Hey everyone...

So I'm tired of being a skeleton. I am all prepped for a big weight gain push except for the diet. I want to intake meals of 1000 calories 5x a day. I know this sounds excessive and traditionalists say add 200-500 daily to your current but Fuck that. I want to gain 60 pounds as fast as possible. I am currently 5'7 and 108 lbs. Motherfuckin' malnourished lol. I already have all the right supplements, weights, a bow flex, and exercise program. What I need is a meal that is simple to prepare, tastes decent enough, not too heavy, and 1000 calories.


Ps.. I'm down to eat the same shit 5x a day for a few months.

Pps.. No seafood
snappop;521494 said:
Hey everyone...

So I'm tired of being a skeleton. I am all prepped for a big weight gain push except for the diet. I want to intake meals of 1000 calories 5x a day. I know this sounds excessive and traditionalists say add 200-500 daily to your current but Fuck that. I want to gain 60 pounds as fast as possible. I am currently 5'7 and 108 lbs. Motherfuckin' malnourished lol. I already have all the right supplements, weights, a bow flex, and exercise program. What I need is a meal that is simple to prepare, tastes decent enough, not too heavy, and 1000 calories.


Ps.. I'm down to eat the same shit 5x a day for a few months.

Pps.. No seafood

Chicken, beef, unsaturated fats such as coconut oil to cook with, vegetables (cooked or raw), cottage cheese, wheat pasta and quinoa or brown rice for starchy carbs.

Here's the deal, you can eat a shit ton of ice cream and McDonald's but that stuff doesn't contain enough nutrients or protein to get you muscle. All it's good for is building fat. If you want to gain then you'll need to do a challenging weight lifting regimen that forces your muscles to grow. The bodybuilding.com suggestion was a good one for understanding what you're doing.
neognostic;521618 said:
Chicken, beef, unsaturated fats such as coconut oil to cook with, vegetables (cooked or raw), cottage cheese, wheat pasta and quinoa or brown rice for starchy carbs.

Here's the deal, you can eat a shit ton of ice cream and McDonald's but that stuff doesn't contain enough nutrients or protein to get you muscle. All it's good for is building fat. If you want to gain then you'll need to do a challenging weight lifting regimen that forces your muscles to grow. The bodybuilding.com suggestion was a good one for understanding what you're doing.

Dude. Fuck bodybuilding.com. They're all a bunch of tools.
I have heard of GOMAD and def. want to include it. I have a good bodybuilding program (weightgainblueprint). I just don't like the included diet because I HATE COOKING and EATING. I am trying to simplify it as much as possible. I am walking the fine line between perfecting and procrastinating. I'm going to purchase some Athletic Greens and I already have a ton of supplements (whey, creatine, cb-1 weight gainer, etc etc etc).
So I checked out the GOMAD website and the related articles. GOOD SHIT! Thanks. I'm going to do it! This would reduce my meal intake to 520 5x a day. That will help to not to be so full.
snappop;521634 said:
So I checked out the GOMAD website and the related articles. GOOD SHIT! Thanks. I'm going to do it! This would reduce my meal intake to 520 5x a day. That will help to not to be so full.

Just remember that milk is full of sugar in the form of lactose. I drink probably two to three glasses a day of skim though.
snappop;521634 said:
So I checked out the GOMAD website and the related articles. GOOD SHIT! Thanks. I'm going to do it! This would reduce my meal intake to 520 5x a day. That will help to not to be so full.

Glad to be a help. Go with whole milk though, not skim or 1% or 2%...

neognostic;521636 said:
Just remember that milk is full of sugar in the form of lactose. I drink probably two to three glasses a day of skim though.

...and here is why not to drink skim milk.


Raw milk is ideal for GOMAD actually. It's dumb that raw milk has been banned in the US. We have to buy it illegally.
Politics, religion & nutrition; the three topics almost guaranteed to start major shit on [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words].
Try going to www.mercola.com and research nutritional typing.
Also referred to as metabolic typing.

If you are really that skinny and hate cooking and hate eating you've probably got more than a few chronic nutritional deficiencies you need to overcome before true good health & muscle gains will come your way.

Go and do your own research and find what works best for you.
That will give you far better results than attempting to sort out all the conflicting "opinions" you're just gonna gather here.
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If you really want to add weight fast then eat a lot of whole food regularly but it needs to be very clean.ATM in in a bulking phase and this is my diet

Upon waking - 15g glutamine, 10g BCAA, 5g Creatine, 20mins later 50g whey, 100g oats, 50g grapes

5/6 x per day (depends on time) - 300g minced beef or turkey, 100g broccoli, 80g rice (no sauces just herbs and spices)

Pre bed - 50g whey.

Eating 5 meals and On a training day which includes pre and post workout drinks the calories are 5986, 143g fat, 565g carbs, 571g protein.

Are you training ? Do you want to add muscle or just weight ?
I have the solution, 3 cheeseburgers, 1 four piece Chicken Mcnuggets and a french fries...super-set this with a set of Wendy's Chili and a large frosty. Do this routine 3 times daily and you will have the bosy you are dreaming of:)
if i where you i wouldn't do GOMAD, regardless of whether youre lactose intolerant or not, most people find it hard to digest that amount of milk and you will likely have digestive problems (obviously if it causes you no problems go ahead)
as for food suggestions, brown rice and chicken (with a store bought sauce) is a staple for most, contains good quality lean protein, carbs and decent micronutrients from the rice (as opposed to white rice). broccoli can be added for extra micros
peanut butter is also a very good food to eat regular, has fats which are vital for hormone regulation and muscle building, and because it is high in fat it has alot of calories in it for a relatively small amount. also has protein.
drizzle olive oil on any foods you can - has alot of calories, i think 150kcals per tablespoon
burritos are good to eat (if you make them yourself) as theyre quick to cook and you can load vegetables into them.
oats w/ a scoop of protein powder are a good breakfast if you like the taste.

you also dont need all them supplements and you will both be wasting your money and be getting in empty calories. most generic weight gainers are just loaded with maltodextrin (a cheap-ass filler). better to get them calories from food. for supplements i wold say the following are good to start on:
-whey protein (concentrate or isolate)
-creatine monohydrate (+a loading week)
-a multivitamin + fish oil (if you like, its not comletely necessary if you have a good diet)

2500 is a good calorie target, if you go too much over that you risk putting on alot of fat

i would also recommend getting 'black hole' by controlled labs, if you find eating alot difficult then this should help you
neognostic;521669 said:
Nice, thanks. Wouldn't Whole Milk just be sugar water with fat in it then?

The sugar is excessive, definitely. But the guy wants to put on this weight so his insulin levels are going to have to rise. It's the only way for him to store fat. Here's some info about saturated fats in entertaining video format:

If you get a gainer shake which you prob need to hit 5k calories get one called quick mass it's damn delicious and the ingredientson in it are great. I started out at 6'1 130lbs I've gotten up to 220 at 15% body fat so I feel yah on the super skinny
If you want to keep it simple have 5 whole omega 3 eggs wih a cup of oatmeal and a banana for breakfast. A quick mass meal 2. A big steak and 2 cups of brown rice with a cup of broccoli for meal 3 quick mass again for meal 4 a couple chicken breast and 2 more cups of brown rice and small spinach salad for meal 5 and a half serving of quick mass for meal six
Mad love for the Mcdonalds/ Wendys diet! I think I'd need a more than a few blunts to handle the nausea from the grease though!
You're most likely just gonna get fat if you start taking in that much calories unless you live a active lifestyle. Definitely figure out and track your macros to start and start with a 300 cal surplus the fist week and aim to gain a lb a week. If you aren't gaining up it again until you do. Trust me my first bulk was a total waist and I just gained mostly fat. Now I bulk at a 300 surplus which gets me about 3 lbs gain a month and not much fat gain. Eat big, lift big, and get your rest and you will gain.
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figured out your macros to get bigger, find the foods you like and will give you the best performance in the gym. Its very simple, it takes time to add size but its a lifetime journey.
Protein, atleast 1.5x bodyweight...... 100lb bodyweight get 150grams of protein, hit your complex carbs,etc..... Chicken, Tuna, Oats, Etc,all good.....eat 6 times a day every 2-3 hours to keep your body in a anabolic state....
n8dogg;524591 said:
You're most likely just gonna get fat if you start taking in that much calories unless you live a active lifestyle. Definitely figure out and track your macros to start and start with a 300 cal surplus the fist week and aim to gain a lb a week. If you aren't gaining up it again until you do. Trust me my first bulk was a total waist and I just gained mostly fat. Now I bulk at a 300 surplus which gets me about 3 lbs gain a month and not much fat gain. Eat big, lift big, and get your rest and you will gain.
If your supper skinny you can gain more than 3 measly pounds a month. Just like the obese people on biggest loser can drop 20lbs a week. I've gained 13.5lbs in the last 3 weeks and fat has gone from 15.1 to 15.5
doublelongdaddy;521935 said:
No love for the McD's diet?:)

Yeah but i think the nuggets arent the best choice, they arent so fatty, they are still a little dry compared to some of the menu items.

Id go for the greasy double quarter pounder, at least two of em, for big weight gains, and lots of their cotton seed oil soaked fries. always wash it down with lots of coke too, and none of the aspertame diet crap, we want real processed plant sugars in there as it goes well with the McOils.

in between that, add some burger king whoppers (ask for extra cheese) , or dominoes.

And always use the drive thru as walking in burns calories. rofl

But seriously, lots of pasta with bolognese type sauce made with lots of beef and a lot of olive oil, then put a heap of parmesan or similar cheese on it, and im sure the OP will bulk up. or rich lasanges. Thats how i put on weight anyway. rofl

I found that protein and carb filled oily pastas do help you with weight training, help you have great bursts of energy, but you will gain fat also.

Ive been anywhere from 220 lbs, to 155 lbs ( im 5ft 11) ...currently 170. In various states of fat/muscle combinations also.
Tahir Aqbar;521650 said:
It's dumb that raw milk has been banned in the US. We have to buy it illegally.

Its the same in a lot of places, you either gotta go illegal, find a farmer or buy a cow.

I once read a business got a 200K fine for selling raw milk in Sydney, Australia.

My grandfather lived to 94 and raw milk was a big part of his diet, he owned his own animals.

A contentious issue for sure, as is the consumption of dairy period. Man ive seen some forum threads go nuts about it all.

jordey;521726 said:
drizzle olive oil on any foods you can - has alot of calories, i think 150kcals per tablespoon

I agree, good tip. its why i mentioned it before with the pasta. Or fry with it at low heat, even eggs fried in it for breakfast. one will put on weight using a lot of olive oil of that i have no doubt.

And unlike some veg and palm oils that our bodies arent really made for dealing with, its at least a good fat, contains oleic acid, polyphenols and vitamins especially the better oils.

I was reading something about the 'mediterranean diet' and it said that while those who consumed a lot of olive oil as their main dietary fat had lower incidence of heart disease and cancers despite carrying some extra body fat on them.

our bodies just havent evolved to handle a lot of the mass produced vegetable oils / palm oils that are added to so many foods and breads in recent times.
Make sure you have at least 200 calories above your maintenance. Eat lots of protein, around 20- 25 percent of fats and the rest cars. Train intensely. Eat healthy. I would advise you to supplement yourself, most say that whey protein powder is nice, this should be your post-workout drink mixed with simple liquid carbs.Progress with every workout of yours. Every time strive to improve your last lifts. For example, you train chest once a week. This week you lift 100 pounds on the bench press and the next one strive for 102-103. Your body is an adapting machine and you must realize this. Eat a lot... A LOT. It is friggin hard, though. But as long as you have the proper motivation, it's all gonna be fine. If you have any problems I am sure your [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] brothers would help you. Hope you make the gains you wish for.
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