Thanks for the clear explanation. So our tissues don’t behave linearly. Just like our muscles. It will become harder and harder to gain more BPFSL in the future which means increasing weights till 2.5 kg.
You mentioned someone has found out in a lab that we shouldn’t go higher than 2.5 kg. So if we don’t reach our goals of BPFSL with 2.5 kg. What happens next ? A very long decondition period of 6 months to 1 year ?
I am also curious to find out if my BPEL will follow my BPFSL if I go longer than 10 inches. I want to try it out LOL. Maybe I can reach 30.48 cm. That’s a great life goal. And for the sake of this community and science to really go beyond everything that has been tested out to this day.
We’re at the frontier of PE science and experimentation. It would be an honor to grow my dick to 1 foot length.
I am also dedicated to try that out. It would take a couple of years I think. With proper reconditioning.
You mentioned we need internal pressure of blood to grow the CC’s and it will have the tendency to grow more in girth because of the resistance of the septum itself.
Do you practice any kegels ? And would that be beneficial for increasing blood pressure? Or are we talking about controlled priapism with chemical PE setups in order to grow the CC’s
I read that with extreme strong pelvic floor muscles you can get extremely hard erections which you maintain throughout a fucking session. I heard those pornstar guys all practice kegels to ensure maximum pelvic floor muscle strength?
I am planning to do small hand towel lifts with my dick. Just like a regular weight training session but for aimed at dick erection strength / pelvic floor muscle strength . And work your way up until you can lift several pounds/kilo’s with your shaft LOL.
Progressive overload is key here. With small increments.
You’ll get a bulging veiny extremely hard erection which women love so much. Hardness of your erection is also very important.
I see these guys on adult entertainment sets with a soft 10 inch dick trying to fuck a girl but the dick collapses and it looks painful like it’s gonna break or something LOL.
So we would need to work heavily on girth after the ultrasound therapy sessions.
Slow Squash Jelqs with bathmates / pumping etc. A solid girth routine is needed to close that BPEL - BPFSL gap.
Also this ultrasound device could be perfect for warming up the shaft before doing girth work ? Like 10 minutes proper deep warming up and then doing the girth exercises.
- It is not someone in a lab, is someone in his lab lol. We have real scientists and members with engineering background working on this and trying it. Thanks to those great humans, we are revolutionizing penile growth. He determined in his own research that 2.5kg is enough for successful results. But that doesnt apply to the whole universe of penises. Some penises might need more, others less. And that is feedback and data we dont have yet. So it becomes part of your own personal research, as long as you follow the guidelines pre-established for strain monitoring.
- No kegels will not work for the therapeutic internal blood pressure needed. Neither PDE-5 drugs. Only vasodilators will create those conditions. A PDE-5 could work in conjunction with a vacuum pump, but is not "optimal"
- I dont do kegels anymore, I did too much years ago and developed those muscles beyond any necessity for sexual purposes. Also, pornstars do not do kegels. All those ponrstar rumors are nothing more than rumors, 98% of pornstrars have ZERO idea of PE. Pornstars are born with big dicks. Period. But of course kegels are very useful and healthy if you have never done them before as part of your life, so do them.
- Not really. You cant just warmup the shaft before girth work, because the shaft down regulate its temperature very quick. Remember blood is flowing through your dick at a tremendous speed at all times. So if you heat it up to say 104 degrees and remove the heat source, quickly in less than 5 minutes the penis will be down to its normal temperature. In this case, a constant source of heat such as an IR light would be more efficient.