DutchAthletic’s ascension path to 10” BPEL

Edging floods your dopamine receptors with dopamine, just like sex, drugs, fast food, etc.

It’s still considered something you won’t do on a Nofap streak.

I need my sexual energy to build up. For consistent kegeling and erection strength.

Fapping is like 10 sec pleasure, I feel empty and depressed afterwards.

It clears your mind because you won’t lose cerebral spinal fluids. Look on the internet, the connection between those two.

Also, you’re losing life force energy which your body needs to do other stuff, that’s why it’s also bad if you fuck 3 women per day, it drains you and it will destroy you.

Unless you know how to become multi orgasmic, I wouldn’t recommend having 3/4 women per day in rotation.

With kegel and reverse kegel mastery one can stay rock hard, he can hold his semen and ride the orgasmic waves of pleasure while staying hard in her pussy.

That way you can pound her hard until she is silly, without having to worry about premature cumming.

My ex always wanted me to pound the living hell out of her. Well, I can’t do that unless i’m trained in kegels.... It would make me cum in 4 minutes if I don’t do my kegels. She’d be angry and frustrated if I came to soon, also disappointed.

I have never pounded because I worried I would strain my back and ruin my training haha. Slow strokes and push it in as long as possible.
Edging floods your dopamine receptors with dopamine, just like sex, drugs, fast food, etc.

It’s still considered something you won’t do on a Nofap streak.

I need my sexual energy to build up. For consistent kegeling and erection strength.

Fapping is like 10 sec pleasure, I feel empty and depressed afterwards.

It clears your mind because you won’t lose cerebral spinal fluids. Look on the internet, the connection between those two.

Also, you’re losing life force energy which your body needs to do other stuff, that’s why it’s also bad if you fuck 3 women per day, it drains you and it will destroy you.

Unless you know how to become multi orgasmic, I wouldn’t recommend having 3/4 women per day in rotation.

With kegel and reverse kegel mastery one can stay rock hard, he can hold his semen and ride the orgasmic waves of pleasure while staying hard in her pussy.

That way you can pound her hard until she is silly, without having to worry about premature cumming.

My ex always wanted me to pound the living hell out of her. Well, I can’t do that unless i’m trained in kegels.... It would make me cum in 4 minutes if I don’t do my kegels. She’d be angry and frustrated if I came to soon, also disappointed.

Mastery of the boner! ? I’m glad how you put so much emphasis on Kegels and reverse Kegels, this is the most important part of controlling one’s orgasm is the sequence used to keep it at bay. This is solved by finding what sequence works best for you. I found that a combination of reverse Kegels and Kegels give me the best results. In the video section you will find a list of other practices I came up with that will help control orgasm.
With kegel and reverse kegel mastery one can stay rock hard, he can hold his semen and ride the orgasmic waves of pleasure while staying hard in her pussy.

That way you can pound her hard until she is silly, without having to worry about premature cumming.
Hey Dutch...

I have had a life long issue with coming too quick. At the worst, just putting on a condom when highly aroused can get me close. It is frustrating. Alcohol has “helped” in the past, but it’s not healthy and you have to nail the sweet spot and not go soft.

What would you recommend as the best routine to master kegels and reverse kegels to develop complete control?

On the member site you’ll find the section that’s all about premature ejac.. It gives us six or seven different routines that help you control yourself. The member site is free now so you can enter and check those things out at no cost.
Hey Dutch...

I have had a life long issue with coming too quick. At the worst, just putting on a condom when highly aroused can get me close. It is frustrating. Alcohol has “helped” in the past, but it’s not healthy and you have to nail the sweet spot and not go soft.

What would you recommend as the best routine to master kegels and reverse kegels to develop complete control?


Actually I recommend handling your penis a lot rougher (not causing injury ofcourse) when masturbating or doing PE. Be hard on it masturbate super fast with a hard grip and just kegel to not come and masturbate for 2 hours at a time. Something most boys do growing up in there young years and which will make you last forever with any woman. Some guys are more careful and never "manhandle" their penis in adolecense thats my theory on premature ejaculators - didnt manhandle penis enough growing up!

Very easily fixable!
Hey Dutch...

I have had a life long issue with coming too quick. At the worst, just putting on a condom when highly aroused can get me close. It is frustrating. Alcohol has “helped” in the past, but it’s not healthy and you have to nail the sweet spot and not go soft.

What would you recommend as the best routine to master kegels and reverse kegels to develop complete control?


And to make you feel even better. Think like this who is best at stroking your penis where it feels the absolute best yourself or a womans vagina? Yourself!

When you can last two hours of super hard masturbation no vagina will make you come, you will have to masturbate to come like you will have to literally pull out and jerk it super fast and super hard to even be able to cum!

I know form experience growing up in the internet age I had severe -Severe adult entertainment addiction from 10 years old I watched internet adult entertainment at the first time and got access to an unsupervised computer from after school 1-2PM (got home earlier to get to PC) until 6 PM and I would be on the PC literally masturbating for 4-5 hours only stopping when my parents got home. Then I kept this habit and got my own pc at 13 so everyday I would masturbate for hours hours on end. I had no time for anything else after school but masturbating. Also I would be up all night in my room masturbating until 2AM which affected school and I was dead tired fell asleep in school.
Damn that’s a whole lotta jerkin’!! (cwl)
Thanks for the advice - i’ll wank that fucker hard tonight for an hour.

Yes I got winged scapula which in the end my back was all crooked to the right (im right handed) so I actually got chronic back pain I think mainly becuase of all the extreme masturbation. But I was extremely horny I would think about sex all the time growing up, all the time and go into the bathroom and masturbate every long break lol. I actually was pretty fucked up! I instituted jerking off like when I didnt go home after school but was with friends I still wanted to masturbate so I was like -lets masturbate (inside if no parents home maybe at their pc) or go in the woods if there parents were home and masturbate for hours hahaha. And it was in no way sexual towards each other it was just like a good friends activity.

But to put this into perspective it was definately not uncommon, because sexual education in school was at 11 years old like three times a week obligatory talking about sex, condoms etc. So it was a sexual environment.

The more I think about it sex was introduced for real like at ten years old for me because I have my birthday very late in the year and I went to 5th grade the year I turned 11 and that was the year sexual education started in school. And many girls lost their virginity to boys in the 6th grade I know because the rumor would spread and they had their boyfriends. I wasnt so lucky though but I did get my first handjob from one of the nicest girls in my grade 5 when I was "together" with her for a few weeks I was laying in the snow and she lay on top of me and then she got into my pants haha. But then not long after she got together with an older boy in 6th grade and the rumor was they had sex.
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Monday december 3th

Went to the gym today, I did my full body routine, came home and cooked dinner.
Veggies, carbs and chicken breast

It’s 9:00 PM and i’m doing my stretching sets while studying, it was a very busy day but I have to finish my routine.

I’m sacrificing sleep but I don’t care! Make every day count! I’m in this situation for like 5-6 years and it’s not gonna change.

I’m looking for ways to automate my groceries and cooking, that will save me time. I absolutely hate cooking, doing the dishes, going to the supermarket for groceries. ? It’s lots of time wasting that could have been spent way better as in more stretching and study ?

I lose every day 2-2,5 hours by cooking meal prepping, doing groceries, house hold chores, it’s ridiculous. My parents bought me a fridge with a big freezer compartment like 100 liters.

I’m going to order my food online when my fridge gets here, I have found this website which offers clean bodybuilding food all diced, washed, seasoned and cooked, in bulk quantities

Chicken breasts, minced beef, herbs & spices, yams, potatoes, rice, all kinds of veggies, green asparagus, broccoli,

It comes in packages which are frozen, it’s top quality, and cheap in bulk. Now I use €10 per day for food, this my cost my also €10 maybe €15 per day and it comes completely prepped.

The only thing I have to do is get the package of cooked rice veggies and meat from my freezer, put it in a frying pan, heat it up and eat. And done.

This will save me so much time, I place one big order and I have inventory for the whole month.

I don’t want to go get groceries after my gym sessions, it’s a waste of time, these folks will deliver everything right at your doorstep. All cooked and ready to eat. Also very easy to prep it for meals on the go.

No more cooking, no more doing the dishes, no more cleaning, they have all fruits meats carbs fats.

It’s a perfect solution for people in a hurry who want to eat healthy but don’t have the time to prepare healthy food.

I’m doing my 20 mins bundled stretching sets tonight with some 50 jelqs.

Also the weighted kegels and reverse kegels with 10 grams of fishing lead tied to my cock.

Goodnight everyone
Monday december 3th

Went to the gym today, I did my full body routine, came home and cooked dinner.
Veggies, carbs and chicken breast

It’s 9:00 PM and i’m doing my stretching sets while studying, it was a very busy day but I have to finish my routine.

I’m sacrificing sleep but I don’t care! Make every day count! I’m in this situation for like 5-6 years and it’s not gonna change.

I’m looking for ways to automate my groceries and cooking, that will save me time. I absolutely hate cooking, doing the dishes, going to the supermarket for groceries. ? It’s lots of time wasting that could have been spent way better as in more stretching and study ?

I lose every day 2-2,5 hours by cooking meal prepping, doing groceries, house hold chores, it’s ridiculous. My parents bought me a fridge with a big freezer compartment like 100 liters.

I’m going to order my food online when my fridge gets here, I have found this website which offers clean bodybuilding food all diced, washed, seasoned and cooked, in bulk quantities

Chicken breasts, minced beef, herbs & spices, yams, potatoes, rice, all kinds of veggies, green asparagus, broccoli,

It comes in packages which are frozen, it’s top quality, and cheap in bulk. Now I use €10 per day for food, this my cost my also €10 maybe €15 per day and it comes completely prepped.

The only thing I have to do is get the package of cooked rice veggies and meat from my freezer, put it in a frying pan, heat it up and eat. And done.

This will save me so much time, I place one big order and I have inventory for the whole month.

I don’t want to go get groceries after my gym sessions, it’s a waste of time, these folks will deliver everything right at your doorstep. All cooked and ready to eat. Also very easy to prep it for meals on the go.

No more cooking, no more doing the dishes, no more cleaning, they have all fruits meats carbs fats.

It’s a perfect solution for people in a hurry who want to eat healthy but don’t have the time to prepare healthy food.

I’m doing my 20 mins bundled stretching sets tonight with some 50 jelqs.

Also the weighted kegels and reverse kegels with 10 grams of fishing lead tied to my cock.

Goodnight everyone

I HATE wasting time on that shit also. Fu*in* he*l it feels like the whole day revolves around scavanging for food (going to the grocery store, cooking, doing dishes) I'm so incredibly sick at it it is 2,5 hours WASTED.

I have no option for something like you said though.

But I could buy extreme bulk package of rice I guess and Rice porridge and make in microwave
Wednesday december 5th

Went to the gym for my full body routine, got home and cooked dinner. Lol I ate 2900 calories in 2 meals, rice, veggies, avocados, chicken breast, all the good healthy stuff, like I really can’t be bothered to eat 6-7 small meals a day.... Fuck that shit.

I have some stretching to do. So i’m doing my bundles again 20 mins and my weighted kegels & reverse kegels.

I’m on day 4 of Nofap
Wednesday december 5th

Went to the gym for my full body routine, got home and cooked dinner. Lol I ate 2900 calories in 2 meals, rice, veggies, avocados, chicken breast, all the good healthy stuff, like I really can’t be bothered to eat 6-7 small meals a day.... Fuck that shit.

I have some stretching to do. So i’m doing my bundles again 20 mins and my weighted kegels & reverse kegels.

I’m on day 4 of Nofap
Same here man, i cant be bothered to eat all the time im eating twice in 24hrs and drink a lot of water while at home.
The only reason to eat those meals over the day is if you are looking to cut as it keeps your metabolism running all day, with every meal. But If you are looking to bulk up it makes sense to eat less meals with more good calories from proteins and complex carbohydrates,. Eating less meals means your metabolic rate is low hence you bulk up. If the food it clean and the training is heavy and consistent this will translate to muscle, not fat.

And remember that at any point you can jump start your metabolism by increasing meals and adding aerobic exercise, and training longer sets with lighter weight. Meal timing is very important and can get tricky but it sounds like you have it down perfectly. Keep calories high and keep weight heavy!
Damn it’s december 13th already

Been off for like a week or so, procrastinating, busy with school. Wasting time. I did go to the gym consistently. I’m doing a strength program, 3 times a week.

I’m building up my strength for 1 year before I switch to hypertrophy. I’m on a slight cutting diet of 2700 kcals. Maintenance is at 3000 kcals

Today i’m doing my weighted kegels & reverse kegels with the fishing lead. After that my 20 minutes of bundled stretching in all directions. I reverse kegel with every stretch and hold it for 1 minute- 70 sec. (the duration of one stretch)
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Hi guys,

So yesterday (wednesday) I have missed a full day of training.

I had doubts, motivational problems, like rationalizations etc, like “why am I doing this?” “What is my purpose in life?”

“Why am I doing PE? I’m not even talking to girls, i’m not even looking at girls.

In 2014 I did a cycle of testosterone enanthate, which fucked up my hormone levels.

I never really recovered 100% from it, I know I have to see a doctor but I don’t have the money for a specialised clinic.

So I fucked up big time, last time I tested my testosterone levels I had 200 ng/dl.....
Like almost at castration levels lol.

Normally a healthy young man of 25 should be at a 500-700 ng/dl range.

And no improvements in hormones, and that’s what’s really hindering my progress, my motivation, my mood etc.

I made so much stupid choices in my past, it’s a miracle that i’m still alive!

And I still have my whole life in front of me.

My low test levels keep me demotivated, like this is 100% a mental discipline game.

It’s 7:30 PM and I didn’t stretch one set today. It’s Thursday november 15th and I have to get those sets in before midnight.

I’m procrastinating, slacking, and i’m going through some rough mental times.

My emotions are fucked up, but I have to keep going. This journey is tough.

Special note: I tried the egyptian sexual energy circulating technique, and I was drained every day. It’s very hard to do, and maybe I should keep that practice to only once a week.

The clue is to not lose your life energy when masturbating but it’s not something you will learn in a few days.

I have problems with low libido, if I orgasm, I can go 3-4 weeks without a damn feeling in my dick + testicles before I get horny again. So there’s really something wrong with my body.

And because of daily orgasm since monday I couldn’t train kegels properly. My erection strength is 0 if I orgasm, and it stays 0 for days / weeks.

That was the reason why i’ve been doing Nofap, just to get a easy strong erection.
It’s easier to kegel and reverse kegel then.

I’m a complete mess, but I have to keep going. I don’t know what the future brings. I live day by day. I try to get in my sets per dAy.
I just want to say something dear friend. One thing I know a lot about is anabolic steroids and bodybuilding and have been involved with them at at very high level. One cycle of test e is impossible to permanently fuck your levels up. Is some rare cases it does pose problem is your natural levels were low to begin with and then it can cause some trouble. But rather than waste all that money on the specialist of clinic or whatever, I can help you. You need to do 2000-2500iu hcg every day for 3 weeks. Then wait four days for hcg to clear your body as it is in itself inhibitory. You then will take 20 mg nolvadex in the am and 50 mg Clomiphene citrate nightly. You will do the Clomid and nolva for 6 weeeks. Maybe even 7. I promise you will thank me in the end. I have dealt with thousands of the highest caliber bodybuilders and know my stuff when it comes to this. And one more thing. Do not buy underground lab clomid and nolva. You need to get pharmaceutical product but it’s widely available and not hard to find a source. Same for the hcg as welll. Please do this and not only will you recover but you will be horny and shooting huge loads during the recovery process. Please prother. I promise I am trying to help and I plead with you to do this as we are a brotherhood and I want you to recover right away. Your test levels will be as good as they were before your cycle if you do what I say. Thank you dear friend.
I HATE wasting time on that shit also. Fu*in* he*l it feels like the whole day revolves around scavanging for food (going to the grocery store, cooking, doing dishes) I'm so incredibly sick at it it is 2,5 hours WASTED.

I have no option for something like you said though.

But I could buy extreme bulk package of rice I guess and Rice porridge and make in microwave
I have a couple options that both of you (Dutch and Enrik) might like. Both are fast, easy, and CHEAP.

1) Rice cooker with steamer on top. Rice, beans, steamed veggies. Add some oil and seasoning when it's done, and you have yourself a pretty tasty whole protein with plenty of carbs, fat, fiber, and micronutrients!

2) Check out Soylent. Ease into it, see how it works for you. If you can handle future-food every day, all you'll need is some peanuts laying around to keep your jaw moving. VERY cheap, VERY fast, VERY little cleanup required.
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I have a couple options that both of you (Dutch and Enrik) might like. Both are fast, easy, and CHEAP.

1) Rice cooker with steamer on top. Rice, beans, steamed veggies. Add some oil and seasoning when it's done, and you have yourself a pretty tasty whole protein with plenty of carbs, fat, fiber, and micronutrients!

2) Check out Soylent. Ease into it, see how it works for you. If you can handle future-food every day, all you'll need is some peanuts laying around to keep your jaw moving. VERY cheap, VERY fast, VERY little cleanup required.
thank you I'll look into rice cooker with a steamer. However I'm a little concerned about basing my diet on rice since there is a lot of heavy metals etc. I'd rather base my diet on pasta.
thank you I'll look into rice cooker with a steamer. However I'm a little concerned about basing my diet on rice since there is a lot of heavy metals etc. I'd rather base my diet on pasta.
In talking with people about this, I've found there is no "magic diet" that works for everyone. Definitely experiment and see what works best for your body!

And consider the Soylent, too! One thing I like to do is to cover half my daily calories with it. It still cuts way down on the time, money, and energy spent on food, but I also still get to eat. ;)
What is this?
It's basically that goop they eat on the ships in The Matrix. "Everything the body needs," at least that's the idea. I lived on this stuff and peanuts pretty exclusively for over a month, and that was years ago when we were all guinea pigs. You want to get the powder and mix it yourself if you're looking for maximum cheap.

I always caution people to ease into it, though, and don't feel like you have to use it exclusively or not at all. Some people need the experience of food, and there's only one formula right now for every kind of body out there. Results may vary. ;)

It's basically that goop they eat on the ships in The Matrix. "Everything the body needs," at least that's the idea. I lived on this stuff and peanuts pretty exclusively for over a month, and that was years ago when we were all guinea pigs. You want to get the powder and mix it yourself if you're looking for maximum cheap.

I always caution people to ease into it, though, and don't feel like you have to use it exclusively or not at all. Some people need the experience of food, and there's only one formula right now for every kind of body out there. Results may vary. ;)

So basically this gives you everything you need nutrition wise? And this is a valid way to lose weight? If so how quickly could I see weight drop if I started using this as the predominant source of my meals?
December 15th

Okay so i’ve made up my mind. I wasted weeks and I got angry about it. Time lost that I will never get back.

I’m doing my bundled stretches for tonight. 20 minutes. I did my kegels and reverse kegels pre stretching.

I’ve got some questions.... When I stretch I always lay down, to prevent erections, I hate to wrap up in my lengthmaster while becoming erect, it’s annoying as fuck.

So I strapped on my lengthmaster and laid down. I did a reverse kegel and bundled stretches straight down. I could only hold the reverse kegel for 30sec.

I haven’t noticed the so called benefits of reverse kegeling while stretching? Maybe because i’m doing this reverse kegel wrong?

I’ve learnt that in order to perform a reverse kegel you have to clench your abs and afterwards “push” out your last urine as if you were peeing and emptying your bladder.

So I don’t know wether i’m performing the reverse kegel correctly or not.... maybe it’s different when you’re lying down flat on your bed?

If I stand on knees, I seem to do it correctly. I don’t have any verifying methods to know if I did my reverse kegels correctly.

The point in reverse kegeling is to be able to stretch further and further without tug-back.

The tug back is caused my the suspensory ligaments, but I don’t have those anymore. If I stretch i’m purely targeting the shaft, tunica I think....

But I thought the reverse kegel could coac out more internal penis or something. It should speed up gains tremendously.

Hmm, how do I perform reverse kegels correctly and effectively ?

People who got experience on this, please feel free to chime in!
In reverse Kegel really just feels like you’re pushing your stomach and your batt out at the same time. Really isn’t that much feeling to it. But if you’re suspensory ligament has been cut there’s no reason for you to do a reverse Kegel.

As far as the Lengthmaster goes, are you saying you’re using it without any wrap? If so, is this causing you pain or skin problems? Let me know cause I have another solution if that be the problem
In reverse Kegel really just feels like you’re pushing your stomach and your batt out at the same time. Really isn’t that much feeling to it. But if you’re suspensory ligament has been cut there’s no reason for you to do a reverse Kegel.

As far as the Lengthmaster goes, are you saying you’re using it without any wrap? If so, is this causing you pain or skin problems? Let me know cause I have another solution if that be the problem

Yeah my suspensory ligaments have been cut and when I stretch I put full force on my tunica shaft. I tried kegeling en reverse kegeling but it doesn’t matter for me.

I guess I just have to keep stretching this way. No more gains to be made with kegeling for me.

Maybe I can just do the kegels for the sake of kegel training while stretching. That will give me 20x 1 minute kegel sets which will help me in erection quality ?

There aren’t any problems with the lengthmaster, I just hate it when i become erect while training, I have to wait a bit or meditate while my erection fades away.

Sunday december 16th

I did 16 minutes of bundled stretching, had to file in a report for a science project. So the deadline was today.
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Yeah my suspensory ligaments have been cut and when I stretch I put full force on my tunica shaft. I tried kegeling en reverse kegeling but it doesn’t matter for me.

I guess I just have to keep stretching this way. No more gains to be made with kegeling for me.

Maybe I can just do the kegels for the sake of kegel training while stretching. That will give me 20x 1 minute kegel sets which will help me in erection quality ?

There aren’t any problems with the lengthmaster, I just hate it when i become erect while training, I have to wait a bit or meditate while my erection fades away.

Sunday december 16th

I did 12 minutes of bundled stretching, had to file in a report for a science project. So the deadline was today.

Did not have the time for proper PE.

Just so I’m clear there is no reason for you to do reverse Kegels since your ligament has been cut but you should definitely continue doing Kegels. Kegels are responsible for keeping the blood in your penis and giving you harder erections.
So basically this gives you everything you need nutrition wise? And this is a valid way to lose weight? If so how quickly could I see weight drop if I started using this as the predominant source of my meals?
Well, that depends...

How overweight are you?
What do you do for exercise?
How many calories of Soylent would you drink?
How many calories are you taking in now?

And frankly you're going above my pay grade, now. :)

I can tell you that, theoretically, Soylent gives you everything you need, and that I've lived on it with no problems. Having said that, diet can be highly personal and what worked for me might not work for you. But Soylent can DEFINITELY be used AT LEAST as a cheap, healthy, fast supplement to replace a meal or two.

The stuff's even vegan, if that's important to you. :D
Wednesday december 19th

I think I missed a day again, on tuesday.

But now i’m going to the gym to get my muscles worked. Did 10 mins of bundled stretching and kegels / reverse kegels.

I’ll be doing the rest of the bundled stretching for the rest of the night. I’ll be home at 5:30 PM and then I have to study.

Yesterday I had some depressed feelings but it’s manageable now and I feel motivated.

I wanted to share with you guys that I will be posting my day count of soberness. Because I had problems with recreational drug abuse I want to stay clean for the rest of my life. I think PE gives me a very good grip on staying sober and on my ascension path.

I have called on the archangels to assist me in this. So my sober count is: 12 days.

Edit: i’ll be also posting my Nofap count to give everyone motivation. Right now i’m on day 6.

I relapsed a couple of times during the past months. I want 100% total control of my body. This includes my sexual urges as well.
Six days congratulations my brother, that’s excellent! I’ll simply add days to it. If you fall get right back up and keep on going. I will never be perfect and I will mess up but I can tell you that I’ve cut back on this 99%. I’ll lease to think about is whacking off all day, becoming inundated with pornography, a very sad state. Today it happens once in a while and that’s good enough for me.

I hope you got to read the private message I sent you. I look forward to your reply
Thursday december 20th

I got home from university and I have plenty of time left to stretch the shit out of my cock. It’s 13:30 PM and i’m going to make some lunch and afterwards I will start stretching.

Also I have Christmas holidays so 14 days off from school. Plenty of time to stretch study and family gatherings. I’ll be traveling back to my hometown tomorrow.

I’ll be doing my bundled stretches as outlined in my starting post. 20 minutes of bundled stretching. All directions.

I love studying because I know I will have my study break to stretch ? I also visualize my cock 10 inches long. And 7 inches fat.

I also do meditation daily to concentrate on my goals, I meditate and I do some heavy visualization in order to supplement PE.

Sober: 13 days
Nofap: 7 days
Thursday december 20th

I got home from university and I have plenty of time left to stretch the shit out of my cock. It’s 13:30 PM and i’m going to make some lunch and afterwards I will start stretching.

Also I have Christmas holidays so 14 days off from school. Plenty of time to stretch study and family gatherings. I’ll be traveling back to my hometown tomorrow.

I’ll be doing my bundled stretches as outlined in my starting post. 20 minutes of bundled stretching. All directions.

I love studying because I know I will have my study break to stretch ? I also visualize my cock 10 inches long. And 7 inches fat.

I also do meditation daily to concentrate on my goals, I meditate and I do some heavy visualization in order to supplement PE.

Sober: 13 days
Nofap: 7 days

I am so proud of you it is unbelievable. 13 days clean, a week without messing up, this is success and I can tell that it’s fueling you and bringing you to a much happier place than a few days ago. Praying for you and watching over you! You’re going to make this happen!
Friday december 21th

Good evening MOS!

Today I traveled back to my hometown to see my mom. I’ll be spending the Christmas holidays at my parents house. I have to admit that I crave going out and getting fucked up.

I think it’s better to talk about this, it seems to ease my mind a bit I think.... Here’s the thing, I promised my best friend that we would go out partying together on New Years Eve. He is still a dude who partys alot so that comes with drug use and alcohol use. Like living the hedonism lifestyle, drugs, sex, alcohol, party, and he’s not the only one. Our whole society is based on these principles. Every weekend people want to get fucked up. I used to be one too.

And now i’m on this sober path and i’m trying to protect myself so I told him I cannot go because i’m also low on cash. I used to have lots of friends and acquaintances but that kinda dried up. If you don’t go out anymore, or you take drugs, partying and alcohol out of the equation. Yeah you will be left alone. You’re a boring nerd if you stay at home, studying or playing videogames / watching movies.

So basically I have no friends left anymore, i’m totally isolated and I don’t have a social life. My life revolved around partying / drugs / alcohol / getting fucked up. And now we’re approaching the end of this year I really have these cravings. But i’m sitting on the couch at my parents house, all by myself and I will stay at home alone on december 31th.

I retreated myself from social life or people who are bad for me because at this point everything is a trigger for me. If i’m having beers or liquor, I want cocaine.

If I have sex with a girl, I want to snort cocaine and take GHB to make the sex even better. My dopamine receptors are numbed, I cannot enjoy mundane things and sex anymore and it needs time to rebalance everything.

The best thing is to abstain from everything at this moment. It helps alot to stay focused at the gym and stretching.

I’m doing bundled stretching 20 minutes. And my kegels / reverse kegels.

Thank god for being introverted though, I think extraverted people have it way tougher in terms of coming off drugs / booze. They need the socializing stuff, they need being in a group or having people to talk to. I enjoy myself and my solitude. So that’s an advantage.

Sober: 14 days
Nofap: 8 days
@DutchAthletic92 First of all, I want to commend you for standing up for yourself, your health, and your family. Do you have anybody you can reach out to for support? Have you considered a formal rehab program? What you are trying to do right now is sometimes called "white knuckling", which is 1. very hard and 2. often breaks down over time. I am not telling you what to do, and I hope you don't think I am judging you. I just want to see you succeed. We'll be here for support!
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One day at a time my brother, you’re doing just fine. And I don’t like to hear you say you don’t have any friends, your brothers here and myself love you to death! You’ll never find better friends than you will find in your brothers here. And as I said any help I can give you I will. I know my methods may seem radical but they truly work and I can attest to that because I’ve been clean for more than 14 years. So let’s take this day by day and today you were successful, pat yourself on the back! Let tomorrow worry about tomorrow, what matters is this moment and that you are clean, sober and growing in the right direction. I have been in over 40 detoxes and drug abuse centers and psych wards none of which worked, what work is exactly what I told you in that private message.
One day at a time my brother, you’re doing just fine. And I don’t like to hear you say you don’t have any friends, your brothers here and myself love you to death! You’ll never find better friends than you will find in your brothers here. And as I said any help I can give you I will. I know my methods may seem radical but they truly work and I can attest to that because I’ve been clean for more than 14 years. So let’s take this day by day and today you were successful, pat yourself on the back! Let tomorrow worry about tomorrow, what matters is this moment and that you are clean, sober and growing in the right direction. I have been in over 40 detoxes and drug abuse centers and psych wards none of which worked, what work is exactly what I told you in that private message.

Thanks DLD!

The MOS community is keeping a grip on me in a very positive way. I’m not truly alone, I have you guys for support and all. That means a lot to me.

I find peace in the fact that the angels and god are watching. This is also a time to indulge myself more in books. Literature about god, philosophy, science, it helps to really understand the mechanics of the human brain and human body. I’m taking precautions for the withdrawals as you recommended DLD.

I’m so happy that my cravings are gone! Because of the talking I did about my feelings, it really helped me to proces everything.

Today I woke up with a very positive feeling. I dreamed alot and slept for like 9 hours. I’m going to do a void meditation. For total emptyness. This allows my brain to go into alpha brainwave state so i’m totally relaxed. While meditating I keep visualizing heavily on me PE goals. I really try to feel how it’s like to have a 10 inch dick.

This mind-penis connection is very important in my opinion. It’s analogeous to the mind-muscle connection bodybuilders use pre lifting. So when i’m in this relaxed state, i’m much more concentrated and I can stretch better.

So for today, saturday december 22th i’m having a restday for kegels but the stretching continues.

It’s 11:00 AM and I will get in some stretches every couple of hours today. I try to extent my stretching sessions more and more until I literally do full days of stretching every hour.

So today 20-30 minutes of bundled stretching in all directions. Lately i’m having this weird thing, like when I stretch intensely I get super horny because of the intense visuals I get while stretching. I visualize myself with a 10 inch dick destroying some hot young pussy.

I don’t know what this is, but it seems to me that I was born to do PE in this physical body and lifetime. I feel in my deepest core that 10 inch is my ultimate destiny. All this stretching gets me super horny. And the Nofap stuff is also working now, I feel that i’m building momentum.

My goal is one year of Nofap, and kegeling and stretching and I will be evaluating my journey in december 2019. I’m glad i’m making progress forwards and I feel more and more motivation coming my way. It feels good.

Sober: 15 days
Nofap: 9 days
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So much love and happiness for me! I know that sounds selfish but it’s my pride in you that makes me so happy. I am truly grateful that you were blessed with what I wrote to you and I can see and feel a completely new man! I so look forward to working with you in the future. May God continue to bless you!
Sunday december 23th

Today 20 mins of bundled stretching. I relapsed with Nofap unfortunately ?

I fapped 4 times back to back. I also indulged into adult entertainment so that’s unfortunate.

Father forgive me for I have sinned. (Again)

So my Nofap counter is back to 0. My sober count still stands.

I was at a party saturdaynight to say goodbye to a friend, he’s going on a solo world trip to south-east Asia. And we poured a little liquor. Johnny walker red label Whiskey. Just one shot. Didn’t felt urges to drink the whole bottle.

Sober: 16 days
Nofap: 0 days
Friday december 21th

Good evening MOS!

Today I traveled back to my hometown to see my mom. I’ll be spending the Christmas holidays at my parents house. I have to admit that I crave going out and getting fucked up.

I think it’s better to talk about this, it seems to ease my mind a bit I think.... Here’s the thing, I promised my best friend that we would go out partying together on New Years Eve. He is still a dude who partys alot so that comes with drug use and alcohol use. Like living the hedonism lifestyle, drugs, sex, alcohol, party, and he’s not the only one. Our whole society is based on these principles. Every weekend people want to get fucked up. I used to be one too.

And now i’m on this sober path and i’m trying to protect myself so I told him I cannot go because i’m also low on cash. I used to have lots of friends and acquaintances but that kinda dried up. If you don’t go out anymore, or you take drugs, partying and alcohol out of the equation. Yeah you will be left alone. You’re a boring nerd if you stay at home, studying or playing videogames / watching movies.

So basically I have no friends left anymore, i’m totally isolated and I don’t have a social life. My life revolved around partying / drugs / alcohol / getting fucked up. And now we’re approaching the end of this year I really have these cravings. But i’m sitting on the couch at my parents house, all by myself and I will stay at home alone on december 31th.

I retreated myself from social life or people who are bad for me because at this point everything is a trigger for me. If i’m having beers or liquor, I want cocaine.

If I have sex with a girl, I want to snort cocaine and take GHB to make the sex even better. My dopamine receptors are numbed, I cannot enjoy mundane things and sex anymore and it needs time to rebalance everything.

The best thing is to abstain from everything at this moment. It helps alot to stay focused at the gym and stretching.

I’m doing bundled stretching 20 minutes. And my kegels / reverse kegels.

Thank god for being introverted though, I think extraverted people have it way tougher in terms of coming off drugs / booze. They need the socializing stuff, they need being in a group or having people to talk to. I enjoy myself and my solitude. So that’s an advantage.

Sober: 14 days
Nofap: 8 days

I think you should go out on new years eve. Drugs and alcohol are no different I know its the same principle dont go overboard with either. You can party once thats a lot better than becoming isolated and having no life.
Sunday december 23th

Today 20 mins of bundled stretching. I relapsed with Nofap unfortunately ?

I fapped 4 times back to back. I also indulged into adult entertainment so that’s unfortunate.

Father forgive me for I have sinned. (Again)

So my Nofap counter is back to 0. My sober count still stands.

I was at a party saturdaynight to say goodbye to a friend, he’s going on a solo world trip to south-east Asia. And we poured a little liquor. Johnny walker red label Whiskey. Just one shot. Didn’t felt urges to drink the whole bottle.

Sober: 16 days
Nofap: 0 days
Thats great use alcohol dont abuse it.
Sunday december 23th

Today 20 mins of bundled stretching. I relapsed with Nofap unfortunately ?

I fapped 4 times back to back. I also indulged into adult entertainment so that’s unfortunate.

Father forgive me for I have sinned. (Again)

So my Nofap counter is back to 0. My sober count still stands.

I was at a party saturdaynight to say goodbye to a friend, he’s going on a solo world trip to south-east Asia. And we poured a little liquor. Johnny walker red label Whiskey. Just one shot. Didn’t felt urges to drink the whole bottle.

Sober: 16 days
Nofap: 0 days

Your father in heaven has forgiven and forgotten everyone of your sins past present and future. “I have forgot your sins as far as east is to West” You no longer need to ask for forgiveness as you are completely forgiven. It’s unfortunate that you fell but like I told you grab God’s hand and pick yourself up and keep on going. I bet after you were done there was a nasty regret, right? Remember that feeling next time you want to indulge. The Bible does not tell us to confess our sins to God we are told to “confess our sins to our brothers and sisters and ask them to pray for us” And that’s exactly what you just did, and I’m very proud of you.

Discipline is so important right now as you’re going through these improvements. Just as you were disciplined at that party and did not go beyond one drink you can see there is no problem. We are told “do not get drunk and commit debauchery instead fill yourself with the Spirit” this can also apply to all things addictive. And we can also hear the apostle Paul “all things are permitable but not all things are profitable”. So with this sound advice I believe you will become the man you have always wanted to be!
It takes a lot of guts to post something like that, Dutch, but it's the smart thing to do. Good job paying attention to all the different pieces of your life. :) I'm glad you're feeling better, and don't sweat little stumbles on the road to improvement!
It takes a lot of guts to post something like that, Dutch, but it's the smart thing to do. Good job paying attention to all the different pieces of your life. :) I'm glad you're feeling better, and don't sweat little stumbles on the road to improvement!

I agree and I know he is growing exponentially since he is arrived. MOS is so much more than a PE site, we touch on all things that are important to humanity. Whether it be having better relationships with those around us, more confidence to get a better job, learning from your Brother is on what not to do :D, one of the most important things men gain here is their sanity :D we all come to the brotherhood with her own baggage but as quickly as we can unpack that and put it to rest the faster we can improve ourselves. Dutch has reached out in many ways and I know he’s taking the advice with great interest and influence. This is the brotherhood at work
December 24th & 25th

Did my bundled stretching of 20 mins. My kegels and reverse kegels, had a nice christmas eve / christmas dinner with friends family and relatives.

Did not drink any alcohol, but other people were drinking beer or liquor. So no problems.

I’ve been thinking long and hard about what @enrikxl said.... Maybe I just have to learn to control my urges, instead of going all extreme and stopping cold turkey.

So what really happens and has happened in the past is, I’d go out partying, going overboard with alcohol and drugs, I mean really overboard, and after the party I’d have hangovers for a week or 10 days and then I was completely miserable, depressed, and I no longer wanted to live on this planet and all that kind of stuff.

So then I’d got better again, and no drugs or drinks for like 3-6 months. Completely sober and healthy and than I would be hyped up for another party again.

The biggest problem in my life was going overboard on drugs and booze. I could never use in moderation. Because I was young and stupid, I felt on top of the world with experimenting and partying. Now that i’m older and have more responsibilities, school work etc I don’t want to get hangovers / fucked up again for one week.

Maybe I have to do some test rounds to see what it’s like to have a small amount of drugs available for myself to take. And really adhere to the recommendations of taking breaks and not using again for minimum of 6 months....

If you take MDMA for example, the active ingredient in XTC pills, aka Molly, is only really relatively “safe” without severe brain damage if you use only a maximum 75-100 mg and then you would need to take a break of 6 months to restore serotonin and dopamin receptors.

You want to know what I did? Me, the young stupid that I was, kept using it for weeks on end, WITHOUT ANY BREAKS whatsoever, completely retarded, didn’t knew the risks and effects on your body.

Never bothered to read up on the pharmacology or biochemistry of the various drugs that I used, and eventually I ended up whining about quitting because of my depression and all other nasty side effects.

The key is to have a dosage ready, and be done with it for the night. No re-dosing, no extra calls to your dealer or whatever. And that right there is the biggest problem people have with drugs / prescription meds or booze. They can’t handle this.

The dopamine urges and crAvings are too strong, they want more and more. So when your 1 gram of cocaine is about to run out... What will people do? They will feel bad and want to extent their intoxication. They want to collect more money, in order to call their dealer for another gram of cocaine. And this is the train to nowhere.... Yea to addiction land. This all happens unconsciously, or shall I say with your subconscioussness.

You’re ending in a never-ending vicious circle.

Maybe if you adjust your goals that you want to achieve while going out. It can be possible to adjust or reprogram your drugs / booze intake.

Like what I did with my booze, I drank one shot of whiskey. Not the whole damn bottle. I used to do that alot. Drinking the whole bottle and be completely fucked up. Well I wasn’t a nice normal person to talk to anymore. Did I got laid ? Of course not. I was unhappy as I saw other people hooking up with chicks while I was laying there completely fucked up. I felt sadness, and more reason to drink even more.

Nowadays, if I go out, I try to talk to a lot of people, you know socializing, getting to know girls. All with the intention of hooking up. They also call that nightgame / daygame or cold approaching. Or when I get “choosing signals” from a girl. By body language or eye contact indicators.

There isn’t any more “goal” of getting fucked up or insanely high. The focus has shift to social interaction, seduction, body language stuff, dancing, and it’s important that you come off as a normal cool and fun dude who isn’t overly intoxicated or walking weirdly because of too much booze. That’s an instant turn off.

So basically what i’m trying to debate is wether it’s beneficial to have SMALL amounts of drugs in your system, just as an aid for staying up late until 5-6 AM.

It’s a completely different ballgame to what i’m used to. But I think it’s attainable with the right mindset and discipline.

The booze is lowering testosterone levels the instant you have more than two beers or one liquor shot. It’s that strong in destroying your male hormones that are needed for PE and growth.

The last time I used drugs wasn’t anything big either, I tapered off a lot during the last years. So I really wonder if this is something to try out.

I think i’m gonna test this on new years eve, with some pure MDMA powder, I weigh off the proper amount, 60-70mg or so, and I take that to stay awake and to feel good throughout the whole night.

The party will end at 5-6 PM so it’ll be a long evening. And maybe this is better to try out instead of completely isolating myself from life and social life / relationships.

Another thing that bothers me is the fact that I didn’t take any responsibility for having absolutely zero sex life. I NEED to go out, because i’m rotting away in my dorm room, just studying and ging to the gym isn’t going to help me meet women.

My biggest hurdles to overcome are cold approaching women via nightgame, nightclubs, and during the day.

I really need to find a fuckbuddy to have some fun with. And to test out my cock and future cock.

So once in a while having a party with a small amount of drugs to help me get through the night shouldn’t hurt me in the long run if I take the precautions and neccesary breaks etc.

Thank you @enrikxl for giving me new insights. I want to add one thing, I won’t be doing cocaine or similar drugs to help me get through the party. It’s a complete shit drug and you need a lot of that stuff to even feel something. Dealers cut it up with other substances like dental anaesthetics or caffeine powder or harmful chemicals to increase their profits. Not to mention that it’s overpriced and it works for like 1 hour... stupid stuff.

I will just be using 50mg of pure MDMA powder in a gelatin capsule. No contaminations etc, just clean MDMA-crystals. And I have 10mg capsules to increase the dosage until 60-70mg and that should be plenty. Just to have a good time, and approaching girls, getting to know girls and seducing them.

When you go full out on cocaine, MDMA and you use lots of it, your dick shrivels up completely lol and it’s fucking embarrassing. Stimulants are so called vaso-constrictors. They actually reduce bloodflow to your dick.

I could stretch for long hours back in the days when I used to stay up for 40-50 hours because I never got an erection while high on high doses of cocaine / amphetamines. But that shit is completely unnecessary. There’s no point in using that much. It’s completely retarded.

The objective is the find the optimal dosage so I don’t get a hangover, I don’t feel like my brains are fried. I have optimal social interaction and my dick works optimal and I can reach extremely hard erections.

Drugs on low dosages are very stimulating if you have sex with it. So it should help with erections.

I will evaluate everything here and after 6 months again.

If it doesn’t work out the way I want to. Or I cannot handle myself and I want to take more... Then it’s really time to say farewell to all drugs and completely cut off all ties. So I think that will be a good new years resolution. My sober days will start counting on january the 2th, when all drugs are eliminated from my system.

EDIT: for the people who are interested: MDMA (Molly/Ecstasy) Dosage is a scientific website on MDMA research and optimal dosage without getting neurotoxicity. It seems that the optimal dosage is between 81-100mg. Your desirable effects are maximized and negative side effects are minimal.

So that’s a matter of trying things out. Obviously that will take years to get to the optimal personal dosage for my body and goals.

Have a good night and merry christmas everyone!

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Merry Christmas dutch! I have always been afraid of xtc. I tried a lot of drugs in my youth and I dont believe drugs are bad unless you overdose, as in overdosing on alcohol. Just take the optimal dose, the least effective dose and then DONT EVER redose until the effects are gone, no seeking a stronger high or other dangerous behaviour. Its okay to go 50 hours on amphetamines as long as you dont overdose but just do the minimal effective dose after the drug has lowered in plasma concentration to sober levels dont dose so you get too high buildup.

Its about enhancing your mind and body not abusing it. Think of your health first, to use a drug you should be afraid of taking too much have that health mindset of okay I will take the dose I have planned and decided on beforehand and never redose before enough time has passed to warrant it. I have no interest in psychedelics because I dont see how tripping can give me a better experience with getting girls and having a good memorable experience. I tried and used Mephedrone back when it was legal and ofcourse pot of lots of different strains and alcohol, tried adderall and all those drugs were positive additions to a party.
We should be so careful about the friends and relationships we have and we only live life once! People use alcohol all the time because it gives us a better social life, just dont as dld said lose your privilige to drink by overindulgence, same goes for any drug!
You both gave the advice I would and have given in the past. If you abuse anything you lose that privilege. You abuse your wife, you lose her. You abuse heroin you will lose that privilege, etc. Ecstasy or MDMA is almost impossible to abuse unless you’re a retard. X will get you rolling the first time you use and it is incredible but if I try to use X the next day I will not come close to the high I first got. If you go a third day you will get nothing. For Extacy to be right is once per 30 days. It takes a month for you brain chemistry to return to normal. Anyone who uses it every day is just wasting their money.

I do not condone any drug use or any hard alcohol. I strictly stick with red wine and cannabis. This never gets me in trouble and it feels good every night. If I were to do this all day long every day I would lose the privilege of doing it. What would happen is the cannabis would make me lazy and I wouldn’t do anything all day long and the wine would make me drunk which would make it even worse. So for me, to keep the privilege, I need great respect for that which I am using. For me a glass of wine and a bit of Cannabis once per day is rewarding and spiritually inspiring. I use it strictly in prayer unless there is a celebration that warrants it.
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Wednesday december 26th

Good morning everyone!

It’s 11:30 AM and i’m gonna start my stretching sessions because I have to go to a dinner party with my friends later this night around 6:00 PM.

And this afternoon I have to help my mom, by moving a wardrobe, driving that thing to her place and install it in her room. So I have to be ready and stretched before 2:00 PM.

I don’t have the chance to stretch for the rest of the day because i’ll be working and being with friends having dinner in the evening so now is the time to take advantage of.

I prefer to divide my stretching sessions and do them every hour of the day instead of doing them all at once but today I have to hurry up.

So 20 minutes of bundled stretching and kegels / reverse kegels. And one hour later at around 12:30 PM I try to get additional extra stretching in.

And that’s it. I’m so motivated to grow! I’m happy that I still have the drive. It will be very interesting to see what effects that low microdose of MDMA will have on my mind.

My biggest constrain is my health. Like I don’t want any neurotoxicity, or depleted dopamin/serotonin receptors so that I can continue my PE goals.

I hope you all have a great day!
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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