It takes months to translate across, and only does so when adequate rest has taken place. It will happen, dont fret over it. I have to disagree with needing to see increase in BPFSL every week, this wont happen every week even with the best will in the world, with the most intensity swinging pounds from the penis.
At some point, you reach a sticky ... it becomes very psychological at that point, many become confused, depressed, give up, or hammer it into oblivion .... sometimes all you need is patience!
Weather the storm, you have to navigate the stormy seas as the Brits did hundreds of years ago

and the Dutch mind you! Patience is needed, sometimes you dont have an instant solution, and at times going up in intensity wont cut it.
We spoke about the less sets with more poundage, that is great. Stick with it now for 6-8 weeks with slight increase in poundage every 2 weeks or so ... do not be discouraged, so long as you maintain the execution to the method, you will gain.
This is not complex, its simple in that your body is under stress right, and under stress it has no option but to adapt. For example in the sun you either burn or tan, lift
weights you become stronger, larger, better endurance for that muscle. While stretching the penis,
hanging weights from it, with time the gains are going to come .. its just very difficult for all of us to give precise times on it.
A loose guide I always gave from my own experience was 6-8 weeks, with permanency within 6 months of consistent exercise.
The great gainers like DLD had an iron mindset, and you must be like that ... many times it will appear fuck all is happening, and that its all over ... well it is not, your body will be doing things behind the scenes ready for growth to materialize, and as long as you keep to sensible limits, do it consistently with dedication all will be dandy.
When I come out of retirement, which will be in a month or so once I get the
SizeDoctor and glans pump going into a routine, I will be going for it like I have never gone for it before, but I know full well, as always, the length has been one hard slog fest for me ... many obstacles I have faced with that, but now I have a different tac, and it will have to bend to my way, it has no option anymore.