Ride or Die says it all! Hey I know i am much better because of the experience I went through and I would never change it. I do think sometimes back on my past and think wow I wish I could change this or that but then the reality sinks in that if I change my past I probably wouldn’t have the blessings that I have now.
Many brothers on the forum take my celibacy as me not wanting a woman but that’s not the case. I just feel as though when the right woman comes along I’ll know it. My life is all about God, Family and the Brotherhood. If I could find a woman that would fit into this situation I would be all for it. But I just don’t see that happening in my own mind but hey maybe God has different plans.
Many brothers on the forum take my celibacy as me not wanting a woman but that’s not the case. I just feel as though when the right woman comes along I’ll know it. My life is all about God, Family and the Brotherhood. If I could find a woman that would fit into this situation I would be all for it. But I just don’t see that happening in my own mind but hey maybe God has different plans.