Was up everyone. I just so happen to start Penis Enlargementing again after 3 years and using my brand new [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]size genetics[/words] device and wanted to exercise and lose weight. I even changed my diet to raw foods excluding meat. And after a week of eating with this new diet I felt less hungry but satisfied that I fasted for about 35 hours. Now, I was doing some researching on behalf of fasting and came across a video explaining the benefits of exercising and fasting. According to the video exercising and fasting are very similar in what they do for the body. They each reduce insulin levels+increase growth hormones+releases free fatty acids from fat into the blood= which equals fat burning+amino acid movement goes up. If you go to youtube and and type in Fasting and exercising you will find the video. The guys' name is Brad Pilon.

Do you think this would benefit Penis Enlargement since the growth hormone increases while fasting?
Granado6;485892 said:
Sorry for double posting thread. I tried to edit the thread name.

No, not really. You're body won't naturally produce enough GH to assist with exceptional tissue growth, especially not muscle. When fasting, you're putting your body into a catabolic state, and it allows for IGF to spike and it's also important to eat after about 24 hours to refill your glycogen stores, or else you'll be utilizing gluconeogensis to a disadvantage in regards to tissue hyperplasia and hypertrophy. If you want to utilize GH for Penis Enlargement you will need to buy GH and administer exogenously, and upwards of about 10 IU a day to really see benefit, IMO.

If you want to exercise, I would say you're going to need complete proteins in your diet to help heal any cell degeneration through Penis Enlargement or any type of exercise at all really. What you are doing in Penis Enlargement is breaking down tissue, just like you do muscle fibers in bodybuilding, and allowing them to heal in a different state. Proteins are the number one thing that helps with this process, and amino acids are the respective constituent parts of proteins. So by cutting out meat you're doing the opposite of what you intend. Intermittent fasting (IF) can be utilized to help spurn natural levels of IGF and then GH but it has to be interlaced with a specific diet structure with carb, fat, and refill rotation/cycling. It's more complicated than "Fast for a day, then you get massive GH".
Remember, just like there's a huge, honkin' difference between "celibacy" and "I-ain't-been-gettin'-any-laterly".

So too is the difference between "fasting" and "I'm-fukkin'-starving!"

It's all about intent and purpose.
Yes, and I just answered this, too bad it is gone...maybe my post is fasting!
Same here, and with the other thread. I posted why Test Sust isn't a good compound to use especially when starting TRT...

Hmm... Roll-back?
sizerp;486042 said:
Same here, and with the other thread. I posted why Test Sust isn't a good compound to use especially when starting TRT...

Hmm... Roll-back?

I was so upset! I have no slept in 48 hours, been stressing these forum issues, at 5:30 we had a database error, I was able to get a tech on it immediately but it did take 4 hours and we lost 7 days. We have close to 100% readership and most users return within 8-12 hours of last visit. Many posts popped up after we reopened and all is back to normal. I am very sorry that some will have to repost.
doublelongdaddy;486054 said:
I was so upset! I have no slept in 48 hours, been stressing these forum issues, at 5:30 we had a database error, I was able to get a tech on it immediately but it did take 4 hours and we lost 7 days. We have close to 100% readership and most users return within 8-12 hours of last visit. Many posts popped up after we reopened and all is back to normal. I am very sorry that some will have to repost.

Ahh man, that's a drag. No worries, it's for a good reason probably, to get people to rethink shit.
sizerp;486150 said:
Ahh man, that's a drag. No worries, it's for a good reason probably, to get people to rethink shit.

Yup. :) I was worried I would have answered the same question wrong the second time:)
I use IF (intemittent fasting) because it helps me with hunger and concentration. My mind is remarkably clear while fasting.
This essentially means you fast for 16-18 hours a day and eat for the remaining 6-8 hours. Check: www.leangains.com

Also most if not all of the health benefits derived from fasting will occur in the first 16 hours. So there's not really a need to fast for longer periods of time. Fasting for a day or longer will put you at greater risk to lose some muscle mass although fasting for 24 hours probably won't do anything (see eat stop eat by Brad Pilon)

Be sure to get plenty of lean protein in during the feeding state, this will also stop you from binging. Focus every meal around a portion of protein.

The hormonal benefits of fasted state training is a point of discussion. One thing you need to remember is that it becomes more important to have a solid meal or shake close after your workout. You can also consider getting in about 10 grams of BCAA's before workout to stave off catabolism and maintain the benefits of fasted training. This is what Martin Berkhan recommends.

Also the benefits of fasting over fed training is not an area studied well enough to supply any definite answers. For one the hormonal benefits might be balanced out by the fact that there is a slight increase in muscle loss/catabolism during fasted workout. These factors may just balance each other out. Also the type of workout you are engaging in matters. Are you doing a high volume routine than it might be more beneficial to get in some carbs/protein. Are you doing an intense/lower volume, relatively short session (30-40 min) like Martin Berkhan advocates than you will probably just be fine going at it fasted.

Also there is individual variation to be acounted here. Some people feel absolutely great working out fasted, others feel like crap. Some would benefit from a small portion of carbs to spike insulin pre workout.

But a portion of BCAA's before workout if you plan to go at it fasted is probably a very good idea. Also get in your post workout shake/meal.
polishedbrass;486310 said:
I use IF (intemittent fasting) because it helps me with hunger and concentration. My mind is remarkably clear while fasting.
This essentially means you fast for 16-18 hours a day and eat for the remaining 6-8 hours. Check: www.leangains.com

Also most if not all of the health benefits derived from fasting will occur in the first 16 hours. So there's not really a need to fast for longer periods of time. Fasting for a day or longer will put you at greater risk to lose some muscle mass although fasting for 24 hours probably won't do anything (see eat stop eat by Brad Pilon)

Be sure to get plenty of lean protein in during the feeding state, this will also stop you from binging. Focus every meal around a portion of protein.

The hormonal benefits of fasted state training is a point of discussion. One thing you need to remember is that it becomes more important to have a solid meal or shake close after your workout. You can also consider getting in about 10 grams of BCAA's before workout to stave off catabolism and maintain the benefits of fasted training. This is what Martin Berkhan recommends.

Also the benefits of fasting over fed training is not an area studied well enough to supply any definite answers. For one the hormonal benefits might be balanced out by the fact that there is a slight increase in muscle loss/catabolism during fasted workout. These factors may just balance each other out. Also the type of workout you are engaging in matters. Are you doing a high volume routine than it might be more beneficial to get in some carbs/protein. Are you doing an intense/lower volume, relatively short session (30-40 min) like Martin Berkhan advocates than you will probably just be fine going at it fasted.

Also there is individual variation to be acounted here. Some people feel absolutely great working out fasted, others feel like crap. Some would benefit from a small portion of carbs to spike insulin pre workout.

But a portion of BCAA's before workout if you plan to go at it fasted is probably a very good idea. Also get in your post workout shake/meal.

Excellent information. I will read the link you posted. I have found that when I eat red meat, which is once per week, I feel my strongest and most able. I also find that fish improves my mental skills and ability to think clearly.
The hormonal benefits of fasted state training is a point of discussion. One thing you need to remember is that it becomes more important to have a solid meal or shake close after your workout.Also the benefits of fasting over fed training is not an
area studied well enough to supply any definite answers. Last thing be consistent.
johnydepp;491361 said:
Also the benefits of fasting over fed training is not an
area studied well enough to supply any definite answers. Last thing be consistent.

I don't understand what you mean here? Could you please clarify?
What I gotta wonder about is this: Mankind has been around for....how long? Mammals, birds, reptiles, dinosaurs, fish...how much longer?

And are we, people, better off as a whole now that we've learned how to deconstruct food on such a thorough level and label its various constituent parts?

Not much more than a century ago, in the "West", and still to this day in much of the world, food was food. Plenty was plenty and lean times were lean times.
People ate when they had food, and didn't when they didn't.

Fasting was, pretty much, an accepted, periodic, cyclical reality. And somehow we survived. As a species. Without any knowledge of sodium-potassium ratios or amino curves or what-the-hell-ever.

Look at Jim Thorpe, he didn't know what his food broke down to...and probably wouldn't care. Because he regularly ran down horses as a hobby. All without any modern knowledge of "nutrition".

Personally, I'm of the opinion that most folks would do a shitload better giving up on "nutrition" and concentrating, once again, on real, honest-to-God FOOD.
MAXAMEYES;491508 said:
What I gotta wonder about is this: Mankind has been around for....how long? Mammals, birds, reptiles, dinosaurs, fish...how much longer?

And are we, people, better off as a whole now that we've learned how to deconstruct food on such a thorough level and label its various constituent parts?

Not much more than a century ago, in the "West", and still to this day in much of the world, food was food. Plenty was plenty and lean times were lean times.
People ate when they had food, and didn't when they didn't.

Fasting was, pretty much, an accepted, periodic, cyclical reality. And somehow we survived. As a species. Without any knowledge of sodium-potassium ratios or amino curves or what-the-hell-ever.

Look at Jim Thorpe, he didn't know what his food broke down to...and probably wouldn't care. Because he regularly ran down horses as a hobby. All without any modern knowledge of "nutrition".

Personally, I'm of the opinion that most folks would do a shitload better giving up on "nutrition" and concentrating, once again, on real, honest-to-God FOOD.

Nutrition is so confusing these days. One day fat, protein, carbs are good, next it's bad. I say, everything is ok as long as it is not abused. If I limit myself from anything I end up wanting it so much more. Allowing myself to indulge with self control has always been the best plan. Too much of a good thing can become a bad thing.

Fasting, in many ways, helps me appreciate the pleasures in life even more.
Fasting is really an effective tool to lose weight and get fit. Fasting burns any unnecessary fat from our body. I fount fasting a good weapon to fight against odd body shape and overweight.
John222;495042 said:
Fasting is really an effective tool to lose weight and get fit. Fasting burns any unnecessary fat from our body. I fount fasting a good weapon to fight against odd body shape and overweight.

Once or twice every year for me, during some of my fasts I have made some pretty unreal body transformations. My first go was in 2004 and I lost 140 pounds after an intense fast and a follow up diet and exercise routine (4 months total.) Last year I put on some weight and again, after my fasting and not even weeks of dieting I was able to drop 25 pounds.
Fasting? Thats crazy! fasting is 4-5 hours to me :s. Then Im one pissed person lol. Your body needs and requires calories. If your looking to cleanse or something of that nature. There are PLENTY alternatives other than starving.
Fasting? Thats crazy! fasting is 4-5 hours to me :s. Then Im one pissed person lol. Your body needs and requires calories. If your looking to cleanse or something of that nature. There are PLENTY alternatives other than starving.
I do fast because i think fast is a best way of weight lose. It is a type of diet that helps us in weight lose. With fasting we can burn fat easily. I suggest everyone to do fasting.