Hello, just thought I'd share this with you guys.

Have been Penis Enlargementing for several weeks, have done basic stretches, 20 minutes daily... I'm not even sure If I see or should see any results whatsoever... because I never really managed to get a stable measurement of my penis from one day to the next, or even from one hour to the other. It fluctuates somewhere between 6.68 and 7 inches. Plus I doubt that I'm doing the exercises correctly.

My motivation is not helping, all this talks from women on the internet, these POLLs (misterpoll.com killed it) that 7 inches is the bare minimum for a women to find a penis enjoyable, but is FAR from perfect. I begin to doubt that the average penis size is 5.6 inches or even 6.5 . I am starting to wonder if it hasn't been lowered so that guys feel better about themselves.

How can you strive for improvement when you cannot be happy with what you have?

DLD instantly caught my respect when he explained one notion with which I agree totally, to start Penis Enlargement you must be happy with what you have and improve, so for you its like a "plus" not something you "must" do. 100% right, and its right in all fields of life.

Now that "happy with what I have", I can't have it. It even gets to the point where my insecurity stops me from approaching women. Perhaps it makes miss the opportunity to find a fulfilling relationship, unlike the ones I had.

What is your point of view on the matter guys?
I'm a newbie like you on the Penis Enlargement stuff. But I do know this-There is a strong correlation between confidence and penis happiness here. In other words, if you are proud of your penis, I think any woman will be impressed with it. There is no way the average penis size is 7" unless you mean Bone Pressed-but this site is the first place I've ever heard that term, so I would doubt it. I believe 6" is the correct average size. If you doubt this-look around this site, it still seems like a valid starting average for the group here from what I've seen.

Keep in mind the anorexic girl.... She is fucking gross-she is a goddamn toothpick (sorry, it's necessary that I cuss when I'm ranting)... no thighs, just sticks, makes you wonder if her pussy has sharp objects inside due to her 1.5% body fat issue. My point isn't to defile the anorexic girl-it is to point out that SHE THINKS SHE'S STILL FAT!!!!!!!! So don't be the anorexic girl. Your penis is clearly a fine size and likely bigger than at least half the guys that the girls you have been with have been with.... But if you pull your cock out like it's some green bean, that might very well indeed influence how she (whoever she is) sees it as well. So pull it out proudly like she just won some cock award and you are presenting it to her to drape over her shoulders. Yes, perhaps we should all have a cock so long it could be draped over the shoulders...

Back to the point-this is an attitude adjustment issue, and I think you sense that and I'm hoping you were seeking reassurance on this fact that you already know. Be proud of your meat, and when you approach the ladies-don't be subconsciously thinking about how you think your dick is small - or I predict a vicious cycle that could worsen. I hope you start approaching women-just to go to war with yourself... Don't you talk shit to yourself??? I know I do. It would sound like this "Fuck you, My cock is HUGE, watch me make this girl smile!!" And with that you approach her. Life is all a battle that takes place in the mind-if you forget this, you are losing the battle. Buck up, get an erection and go jab some hottie in the cervix.... that's my take on this.
Crazy Doc;423160 said:
"Fuck you, My cock is HUGE, watch me make this girl smile!!"

Good self affirmation, Doc.

I felt not being happy with my meat was my motivation to hit the Penis Enlargement hard.
blueplasma;423188 said:
I like the way you think Doc, but don't you think that to prove something to one self you gotta love what you have first?

It's a good "chicken or egg" question Blue... Look at it this way-if someone is freaking out, should you wait for them to calm down, or give them a good slap. I've seen the slap work lol.
I agree with you to some degree so the question is - how do you learn to love yourself? One way would be to fix your confidence, and you can fix it by refusing to fail and making efforts toward opportunities you see. So while scary, I still suggest that you start approaching women as your fears are unfounded... and all you're committing to is talking to them... You don't even have to flirt, just approach, try to stay calm and get them talking about themself/ves and see where it goes...

I love my penis as in "wow, we've had some fun together and he's rarely let me down"... but I don't love my size-I'd LOVE to be bigger. I too am a bit above average-but screw that, I want to be BIG. But you definitely need to be your cock's friend-at least see it as an asset, not a liability-that's very poor thinking that cannot help you. It's clearly starting to affect how you interact with women and so forth-so you need to curb that shit in my opinion. Ever watch Seinfeld? The character George has such poor thinking and decision making that he decides to do the opposite of all his instincts... and it works, he starts getting huge positive results. Perhaps a far fetched analogy-but this part rings true: What you ARE doing is NOT working, so please experiment and try something DIFFERENT. I'm not saying this is easy blue, but changing your behavior is as simple as closing your eyes and taking one step forward... just try it for a few minutes (like approach one female candidate) just to SEE.... and if you do decide to try it, I'd love to hear how it goes.

Lastly and back to your question, the ultimate answer is NO. You can prove things to yourself even if you HATE your penis. You just have to be willing to take a risk and go against your instincts. They could be wrong.
There isn't anything anybody wants that is for any other reason than that they think they would feel better in having it.
I agree it IS very destructive thinking... but its just hard compare yourself to so many guys without feeling inadequate...

YES :)
... but as you, DLD said, you have to love what you already have. No?
I agree with that philosophy.
Blueplasma aren't you the one with the updated video progress? You have made great progress and your size isn't bad either. When you feel inadequate it mostly has to do with your mentality and not your actual size. Women don't know if 5", 6", 7", 8", 9" is the size they want or not. Most women will confess they have had lovers with smaller sizes that where better in bed than bigger partners. I'm sure any of us would love to be the one all the girls talk about because of it not fitting inside them. If that is what you want then you are in the right place certainly to get that. Usually girls are plenty satisfied with 8x6 and that would still be a size queen in my book. You are not very far away from that and don't forget to keep in mind your BPenis EnlargementL measurement. Do you not own a [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words]? I have made my penis look scary big since working with that over a year and I started with smaller stats than you. What website are your reading why are you caring about what some random people who probably aren't even taking accurate statistics say?
Turnover, you must be confusing me with someone else. 6.7 to 7.0 is the length I have had since before I started Penis Enlargement. I have never posted any video progress... I think I know who you are talking about his name starts with blue too.

However thanks for the response... But yeah there are many websites, like that poll on misterpoll.com, and that chart about the ideal penis size suggesting that you must be 8 inches long and 6.5 inches wide... I mean how can you compete with that?
blueplasma;423298 said:
Turnover, you must be confusing me with someone else. 6.7 to 7.0 is the length I have had since before I started Penis Enlargement. I have never posted any video progress... I think I know who you are talking about his name starts with blue too.

However thanks for the response... But yeah there are many websites, like that poll on misterpoll.com, and that chart about the ideal penis size suggesting that you must be 8 inches long and 6.5 inches wide... I mean how can you compete with that?

Dude, I'm laughing as I read this. 8x6.5" mimimum? THat's just asinine.

The average penis size is about 5.5". Go to Thund3rs Pl@ce.org. They collect statistical data on the penis size of every member. It's self reported, so if anything, it should skew larger. I downloaded it all as an excel file. There are about 12,000 entries. Guess what? The average is about 5.5". If anyone tells you the average is much above that, they're a dirty fucking liar and you should just laugh at them.

Also, check out lpsg.org. If 8" by 6.5" is ideal and the average and 7" is the bare minimum, why are there so few legitimate measured pictures of dicks that big? I'm telling you dude, that's bullshit.

Hang in there. Stay strong, and just focus on yourself. I'm the kind of person that can turn into OCD if I start comparing myself to other people and worrying about how I stack up. Just focus on you. You're more of a man than 95% of the guys out there just because you commit to better yourself and train at it regularly.
Are you a virgin? There is not a decent woman alive who would turn down 7", that is 1 inch below massive and is already huge in my opinion.
Turnover;423363 said:
Are you a virgin? There is not a decent woman alive who would turn down 7", that is 1 inch below massive and is already huge in my opinion.

I agree
No I am not a virgin. Thank you for the support, I guess I do go OCD.
But the girlfriends I had were either the ones who approached me first, or whom I met by simple turn of events... It's like I don't have enough esteem to approach women I really I want myself... Like I am afraid to disappoint them, or more importantly to disappoint myself.

The stuff on the internet doesn't help. Its like it brings a doubt in your brain and it makes you start to put your sexual potential under question... I even noticed that this thinking makes me have weaker erections...It can really make me become nervous, unbalanced.
QUOTE:What is your point of view on the matter guys?

Does it really matter?
Either Penis Enlargement or don't; your dick, your satisfaction, your decision.
No one else on the entire freakin' planet will be substantially affected by your penis enlargement success or failure.
It's all you and only you. If you seem to "need" more motivation than that then you will probably half-ass your Penis Enlargement attempts and your worst fears will become the proverbial self-fulfilling prophecy.

Penis Enlargement for you; for your gains exclusively, your satisfaction exclusively, your reasons exclusively.
Or don't.
It's your dick...exclusively
And your decision...exclusively..
blueplasma;423243 said:
I agree it IS very destructive thinking... but its just hard compare yourself to so many guys without feeling inadequate.

In my experience, if I base my happiness on comparisons to others, the results are almost completely based on who I choose to compare myself to, not my own attributes or abilities. Restated, the results are almost completely dependent on who you choose to compare yourself to.
Clark, Max, Omg, Doc, Turn, DLD, you show the way of thinking and mental strength of REAL men, and I respect you a lot for that. You rule.
I hope I will find the strength to "grow up" (in both ways) ;)
Mr._Clark;423428 said:
In my experience, if I base my happiness on comparisons to others, the results are almost completely based on who I choose to compare myself to, not my own attributes or abilities. Restated, the results are almost completely dependent on who you choose to compare yourself to.

That was amazing I posted it in the Deep Quotes thread.
Yeah better man, thanks.
Still feeling weird because of all the shit that people say on the internet though...
Pe-ing regularly, without measuring... telling myself that I already have the potential of being a great lover and that shallow hoes are not the type of women I'm looking for anyway.
blueplasma;424216 said:
Yeah better man, thanks.
Still feeling weird because of all the shit that people say on the internet though...

What shit? If you can't talk to strangers like us... then who you gonna talk to??
blueplasma;424328 said:

Those polls look pretty bogus to me, I just found this answer on one, case in point:
have you ever raped one of the kidds you babbysit for !

100% (14) yes

So if all girls have raped the kids they babysit for-and you find that believable, you should also believe the stuff on the penis poll - like that women wanna get fucked with something 9" in girth.... yaaaa right.

I do think the 2nd site is slightly more legitimate and those numbers are believable (that women want 6-6.5 girth) and so forth, but I throw the bullshit flag on the first poll-it's completely redonkulous.
blueplasma;423243 said:
YES :)
... but as you, DLD said, you have to love what you already have. No?
I agree with that philosophy.

That is the last part of manifestation, being happy now regardless if you have what you want yet. It is a very simple process that so many make complex.

1. Ask for what it is you want. Only ask once, the universe will hear your desire the second you ask.
2. Start pretending you already have the thing you desire. Do whatever it takes to feel these good feelings. If it is a car you want, go test drive it. If it is a house you desire start looking at houses. If it is a huge cock, well start looking at that! You will want to do whatever it takes to feel good.
3. Allow it to come. This is where you will need to feel happy as if it was already here. The second you feel this happiness the desire will arrive.

Most people get in the way of their desire by second guessing themselves or their goals. They will attach negative connotations to their desire. They will start to measure their desire against things like money, time, etc. It is vital to understand that there is no size when it comes to the universe. Big or small the same logic applies. Whenever I want something I will do whatever it takes to believe I already have it, once I am convinced the desire is fulfilled.
blueplasma;425668 said:
I love the way it sounds :)

Dont let depression get on to you. I hav myself been a Penis Enlargementing for a month or so now. Today i measured and realised i have lost some length over a month. Did i get depressed? of course not! What did i do? Well just gave my boy some more weights and a couple hundred of extra jelqs!

Now that I think i the right attitude! :)
blueplasma;423413 said:
No I am not a virgin. Thank you for the support, I guess I do go OCD.
But the girlfriends I had were either the ones who approached me first, or whom I met by simple turn of events... It's like I don't have enough esteem to approach women I really I want myself... Like I am afraid to disappoint them, or more importantly to disappoint myself.

The stuff on the internet doesn't help. Its like it brings a doubt in your brain and it makes you start to put your sexual potential under question... I even noticed that this thinking makes me have weaker erections...It can really make me become nervous, unbalanced.

ok mate ask yourself this. and ask it out loud!

are you a talker or are you a DO'er?
if your a talker. you talk about how bad you feel and how the world is evil and your girlfriend is a bitch and so on.
if your a do'er you will do something about how bad you feel. you willt ry to turn the world into a better place. and you will fuck that bitch!


if you realized your a talker. then do 1 of 2 things.

1. keep crying.
2. turn yourself into a do'er!

for the DO'ers:
so you want to take action.
ok i might have been a little tough since your already on a Penis Enlargement forum which indicate that your willing to take action. and your willing to try new things. i don't care if it is a matter of desperation or its because your open minded it requires balls to take that action. be proud of that!

first of all get your head straight. 7 inches is not enough?

check this thread out: http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?55783-How-girls-measure&p=426285#post426285

one thing is the fact that you can easily see that the girls measure horribly wrong. the other thing is the fact that none of those guys (and this is pornstars most of them from bangbros) don't pass above the 8 inch barrier.

so your actually saying that pornstars are small? don't take my word for it read the thread yourself and realize that girls don't measure. thats why we need to keep them away from things with rulers that can kill people (like building bridges and so on)

second of all. your on a forum! not just any forum. but a forum where the guy who runs it packs a 10inch + cock. and started smaller than you. (he was 6.5 inches when he started)
not only that he is the most active member on this forum (maybe running beside of redzulu. but he is a good guide aswell)

so. how the hell can you be depressed? you have a good size. you have all the knowledge you could need (you can gain more than enough for you for free. although putting a little money into it can make it faster)

all there needs to be done is you taking the action.

girl problems?

im what some people refer to as a gamer (i game chicks) and thrust me on this one. when you learn how to do that it is easy.

what you experience is AA (approach anxiety) and i can come with a long and fancy explanation on why you have it. all in all it is natural all men have it. and you just need to learn to work your way through it.

go find some books about the game if you want to meet more girls.

(another place to take action if you feel like you need to do so)

second of all. im smaller than you. and i got complaints from girls saying im too big. i have girls who have been stalking me. and my record in giving a girl orgasms is 14 in a row.

now go read some books about sex (sex god method for once) and see your ability in bed sky rocked.

now you have a way of getting a fat cock.
a way of meeting new girls.
and a way on learning how to use that fat cock with the girls you find.

if that is not something to go for. then accept your failure and come to terms with it.

it is tough love. and you like it. now get to work!
Aimingforthetop;426335 said:
ok mate ask yourself this. and ask it out loud!

are you a talker or are you a DO'er?
if your a talker. you talk about how bad you feel and how the world is evil and your girlfriend is a bitch and so on.
if your a do'er you will do something about how bad you feel. you willt ry to turn the world into a better place. and you will fuck that bitch!


if you realized your a talker. then do 1 of 2 things.

1. keep crying.
2. turn yourself into a do'er!

for the DO'ers:
so you want to take action.
ok i might have been a little tough since your already on a Penis Enlargement forum which indicate that your willing to take action. and your willing to try new things. i don't care if it is a matter of desperation or its because your open minded it requires balls to take that action. be proud of that!

first of all get your head straight. 7 inches is not enough?

check this thread out: http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?55783-How-girls-measure&p=426285#post426285

one thing is the fact that you can easily see that the girls measure horribly wrong. the other thing is the fact that none of those guys (and this is pornstars most of them from bangbros) don't pass above the 8 inch barrier.

so your actually saying that pornstars are small? don't take my word for it read the thread yourself and realize that girls don't measure. thats why we need to keep them away from things with rulers that can kill people (like building bridges and so on)

second of all. your on a forum! not just any forum. but a forum where the guy who runs it packs a 10inch + cock. and started smaller than you. (he was 6.5 inches when he started)
not only that he is the most active member on this forum (maybe running beside of redzulu. but he is a good guide aswell)

so. how the hell can you be depressed? you have a good size. you have all the knowledge you could need (you can gain more than enough for you for free. although putting a little money into it can make it faster)

all there needs to be done is you taking the action.

girl problems?

im what some people refer to as a gamer (i game chicks) and thrust me on this one. when you learn how to do that it is easy.

what you experience is AA (approach anxiety) and i can come with a long and fancy explanation on why you have it. all in all it is natural all men have it. and you just need to learn to work your way through it.

go find some books about the game if you want to meet more girls.

(another place to take action if you feel like you need to do so)

second of all. im smaller than you. and i got complaints from girls saying im too big. i have girls who have been stalking me. and my record in giving a girl orgasms is 14 in a row.

now go read some books about sex (sex god method for once) and see your ability in bed sky rocked.

now you have a way of getting a fat cock.
a way of meeting new girls.
and a way on learning how to use that fat cock with the girls you find.

if that is not something to go for. then accept your failure and come to terms with it.

it is tough love. and you like it. now get to work!

well said.
Aimingforthetop;426335 said:
now you have a way of getting a fat cock.
a way of meeting new girls.
and a way on learning how to use that fat cock with the girls you find.

Aimingforthetop;426335 said:
ok mate ask yourself this. and ask it out loud!

are you a talker or are you a DO'er?
if your a talker. you talk about how bad you feel and how the world is evil and your girlfriend is a bitch and so on.
if your a do'er you will do something about how bad you feel. you willt ry to turn the world into a better place. and you will fuck that bitch!


if you realized your a talker. then do 1 of 2 things.

1. keep crying.
2. turn yourself into a do'er!

for the DO'ers:
so you want to take action.
ok i might have been a little tough since your already on a Penis Enlargement forum which indicate that your willing to take action. and your willing to try new things. i don't care if it is a matter of desperation or its because your open minded it requires balls to take that action. be proud of that!

first of all get your head straight. 7 inches is not enough?

check this thread out: http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?55783-How-girls-measure&p=426285#post426285

one thing is the fact that you can easily see that the girls measure horribly wrong. the other thing is the fact that none of those guys (and this is pornstars most of them from bangbros) don't pass above the 8 inch barrier.

so your actually saying that pornstars are small? don't take my word for it read the thread yourself and realize that girls don't measure. thats why we need to keep them away from things with rulers that can kill people (like building bridges and so on)

second of all. your on a forum! not just any forum. but a forum where the guy who runs it packs a 10inch + cock. and started smaller than you. (he was 6.5 inches when he started)
not only that he is the most active member on this forum (maybe running beside of redzulu. but he is a good guide aswell)

so. how the hell can you be depressed? you have a good size. you have all the knowledge you could need (you can gain more than enough for you for free. although putting a little money into it can make it faster)

all there needs to be done is you taking the action.

girl problems?

im what some people refer to as a gamer (i game chicks) and thrust me on this one. when you learn how to do that it is easy.

what you experience is AA (approach anxiety) and i can come with a long and fancy explanation on why you have it. all in all it is natural all men have it. and you just need to learn to work your way through it.

go find some books about the game if you want to meet more girls.

(another place to take action if you feel like you need to do so)

second of all. im smaller than you. and i got complaints from girls saying im too big. i have girls who have been stalking me. and my record in giving a girl orgasms is 14 in a row.

now go read some books about sex (sex god method for once) and see your ability in bed sky rocked.

now you have a way of getting a fat cock.
a way of meeting new girls.
and a way on learning how to use that fat cock with the girls you find.

if that is not something to go for. then accept your failure and come to terms with it.

it is tough love. and you like it. now get to work!

Bumped for Blue
7" is my goal! So if I have a good attitude about my dick, you should too lol. Enjoy this experience dude. If there was no such thing as pe, then u would have to make due with what u have. What would u do? Be miserable for the rest of your life? You're lucky penis size is something you can do something about. What if it was you height? Or something else you can't do much about? Trust me dude. Don't waste your life depressed about what you have or don't have. Be happy with you have and what you are. There are people with less.
As for approaching women, think of it this way. If she days no, what will happen? She's gonna continue NOT talking to u? She's gonna continue NOT fucking you? Things will be exactly the same whether you approach her or not. So why not gamble and see if u get lucky? On another note. If ur still not happy with your size, give ME your dick and I'll enjoy that thing!
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