DutchAthletic’s ascension path to 10” BPEL

Friday february 15th

9:00 PM

I just started my first set of hanging. I retreated to my room after talking and socializing with my roommates. I had my keto dinner, and they were eating pizzas and drinking beer.... Well, I don’t belong to that kind of people anymore.

I’m on an ascension path to become monster sized, and I have to lose bodyfat.

They have no idea what i’m doing behind closed doors LOL

So tonight imma do 6 mins of bundled stretches with the lengthmaster
4 x 20 min sets of hanging 4.5kg (9.9lbs)
400 wet jelqs with coconut oil.

I will increase the weight to 5kg (11 lbs) if everything goes smoothly. Right now I feel very conditioned.

I really feel like my dick is waking up or something, I believe in hanging memory. The tunica knows what’s up!

And this time he will beg for mercy and I will make that fucker grow longer!

Have a great friday evening and weekend guys!
Yeah I was hanging with StillWantMore’s compression hanger, but I wanted to test shoe-lace-glans-hanging. I’ve concluded that it’s only effective at lower weights 6-8 pounds....

I’m not continuing my sets with the compression hanger, it was a nice experiment though.

I have the right set up for everything so i’m good to go!

Although I have never used a shoestring to hang I would say anything over 6 pounds would be incredibly painful. @stillwantmore hanger will be exactly what you need.
Please tell me you ditched the shoe lace? I'm very surprised no one has been more direct with you LMAO because the shoe lace, acting as a tourniquet while being stretched by weight around, and near the glans can actually damage the sensitive nerves beneath the glans causing issues with sensitiveness, and numbness.

Its VERY DANGEROUS to hang with a shoe lace, please do not do it, use Stills hanger it is great, and if you do insist on using a shoe lace and get injured its your own fault .. I dont mean to sound like a prick, I aint a prick :) but I'm professional, been doing this since 2001, know what I'm talking about, and sometimes being forward is the best way rather then someone telling you what you want to hear, or folk not taking on a problem to solve.
Saturday february 16th

09:30 AM

Gym training - full body hypertrophy
6 mins bundled stretching lengthmaster
4x20 mins hanging 5kg (11 pounds)
400 wet jelqs with coconut oil

Meditation session and studying

Looking forward to your use of the Male Hanger, I think you’re going to be much more comfortable that way allowing for much safer and quicker results.

How was your meditation going? I know for me I need three hours a day every day as it brings me such a beautiful place of peace and tranquility. I hope that’s going well for you as your mental and spiritual health is just as important as your physical health.
Please tell me you ditched the shoe lace? I'm very surprised no one has been more direct with you LMAO because the shoe lace, acting as a tourniquet while being stretched by weight around, and near the glans can actually damage the sensitive nerves beneath the glans causing issues with sensitiveness, and numbness.

Its VERY DANGEROUS to hang with a shoe lace, please do not do it, use Stills hanger it is great, and if you do insist on using a shoe lace and get injured its your own fault .. I dont mean to sound like a prick, I aint a prick :) but I'm professional, been doing this since 2001, know what I'm talking about, and sometimes being forward is the best way rather then someone telling you what you want to hear, or folk not taking on a problem to solve.

Thank you for your concerns ?

I have switched already to the male hanger from StillWantMore2. The shoelace hanging wasn’t sustainable. The glans is too sensitive to handle that kind of forces.

The compression hanger feels more comfortable and safer. But the disadvantage is dat it pulls a lot of skin shaft to be honest. My first year of hanging would be working up to heavy weights and skin stretching.

Well, beter safe than sorry ?
Looking forward to your use of the Male Hanger, I think you’re going to be much more comfortable that way allowing for much safer and quicker results.

How was your meditation going? I know for me I need three hours a day every day as it brings me such a beautiful place of peace and tranquility. I hope that’s going well for you as your mental and spiritual health is just as important as your physical health.

Yeah I have switched to the male hanger a few days ago. The compression hanger is more safe and sustainable for heavier weights.

I’m now at 11 pounds... 4 sets per day, and I can’t go up in sets, so I have to increase weight a little bit by next week.

My meditations are going well, but I still have problems with getting distracted in my thoughts and random stuff keeps popping up while I meditate. I try to concentrate on my breathing, I do belly breathing and that allows me to concentrate better.

As for inducing lucid dreaming and inducing sleep paralysis that is still hard for me to do, I have this automatic fear-based body reaction that I snap right back.

If I lie still for 20 mins, I feel my body tingling and eletricity surging through my bones and that is the initial phase of sleep paralysis en the gateway to lucid dreaming, my body panicks and start to breath heavier and then it stops...

I have to push through lol, very hard. I used to have uncontrollable sleep paralysis a few years ago, from my addiction period were I would stay up awake for days because of drugs and being high, well the sleep deprivation after coming down from a drug is the perfect time to induce sleep paralysis, but I didn’t knew that at that time.

So it was a very frightening experience, and that trauma is still in my subconsciouss mind, I have to face my fears.

I’m getting there, slowly, step by step.
Sunday february 17th

12:00 PM

4 sets of 20 mins hanging 5kg (11 pounds)
400 wet jelqs

This takes me in total 2 hours and 40 minutes.... while I only hang for 1 hour and 20 mins ?

Every 20 mins hanging set consists of 6 mins jelqing doing 100 strokes, and cleaning up to strap in for another set takes in total 35-40 mins.

So one single set of hanging costs me 40 minutes of my precious time.

This is the maximum amount of time I can spend, and to be honest, the jelqing part and cleaning up is starting to become a hassle, I don’t know if I can keep up with that.

It’s becoming a 100% mental thing now, all this PE, sometimes I really wonder “what the hell am I doing”??

So I guess i’m a little bit discouraged and demotivated because this path is hard as hell, and the rewards are lightyears away.

I should live day by day, and not thinking about how much time and hours I have to spend more on this stuff, my dedication will be tested to the max, my discipline as well.

Or maybe I just have to save up for the new size doctor product so I can hang for 6 hours straight without rewrapping or restoring bloodflow every 20 minutes.

The stupidest thing is that I have to take it off every 20 minutes ??? I just want to strap in, and hang heavy for 5 hours, that way my studies are more productive.

So that is really an issue now, and even with 3 sets of hanging I get super irritated that I have to take it off after 20 mins.
I should live day by day, and not thinking about how much time and hours I have to spend more on this stuff, my dedication will be tested to the max, my discipline as well.

Don't think how far it is to go, think how far you've already got! :) I recall seeing this motivational text here on MoS just a while ago.

The re-wrapping does sound like a hassle but keep at it. You've got so far already, endure and make those gains come!
Don't think how far it is to go, think how far you've already got! :) I recall seeing this motivational text here on MoS just a while ago.

The re-wrapping does sound like a hassle but keep at it. You've got so far already, endure and make those gains come!

For the sake of continuity, i’m gonna experiment with hanging sets, dropping off the weights, just let my dick rest for 10-15 mins, without any jelqing or bloodflow restoring, I let it restore itself, than I strap in for the second set....

The hassle is constantly re-wrapping and restoring bloodflow, I don’t want that, it takes me out of my concentration when studying physics and mathematics.

The optimal study time is 50 minutes concentrated with a 10 mins break, unfortunately I can’t hang for 50 minutes straight....

I’m hanging the second set with 6 kg (13 pounds) and i’m not even reaching fatigue, my dick is too strong and I can comfortably go up higher in weights, it needs more fatigue.

I will jelqing at the end of the total hanging session, just 100 jelqs, before going to bed.

This is too much of a hassle, and i’m gonna cut back to 3 sets, with higher intensity.
I have cleaned up my two buckets, that method wasn’t sustainable. Jelqing between sets is a hassle, this isn’t handy when studying unfortunately.

I am a bit discouraged and demotivated, maybe I have to keep this for 3 sets per day maximum.

I’m gonna continue hanging, but 6 kg (13 pounds) was a little bit too uncomfortable so I will decrease that to 5.5 kg (12 pounds)

I will go hard for 3 sets of hanging, with constant fatigue,

If I don’t gain with this method, well I don’t know what i’m gonna do anymore. I am fucking tired of my stubborn tunica, and i am getting irritated.

Maybe I should just live as a MGTOW monk and persue a career in science.

Nofap: day 13
Keep focused, your mind is very active, and your full of energy :) its so easy to overthink, become inpatient, or lose hope in something. Just know that we are here to guide you, and I dont come here for the money, or to feel better due to some power kick because I'm a mod ... but I do like to help others, otherwise I would never come here to do what I do, and I know how difficult the mental side of life is, really I DO ... having aspergers syndrome, and bad anxiety I have had to deal with it, sometimes in my past it was badly.

The meditation is very important, make a safe place in your mind and go there.
Keep focused, your mind is very active, and your full of energy :) its so easy to overthink, become inpatient, or lose hope in something. Just know that we are here to guide you, and I dont come here for the money, or to feel better due to some power kick because I'm a mod ... but I do like to help others, otherwise I would never come here to do what I do, and I know how difficult the mental side of life is, really I DO ... having aspergers syndrome, and bad anxiety I have had to deal with it, sometimes in my past it was badly.

The meditation is very important, make a safe place in your mind and go there.

I was on the edge of falling into a heavy depression this day.... And it keeps haunting me, even after a while, with all the positive stuff and things that I do...

I try to learn how to cope with the cards that i’ve been dealt. And this is very hard, psychologically, especially now that I am in total isolation with no social contacts.

I am very interested in opening up to the astral world, and this spirituality is something that I hang desperately on, because I don’t know if I will ever resolve my deep rooted issues without it.

I must heal myself, my aura and spiritual bodies, my soul is damaged, and it’s the only escape. I think often about suicide but I know that it won’t solve anything. It will just set me back...

Being spiritual keeps me going, really. I am looking for answers and the truth. Why is the world like this, how can I reach the Akashic Records? Etc

Why am I so needy and desperate for female validation and attention? Why am I so sensitive? I hate being sensitive, but it helps in my spiritual endeavors. I have developed an intense hate towards women as well. I don’t trust any woman even if my life would depend on it.
I will help you with that in time, but for now please keep focused on what needs to be done. I speak from experience, dont do too much at once here.
I’m so glad that you’re using a real hanger now and you’re starting to hang some good weight you’re gonna see much faster gains and less pain this way. The shoestring bothered me from day one and I worried about you since so I’m so happy you have changed over.

I’m very happy your meditation is going well in those times that you get distracted just try to pull yourself back to the center and keep your mind in one place. What helps me is square breathing which you can look up online but basically it’s a breathing technique that keeps you in the moment. You may also want to look into DBT as that also is a wonderful way to train your mind to stay in the moment. For me when I’m praying if I get distracted I don’t make a big deal out of it, I re-center myself and I bring myself back to a peaceful place.

We’re not going to be perfect in getting to this place every time so don’t be so hard on yourself when your mind wanders. Sometimes when my mind is wandering during prayer I go with It and see where brings me. I think in meditation or prayer there’s times were distracted maybe because we need to work on whatever we’re being distracted with.

Keep up the good work body mind and soul!
Monday february 18th

11:45 PM

I am depressed, got distracted and procrastinated, didn’t study today, didn’t do any homework or tasks.

I didn’t hang today, I totally forgot to hang because I was drowning in my own sorrows.

Ah well, a day missed that I won’t ever get back. The train of life continues... Life goes on...

I am seeing an endocrinologists for my hormonal problems within 6 weeks or so, it’s something to look out for. I hope he can fix me.

Sometimes I just want to say fuck it, and doing another steroid cycle, just to be done with it. But I know that isn’t going to help me.

I feel hollow, shallow, empty, and hopeless, sadness, motivational problems starting to rise, but I have to continue lol, I can’t drop out , i’m on the edge of a burn-out and I just started studying , i’m curious to find out where that will bring me.
Monday february 18th

11:45 PM

I am depressed, got distracted and procrastinated, didn’t study today, didn’t do any homework or tasks.

I didn’t hang today, I totally forgot to hang because I was drowning in my own sorrows.

Ah well, a day missed that I won’t ever get back. The train of life continues... Life goes on...

I am seeing an endocrinologists for my hormonal problems within 6 weeks or so, it’s something to look out for. I hope he can fix me.

Sometimes I just want to say fuck it, and doing another steroid cycle, just to be done with it. But I know that isn’t going to help me.

I feel hollow, shallow, empty, and hopeless, sadness, motivational problems starting to rise, but I have to continue LOL, I can’t drop out , i’m on the edge of a burn-out and I just started studying , i’m curious to find out where that will bring me.

It’s those times when you want to say fuck it that you need to dedicate yourself even more. Many of us deal with these sad and depressing issues and of course it takes a great toll on our motivation. It seems like you have a lot on your plate and organizing it into a very specific schedule I think will help you set aside time for things like meditation or prayer to help center yourself.

I have suffered with these issues my whole life and I can tell you that I have changed completely over the last 3 to 4 years using a variety of methods. Medication of course is a big piece and I can only advise on what I take and how it affects me, you would need a doctor to prescribe for you. Another big piece is keeping your mind in the moment. When we find ourselves living in the past we feel depression and when we find ourselves in the future we feel anxiety so keeping your self-centered is vital. A great way to do this is through a course called DBT, this works on bringing emotion and pragmatic work together taking advantage of both to keep you in the moment accomplishing what you need to do.

My biggest advice is not to give up because the miracle might be right around the corner. It took me 23 years to get myself to a point of peace and solitude. It was a combination of prayer, medication, DBT and therapy. I also came to the brotherhood with every issue I had as I still do today, and I was given great advice and support.

I really want to see you get better so you can really enjoy your life because I know what it’s like when you can. I will pray for you as I always do but I truly hope that you’re able to start to heal and keep yourself in the moment so you can live out in enjoyable life.
I am seeing an endocrinologists for my hormonal problems within 6 weeks or so, it’s something to look out for. I hope he can fix me.

This and listen to DLD.

About the quotation, I'm at the same spot, relatively, I'll be writing more later on what I find out. Maybe it'll help you too. Overall, I wish you the best of strength and health! You've come so far, keep on going!

Supplemental wise, I haven't done steroid cycles but I've taken Dopa Mucuna (Mucuna Pruriensis) occasionally to help balance my dopamine levels. It has helped with my mood but of course I'm looking for a better solution.

Stay strong, you can make it!
Tuesday February 19th

3x20 mins hanging with male hanger

Starting at 6.5 kg (14.3 lbs) and tapering down to 5.5 kg (12.1 lbs) to induce fatigue

Thanks guys for the messages, I really appreciate that, and I hold on to my nofap streak so it keeps me going and motivated a little bit.

Right now I have so much to do, i’m not jelqing tonight, just the hanging sets hard and heavy and then going to bed on time.

I feel better today, and I get a one week vacation this friday, so I will have more time, to ease my mind. No lectures and hectic days.

The sun is already coming through and we have good sunny days already, so that helps alot. Even though it’s still cold, the sun somehow keeps my mood happy.
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Tuesday February 19th

3x20 mins hanging with male hanger

Starting at 6.5 kg (14.3 lbs) and tapering down to 5.5 kg (12.1 lbs) to induce fatigue

Thanks guys for the messages, I really appreciate that, and I hold on to my nofap streak so it keeps me going and motivated a little bit.

Right now I have so much to do, i’m not jelqing tonight, just the hanging sets hard and heavy and then going to bed on time.

I feel better today, and I get a one week vacation this friday, so I will have more time, to ease my mind. No lectures and hectic days.

The sun is already coming through and we have good sunny days already, so that helps alot. Even though it’s still cold, the sun somehow keeps my mood happy.

I pray the sun keeps shining on you my brother you deserve so much happiness! I appreciate that you’re putting in so much effort to improve your life and continue the good work.
Wednesday February 20th

9:00 AM

I took a day off from lectures and stuff. I stay at home to study, and to finish assignments and other stuff.

4x20 mins hanging 6kg-5.5kg
200 wet jelqs

Just feels like a much more relaxed post. Yesterday I was feeling so anxious for you because I could feel your stress. Today just seem like you’re in a better state of mind. I hope the studies go good and your time off went well.
Just feels like a much more relaxed post. Yesterday I was feeling so anxious for you because I could feel your stress. Today just seem like you’re in a better state of mind. I hope the studies go good and your time off went well.

I am dying to buy that new size doctor hanger, does it cause glans fluid build up or blisters at heavy weights?

For how long can I use the size doctor hanger in one hanging session? I was thinking of hanging 12-14 pounds for 2-3 hours straight, and then take it off to have a study break.

The new size doctor hanger could be my ultimate solution, I can study for long periods of time, 2-3 hours straight without interruption and with a easy comfortable hanging session !!!

If I buy the size doctor, do I get the sleeves as well, or should I buy an extra package of sili sleeves ? That will be around $300

Time is ticking.... And every day that I don’t be productive or hang will never get back, I cannot wait another 3-4 months LOL

I’m willing to spend my money what I have for food on the new size doctor, I don’t give a shit to eat this month with less than 100 bucks, I will survive that, no worries. I want the size doctor to start hanging without breaks
Thursday february 21th

12:00 PM

I took another day off, because I felt a bit sick, I stay at home to study and finishing assignments.

I was researching this new size doctor hanger and I believe that is just what I need.

The only thing i’m worrying about is the distance from my office chair to the ground. Right now with the male hanger I had to decrease that blue cord’s length which is attached to the hook because the weights were touching the floor already.

I cannot sit higher in my office chair, I need some height-adjustable bench or something to freely sit on. When my dick gets longer and with the size doctor hanging set up, it’s a fairly big length and i’m afraid my set up will touch the floor when hanging.

So when I buy the size doctor I need a exercise bench which is adjustable in height to compensate for the growing dick. Unfortunately I cannot find a suitable bench for me online with good height adjustments....

Anyone who reads this, please feel free to chime in.

I’m doing 4x20 mins hanging sets 12-14 pounds
200 wet jelqs

EDIT: I have not enough money for the size doctor ? I need €291 with worldwide express shipping, so it looks like I have to save up a few monts lol.

I have ordered a silisleeve package for the male hanger, I look forward to put the SRT theory into practice.
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Thursday february 21th

12:00 PM

I took another day off, because I felt a bit sick, I stay at home to study and finishing assignments.

I was researching this new size doctor hanger and I believe that is just what I need.

The only thing i’m worrying about is the distance from my office chair to the ground. Right now with the male hanger I had to decrease that blue cord’s length which is attached to the hook because the weights were touching the floor already.

I cannot sit higher in my office chair, I need some height-adjustable bench or something to freely sit on. When my dick gets longer and with the size doctor hanging set up, it’s a fairly big length and i’m afraid my set up will touch the floor when hanging.

So when I buy the size doctor I need a exercise bench which is adjustable in height to compensate for the growing dick. Unfortunately I cannot find a suitable bench for me online with good height adjustments....

Anyone who reads this, please feel free to chime in.

I’m doing 4x20 mins hanging sets 12-14 pounds
200 wet jelqs

EDIT: I have not enough money for the size doctor ? I need €291 with worldwide express shipping, so it looks like I have to save up a few monts LOL.

I have ordered a silisleeve package for the male hanger, I look forward to put the SRT theory into practice.

That’s still a really good purchase and I will help you work that in to SRT in every way I can. And believe me all the equipment we have now will be permanent as it all belongs to The brotherhood.
Friday february 22th

7:00 PM

I am at my parents house this week because I have vacation so it will be a challenge to hang.

I think I will try to get in as much sets as possible, and hang atleast 1-2 sets per day at heavy weight: 7.5 kg (16.7 pounds)

If I go for one hour I will decrease weights accordingly but it ranges from 12-16 pounds.

I brought all the damn weight plates with me in my backpack with al my textbooks and other stuff like my laptop and clothes to stay here for a week.

It was a heavy trip to my home town LOL. I think that I will leave those weight plates here and order new ones for my dorm room.

Ah well, I was seriously thinking again about what the hell i’m doing with my life ? carrying extra pounds in my backpacks for my dick...

Jeez LOL,, it’s really weird if you think about it.

So for tonight I will be hanging 3x20mins sets, my parents and brother are not at home, so I can study now in peace and with privacy.

200 wet jelqs if i’m not too tired ?
It shows how much commitment you have to carry all that weight around with you. I’m glad that you’re freed up a bit now and you can get him some good work. And I’m so happy you’re going to get some training done and complete peace, nothing better! I have total and absolute privacy 24 seven and I love it!
Saturday february 23th

9:30 AM

4x20mins hanging sets between 13-16 pounds
200 wet jelqs

I’m spreading my sets out, like 1 set now in the morning , 2 in de afternoon and 1 in the evening before I go to a friend. This is to counteract the fluid build up in the glans, I always strap in with a partial erection, I cannot go completely flaccid because of the sexual energy build up.

My Nofap streak is going very well, and I stopped counting the days, I just have a starting date and I will look back in a couple of years to see how much days I have completed on Nofap.

I wish I had my sleeves to stay and heal in extended state, but I got an e-mail that they are on their way ?

Last night I was a bit depressed, and I went to bed early so now I feel refreshed, and ready to tackle a new beautiful day.
Saturday february 23th

9:30 AM

4x20mins hanging sets between 13-16 pounds
200 wet jelqs

I’m spreading my sets out, like 1 set now in the morning , 2 in de afternoon and 1 in the evening before I go to a friend. This is to counteract the fluid build up in the glans, I always strap in with a partial erection, I cannot go completely flaccid because of the sexual energy build up.

My Nofap streak is going very well, and I stopped counting the days, I just have a starting date and I will look back in a couple of years to see how much days I have completed on Nofap.

I wish I had my sleeves to stay and heal in extended state, but I got an e-mail that they are on their way ?

Last night I was a bit depressed, and I went to bed early so now I feel refreshed, and ready to tackle a new beautiful day.

Years! I’m lucky to get a month. I wish you the best of that. I’m glad you were able to get yourself out of the depression before took hold of you. It seems like you’re getting this under control as of Lately. Excellent work.

Patience is a virtue and all good things come to those who wait. Sleeves are on the way!
Years! I’m lucky to get a month. I wish you the best of that. I’m glad you were able to get yourself out of the depression before took hold of you. It seems like you’re getting this under control as of Lately. Excellent work.

Patience is a virtue and all good things come to those who wait. Sleeves are on the way!

You know what the whole Nofap community got wrong? The don’t do ANYTHING with the sexual energy build up in the lower region of your body.

Our body has energy pathways, and 7 major energy sources called chakras, and they get blocked due to life events, trauma, abuse, childhood stuff, bad stuff, drugs, alcohol, all kinds of negative stuff. Especially emotional stuff ! Grief, anger, hate, resentment etc. That’s why it’s so important to let those emotions go so that they won’t get a hold of you!

You see,’people go on a nofap streak without taking into account that you have to circulate your energy up the spine!

Normally it stays trapped in your balls and dick, what happens is relapsing, adult entertainment, and constantly having to start over again. On long streaks of months people get insanely horny, you can simply counteract this with.... YOGA ?

I do kundalini yoga, every single day, with special chakra poses, that allows the energy to move freely in my body. Every emotional issue, or grief is an energetic blockage in your body, it clogs up your energy and it gets stuck.

Without these countermeasures, nofap is like torturing yourself....

The kundalini yoga, is the most intense and powerful yoga that clear up major blockages and addiction issues, emotional subconsciouss issues that are deeprooted in your life and body. It ensures balanced mind, calmness, and pure bliss.

Seriously, I really recommend doing yoga for health and PE / Nofap stuff, every day in the morning and noon. It rejuvenates your body.

When I feel bad or depressed, meditation and yoga get me out of it. And i’m healing my dopamine receptors from years of substance abuse and other sins/pleasures, so it’s normal that I get depressed, my dopamine needs to rebalance itself and it takes alot of time.
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You know what the whole Nofap community got wrong? The don’t do ANYTHING with the sexual energy build up in the lower region of your body.

Our body has energy pathways, and 7 major energy sources called chakras, and they get blocked due to life events, trauma, abuse, childhood stuff, bad stuff, drugs, alcohol, all kinds of negative stuff. Especially emotional stuff ! Grief, anger, hate, resentment etc. That’s why it’s so important to let those emotions go so that they won’t get a hold of you!

You see,’people go on a nofap streak without taking into account that you have to circulate your energy up the spine!

Normally it stays trapped in your balls and dick, what happens is relapsing, adult entertainment, and constantly having to start over again. On long streaks of months people get insanely horny, you can simply counteract this with.... YOGA ?

I do kundalini yoga, every single day, with special chakra poses, that allows the energy to move freely in my body. Every emotional issue, or grief is an energetic blockage in your body, it clogs up your energy and it gets stuck.

Without these countermeasures, nofap is like torturing yourself....

The kundalini yoga, is the most intense and powerful yoga that clear up major blockages and addiction issues, emotional subconsciouss issues that are deeprooted in your life and body. It ensures balanced mind, calmness, and pure bliss.

Seriously, I really recommend doing yoga for health and PE / Nofap stuff, every day in the morning and noon. It rejuvenates your body.

When I feel bad or depressed, meditation and yoga get me out of it. And i’m healing my dopamine receptors from years of substance abuse and other sins/pleasures, so it’s normal that I get depressed, my dopamine needs to rebalance itself and it takes alot of time.

What a wonderful response do you mind if I use this or you can do it by yourself if you prefer, to put this into the pornography and masturbation addiction forum as a main thread. It truly deserves it’s own place.
What a wonderful response do you mind if I use this or you can do it by yourself if you prefer, to put this into the pornography and masturbation addiction forum as a main thread. It truly deserves it’s own place.

Yeah of course, make sure everyone can see this because it’s a very important aspect of masturbation and addiction. It’s the energy pathways which are blocked, yoga clear up emotional blockages and sexual blockAges.

That’s where the name “blue balls” come from, a trained man can fuck endlessly without getting “blue balls”.... Because his precious semen and sexual kundalini energy doesn’t stay trapped in his groin area, it travels free up the spine, and revives you and enlightens you, it’s a magickal experience, and very very healthy.

And besides that, women will go crazy over you because you have endless stamina, you don’t cum in 10 mins, combine this stuff with weighted kegels and reverse kegels and you’ll become invincible.

It also makes a very deep connection, not some mechanical one night stand. I have read alot about this stuff, I will put more information here when I find it.
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Sunday 24th

10:00 PM

My parents and brother are back and now it’s a challenge to find some privacy time to hang ?

I am thinking of doing it in small 20 minute sessions throughout the day, which doesn’t raise any suspicious thoughts.

I’m going to the bathroom right now to hang my first set, maybe I can squeeze out a second set, everyone’s still sleeping now.

4x20 minutes hanging range: 13-16 pounds
200 wet jelqs

I will do the remaining sets in the afternoon and evening I think, I have to be a true ninja and stealth PE’er so nobody thinks weird.
Yeah of course, make sure everyone can see this because it’s a very important aspect of masturbation and addiction. It’s the energy pathways which are blocked, yoga clear up emotional blockages and sexual blockAges.

That’s where the name “blue balls” come from, a trained man can fuck endlessly without getting “blue balls”.... Because his precious semen and sexual kundalini energy doesn’t stay trapped in his groin area, it travels free up the spine, and revives you and enlightens you, it’s a magickal experience, and very very healthy.

And besides that, women will go crazy over you because you have endless stamina, you don’t cum in 10 mins, combine this stuff with weighted kegels and reverse kegels and you’ll become invincible.

It also makes a very deep connection, not some mechanical one night stand. I have read alot about this stuff, I will put more information here when I find it.

So many good reasons to curb masturbation and visual stimulation.
So many good reasons to curb masturbation and visual stimulation.

I must admit that I have it really easy on Nofap because my hormonal levels are at really low levels. Like 150 ng/dL.... That’s the testosterone level of a 75 year old man. Lol, almost completely castrated and impotence...

I am seeing an endocrinologist in a special anabolic steroids clinic to get treatment for this issue.

When they fix me up, and my libido starts to come back, it will be even more important to do yoga, the sexual energy is now low in my body, but I am preparing myself to take it, when shit gets explosive with uncontrollable horniness.

On the other hand, my dick is harder to fatigue, as in, I need little bit heavier weights because of Nofap, when hanging.

I start the first set with 16.5 pounds and taper down to 14 pounds...

I have this situation now where the Nofap really takes off and wants to go full speed but there are brakes on it, so to speak.

I expect a dramatic increase in testosterone and DHT when I get fixed at that clinic, hopefully the high natural DHT levels will ensure length growth.
Monday february 25th

3:00 PM

I didn’t hang this morning, and I am still waiting for the right time to sneak into the bathroom. I really have to transform into a stealth invisible ninja to do some hanging sets.

I have to accept that only 1-2 hanging sets are possible this week, and it’s not a big deal. When I het back to my dorm room, I will be able to continue as normal. But for now I just do 1-2 sets and be done with it.

Weight varies from 16.5 - 14 pounds. I start heavy to induce fatigue quickly and taper down while hanging.
I must admit that I have it really easy on Nofap because my hormonal levels are at really low levels. Like 150 ng/dL.... That’s the testosterone level of a 75 year old man. Lol, almost completely castrated and impotence...

Sounds odd but I would love to be there! I have actually prayed for less libido! You are lucky in a strange way ?
Sounds odd but I would love to be there! I have actually prayed for less libido! You are lucky in a strange way ?

Yeah, there are men who would kill to have my current libido... I am aware of that. It also is easy to focus on my studies and other important life stuff instead of constantly chasing girls and pussy, or masturbating to adult entertainment.

But wether I like it or not, I am planning to improve myself in the dating & seduction area so I need my libido back, and I want to test out new sizes of dick that I gain with hanging ?

It’s not something to chase pussy, it’s a comfort zone expanding life quest which deals with social anxiety, approach anxiety, social intelligence and social skills, to be a better man in the end.

For years I have hidden under a rock, doing stealth PE, so it is time to come out when I gain 8 inches. And that will be sooner than later if I continue this way. At the moment of writing this message i’m hanging 16’pounds and I am feeling a nice shaft burn.
Yeah, there are men who would kill to have my current libido... I am aware of that. It also is easy to focus on my studies and other important life stuff instead of constantly chasing girls and pussy, or masturbating to adult entertainment.

But wether I like it or not, I am planning to improve myself in the dating & seduction area so I need my libido back, and I want to test out new sizes of dick that I gain with hanging ?

It’s not something to chase pussy, it’s a comfort zone expanding life quest which deals with social anxiety, approach anxiety, social intelligence and social skills, to be a better man in the end.

For years I have hidden under a rock, doing stealth PE, so it is time to come out when I gain 8 inches. And that will be sooner than later if I continue this way. At the moment of writing this message i’m hanging 16’pounds and I am feeling a nice shaft burn.

If you hate God do not read this
The longer I go with this NoFap deal, the more I lessen my temptation to go there. I am a biblical Christian which means I belong to no religion whatsoever I only go by the word of God, I truly hate religion. In my beliefs Jesus “has forgiven and forgotten all of our sins as far as east is from west.” What this does is it takes the opportunity of me being able to confess my sin to God. How can I confess my sins he has already forgiven for? So since I do can not go to God for forgiveness, I have to sit with the guilt of what I did. I hate the feeling after I am done and it becomes such a terrible feeling that I think twice the next time I go to the computer for the wrong reasons.

I believe we should only go to God in praise and glory for everything that his Son has done for us, not to dump our guilt on the Father who has completely forgiven us. So I live by grace and I do my best to always keep my eyes on Jesus because when I take my eyes away I’m putting myself at risk.

For some people these things are not wrong, or they believe them not to be wrong. In any case I see a desensitization to sex in general. I see many men who turned to adult entertainment instead of their wives. It’s getting so prevalent that you can barely turn on the TV without seeing it and if you surf the web forget about it.
Shit I forgot to post a message for Tuesday!

Well yesterday, tuesday february 26th I hung only 2 sets in the morning. I wanted to finish that day with another 2 sets in the afternoon and evening but I couldn’t get the privacy, and I forgot to hang eventually. I still got my 2 sets of 16.4 pounds (7.25kg)

Ah well, a few days left and then i’ll be traveling back to my dorm room.
How will your schedule change when you get back to school? Are you going to have more time or last time the more privacy or less privacy?
How will your schedule change when you get back to school? Are you going to have more time or last time the more privacy or less privacy?

I only have time for 1-2 sets of heavy hanging. That’s it. I have been thinking long and hard about this. I cannot go for longer sets, it messes up my time and concentration. I need long concentrated study sessions without constantly being interrupted. Without a sizedoctor hanger I am stuck with this current method.

I have found peace in the fact that I am doing at least one set per day. As it is better than quitting PE altogether. I must give everything I have in order to complete this academic year. I really have to step up my game and suck it up.

So that’s kinda “maintenance” mode for some, but i’m working on getting heavier and heavier weights... I feel i’m still stuck at 16–18 pounds. Dick has to adapt to the forces.

I also feel that the theraband wrap and uncle jim’s wrap is sliding off my shaft and the male hanger is pressing on my glans with 16 pounds, so lots of fluid build up and it stings more and more. Tomorrow I will travel back to my dorm room and I hope my sleeves will arrive soon so I can test that method.
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That’s the spirit my brother! It’s so easy to walk away and quit but in your case I see you want this bad enough and you’re gonna stick it out. Anytime I’m taking a poor long break from PE I always get at least one thing in a day just to keep my mind in the game. Whether it’s a couple minutes of stretching or a few minutes of joking or whatever I get it in. You may consider looking at the SiliStretcher, I’m getting one because it’s still usable even in public settings and when you’re home the ability to hang wait is incredible. I’m glad you’re keeping your head in the game and I’m glad you continue to post as these things will keep you in a good place. Once you get back to school let’s try to figure out the shorter routine that will bring good gains for you. We can create it around your schedule using creative ways to get a session in every day.
That’s the spirit my brother! It’s so easy to walk away and quit but in your case I see you want this bad enough and you’re gonna stick it out. Anytime I’m taking a poor long break from PE I always get at least one thing in a day just to keep my mind in the game. Whether it’s a couple minutes of stretching or a few minutes of joking or whatever I get it in. You may consider looking at the SiliStretcher, I’m getting one because it’s still usable even in public settings and when you’re home the ability to hang wait is incredible. I’m glad you’re keeping your head in the game and I’m glad you continue to post as these things will keep you in a good place. Once you get back to school let’s try to figure out the shorter routine that will bring good gains for you. We can create it around your schedule using creative ways to get a session in every day.

Yeah I mean nothing is really lost, I can easily hang 1-2 heavy sets per day, and I will keep my dick in a constant fatigue state. My silisleeves are on the way so I will apply the SRT theory of healing in extended state, I got my lengthmaster and I have a lot to do and gain in my weighted kegel training program.

I will just increase intensity so there isn’t any new routine needed. After the initial prep phase of 6 months - to 1 year of hanging, I might need to switch up angles. Hanging straight out, over the shoulder, etc

I am in a preparation phase for extreme heavy hanging like Superdick used to do. There are members on this board who gained with 1-3 hanging sets per day.

Keep in mind that I am still a freshmen, and I have to study for 5 years for my undergraduate degree, and for a master’s degree I need 2 more years of study. That’s 7 years of consistent daily PE. I expect to gain 2 solid erect inches in this time span.

So basically i’m testing my hanging methods and of course when the time comes, I will buy the new Size Doctor Hanger, and I will experiment with that. That’s more convenient for me.

I am very happy that I can still hang, even after all these hectic busy days. I will push through. Improvise, adapt and overcome.
Yeah I mean nothing is really lost, I can easily hang 1-2 heavy sets per day, and I will keep my dick in a constant fatigue state. My silisleeves are on the way so I will apply the SRT theory of healing in extended state, I got my lengthmaster and I have a lot to do and gain in my weighted kegel training program.

I will just increase intensity so there isn’t any new routine needed. After the initial prep phase of 6 months - to 1 year of hanging, I might need to switch up angles. Hanging straight out, over the shoulder, etc

I am in a preparation phase for extreme heavy hanging like Superdick used to do. There are members on this board who gained with 1-3 hanging sets per day.

Keep in mind that I am still a freshmen, and I have to study for 5 years for my undergraduate degree, and for a master’s degree I need 2 more years of study. That’s 7 years of consistent daily PE. I expect to gain 2 solid erect inches in this time span.

So basically i’m testing my hanging methods and of course when the time comes, I will buy the new Size Doctor Hanger, and I will experiment with that. That’s more convenient for me.

I am very happy that I can still hang, even after all these hectic busy days. I will push through. Improvise, adapt and overcome.

All sounds incredible and your attitude is awesome especially with everything you’re dealing with. Slow down take a breath and know that there is no rush on this side of things. We’re gonna be here forever and everything you desire will happen in time. I highly recommend buying the SiliStretcher instead of the sizedoctor, in my opinion a much better system than half the price
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    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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