DutchAthletic’s ascension path to 10” BPEL

Wow nice man!

But you make up for the “lost length” feels-wise when you enter her with 7 inch girth!

Lol, what a luxury problem to have, dick is so fat that the length isn’t clearly visible ??

Yeah, getting to 9-10 inches is perfect.

So she gets multiple orgasms by thrusting? I think that is the ultimate advantage, to stimulate her G-spot and posterior fornix at the same time....

I think that is a specialty that gets women hooked and addicted to your dick :D, they keep coming back for more. That’s the size and sex they talk about when having an awesome godly big dick experience.

They’ll orgasm until their knees shake and cannot walk properly anymore :D. And her pussy is sore from getting pounded.

Good luck on your journey! Wish you all the best ?
it's strange im still not happy at 8.5" in the pump but if I was 9" I would be so happy not needing more.

But then the fun would end! The journey is just as exciting as getting to the goal. As you make this journey you’re gonna learn many things about yourself and you’re gonna make many improvements not just in PE but in all walks of life. So enjoy your journey and get everything out of it you can.
Wednesday January 9th

6:30 PM

Bundled stretching 20 mins, kegel work and jelqing.

I couldn’t complete my whole routine yesterday, I was too busy with school. I’m really in a hurry now and I have a finish a couple of deadlines.

Maybe some extra rest isn’t bad at all... I felt pain in my tunica shaft from all that twisting and stretching.
Maybe some extra rest isn’t bad at all... I felt pain in my tunica shaft from all that twisting and stretching .

It's important to take some rest if there's pain involved. Of course it's a personal thing how one feels pain, for someone mild discomfort could be very painful.
But I trust that with your routines certain pain is really pain and at that moment it's good to have some rest.

I wish you much strength, may you meet with the deadlines and I hope school work and other things in life "slow down" a bit so that you can also pay attention to PE and your well-being. 8-)
So she gets multiple orgasms by thrusting? I think that is the ultimate advantage, to stimulate her G-spot and posterior fornix at the same time....

For my SO, she responds best to having about 7" inside and then withdraw about an inch or two, then 7" again over and over with steady (not fast) strokes until she starts getting close to climaxing, then she fully 'opens' so I can reach that elusive back wall, I press and 'kegel/flex' against her with my head pressing the end of her vagina...at that point she 'gives in' and comes in waves. I then tease-around with about half of it in, sometimes going from tip to balls, and a few minutes later she's starts ramping-up the intensity and it starts all over.
I must admit, having sex when you have a huge dick is ah-may-zing!
Sorry to hear about the hectic school stuff, but it's important, so don't stress about a loss of a session or two.

If one doesn't find the time for PE, as in a session amount of time, usually one has to go to the bathroom for natural causes anyhow: during those breaks one can do piss pulls! :)
And naturally Kegels can be something you can learn to do without much "effort" to it, when reading, writing etc..

May you success in your studies and in PE as well @DutchAthletic92 !
Sorry to hear about the hectic school stuff, but it's important, so don't stress about a loss of a session or two.

If one doesn't find the time for PE, as in a session amount of time, usually one has to go to the bathroom for natural causes anyhow: during those breaks one can do piss pulls! :)
And naturally Kegels can be something you can learn to do without much "effort" to it, when reading, writing etc..

May you success in your studies and in PE as well @DutchAthletic92 !

Exactly it’s nothing to stress over, school takes priority over PE. Get your work done at school on your penis will be waiting for you. You’re extremely consistent and I don’t think that a day off or hurt you in anyway. Going to worry about people taking time off is when that time off becomes permanent. I don’t see the problem with you so do what you have to do in school and then will still be here to help out when you come back
Saturday January 12th

4:30 PM

I worked my ass off to finish a deadline, but unfortunately I didn’t make it. I have a chance to re-do this project at the end of the 2nd semester. That will be at the end of june.

If I had known this earlier, I’d let this one go, and finish it before summer starts...... So I was in total stress for nothing and I could have been consistent with stretching instead of letting it all slip.

So i’m back on track with PE, and I study for my exams next week.... Much better.

I practiced my kegels & reverse kegels and i’ll do my 30 mins of bundled stretching. After that 100 slow wet kegels for bloodflow.

I have invented a new lazy exercise as i’m writing this post. I strapped in normally in my lengthmaster, I was erect so I decided to let my dick go flaccid, while writing this post.

Lie down on your bed ? strap on your lengthmaster, put lengthmaster under your 2 legs, like when you put it behind your butt cheeks and let your legs rest on your lengthmaster, it will naturally create a huge pulling force. I feel this internally, and when the tension decreases, I stretch my legs more forwards, creating more pulling force.

I effortlessly had an insane internal 7 minutes stretch while writing this. ??

This exercise is called: lie-down BTC lengthmaster internal stretch.

So from now on, i’ll be doing these while relaxing a bit on my phone, waiting until my dick is completely flaccid. Then i’ll start my regular bundled stretching sets. Have a good weekend y’all.

The stretch is real. It’s actually arousing to know that i’m deeply stretching my dick. It sometimes hurt at my pubic bone / internally or something when I apply extreme force with my legs.

My erect girth has increased a bit, it’s now 14.2 cm (5.59”)

it was 13.8 cm (5.43”) when I started with weak pc muscles and no PE training.

I think this is due to increased bloodflow, and stronger PC /BC muscles kegels & reverse kegels.

My old girth was at 5.7” 14.5 cm, i’m quickly bypassing this number after a few weeks.

I seek maximum internal penis pressure in the shaft and glans, so I still have a very long way to go.

My variables remain constant, but I keep progressing with kegels and i’m on Nofap, due to sexual energy build up, and never releasing, my girth is always at its maximum so that could explain my increase in girth.

Nofap: day 16
Last edited:
Sunday January 13th

No PE, I slacked while cramming for final exams..... I still need to prioritize my top priorities, and I still waste some time here and there....

A missed opportunity.

Monday January 14th

No PE, I was at university from 08:00 AM till 10:00 PM studying with classmates and I skipped PE, came home totally exhausted. Might want to start having regular study days instead of learning everything in one session.

I have learned that when I slack in one area, like studying, it directly affects my other routines such as PE, gym training, cooking & eating. This is a very big obstacle and I seriously need to address this.

When I totally go overboard with trying to catch up before finals exams, all my hours are spent studying, so I feel really stupid.

When my 2nd semester starts in februari I won’t procrastinate...... Every hour of study procrastination makes me lose inches on my dick.

That’s the way I see it. Now talk about extra stress and motivation to keep the pace LOL ?

I’m studying for mathematics, have my final semester exam tomorrow at 09:00 PM.

It’s 6:30 PM so for tonight i’m bundled stretching 20 mins and jelqing.

Oh and I relapsed with Nofap ?
So back to Nofap: day 1.

I was measuring my dick saturday, and I needed to stimulate it for getting maximum erection. That escalated unfortunately. The coconut oil and stimulation felt too good.

I was 16 days in, and I had trouble with the erections throughout the day, it is harder to keep flaccid while training, the more days in, the harder it becomes and you really want to cum.

I must resist this urge, and what’s even more problematic, my strong pc muscles give me intense orgasms, really hard and long, and I must watch out to not get into cravings of such pleasures.

From now on, I won’t be measuring like that anymore, I just have to train my pc/bc muscles to ultra strength so that I can attain and maintain 110% erection hardness hands-free.
Sunday January 13th

No PE, I slacked while cramming for final exams..... I still need to prioritize my top priorities, and I still waste some time here and there....

A missed opportunity.

Monday January 14th

No PE, I was at university from 08:00 AM till 10:00 PM studying with classmates and I skipped PE, came home totally exhausted. Might want to start having regular study days instead of learning everything in one session.

I have learned that when I slack in one area, like studying, it directly affects my other routines such as PE, gym training, cooking & eating. This is a very big obstacle and I seriously need to address this.

When I totally go overboard with trying to catch up before finals exams, all my hours are spent studying, so I feel really stupid.

When my 2nd semester starts in februari I won’t procrastinate...... Every hour of study procrastination makes me lose inches on my dick.

That’s the way I see it. Now talk about extra stress and motivation to keep the pace LOL ?

I’m studying for mathematics, have my final semester exam tomorrow at 09:00 PM.

It’s 6:30 PM so for tonight i’m bundled stretching 20 mins and jelqing.
Don't beat yourself up for studying hard. :) (Good luck on the exams!) Studying regularly from here on out is exactly the right idea. You will avoid these last minute round-the-clock panic sessions, AND you will actually understand and retain the material WAY better that way. Cramming is only useful for getting a decent grade on a test.

If you've got the cash for it, you might consider passive options like the Phallosan, or just using your periodic study breaks (which I hope you're taking!) to crank out some quick stretches in the bathroom. Just something to keep your mind right and keep you losing any ground.

Oh and I relapsed with Nofap ?
So back to Nofap: day 1.
Think of it like this: "Nofap" = immediate, turn-on-a-dime cold turkey. That's the highest possible goal you could have set yourself in terms of reducing masturbation. That means that, even if you "fail" nofap... you have still MASSIVELY reduced your masturbation! That, my friend, is a win. Just keep it up.
Wednesday January 16th

11:30 PM

10 mins of bundled stretching and 50 jelqs

I stayed up all night to study for mathematics, this was not a clever move. I had a hangover from pulling an all-nighter and I took some Ritalin (ADHD meds) got it from a classmate and I couldn’t sleep properly.

But the exam went very well, i’m 100% sure that I passed it with a B+ at least so there’s that.

I’m very tired and i’m gonna sleep well tonight, tomorrow I have a day off and i’ll start stretching in the morning so that I can finish my routines and have plenty of time left.

I promise I will do my homework and regular studying this upcoming semester so that I won’t be in an emergency again with the summer finals.....

Today I fapped again, LOL. I’m gonna start tomorrow with Nofap.
Wednesday January 16th

11:30 PM

10 mins of bundled stretching and 50 jelqs

I stayed up all night to study for mathematics, this was not a clever move. I had a hangover from pulling an all-nighter and I took some Ritalin (ADHD meds) got it from a classmate and I couldn’t sleep properly.

But the exam went very well, i’m 100% sure that I passed it with a B+ at least so there’s that.

I’m very tired and i’m gonna sleep well tonight, tomorrow I have a day off and i’ll start stretching in the morning so that I can finish my routines and have plenty of time left.

I promise I will do my homework and regular studying this upcoming semester so that I won’t be in an emergency again with the summer finals.....

Today I fapped again, LOL. I’m gonna start tomorrow with Nofap.
You fell and he got right back up and I’m very proud of you. You had over two weeks with no fap and to me that is monumental!
Friday 18th

4:00 PM

I make sure to stretch my dick every 60-90 minutes in my study break of ~10 mins. I get 6 minutes of bundled stretching in per break. So that will give me 30 mins of bundled stretching over a period of 5-6 hours studying and being at home doing stuff. Before I go to bed I will give my dick a good jelqing session. 100 slow 3-4 sec jelqs.

Oh and I kegel the shit out of my dick, I exhaust the bastard before stretching every time I strap in my lengthmaster otherwise I get hard. It’s now altered to extreme endurance and strength.

I increased the dick weights from 10 to 20 grams (0.35 to 0.70 ounces) and I do 100 kegels and reverse kegels in my study break as well.

I have urges to fap and to fuck, but i’m too lazy to go outside and approach women. I’m such a lazy ass, I just want a girl on demand who I can fuck hard and then be done with it. She goes home and I go back to PE and studying.

I’m still strugling with my diet and weightloss, i’ve become fatter because of holidays and good delicious foods. ??

Nofap: day 2
Excellent work! Great news on the two days, just keep stringing those days together!
Saturday january 19th

11:00 AM

Woke up tired even though I slept like 9 hours. Crazy weird dreams, but that’s ok. I have found a new interest lately. I am very interested in lucid dreaming and astral projection. I want to meet my protection angels. There are arcangels as well like Michael Raphael etc, so i’m practicing that as well. I want to visit the light and I want to get healed by them.

Exiting your body is something that I want to explore, and lucid dreaming is awesome, in lucid dreams you are aware that you are dreaming, it is very cool. You can also do introspection and figuring out why one may not be gaining in PE for example. It’s basically visiting your subconscious mind which is very hard to access when you are awake and alert.

You see our brains have certain “brain wave states”
1th : Ω omega - hyper alert state
2th: β Beta - normal awake state
3th: α Alpha - relaxed state (when meditating ie)
4th: θ Thèta - deep relaxed state (sleep paralysis) on the verge of falling asleep into deep dreams. Everyone’s body releases a chemical every night that makes your body stay in your bed, so that you won’t hurt yourself in wild dreams.

5th: δ Delta - deep sleep (REM sleep), very deep here you are dreaming and recovering from PE and gym training.

So all this stuff requires me to be sober anyway so remember when I suggested to have some drugs once in a while? Well, that will only hinder my spiritual development so I cannot do that anymore lol.

I want to break free and investigate myself in my dreams and i’m gonna practice astral projection: exiting your body and having out of body experiences. These goals align much better with my PE goals. If I get stuck somewhere in life or with PE I can go to my subconscious mind / intuïtion to ask what’s up.

So for today I have 30 mins of bundled stretching, 100 slow jelqs.
Saturday january 19th

11:00 AM

Woke up tired even though I slept like 9 hours. Crazy weird dreams, but that’s ok. I have found a new interest lately. I am very interested in lucid dreaming and astral projection. I want to meet my protection angels. There are arcangels as well like Michael Raphael etc, so i’m practicing that as well. I want to visit the light and I want to get healed by them.

Exiting your body is something that I want to explore, and lucid dreaming is awesome, in lucid dreams you are aware that you are dreaming, it is very cool. You can also do introspection and figuring out why one may not be gaining in PE for example. It’s basically visiting your subconscious mind which is very hard to access when you are awake and alert.

You see our brains have certain “brain wave states”
1th : Ω omega - hyper alert state
2th: β Beta - normal awake state
3th: α Alpha - relaxed state (when meditating ie)
4th: θ Thèta - deep relaxed state (sleep paralysis) on the verge of falling asleep into deep dreams. Everyone’s body releases a chemical every night that makes your body stay in your bed, so that you won’t hurt yourself in wild dreams.

5th: δ Delta - deep sleep (REM sleep), very deep here you are dreaming and recovering from PE and gym training.

So all this stuff requires me to be sober anyway so remember when I suggested to have some drugs once in a while? Well, that will only hinder my spiritual development so I cannot do that anymore LOL.

I want to break free and investigate myself in my dreams and i’m gonna practice astral projection: exiting your body and having out of body experiences. These goals align much better with my PE goals. If I get stuck somewhere in life or with PE I can go to my subconscious mind / intuïtion to ask what’s up.

So for today I have 30 mins of bundled stretching, 100 slow jelqs.

What an inspiring post! I love So Briody is very important. you’re working on yourself spiritually, there is so much to learn and so many ways to improve yourself. “Remain sober and fill yourself with the Spirit” Very appropriate quote for what you’re doing right now!
Tuesday january 22th

Bundled stretching 30 minutes! (Reverse) kegel work to exhaustion, 100 slow jelqs coconut oil ???

My horniness is increasing, it’s a luxury problem to have, erections at a hardness level that you can’t do proper stretching anymore in your lengthmaster.
I have to wait and do my lazy beneath-the-legs stretch and even then, my erection still survives and thrives.

Maybe I have to switch to hanging if it becomes unbearable to stretch, hanging keeps my dick truly exhausted, but with all that rigorous kegel work, I might be bypassing that as well, those weighted kegel dick-ups are really insane.
Bundled stretching 30 minutes! (Reverse) kegel work to exhaustion, 100 slow jelqs coconut oil ???

That’s what I call a kick length routine! Reverse Kegels with bundled stretches for 30 minutes? That’s gonna make your dick get so much longer real quick!
That’s what I call a kick length routine! Reverse Kegels with bundled stretches for 30 minutes? That’s gonna make your dick get so much longer real quick!

Yeah i’m doing reverse kegels and normal kegels basically all day long, with the penis weights, until I can’t do it anymore. Maybe I have to throw in some creatine in the mix ? LOL for more dick strength/power.

I’m also on a “DHT” diet. Which means high quality fats moderate high quality protein, and moderate carbs. I eat paleo like, vegetables, fruits, beef, liver 2x per week, eggs, chicken, potatoes, white rice, grasfed butter, and I take some supplements like magnesium , zinc, vitamin k2

It’s great because I only spend like €11 a day to eat like this, the meats and fats are organic grasfed and I buy everything in bulk. The veggies and fruits aren’t contaminated with pesticides etc.

I think this DHT diet is the best to support my PE endeavors. ?

Testosterone is like the little brother of DHT.
DHT is strongly correlated with penis size, sexual development, androgenic characteristics, male appearance, muscle building and fat burning and it doesn’t aromatize and convert to estrogen.

Dihydrotestosterone is 5 times stronger than testosterone! So i’m totally into this. I want my natural DHT levels to peak.

I’m having an appointment at march 15th at the special anabolic steroids clinic here in Amsterdam. So I still have to wait a bit to see the endocrinologist.
Wednesday january 23th

11:30 AM

Studying for re-exams next week. I’m on point with my diet and i’m feeling happy. The small things in life make me feel happy. I feel especially happy when I complete my PE tasks for each day.

So today i’ll be stretching in bundled fashion for 30 minutes in total divided over 5 times this whole day. Don’t forget the kegel work, guys whoever reads this: start kegeling! Start with penis towel raises or do it just like me: fishing leads and slowly increase reps and weight for maximum endurance and dick strengh / erection hardness.

To finish this day i’m gonna do my therapeutic slow jelqs, I have to watch out because it can turn into a masturbation session real quick. This gets me really horny. But i’m in monkmode and self-improvement mode.

I don’t have the money and time to date girls. I am celibate.

I’m also back on listening to my subliminal programming: develop maximum sexual irrisistability 5.5G from Indigo Mind Labs. There were problems with subconscious fear and “resisting” the sub. The developer has made some upgrades and now i’m gonna test these out. I was waiting for a few weeks so now I can continue that as well, I need to listen for 8 loops, that’s like 8 hours and 48 minutes, so i’ll be listening during the night. Very convenient.

Due to the nature of this program, (it uses your sexual energy and it exhibits a sexual aura) I need to stay on Nofap! It’s a mandatory requirement for the program to work LOL. So i’m back on Nofap. And of course I have to remain completely sober.

Nofap: day 3
Goddammit !!!

My dick is sore AS FUCK !!! I kept
Bundled stretching while I was 100% erect, I think this creates even more torque on my shaft!!

This is insane, I am sweating when I stretch because of the intensity, and I need to re-apply coconut oil for more smooth stretching.

I really think my tunica is about to break or something, I cannot believe how stubborn the tunica is!

I keep pushing for more and more, like now I can twist 540 degrees, 1.5 times twisted and stretch downwards and upwards.

I am getting close to a full 720 degrees: 2 times twisted.

I feel a deep internal stretch, like i’m stretching my inner penis out more and more. It’s sick.

Imagine doing this for 2 years, maybe I don’t even need hanging.

Hanging needs a relocation in furniture in my small dorm room, so I have to think about how to locate my desk, my bed, my wardrobe etc.
You are a walking talking miracle! You’re getting everything covered and that’s a smart move. Everyman to come see year should work on not only his penis but on his body and mentality. We should look to improve ourselves from head to toe.
Thursday january 24th

08:50 AM

Woke up with an erection. I did 200 jelqs instead of 100 last night. I had this buzz in my head while playing the subliminal program: “i’m ready to fuck alot of girls, I have a big dick, I can do this”. I felt lightheaded and had super ultra laser focus. Very positive and enforcing. Really curious to see how the upgraded version of this sub will work out.

It helps with me PE goals, it’s all perfectly aligned, and I got my 8 hours of sleep. I still have to get used to it though. I had major sleep disturbances on the last version. That was not cool. I play this sub overnight, for 9 hours on ultra-sonic mode so you don’t hear anything, it’s in the high frequency range, I definitely feel it is working on my subconscious fears.

So my thought is to do 200 jelqs every day after stretching, that makes 1400 jelqs per week. I’m in this positive upwards spiral of happiness. I love working my dick.

So today i’m studying for exams and also finishing other school assignments, I went to the gym yesterday, sore muscles, good. Now I have a restday. My PC/BC muscles also have a restday. ?

30 minutes of bundled stretching and 200 jelqs with coconut oil.
Thursday january 24th

08:50 AM

Woke up with an erection. I did 200 jelqs instead of 100 last night. I had this buzz in my head while playing the subliminal program: “i’m ready to fuck alot of girls, I have a big dick, I can do this”. I felt lightheaded and had super ultra laser focus. Very positive and enforcing. Really curious to see how the upgraded version of this sub will work out.

It helps with me PE goals, it’s all perfectly aligned, and I got my 8 hours of sleep. I still have to get used to it though. I had major sleep disturbances on the last version. That was not cool. I play this sub overnight, for 9 hours on ultra-sonic mode so you don’t hear anything, it’s in the high frequency range, I definitely feel it is working on my subconscious fears.

So my thought is to do 200 jelqs every day after stretching, that makes 1400 jelqs per week. I’m in this positive upwards spiral of happiness. I love working my dick.

So today i’m studying for exams and also finishing other school assignments, I went to the gym yesterday, sore muscles, good. Now I have a restday. My PC/BC muscles also have a restday. ?

30 minutes of bundled stretching and 200 jelqs with coconut oil.

Excellent update! I’m glad to see that you’re taking care of your studies in school your future depends on good grades. But I am impressed with how your fitting it all in to your schedule with such ease. You’re doing a full body and mind treatment!
Minor update:

I measured my Erect Girth at 01:00 PM and it seems that I have increased bloodflow and girth.

Two weeks ago, at january 11th according to my log, I was at 14.2 cm Erect Girth. That‘s 5.59 inches.

And now my new girth is: 14.7 cm (5.78”) so i’m back at my old girth.

This is all due to (reverse) kegel work with weights and jelqing. My dick is expanding and I feel that it can hold more blood, its maximum erection level is still not reached.

I understand this is all anecdotical and I will make some photos when I have time, I need to figure out how I can stay at 110% erection level with my phone in one hand and wooden ruler in other hand. It’s really a hassle, maybe I need to advance more with my reverse kegel program.
Minor update:

I measured my Erect Girth at 01:00 PM and it seems that I have increased bloodflow and girth.

Two weeks ago, at january 11th according to my log, I was at 14.2 cm Erect Girth. That‘s 5.59 inches.

And now my new girth is: 14.7 cm (5.78”) so i’m back at my old girth.

This is all due to (reverse) kegel work with weights and jelqing. My dick is expanding and I feel that it can hold more blood, its maximum erection level is still not reached.

I understand this is all anecdotical and I will make some photos when I have time, I need to figure out how I can stay at 110% erection level with my phone in one hand and wooden ruler in other hand. It’s really a hassle, maybe I need to advance more with my reverse kegel program.

Congratulations on the gain!
You have to become very very sneaky. An erection is afraid of cameras and rulers. The best way to do it is to sneak up on it by keeping a video camera taping and once you’re at your 110% mark grab the ruler and turn towards the camera and get a video shot.
Saturday january 5th
Did any of you guys ever felt the hardness of your dick right before you are about to cum? That extreme hardness, like it feels as if you were wearing a cockring without actually wearing one.

I think that that is the maximum hardness one can attain, the point of no return, edging with extreme hardness. It’s my goal to achieve that.

This is exactly what would drive my college girlfriend crazy...she would always remark when I was ROCK hard. That was what she was focused on. I was average length and girth, but was able to make her cum multiple times by remaining VERY hard for a couple hours. That was in my 20's (cwl)
This is exactly what would drive my college girlfriend crazy...she would always remark when I was ROCK hard. That was what she was focused on. I was average length and girth, but was able to make her cum multiple times by remaining VERY hard for a couple hours. That was in my 20's (cwl)

Twenties! How I would live to go back! I would not want to go back to change anything but go back just to experience it again!
Friday january 25th

10:30 AM

Guys I have to admit something. Last night I felt down in a very negative depressive spiral. I was thinking about suicide and fortunately I was completely alone in my room. I lied down to meditate and overthink my sadness. I have alot of deep unresolved subconscious issues. I have angerness and fear in me. This nonsense made me think about PE, why am I doing this, and why am I living.

I’m trying to cope with the cards that i’ve been dealt. I’m basically an incel, and that is because I started to go bald at the age of 14. My looks were good, I had thick black hair, but it’s all gone. There’s this scale called the “Norwoord Scale” for male pattern baldness. You have stage 1-6 or something and I am at stage 6. The worse scale to have at puberty. That shit really fucked me up. And now i’m trying to compensate with PE, gym training, fashion etc etc.

I just feel like a complete retarded fool. I am dancing to the tunes of a woman. I feel like a dancing monkey, trying to win validation from women. Why do I want to feel desired? As a man you don’t need women. You have a mission here on earth.

Why do I want / need to feel validated by women? I hate that shit. I’m starved/ deprived of female attention. I feel like a complete loser and i’m basically invisible to women. And when a woman looks at me, I feel very uncomfortable... I feel inadequate.

All the loops we have to jump through, being social, having emotional intelligence, being handsome, being tall, having nice white teeth, having a head full of hair, not being a bald loser, earning high income, having low bodyfat, HAVING A BIG COCK, Being a player who fucks lots of hot girls, so you get the instant social proof and you’ll instantly be desired by all girls that night when going out to a venue/club/bar whatever

I was about to give up, and just live like a monk or something. Fuck the dating market. Fuck feminism, and fuck all that dating / attraction shit. I’m signing out.

I wish I could go back to being a kid, I truly happy back then, just playing all day long, no worries, no girls, no complicated shit.

So what’s left when you sign off the dating market? When you swear you’ll never date again? Basically i’m all alone, truly living in solitude, forever.

I was so depressed it made me feel worthless and doubting PE. I am avoiding women and I don’t think I will ever go back into a relationship again, or even fucking a woman. Way too much of a hassle. No motivation for that shit.

I was so sore yesterday I naturally declined my remaining sets. I did only 6 minutes of stretching and I lost 24 minutes and 200 jelqs because of this stupid nonsense.

I hate the fact that i’m so deeply sensitive. I fucking hate that, that’s why I also tried to numb my feelings down with harddrugs and I abused it alot.

I still feel a gravitational pull towards PE, even in these dark times. I hate myself. Maybe I have to stretch less intense, so that I can push through soreness, but i’m afraid I won’t gain.

I seriously started to think if it’s better to just start hanging, my hands will be free. But I have this problem that I have to go home to my parents house once a month. I don’t have privacy there. I’m going back to see my parents and my dad gives me money. I can’t stay away from them. I cannot isolate myself unfortunately.

I can’t lock myself up and hang for two hours. That will raise alot of questions in my family.

This hanging stuff, is so unforgiving, you can’t miss a day, otherwise you just let your exhausted tunica heal and come back stronger and tougher, you’re just have to increase the weights and hang with more plates..... Fucking retarded stupid nonsense. Why does the human body work like that !?

So lets say I rest during the weekend, that will fuck up my progress and “riding-the-fatigue-state”. It completely neglects the goal of hanging. You’re doing quite the opposite. Making a stronger and tougher tunica. ?????

And now my dick is so stupid, it becomes super hard while strapping in my lengthmaster. And when I start my stretching it stays hard, this causes erect stretching and I become so fucking sore that I cannot go further,

My own dick is hindering my lengthmaster progress. Because an erect tunica takes even more force to stretch good, it’s all a dead end.

I don’t want to waste time and wait until my erection goes away etc. I have to study alot and I waste too much time.

i wish my dick was completely flaccid so that I can twist it a lot and stretch.


So today i’ll try to get in my 30 minutes of bundled stretching. My soreness is gone I think and I try to do my 200 jelqs and kegels.

I hate my dick soreness, does that mean i’m riding the fatigue with my lengthmaster? Is that beneficial? Maybe I have to stretch so hard that I have extreme soreness? That way my dick will stay flaccid? Is that hurting my progress or actually building length gains?

If I try to twist with my dick soreness I feel a dull sometimes sharp pain in my shaft.

Please guys, tell me your experiences/ recommendations, i’ll start my stretching sets now.
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First of all, I'm sorry to hear of your downfall and bad feelings! I'm glad that you've been brave to share this with us, I hope that the Brotherhood can help you.

On my own part, I try to summarize something.

Considering you have used certain drugs, I wonder have you got your blood tests done in a while?
If it's possible to measure the dopamine levels, I would ask for that. I've used certain dopamine supplements (like Mucuna Pruriensis powder) to make my head feel better.
Truth is that many drugs deplete the dopamine receptors and build up to normal levels takes a long time.

So, if possible, I would book an appointment to a doctor. I did read that you lost your hair, I'm sorry to hear that as well. But it isn't everything to one's outlook.
If one would simplify, don't let the whole dating game play you. You play it, if you want. Your own terms. Being by yourself and celibate is an option too, nothing wrong with that.

You must first validate you to yourself. Say to the mirror that you're desirable, you have a lot to offer.
Sounds very cliché and self-help shit, but you have to at least like yourself!

Having visited those certain dark spots, I can sympathize. I don't know what you are going through, everyone has their own paths and the dark places, but there are ways out from those dark spots.

As I don't have experience with hanging, I'm sorry that I can't help you with subject very much.
I however personally see that missing a day or two wouldn't be such a problem, but as said, I haven't done it, so I don't know the effect in practise.
Sharp pains should be avoided, that's what I can say. The dull ache, soreness, that could be possibly be driven and it could produce gains.

I'll let other Brothers have their word with the hanging and other PE matters.
I really wish the best for you, you have shown great progress and I've been enthusiastic to read your progress reports.
Stay strong and keep on going, life has a lot to offer to you!
First of all, I'm sorry to hear of your downfall and bad feelings! I'm glad that you've been brave to share this with us, I hope that the Brotherhood can help you.

On my own part, I try to summarize something.

Considering you have used certain drugs, I wonder have you got your blood tests done in a while?
If it's possible to measure the dopamine levels, I would ask for that. I've used certain dopamine supplements (like Mucuna Pruriensis powder) to make my head feel better.
Truth is that many drugs deplete the dopamine receptors and build up to normal levels takes a long time.

So, if possible, I would book an appointment to a doctor. I did read that you lost your hair, I'm sorry to hear that as well. But it isn't everything to one's outlook.
If one would simplify, don't let the whole dating game play you. You play it, if you want. Your own terms. Being by yourself and celibate is an option too, nothing wrong with that.

You must first validate you to yourself. Say to the mirror that you're desirable, you have a lot to offer.
Sounds very cliché and self-help shit, but you have to at least like yourself!

Having visited those certain dark spots, I can sympathize. I don't know what you are going through, everyone has their own paths and the dark places, but there are ways out from those dark spots.

As I don't have experience with hanging, I'm sorry that I can't help you with subject very much.
I however personally see that missing a day or two wouldn't be such a problem, but as said, I haven't done it, so I don't know the effect in practise.
Sharp pains should be avoided, that's what I can say. The dull ache, soreness, that could be possibly be driven and it could produce gains.

I'll let other Brothers have their word with the hanging and other PE matters.
I really wish the best for you, you have shown great progress and I've been enthusiastic to read your progress reports.
Stay strong and keep on going, life has a lot to offer to you!

Thank you for the encouraging words! ?

Fortunately I feel better today, last night was hell.

I did my stretching sets and I am really fucking sore. Maybe I have to ease into it. Getting used to stretching 30 minutes a day. It is really intense.

I can’t fight my own body, lets say I get erect again while stretching, I will just twist my shaft for 180 degrees of 90 degrees and then stretch.

I don’t wanna push it or force more torque on my shaft. It hurts like a bitch LOL.

So what really helps is stretching for 1 set, that’s 6 minutes and then wait for 1.5 hours or 2 hours and then do another set of 6 minutes stretching. If I space out my stretching sets the soreness becomes bearable.

I have to listen to my body, I can’t push it and push it.
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I have to listen to my body, I can’t push it and push it.

This summarizes a lot and is a good reminder for other Brothers as well.
Training and keeping consistent is mandatory for making gains, but rest times are also very important!
On another thread there was some gym analogy and on certain part a lot of gym mentality can be transformed to PE.

I'm glad you're feeling better! Those dark spots are the shit. Sometimes I've had those by night, I get up, punch the air, maybe go outside for a moment.

Wishing you the best of gains, waiting for others to have more insightful saying about your training. :)
This is exactly what would drive my college girlfriend crazy...she would always remark when I was ROCK hard. That was what she was focused on. I was average length and girth, but was able to make her cum multiple times by remaining VERY hard for a couple hours. That was in my 20's (cwl)

Care to elaborate how you would achieve such rock hard erections?

Women love that, as a matter of fact, just like your college girlfriend liked, we as men need to become rock hard, with throbbing veins, maximum internal pressure so that your glans is really hard and she feels the complete shape of your cock going inside her. That’s what drives women crazy and you can give her vaginal orgasms with a 6 inch rockhard dick by thrusting away and not cumming soon.

Also this ultra rock hardness level makes you delay orgasm, if you are ultra hard, sensitivity increases but somehow also your stamina, like you can pound away and you be fine.

It’s a big goal of mine, to achieve this hardness without a cock ring, I love cock rings because of the erection level I get and my ex girlfriend loved my dick and mushroom glans shape. In fact, I want to enlarge my glans too.

I’m doing weighted kegels and weighted reverse kegels to achieve this ultra maximum internal pressure and erection hardness.
When I am done with my 6 minutes of bundled stretching sets I do 1 minute of straight out pulling.

I put MAXIMUM push force with both hands and arms on my lengthmaster, it’s twisted 360 degrees and I push my dick straight out. All tension force is put on my shaft and internal penis.

I really feel the internal pull in my shaft, but I have this feeling or thought that I can’t coax out more internal penis anymore because my suspensory ligaments are already torn.

I wish I had a way to coax out more internal penis slowly, inch by inch, without tearing the whole internal penis muscle. I don’t want to separate my dick from my body lol.

Any recommendations / suggestions / tips & tricks are more than welcome.
Friday january 25th

10:30 AM

Guys I have to admit something. Last night I felt down in a very negative depressive spiral. I was thinking about suicide and fortunately I was completely alone in my room. I lied down to meditate and overthink my sadness. I have alot of deep unresolved subconscious issues. I have angerness and fear in me. This nonsense made me think about PE, why am I doing this, and why am I living.

I’m trying to cope with the cards that i’ve been dealt. I’m basically an incel, and that is because I started to go bald at the age of 14. My looks were good, I had thick black hair, but it’s all gone. There’s this scale called the “Norwoord Scale” for male pattern baldness. You have stage 1-6 or something and I am at stage 6. The worse scale to have at puberty. That shit really fucked me up. And now i’m trying to compensate with PE, gym training, fashion etc etc.

I just feel like a complete retarded fool. I am dancing to the tunes of a woman. I feel like a dancing monkey, trying to win validation from women. Why do I want to feel desired? As a man you don’t need women. You have a mission here on earth.

Why do I want / need to feel validated by women? I hate that shit. I’m starved/ deprived of female attention. I feel like a complete loser and i’m basically invisible to women. And when a woman looks at me, I feel very uncomfortable... I feel inadequate.

All the loops we have to jump through, being social, having emotional intelligence, being handsome, being tall, having nice white teeth, having a head full of hair, not being a bald loser, earning high income, having low bodyfat, HAVING A BIG COCK, Being a player who fucks lots of hot girls, so you get the instant social proof and you’ll instantly be desired by all girls that night when going out to a venue/club/bar whatever

I was about to give up, and just live like a monk or something. Fuck the dating market. Fuck feminism, and fuck all that dating / attraction shit. I’m signing out.

I wish I could go back to being a kid, I truly happy back then, just playing all day long, no worries, no girls, no complicated shit.

So what’s left when you sign off the dating market? When you swear you’ll never date again? Basically i’m all alone, truly living in solitude, forever.

I was so depressed it made me feel worthless and doubting PE. I am avoiding women and I don’t think I will ever go back into a relationship again, or even fucking a woman. Way too much of a hassle. No motivation for that shit.

I was so sore yesterday I naturally declined my remaining sets. I did only 6 minutes of stretching and I lost 24 minutes and 200 jelqs because of this stupid nonsense.

I hate the fact that i’m so deeply sensitive. I fucking hate that, that’s why I also tried to numb my feelings down with harddrugs and I abused it alot.

I still feel a gravitational pull towards PE, even in these dark times. I hate myself. Maybe I have to stretch less intense, so that I can push through soreness, but i’m afraid I won’t gain.

I seriously started to think if it’s better to just start hanging, my hands will be free. But I have this problem that I have to go home to my parents house once a month. I don’t have privacy there. I’m going back to see my parents and my dad gives me money. I can’t stay away from them. I cannot isolate myself unfortunately.

I can’t lock myself up and hang for two hours. That will raise alot of questions in my family.

This hanging stuff, is so unforgiving, you can’t miss a day, otherwise you just let your exhausted tunica heal and come back stronger and tougher, you’re just have to increase the weights and hang with more plates..... Fucking retarded stupid nonsense. Why does the human body work like that !?

So lets say I rest during the weekend, that will fuck up my progress and “riding-the-fatigue-state”. It completely neglects the goal of hanging. You’re doing quite the opposite. Making a stronger and tougher tunica. ?????

And now my dick is so stupid, it becomes super hard while strapping in my lengthmaster. And when I start my stretching it stays hard, this causes erect stretching and I become so fucking sore that I cannot go further,

My own dick is hindering my lengthmaster progress. Because an erect tunica takes even more force to stretch good, it’s all a dead end.

I don’t want to waste time and wait until my erection goes away etc. I have to study alot and I waste too much time.

i wish my dick was completely flaccid so that I can twist it a lot and stretch.


So today i’ll try to get in my 30 minutes of bundled stretching. My soreness is gone I think and I try to do my 200 jelqs and kegels.

I hate my dick soreness, does that mean i’m riding the fatigue with my lengthmaster? Is that beneficial? Maybe I have to stretch so hard that I have extreme soreness? That way my dick will stay flaccid? Is that hurting my progress or actually building length gains?

If I try to twist with my dick soreness I feel a dull sometimes sharp pain in my shaft.

Please guys, tell me your experiences/ recommendations, i’ll start my stretching sets now.

I hope I'm encouraging you with these words. But beauty is not entirely or mainly in the hair, it's in your face. I would encourage you to look at dr mike mew and start mewing. Also start showing lots of though chewing gum all the time. A chiseled face is what will attract women I think baldness is not the deciding factor on incel or not, lots of guys that are very attractive with shaved head look at freddy lundberg for example. Though I do agree also on contrary hair can be a big plus depending on the woman, but other woman prefer a bald guy look at a very hot adult actress (yes I know not the best example but its a young very hot woman) madelene leonard aka carolina sweets when asked whats the guy you prefer (in an interview not in a scene) she said first thing bald! So taste is different and guys with great hair, you can shave too ;) Also you can look into having a close shave and filling in with some discrete micropigmentation in the hairline, just has to be very light color very discrete to not look fake, the youtuber BasedShaman has a hairline tatoo and he rocks that look.
If you ever feel that way again please send me a message so I can help you. Anyone here that is ever on the brink of hurting themselves needs to come to me so I can help guide you. Everybody knows my email address and I check it all the time and I rarely sleep. So if you’re having an issue that is an emergency send me an email and I’ll answer you immediately. I’m so happy to see the support that you have gotten. if you ever feel that way again please send me a message so I can help you. Anyone here that is ever on the brink of hurting themselves needs to come to me so I can help guide you. Everybody knows my email address and I check it all the time and I rarely sleep. So if you’re having an issue that is an emergency send me an email and I’ll answer you immediately. I’m so happy to see the support that you have gotten. I am very proud of my brothers for coming to your assistance and giving great advice. God loves you very very much and I do too!
@DutchAthletic92 - being from Holland are you familiar with the work of Wim Hof? His breathing and cold exposure protocols have helped many with imbalances and depressive bouts. It's worth checking out. Thereis a very active Facebook group with people willing to help the "newbies".

Hope that helps...
@DutchAthletic92 - being from Holland are you familiar with the work of Wim Hof? His breathing and cold exposure protocols have helped many with imbalances and depressive bouts. It's worth checking out. Thereis a very active Facebook group with people willing to help the "newbies".

Hope that helps...

Yea, he is also known as “the Ice man” or something ? I do a pussy version of his method LOL!

I take cold showers, and it really hypes you up and gives you a boost in mood early in the morning. A nice side effect is that when you go outside in the “cold” , you aren’t cold anymore. At winter time this is extreme discipline and hard.
Damn guys, I wish I had the time to do PE all day long !

I wish I could took a year off from everything and focus solely on PE, i’d be training 14 hours a day and sleeping 10 hours for maximum PE gains.

I really have to be careful to not let it go overboard because I tend to sneak in more and more time to PE, which leaves me less time for study.

It’s a delicate balancing act, i’m so addictive to this shit and my Nofap streak of 5 days builds momentum.
Saturday january 26th

10:00 AM

I had good sleep, deep rest, my dick recovered a bit.
35 minutes of bundled stretching, all directions, downwwards, left, right, straight out, upwards, I target my tunica with all directions, not only the upwards ones target my tunica. I’m doing 1 set of 7 minutes before I leave to the gym ??‍♂️ So during the day I will do my remaining 4 sets, and I can go even higher than that because it’s weekend!

So maybe i’ll get in 42 minutes or 49 minutes of bundled stretching. To top it of, I do my 200 wet jelqs for increased erection hardness.

I’m following a warrior diet, I do intermittent fasting (IF) for 20-22 hours a day, and then I eat my calories in a 2-4 hour window. I eat everthing in 2 meals. It’s only 2500-2600 calories and i’m so hungry that everything gets absorbed quickly by my stomach lol.

So i’m in a fasted state the whole day, and I mean REALLY fasted, after 12 hours your HGH, testosterone, and other hormones begin to increase above baseline levels, and I do my stretching sets all fasted, and my gym training as well.

I love it. It is so empowering, I feel so much better that I don’t have to worry about eating every 2 hours. I will feast at 6:00 PM with big meals.

Have a great saturday guys!
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    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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