DutchAthletic’s ascension path to 10” BPEL

I’ve been praying for you every single night that you get better and better. You seem in much better spirits over the last week so that makes me happy. I hope to get you to a point where self medication is no longer necessary.
Thursday december 27th

Bundled stretches 20 mins

I have a lot of work to do, so my plans for new years eve are cancelled.

I have deadlines and projects to finish and I underestimated the time for finishing everything in time. So no party for me, i’m happy that I can make such decisions. It’s OK if I don’t go, and if I go I try to enjoy it.

I’m starting my subliminal programming tomorrow and I wil listen to this daily for a few hours, and a requirement is that you cannot drink any alcohol or taking drugs.

This program is like 3-4 months, so I have to stay sober anyway.

I don’t have problems with that.
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So basically I have no friends left anymore, i’m totally isolated and I don’t have a social life. My life revolved around partying / drugs / alcohol / getting fucked up. And now we’re approaching the end of this year I really have these cravings. But i’m sitting on the couch at my parents house, all by myself and I will stay at home alone on december 31th.
I will just be using 50mg of pure MDMA powder in a gelatin capsule. No contaminations etc, just clean MDMA-crystals. And I have 10mg capsules to increase the dosage until 60-70mg and that should be plenty. Just to have a good time, and approaching girls, getting to know girls and seducing them.
Why do you believe you require drugs "to have a good time," or for "getting to know girls and seducing them"?

Why do you believe your options are either "parties and drugs" or "sitting at home alone"?

I think you're much more capable and have many more options than you're giving yourself credit for.

I suspect you are feeling some growing pains from the very positive adjustments you've made. Before, your "life revolved around partying/drugs/alcohol/getting fucked up." Now you've removed that from your life, and you're feeling the emptiness it left behind. (And no wonder!) The easiest thing to do is to fill that void with the same old habits again. It's comfortable, effortless, and fun! BUT it can leave you back at square one again, and we both know that wasn't working for you.

For instance, if you roll on some Molly for New Year's, you'll have gone 24 days sober. (Whiskey can be consumed without getting drunk. Molly WILL get you high, that's the only point). You will have gone a lot less time than the 3-6 month breaks you used to take! So how will you have changed the pattern?

The harder thing to do, in your case, is to realize what more to life there is besides partying/drugs and fill the void with THOSE things. (And I'm not just talking about studying and working out ;)). Here's something for starters: you're a Christian! DUDE!! Go find a local church with a young population and join in their activities. Church girls are just as attractive as non-church girls, and if you find a community with a good balance of liberal and traditional attitudes, you'll get ladies who are willing to sleep with you before marriage AND don't want drugs to do it! That's just one example, and it's a friggin GOLD MINE.

I'm not saying that one can't responsibly use drugs, or even that you specifically can't or won't responsibly use drugs in this lifetime. At the same time, since we know drugs have been a problem for you in the past, this plan to jump back in already with MDMA is at LEAST a yellow flag here. Heads up!

EDIT: Dammit and then you ninja'd a post in while I was writing. :D Well, I'm glad to hear you'll be staying out of trouble on New Year's, and it sounds like you've really got your head on straight!
How are you feeling lately? Have things improved in your life from a couple weeks ago when we spoke?
I am happy to hear about that subliminal programming and that "requiring" you to stay clean so to speak of!

I love @Brawn Johnson 's reply to you, I thought it was very insightful and full of Brotherly love. :)

With many things in life it's about certain moderation and balance.
Believe or not, I used to be an absolutist and I still went to great parties.
Later on I did start to drink a bit, as in our "culture" it's easier to have a drink or two.
Getting wasted hasn't been my game and it has happened less than 10 times to my best memory. (And I do have quite clear memory.) Considering I'm 32 as I'm writing this, I think it's pretty low ...

Finding the confidence within without any substances is the best for approaching women.
It doesn't have to be so complicated, far too often we place others on a pedestal where it's best meeting eye to eye.
Doesn't have to be "how about it?" but it's not good beating around the bush either; in this the balance is also the key.

Focus on the good things in your life. Find strength in the people you meet. If someone is "draining" your life force, try to push them further. It's not always sunshine and rainbows, but it's ideal to try keeping people close to you that have good intentions and positive vibes.

I look forward to reading about your progress in more than one way!
All the best to you @DutchAthletic92 and stay strong, you can do it!
An absolutist, I have never heard that term used before but it completely describes me LOL For me it’s all or nothing. I’ve been able to let go of much of my obsessive behavior but in some cases that absolutist pops his head out every now and again. In some cases it’s very good to be in absolutist; For instance if I were not completely and absolutely obsessed with PE when I started I would’ve never made to gains I made or the exercises and tools I created. But there’s other situations where this absolute behavior has caused problems. I think we can all agree that moderation in all things is positive. The mind can be tricky and it becomes very important to navigate those thoughts with mastery. Ask yourself, is this something that’s going to benefit me or is this just something I am wasting my time with. You need to be honest with yourself. The behaviors I have given up on were behaviors that did not benefit me in anyway they just made situations worse. I guess what I’m trying to say is there’s a time and a place to be in absolutist.
An absolutist, I have never heard that term used before but it completely describes me :D For me it’s all or nothing. I’ve been able to let go of much of my obsessive behavior but in some cases that absolutist pops his head out every now and again. In some cases it’s very good to be in absolutist; For instance if I were not completely and absolutely obsessed with PE when I started I would’ve never made to gains I made or the exercises and tools I created. But there’s other situations where this absolute behavior has caused problems. I think we can all agree that moderation in all things is positive. The mind can be tricky and it becomes very important to navigate those thoughts with mastery. Ask yourself, is this something that’s going to benefit me or is this just something I am wasting my time with. You need to be honest with yourself. The behaviors I have given up on were behaviors that did not benefit me in anyway they just made situations worse. I guess what I’m trying to say is there’s a time and a place to be in absolutist.

Friday december 28th

20 minutes of bundled stretching and kegel routine.

Yeah you’re right DLD, a very good strategy is to ask myself if something is gonna benefit me.

I have been taking a great interest in lucid dreaming lately and I am trying to accomplish that.

The benefits are amazing and pretty sick. You can heal yourself, your traumas, you can practice difficult things that you have to master in real life. And it feels just as intense and real like your normal waking life.

You can fly around, having sex with the hottest celebrities or that goodlooking stranger that you’ve seen downtown. The options are limitless.

I had 2 luciddreams but very short, and I didn’t had control over my body. Lucid dreaming is essentially you becoming aware that you are dreAming. Normally it’s something passive that you see, or you cannot change the scenery and things just happen to you.

In a lucid dream you can change the scenes, you are in charge. You can talk to your nightmonsters that have besn scaring you as a child, your worst nightmares can become your biggest comedy.

It affects you on a deep spiritual level and especially the subconsciouss mind. We have two minds, your logical analytical one, and one buried deep beneath. The subconsciouss mind is the one in control really, your emotions, decisions, behavior, all the things you do in real life is being controlled by your subconsciouss mind.

It is very hard, to access this part of your mind. And with lucid dreaming it is accessible.

I want to do some heavy introspection into my soul / mind / body to discover the reasons why I made certain decisions in the past.

What is my subconsiouss mind hiding from me?

And also I will be heavily using this lucid dreaming for PE of course. I have some dramatic inevitable gains.

Also my meditations will enhance lucid dreaming, and decrease stress.
That sounds pretty cool, do you have a link to the meditation you are using or post directions, this sounds very interesting.
That sounds pretty cool, do you have a link to the meditation you are using or post directions, this sounds very interesting.

I bought this online course on Udemy.com:


This guy is the best online lucid dreaming expert, with the latest tips and trick, bought it for €40

And I listen 5 days on, 2 days off to subliminal programming, it’s the latest technology from Indigo Mind Labs, and I am now testing out a new program:

Subliminal Shop | Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility Ver. 3.3-D (5.5g – Type A/B/D Hybrid – Test Release)

They have the best products in the industry, and they will refund every penny if the program doesn’t work out for you after 3 months of use.

I volunteered to test out their newest product, so I get free updates until he has the final version which works for everyone.

So have a look, you might find something interesting.

Saturday december 29th

Bundled stretching lengthmaster 20 minutes
Wow, that sounds so cool. I have always wondered how well these work. We had some mp3s on here by Wendi, I ? think. They were specifically about PE and a few guy tried but never heard back. So that makes me eager for results, looking forward to updates as you get them.
Wow, that sounds so cool. I have always wondered how well these work. We had some mp3s on here by Wendi, I ? think. They were specifically about PE and a few guy tried but never heard back. So that makes me eager for results, looking forward to updates as you get them.

They have their own forum as well with lots of people trying out their programs and having detailed logs of women seducing / social interactions

I have my log as well on that forum, and that DMSI what i’m testing is explicitly for women to approach you, hence the name Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility

They have sick technology and no-one in their industry is coming close to what Indigo Mind Labs is producing.

I’m not affiliated in any way but I like their products and I believe the owner can develop more sick techniques/ technology for improve it even better.
Monday december 31th

6:00 PM

I’m gonna do my bundled stretches for the night.
20 minutes of stretching with my awesome lengthmaster!

So I will start my PE journey officially tomorrow on januari 1th ?

No time to waste! I dropped my friends and relatives off at the train station, they’re gonna party in our capital city Amsterdam. And I went back to my parent’s house.

I’m all alone doing my thing, it’s almost therapeutic. And I keep our family dog company because of all the fireworks.

Damn next year I want to show you guys pics of my new 8 incher!

This year I will break through and arrive in 8”-land.

I still have to make starting size pics but I have a problem with uploading. My file sizes are too big. I use my iphone camera and it takes ultra high resolution pics.

How can I upload them on this forum?
Two of my favorite phrases, besides ‘I gained’ is lengthmaster and bundled stretches! Two things that make length game so much faster, easier and exciting! I’m so happy you’re loving it.
@DutchAthletic92 Happy New Year and I'm sure you'll make your goals come true!

About picture upload, isn't there a resize option on the phone? I would personally transfer pictures to a computer and resize them on a different program. (I use Irfanview personally most of the time, just a personal preference.)

Best of times gaining to you!

Tuesday January 1th ??

After a turbulent night with horrible sleep i’m ready to tackle this day!

20 minutes bundled stretching + (reverse) kegels

I’m currently searching for a penis enlargement subliminal program. I’m looking for the best technology and effectiveness because the program that I now have is too heavy for my mind.

I’m resisting the program, my subconscious mind is stonewalling the program and is very stubborn. I wish I started executing the program but I have to call this one off unfortunately if the horrible sleep continues....

I need my deep recovery sleep and without interruptions / waking up several times a night

because i’m on a gaining streak with my lengthmaster !!!

So today my journey has begun.... i’m so motivated and excited to let the world see what I have gained after 365 days of DAILY stretching.

I will let you guys know when I have found a new PE subliminal program.

Wednesday January 2th
7:00 PM

I did all my bundled stretching at once, normally I do a few sets every hour but due to lack of privacy in my parents house I don’t have the time for that.

My brother is here and I have to be careful, also my mom gets suspicious.

I prefer not to tell them about PE because they wouldn’t understand. Most people are ignorant.

So I did my 20 minutes of bundled stretching in all directions and then I headed to the bathroom. I did 100 slow 3-4 sec jelqs with organic coconut oil.

I bet that and the end of the year my girth will be at least 6.5 inches. From tip to base, just 700 jelqs a week, very little effort but i’m a “girth” guy. Like my dick already has natural girth and girth is so so easy for me to gain, it’s laughable.

Length however..... So I keep that to only 100 jelqs each day for bloodflow and erection harness, overall penis health.

We have this big bathroom mirror and I positioned myself in front of the mirror so that I could see my cock clearly while jelqing. In the mirror it looks bigger, and when I just look down, it looks short lol.

So I lasted 15 minutes in the bathroom, so no weird looks from family members.

I have one question for @DLD
I kegel every time I do a jelq rep. But I actually have a restday free from any kegelwork today because yesterday I killed my PC-muscle with weighted kegel sets and 1 minute kegel holds

But I also do jelqing every day, and I heard that the best way to jelq is to kegel blood in your cock and then jelq....

Or should I just perform my jelqs without kegeling on a kegel restday?
I’m glad you got all this working over the holiday. As far as your question is concerned you can’t really overdue Kegels, The worst thing that will happen is you’ll be in a state of fatigue and in the state of fatigue where there is no better time to stretch your penis. The reason for this is the pelvic floor muscles are too tired to react to the stretch you’re doing therefore all of the stretch goes to your shaft and ligament. And it’s very smart to Kegel with every stroke while jelling or any other girth exercise.
Thursday January 3th

2:30 PM

It’s getting more and more difficult to do stealth PE, around my family members. It’s really annoying because there’s people upstairs and downstairs, and I cannot risk that someone’s walking into my room unexpectedly. They don’t respect my privacy, but I am traveling sunday so I have to find creative ways to get my stretches and jelqs in for today.

My dick is sore from all that stretching and I sleep terrible so I don’t recover properly.

But I cannot back down of have a few days off, i’m too committed to my PE journey.

The Nofap things really helps it gives me more happiness and slight recovery. Or my dick can withstand more rigorous stretching while on Nofap.
I don’t know, the sexual energy build up really helps me.

20 minutes of bundled stretching
Weighted kegels and reverse kegels
60s kegel holds, 4-5 sets between stretching sets

100 slow 3-4s jelqs

Nofap: day 7
We both are at day 7 and I’m feeling good too! I am your stand your frustration with the lack of privacy. My best advice is to perhaps get up an hour earlier or go to sleep and hour later or maybe even set an alarm for the middle of the night where everybody’s asleep so you can get in your training without stress. I feel it in your writing how much you want this so we’re gonna have to be very creative to get you on the schedule that’s flexible when times are busy and one that you can adjust when you have more time. Stealth PE is all about taking advantage of every creative opportunity you have to get him a bit of PE
Would it be possible to get a lock on your door @DutchAthletic92 ?
My living situation also has certain issues, related to privacy. But if I close my door, I do get my privacy.

I really hope you can keep up with your routines! Just down fall into despair if for some reason there comes a short pause or an incident. I don't want to hex anyone, it's just nature of life that sometimes certain plans can fall apart.

Happy gaining, keep at it, you can make it!
I'm glad that the Nofap gives you energy!
Would it be possible to get a lock on your door @DutchAthletic92 ?
My living situation also has certain issues, related to privacy. But if I close my door, I do get my privacy.

I really hope you can keep up with your routines! Just down fall into despair if for some reason there comes a short pause or an incident. I don't want to hex anyone, it's just nature of life that sometimes certain plans can fall apart.

Happy gaining, keep at it, you can make it!
I'm glad that the Nofap gives you energy!

I’m gonna have to put you on the payroll pretty soon! You’re so helpful it’s on believable, God bless you in every way possible.
? I'm just trying to help if I can. I can understand if the lock for the door isn't a possibility, but overall certain boundaries should be able to be discussed about within family. That is knocking the door when about to enter, if door is shut waiting for a reply and not opening the door.
Just common decency and good manners, which at times seem to be lost in this world of ours.

Looking forward to hear about your routines @DutchAthletic92 , I'm impressed and thrilled for you!
Would it be possible to get a lock on your door @DutchAthletic92 ?
My living situation also has certain issues, related to privacy. But if I close my door, I do get my privacy.

I really hope you can keep up with your routines! Just down fall into despair if for some reason there comes a short pause or an incident. I don't want to hex anyone, it's just nature of life that sometimes certain plans can fall apart.

Happy gaining, keep at it, you can make it!
I'm glad that the Nofap gives you energy!

I have told my family that I do daily meditation, this isn’t a lie because I really do them daily lol.

But I said that when i’m in deep meditation, I need to have my bedroom door locked. I don’t want any intruders. It’s distracting me.

So I locked my bedroom yesterday and I had 60 minutes of privacy time. I got my bundled stretches in and kegels + jelqs.

So people now think that I do meditation while inside my room. That will give me enough privacy time to do my thing while at my parents house.

Holidays are almost over, but it’s a good solution for when I come back home because I travel back to my hometown once a month or so.
Friday January 4th

11:50 AM

Bundled stretching in all directions for 20 minutes, and 100 slow 3-4s wet jelqs organic coconut oil.

It amazes me that people are always so lazy. I talked about PE with 2 good friends.

They feel the need for PE, but they simply don’t do it. Or don’t want to commit.

I was like, “dude, the time is passing by, before you know it, we’re ending this academic year. Then we’re in summer vacation, so plenty of time....”

“Time flies, like one week is almost gone already from this new year. Monday we start the 2nd week... “

“You guys could be gaining 1 inch or even more in girth and length easily, with the newbie routine “

But people don’t want to put in the time and discipline!!!

They’d rather just lay on the couch and watch Netflix!

Hoe many hours are WASTED by doing stupid mindless stuff like watching tv, wanking your dick, overindulging in adult entertainment, playing videogames,

Hell, I found this website in 2013, 5 fucking years ago! I could have been easily 10 inches in length and insane girth by now...

Just one hour daily, that is all it takes, we’re all on the same train, time is equal for all of us.

Most people are wasting it, like they have endless time.

But I said: see you guys in 2020, i’ll give you guys lay reports from women that are enjoying my new cock.

Rant over.
Well put! PE indeed includes a lot of discipline and dedication (and determination, the three D's mentioned by @Big Schwanz Acht :) ) which many men don't have or are not willing to do the work.
It's too easy to procrastinate, but as you said, just one hour a day can make a tremendous difference!

And funny enough, there are certain things one can do while watching TV, playing games and so on, passive stretches, one could use an electric pump ( @Zambrodom3 ;) ), use weights etc..
A combination of certain things, in my case at least, produces good results!

Good rant @DutchAthletic92 ! To any newbie out there, don't give up, with little steps, increasing intensity over time, the gains will come. :)
Saturday january 5th

1:00 PM

Bundled stretching in all directions 20 minutes
Kegels + reverse kegels + 1 minute kegel holds 5 sets

100 slow 3-4s jelqs with organic coconut oil.

Dick is getting stronger and stronger, I have to increase the fishing lead weights to progress with kegeling.

It seems to me that I can perform better reverse kegels than normal kegels, as if normal kegels withdraws blood and reverse kegels really push in all the blood.

I wake up with decent erections, even though my testosterone are at an all time low, and my libido is not present, only a little bit.

I’m glad my kegel routine is paying off, after a few weeks already.

Did any of you guys ever felt the hardness of your dick right before you are about to cum? That extreme hardness, like it feels as if you were wearing a cockring without actually wearing one.

I think that that is the maximum hardness one can attain, the point of no return, edging with extreme hardness. It’s my goal to achieve that.

I want my normal erections to be extremely hard like that. And of course the infinite stamina that comes along with it. I think that if your dick has hardness like that, and strong kegel muscles, you can pound away in that pussy for hours on end without cumming.

That is the hardness level that women crave and need, they want to get pounded for hours, so they can have their vaginal orgasms as well,

My ex girlfriend wanted me to always pound with maximum thrustforce but I couldn’t hold that longer for 5 minutes. ? She’d cum multiple times once, but I wasn’t able to reproduce that. I used to wear cockring as well, but that hurts after a while. So that’s not sustainable.

It was purely from pounding away in her pussy. So even with average length and girth you can give a girl vaginal orgasms, but you need extreme hardness and extreme infinite stamina.

Weighted kegels + reverse kegels are the holy grail.
Towel raises, are also perfect. In fact, I do a variation of towel raises, I substitute it with small fishing leads and I work my way up.

Can you imagine the strength and power of your dick when you’re able to lift 1 lbs? Or even 2 lbs?

Lol, this stuff is so addicting.
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Saturday january 5th

1:00 PM

Bundled stretching in all directions 20 minutes
Kegels + reverse kegels + 1 minute kegel holds 5 sets

100 slow 3-4s jelqs with organic coconut oil.

Dick is getting stronger and stronger, I have to increase the fishing lead weights to progress with kegeling.

It seems to me that I can perform better reverse kegels than normal kegels, as if normal kegels withdraws blood and reverse kegels really push in all the blood.

I wake up with decent erections, even though my testosterone are at an all time low, and my libido is not present, only a little bit.

I’m glad my kegel routine is paying off, after a few weeks already.

Did any of you guys ever felt the hardness of your dick right before you are about to cum? That extreme hardness, like it feels as if you were wearing a cockring without actually wearing one.

I think that that is the maximum hardness one can attain, the point of no return, edging with extreme hardness. It’s my goal to achieve that.

I want my normal erections to be extremely hard like that. And of course the infinite stamina that comes along with it. I think that if your dick has hardness like that, and strong kegel muscles, you can pound away in that pussy for hours on end without cumming.

That is the hardness level that women crave and need, they want to get pounded for hours, so they can have their vaginal orgasms as well,

My ex girlfriend wanted me to always pound with maximum thrustforce but I couldn’t hold that longer for 5 minutes. ? She’d cum multiple times once, but I wasn’t able to reproduce that. I used to wear cockring as well, but that hurts after a while. So that’s not sustainable.

It was purely from pounding away in her pussy. So even with average length and girth you can give a girl vaginal orgasms, but you need extreme hardness and extreme infinite stamina.

Weighted kegels + reverse kegels are the holy grail.
Towel raises, are also perfect. In fact, I do a variation of towel raises, I substitute it with small fishing leads and I work my way up.

Can you imagina the strength and power of your dick when you’re able to lift 1 lbs? Or even 2 lbs?

Lol, this stuff is so addicting.

No man, sadly I have had slight ED for around 8 years at this point and never get that suoer hard like you say. I hope with a viagra regimen I can get back to really hard erections, cialis doesnt help to reach more than 90% levitra gives 95%. I hope viagra will be more powerful than levitra.
Its always.
Hm, probably not mental then. I thought I had ED once, turned out I was just making sex awful for myself. :)

Im at around 18% BF upper abs are visible and veins in arms and legs about 175lbs at 6 feet 2.
Not bad. :) What I'm really getting at is cardiovascular health. If you don't take care of your ticker, you WILL pay for that with EQ. There are other great reasons to take care of your heart, I guess. ;)
No man, sadly I have had slight ED for around 8 years at this point and never get that suoer hard like you say. I hope with a viagra regimen I can get back to really hard erections, cialis doesnt help to reach more than 90% levitra gives 95%. I hope viagra will be more powerful than levitra.
sorry to hear this, but I'd bet Vitamin V will be your best bet...I get almost an insta-boner with half of a 100mg pill
Can you imagina the strength and power of your dick when you’re able to lift 1 lbs? Or even 2 lbs?

Lol, this stuff is so addicting.

It’s extremely addicting especially when you’re seeing results so quickly. I like the idea of the waited Kegels, this is a very smart way to build those pelvic floor muscles up to give you the best possible erection quality.
Sunday January 6th

11:30 AM

Lol my kegel muscles were way too fatigued yesterday to do my kegels and reverse kegels. I tried kegeling while jelqing but my dick wasn’t in the mood. He was flaccid all the time. And I guess that’s a good thing lengthwise. My jelq session was good for length ??

Normally I never get to jelq with a flaccid dick, my dick always gets up to maximum hardness but this time my routine left him exhausted.

I felt some real soreness from bundling my shaft daily, I think my smooth muscles in my shaft were very sore and hurting a bit. But I always push through the soreness to stretch in all directions.

Sometimes i’m so sore that I cannot even do a 1,5 twist. I do a 360 degree twist and stretch at that level. A 720 degree twist is far away but one day I will reach it !!

So yesterday I took an extra restday for my kegel routine and today I will try out again my weighted kegel sets.

I train every other day with the weighted kegel sets, I treat it as a muscle building routine :D,

I call these: dick ups ??

24 minutes of bundled stretching in all directions and kegels + reverse kegels

100 slow 3-4s wet jelqs organic coconut oil ? ?
sorry to hear this, but I'd bet Vitamin V will be your best bet...I get almost an insta-boner with half of a 100mg pill
Thank you brother, that feels great to hear! I found with cialis I get the 90% erection no matter dose, my least effective is 5mg if I take 20mg I dont get harder which worries me a little bit.
I take Vitamin C (alis) when I know I'll be having some 'activity' over the weekend but not exactly sure when, I take half of a 100mg Vitamin V (iagra) when it's a certainty and it's 'on' within a few hours :)

Hey BSA,

What are your stats currently? And goals?

You are like 8x8 or something, am I correct?

Do you fuck lots of women or do you have a wife ? How do you experience the sex at such awesome girth level? And how is it for your wife? to accomodate such girth, etc

You are at my dream girth, that’s really my goal ??
Tuesday January 8th 3:30 PM

Shit! I was exhausted yesterday and I had to overwork at school resulting in coming home at 9:00 PM because we have a huge school project and it must be done in time. Dammit, so I missed my remaining 10 mins of bundled stretching in the evening. I had to do more school work and I went to bed at 00:00 midnight to get up at 7:00 AM in the morning.

I did 10 minutes of bundled stretching in the morning yesterday so my routine didn’t lost its consistency.

Today i’m doing my bundled stretches with kegel work. 20 minutes of stretching and 100 jelqs.

It’s still noon so I’ll start right after I upload this post. Tomorrow I wanna get up 30-40 mins earlier to do my stretching in the morning before school. And I can do some extra stretching later at noon and in the evening.
Hey BSA,

What are your stats currently? And goals?

You are like 8x8 or something, am I correct?

Do you fuck lots of women or do you have a wife ? How do you experience the sex at such awesome girth level? And how is it for your wife? to accomodate such girth, etc

Hey Dutch, I have a SO but we don't live together which allows for some extra-curriculars :) My current states are 8+ bpel and 7 mseg and I wouldn't suggest going beyond that girth cuz it can present a few challenges (depending upon the excitement level of your partner). I'd like to get to 9 bpel mainly for symmetry cuz I don't look completely balanced (if that makes any sense) and my length kinda gets lost due to the girth visually.
Starting-off slowly until she's fully aroused is the best way to her enjoyment and she's able to 'multiple' during each tryst...what's nice is that her G-spot and posterior fornix are stimulated at the same time which makes my job soooooo much easier.
If I journey out for a 'field-trip', I definitely avoid petite Asian women (they are not a fan, lol)
Wow nice man!

But you make up for the “lost length” feels-wise when you enter her with 7 inch girth!

Lol, what a luxury problem to have, dick is so fat that the length isn’t clearly visible ??

Yeah, getting to 9-10 inches is perfect.

So she gets multiple orgasms by thrusting? I think that is the ultimate advantage, to stimulate her G-spot and posterior fornix at the same time....

I think that is a specialty that gets women hooked and addicted to your dick lol, they keep coming back for more. That’s the size and sex they talk about when having an awesome godly big dick experience.

They’ll orgasm until their knees shake and cannot walk properly anymore lol. And her pussy is sore from getting pounded.

Good luck on your journey! Wish you all the best ?
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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  • Hey_There @ Hey_There:
    So happy to see the forums back. Hello everyone!!
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  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Hey_There, howdy. Come join us in the forum.
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