for 1 single heavy set of 20 minutes when i’m at my parents house.

I can get away with that, it’s now do or die. If I want length, I have to do what it takes, no matter what.

I took a bunch of weights with me on my trip back to my hometown. I’m leaving these weights here, so that I don’t have to travel with dumbbell plates every time I go back to my parents house.

I feel that hanging is the way to go, I really need this, this progressive hanging is less time consuming, and I am still hands free for now, so I can multi task and do things for school.

I’m gonna keep a very detailed progress log. I’m gonna start out with one hour per day, and I’ll add sets when it’s convenient.

I have to watch my time to not go overboard and do hanging all day long, I try to get in as many sets as possible to hit fatigue earlier, but my school work must not suffer because of this.

If you do hardcore heavy bundled hanging for 6 sets a day, it will even speed up more gains. SuperDick is known to do that for 20 minutes, one heavy kettlebell, and Dashdeming from the hardcore hanging thread used to do 1 hour I recall. Sometimes even more...

I will use my lengthmaster to do pre-bundled stretching,

Even though my suspensory ligaments are completely torn, like there is no attachment anymore to my pubic bone, I will still hang straight down as a starting point.

Later on I have to hang fulcrum, or over the shoulders, but I have to buy a bench for it and other stuff for me to sit freely on, and to be able to hang in those positions. With a desk chair you’re pretty limited.

And I feel that hanging over the shoulders is weird, like you can’t possibly exert the same force on your unit with the same amount of weight as when you would hang straight down. I think it’s unnecessary soreness for the shoulders.

I think the cable over the shoulder causes so much friction that the tunica isn’t even stretched correctly, so maybe I have to construct something.

Or maybe not, I have no suspensory ligaments, so I figure that hanging straight down also targets my tunica.... I still have a LOT of 6 o’clock though.

Anyway, I hope ya’ll having a great weekend ???
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Saturday february 2th
11:00 AM
Hanging 1 lbs for 1 hour, 3x 20 mins sets

200 Wet jelqs

I switched up my routine, I will work my way up to 50 lbs hardcore heavy bundled hanging. I have decided that I can still hang, only if it’s just for 1 single heavy set of 20 minutes when i’m at my parents house.

I can get away with that, it’s now do or die. If I want length, I have to do what it takes, no matter what.

I took a bunch of weights with me on my trip back to my hometown. I’m leaving these weights here, so that I don’t have to travel with dumbbell plates every time I go back to my parents house.

I feel that hanging is the way to go, I really need this, this progressive hanging is less time consuming, and I am still hands free for now, so I can multi task and do things for school.

I’m gonna keep a very detailed progress log. I’m gonna start out with one hour per day, and I’ll add sets when it’s convenient.

I have to watch my time to not go overboard and do hanging all day long, I try to get in as many sets as possible to hit fatigue earlier, but my school work must not suffer because of this.

If you do hardcore heavy bundled hanging for 6 sets a day, it will even speed up more gains. SuperDick is known to do that for 20 minutes, one heavy kettlebell, and Dashdeming from the hardcore hanging thread used to do 1 hour I recall. Sometimes even more...

I will use my lengthmaster to do pre-bundled stretching,

Even though my suspensory ligaments are completely torn, like there is no attachment anymore to my pubic bone, I will still hang straight down as a starting point.

Later on I have to hang fulcrum, or over the shoulders, but I have to buy a bench for it and other stuff for me to sit freely on, and to be able to hang in those positions. With a desk chair you’re pretty limited.

And I feel that hanging over the shoulders is weird, like you can’t possibly exert the same force on your unit with the same amount of weight as when you would hang straight down. I think it’s unnecessary soreness for the shoulders.

I think the cable over the shoulder causes so much friction that the tunica isn’t even stretched correctly, so maybe I have to construct something.

Or maybe not, I have no suspensory ligaments, so I figure that hanging straight down also targets my tunica.... I still have a LOT of 6 o’clock though.

Anyway, I hope ya’ll having a great weekend ???
Great my man. I would keep it even simpler but thats me. Just sit on a chair like superdick, no extras required except a chair the lengthmaster and weights :)
Great my man. I would keep it even simpler but thats me. Just sit on a chair like superdick, no extras required except a chair the lengthmaster and weights :)

Well, I have a desk chair which limits how wide you can sit with your legs open. So i’m gonna look for a cheap bench with enough height to sit on.

If I sit down on my desk chair, the weights are almost touching the floor, so I have to keep the cables as short as possible lol.

In the end, the goal is to touch the floor with the tip of dick of course lol.
Are you still fasting?

No, I fast from sunday 6:00 PM till wednesday 6
:00 PM
That’s 72 hours, normally I do 24-48 hours, but i’m attacking my fatpad with offensive aggressive methods LOL.

It saves me money in the long run too. I want to get down to 7% bodyfat, so tomorrow I start my weekly fast. I love fasting because I know it will help me grow longer.
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No, I fast from sunday 6 PM till wednesday 6 PM
That’s 72 hours, normally I did 24-48 hours, but i’m attack my fatpad with offensive aggressive methods LOL.

It saves me money in the long run too. I want to get down to 7% bodyfat, so tomorrow I start my weekly fast. I love fasting because I know it will help me grow longer.

It also really helps with concentration and with resetting your body’s metabolism there are so many benefits and that’s why I fasted for so long. We got to the point that I was so used to fasting that I just continue fasting all the time. There was a problem with that though, if you fast too much and the metabolism slows too much food turns to fat quickly. So you’re correct it is a fine art that needs to be balanced. Thanks for all of your updates because I’m learning too
It also really helps with concentration and with resetting your body’s metabolism there are so many benefits and that’s why I fasted for so long. We got to the point that I was so used to fasting that I just continue fasting all the time. There was a problem with that though, if you fast too much and the metabolism slows too much food turns to fat quickly. So you’re correct it is a fine art that needs to be balanced. Thanks for all of your updates because I’m learning too

Yeah it’s a path of trial & error, I wanted to do a very long fast of several weeks, but it can be tricky because you are prone to muscle loss. There is no escape. It will eventually even start to waste away your heart muscles so that’s not good.

There are studies which indicate that between 24-72 hours your body is burning bodyfat AND breaking down hard earned muscle tissue, so it’s not good at all in the long run to do this.... Your body thinks after 72 hours: oh fuck, that isn’t really smart, eating away muscles, because we need muscles to survive! So it starts adapting to 100% bodyfat burning.

So keep that in mind! This really got me, so one way to bypass this problem is to always be in fat burning mode; the ketogenic diet. Low carbs high fat and moderate protein.

If your body was already burning fat, it will continue to do that in a fast, and it won’t go near your muscles.

So that’s also something I had to learn lol.
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Yeah it’s a path of trial & error, I wanted to do a very long fast of several weeks, but it can be tricky because you are prone to muscle loss. There is no escape. It will eventually even start to waste away your heart muscles so that’s not good.

There are studies which indicate that between 24-72 hours your body is burning bodyfat AND breaking down hard earned muscle tissue, so it’s not good at all in the long run to do this.... Your body thinks after 72 hours: oh fuck, that isn’t really smart, eating away muscles, because we need muscles to survive! So it starts adapting to 100% bodyfat burning.

So keep that in mind! This really got me, so one way to bypass this problem is to always be in fat burning mode; the ketogenic diet. Low carbs high fat and moderate protein.

If your body was already burning fat, it will continue to do that in a fast, and it won’t go near your muscles.

So that’s also something I had to learn LOL.

Thanks for that I’m learning more and more every day. I think I might start a fast in the next few weeks and try to get myself down to a better weight. It’s so odd but every winter I put on 20 pounds and I change nothing on my diet. Somewhere in the forum there’s a article I wrote about my own diet and fasting from years ago. I remember that when I was fasting longer than 72 hours and I wanted to continue fasting I would simply push my Metabolism Like forcing myself to do aerobic exercise to keep my metabolic rate high. I also found a value for basic sugar in the diet that I used. I would love to dig it up and have you critique it if you would.
Thanks for that I’m learning more and more every day. I think I might start a fast in the next few weeks and try to get myself down to a better weight. It’s so odd but every winter I put on 20 pounds and I change nothing on my diet. Somewhere in the forum there’s a article I wrote about my own diet and fasting from years ago. I remember that when I was fasting longer than 72 hours and I wanted to continue fasting I would simply push my Metabolism Like forcing myself to do aerobic exercise to keep my metabolic rate high. I also found a value for basic sugar in the diet that I used. I would love to dig it up and have you critique it if you would.

Yeah sure, let me know when you have found it ?
After 72 hours your body turns to 100% fatburning, but there comes a point (after few weeks or so) where it will waste away muscles as well, more cortisol, lower metabolism, lower testosterone, and you’re detoxing heavily, that can be very taxing in the body.

Too heavily and too fast detoxing may be dangerous for the body, depends on how strong one is individually.

There is case of an obese men who fasted for 392 days, he got lean, and stayed that weight after he was done fasting.

He started at 462 pounds, ended up at 178 pounds. All he took was water / coffee and vitamins.

A sick story, but it happens and is possible, but still, he was under medical supervision by doctors etc.
Thank you so much because it was really hard for me to make sense of why I lost so much weight so quickly. The background story is I lost 140 pounds in four months and I did this through fasting for three of the months and then introducing more food on the fourth month. My fasting days consisted of one very small meal per day and throughout the day I would drink Protein and metabolic drinks. But I’m sure there was a lot of stuff I was doing wrong and when people asked me to write out what I did to lose the weight I couldn’t really do it coherently because I wasn’t sure. So let me find my diet and exercise program from that time and let you have at it.
Sunday february 3th
08:30 PM

At least 3x20mins for 3kg (6.6lbs) hanging, i’m finishing deadlines schoolproject etc so i’m hanging as much as I can for the rest of this night.

Tissue conditioning & fatigue

After that 200 wet jelqs

11:00 PM
Edit: currently at 5x20mins, I could never stretch this much time with the lengthmaster, would be too time consuming because you’re not hands-free.
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Sunday february 3th
08:30 PM

At least 3x20mins for 3kg (6.6lbs) hanging, i’m finishing deadlines schoolproject etc so i’m hanging as much as I can for the rest of this night.

Tissue conditioning & fatigue

After that 200 wet jelqs

11:00 PM
Edit: currently at 5x20mins, I could never stretch this much time with the lengthmaster, would be too time consuming because you’re not hands-free.

School always takes priority over PE so make sure you’re getting the working you need to get in for school, your penis will be waiting believe me!
Monday february 4th

11:00 AM

I finished my deadline last night, now I hope I it will be graded lol.

I was working while doing my hanging sets, very convenient. It was weekend so I did more sets than usual. I try to get into fatigue hanging state as soon as possible.

I can really feel the conditioning of the tunica tissue from years of stretching, hanging for 3 months last year, and doing PE on and off over the years. Extender use etc,

I don’t know if that is a good thing or not, but I started at 3kg (6.6lbs) and I will continue to hang 3 kg for the rest of this week, slowly going up in weight.

I have lectures till 4:30 PM, after that i’m going to the gym, so not much time left for this night after dinner. I estimate that I am done at 7:30 PM with cooking and dinner, doing the dishes etc,

All this time i’m water fasting so i’ll burn fat during the day, one big meal at night, and then i’m done with it.

Then i’ll just hang for the rest of the night until 11:45 PM, doing homework and 200 wet jelqs

6mins pre-bundled stretching lengthmaster
6x20mins hanging sets

I wanted to do wet jelqs after every hanging set, I tried that last night, I really like it, it gives a good boost in blood circulation, but it’s a hassle to wash your hands every time when you’re done hanging 20 mins....

I have to find a way to be able to do that without much hassle and going to the bathroom etc, I want to stay in my dormroom with the door locked, I wish I had a sink to wash your hands or something in my dorm room.

Or maybe choosing other type of lube instead of coconut oil?
Monday february 4th

11:00 AM

I finished my deadline last night, now I hope I it will be graded LOL.

I was working while doing my hanging sets, very convenient. It was weekend so I did more sets than usual. I try to get into fatigue hanging state as soon as possible.

I can really feel the conditioning of the tunica tissue from years of stretching, hanging for 3 months last year, and doing PE on and off over the years. Extender use etc,

I don’t know if that is a good thing or not, but I started at 3kg (6.6lbs) and I will continue to hang 3 kg for the rest of this week, slowly going up in weight.

I have lectures till 4:30 PM, after that i’m going to the gym, so not much time left for this night after dinner. I estimate that I am done at 7:30 PM with cooking and dinner, doing the dishes etc,

All this time i’m water fasting so i’ll burn fat during the day, one big meal at night, and then i’m done with it.

Then i’ll just hang for the rest of the night until 11:45 PM, doing homework and 200 wet jelqs

6mins pre-bundled stretching lengthmaster
6x20mins hanging sets

I wanted to do wet jelqs after every hanging set, I tried that last night, I really like it, it gives a good boost in blood circulation, but it’s a hassle to wash your hands every time when you’re done hanging 20 mins....

I have to find a way to be able to do that without much hassle and going to the bathroom etc, I want to stay in my dormroom with the door locked, I wish I had a sink to wash your hands or something in my dorm room.

Or maybe choosing other type of lube instead of coconut oil?

In that case I suggest a water based product like Titan Premium Penis Gel for Jelqing.

I’m so glad you got your schoolwork done and I pray you get excellent grades!
That gel is a possibility.

Have you considered a small bucket or equivalent to have in your room with fresh water? Could use that to rinse and dry off, if there's room for such solution.
A small bucket shouldn't cost that much and while it isn't the best, it's a good compromise from my point of view.

I wish you the best of gains, naturally! Keep on doing your routines. I personally use shea butter for many applications but it's about the same when it comes to the mess, compared to coconut oil that is.
I personally like Vaseline as there’s no better drag and it will last for a whole session but it is a pain in the ass to clean up. So I highly recommend Vaseline but only if you’re going to shower right afterwards.
Monday february 4th

11:00 AM

I finished my deadline last night, now I hope I it will be graded LOL.

I was working while doing my hanging sets, very convenient. It was weekend so I did more sets than usual. I try to get into fatigue hanging state as soon as possible.

I can really feel the conditioning of the tunica tissue from years of stretching, hanging for 3 months last year, and doing PE on and off over the years. Extender use etc,

I don’t know if that is a good thing or not, but I started at 3kg (6.6lbs) and I will continue to hang 3 kg for the rest of this week, slowly going up in weight.

I have lectures till 4:30 PM, after that i’m going to the gym, so not much time left for this night after dinner. I estimate that I am done at 7:30 PM with cooking and dinner, doing the dishes etc,

All this time i’m water fasting so i’ll burn fat during the day, one big meal at night, and then i’m done with it.

Then i’ll just hang for the rest of the night until 11:45 PM, doing homework and 200 wet jelqs

6mins pre-bundled stretching lengthmaster
6x20mins hanging sets

I wanted to do wet jelqs after every hanging set, I tried that last night, I really like it, it gives a good boost in blood circulation, but it’s a hassle to wash your hands every time when you’re done hanging 20 mins....

I have to find a way to be able to do that without much hassle and going to the bathroom etc, I want to stay in my dormroom with the door locked, I wish I had a sink to wash your hands or something in my dorm room.

Or maybe choosing other type of lube instead of coconut oil?
I use a towel for pumping I also use coconit oil I just reuse it for going on months now it stays fresh.
I personally like Vaseline as there’s no better drag and it will last for a whole session but it is a pain in the ass to clean up. So I highly recommend Vaseline but only if you’re going to shower right afterwards.
Would you recommend vaseline for pumping? Im unsure about if its good for the pump so asking to better be safe :)
Would you recommend vaseline for pumping? Im unsure about if its good for the pump so asking to better be safe :)

It’s a pain in the ass to use with pumping but it’s better than any other lubrication. The only thing that’s better is the new gel we sell. If you use Vaseline with your pump you need to clean it every single time you use it thoroughly or the valve will quickly clog.
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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