Dating or Getting into a relationship with a EXOTIC DANCER?

@Tornadocock from what you write it is evident that she's just making money off you. If you are having good fun, go for it! Just dont expect anything serious and NEVER put emotions for her or you'll end up bankrupt and lonely.
I think in a way I benefitted from having a little more motivation to focus on my PE and now hopefully my weight loss. I lost like 30 lbs in the last 6 months. I would do an extra session just before going to see here, and I enjoyed her ride me in the back.

That's awesome, you got some pussy and motivation to better yourself. Win-Win. I say if you can afford it, and the pussy is that good, why ruin a good thing. Just dont get attached, she's not yours.
Well I know the first name she gave me was a fake name (summer) then some time later maybe when she felt safe to tell me that her real name. At first I thought it was just a fake name as well but then she showed me something she ordered online and her name was there on the order. I looked her up on facebook and there was her profile.
I know she doesn't have a pimp cause a pimp wouldn't let her leave after meeting with me. She had times where she came in just to see me. Because she had a birthday to go to or work the next morning I don't think she is planning on doing this much longer because there are no benefit plans or pension plans for working in the clubs. Now she just started a government job with the union and has benefits.
@Tornadocock from what you write it is evident that she's just making money off you. If you are having good fun, go for it! Just dont expect anything serious and NEVER put emotions for her or you'll end up bankrupt and lonely.
Thanks Jackxxx I appreciate all the input from you and lightning I'll definitely keep you posted on the situation as it progresses.
The way I see it, is been great motivation and ya pussy is always fun even if I can manipulate this more in my favor why not. ?

Thats the way to do it!! Little by little you go learning the game. Like for example those few times she went in just to see you, WRONG. She is not going in to see you, she is going in for quick fast secure cash. Each individual in the club for her has a money sign on top. Depending on how much they spend the money sign is bigger or smaller. Body, penis, nothing of that matter. What matter is money. Cold hard cash. American currency.

For you, or us, the only thing that matters in there is pussy. Everything else is just decoration and protocol for negotiation.
Bro she is playing you. Strippers always come in just for you on their day off :D

Strippers make fake social media accounts to make "special customers" feel privileged. My wife has fake social media accounts as well that I run.

I hope you are not spending all your hard earned money on her. It's sad to see this as my wife is the queen at manipulating guys with no club experience and getting their last dime when in the club. I feel really bad for regular working John's that get caught up because the money goes fast and then they go too.

Remember this is a profession and the dancer is providing a service.
There are RARE situations for example in the case of @Lightning in which he clicked chemically with a girl. It was the right girl, at the right time, at the right place.

But if you're going to the strip club with the intention of finding a stable GF or a wife, you're in for BIG trouble my brother.

I made several friends with strippers while I was a stripper too. There is a unique magic connection between strippers. If you're a stripper too, they completely open up to you like "we're a team" and they hang out with you, etc. I still keep in touch with many of them, although they have moved to other states. FL is just too nasty LOL
Bro she is playing you. Strippers always come in just for you on their day off :D

Strippers make fake social media accounts to make "special customers" feel privileged. My wife has fake social media accounts as well that I run.

I hope you are not spending all your hard earned money on her. It's sad to see this as my wife is the queen at manipulating guys with no club experience and getting their last dime when in the club. I feel really bad for regular working John's that get caught up because the money goes fast and then they go too.

Remember this is a profession and the dancer is providing a service.

Exactly I have friend from the outside world and they say "Oh I dont like strip clubs because these bitches are all about the money" and Im like "DUDE, that is her workplace. Thats is her income. That is how she pay bills and food. Do you think she will go there just to see on your lap warming up your penis??"
My wife is following this discussion as well and she was just saying there have been many men she met in the club that she would of totally dated outside the club but she always stood focused on getting paid.
Exactly I have friend from the outside world and they say "Oh I dont like strip clubs because these bitches are all about the money" and Im like "DUDE, that is her workplace. Thats is her income. That is how she pay bills and food. Do you think she will go there just to see on your lap warming up your penis??"
I got no disrespect for the trade, it comes with a stigma that has had a bad rap for decades. I get that it's a job and that how they pay the bills. I've seen guys think they are smart just trying to ass grab on girls and have no intention of getting a dance. When I was dating I got my ex and her 2 best friends a night at a male strip club I book them a table up front near the stage. We were dating for like 4 years. She was turning 22 or 23.
@Jackxxx I think dancers fucking in the club really messed up the game on so many levels.

On the dangerous side. Lets say a unexperienced and/or emotional virgin goes into said club, meets a dancer and she works her magic and makes him feel special. Then moves to the next level and starts performing extra services to make the customer feel like he is the only one getting this treatment because "he is different than the others".

Now this customer feels like this is really his girl and he becomes very emotionally attached. What happens after he blows all his hard earned money on her thinking they are going to go out one day and become something real to realize it was all an act and he was just another trick? I can see the possibility of the custimer going psycho on her like waiting late hours till club closes, follow her home and....

Not to mention from a dancers side, fucking in the club really fucked up the game for other dancers that don't fuck. There are allot of good women that dance for the art (pole dancers), make money to pay bills, etc. So now they have to compete against other dancers giving blow jobs for the price of couch dances as it has become the new standard.

My wife says, now a days customers are very blunt asking her when she dances how far is she going to go for said dollars. She has to make the them think they are going to get something extra to tell them in the end, this is where it stops. So she has to be very careful on who she does that to as some customers will get very aggressive after they drop a few hundred on her for table dances and stage thinking its going to be full service in the end.

It is a high risk business for very unstable income. Theres nights dancers come home owing the house money and yes there are good nights too where they come home with a months worth of income.
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@Lightning Im pretty sure it happens all the time that a customer becomes a stalker lol
In fact, sadly enough, there have been strippers killed by jealous psycho guys. A few years ago I used to watch all the time the TV show forensic files. I LOVE that show. And in many of them was about the story of a stripper who disappeared or mysteriously died. Dont recall happening in big urban areas seem to be a more rural small town issue.

Of course girls fucking killed the business. All you see these days is cuban and venezuelan girls fucking for pennies. Unless you go to Eleven where all the girls there escort but they are HIGH paid. ALL the girls I knew, 100% of them either stopped dancing or moved to another state due to the same issue.
@Lightning Im pretty sure it happens all the time that a customer becomes a stalker :D
In fact, sadly enough, there have been strippers killed by jealous psycho guys. A few years ago I used to watch all the time the TV show forensic files. I LOVE that show. And in many of them was about the story of a stripper who disappeared or mysteriously died. Dont recall happening in big urban areas seem to be a more rural small town issue.

Of course girls fucking killed the business. All you see these days is cuban and venezuelan girls fucking for pennies. Unless you go to Eleven where all the girls there escort but they are HIGH paid. ALL the girls I knew, 100% of them either stopped dancing or moved to another state due to the same issue.
That is saying women don't get abusing in any other form of life or career, wasn't a adult entertainment star almost beaten to death by her UFC boyfriend when he had a case of roid-rage
@Lightning Im pretty sure it happens all the time that a customer becomes a stalker :D
In fact, sadly enough, there have been strippers killed by jealous psycho guys. A few years ago I used to watch all the time the TV show forensic files. I LOVE that show. And in many of them was about the story of a stripper who disappeared or mysteriously died. Dont recall happening in big urban areas seem to be a more rural small town issue.

Of course girls fucking killed the business. All you see these days is cuban and venezuelan girls fucking for pennies. Unless you go to Eleven where all the girls there escort but they are HIGH paid. ALL the girls I knew, 100% of them either stopped dancing or moved to another state due to the same issue.
That is saying women don't get abusing in any other form of life or career, wasn't a adult entertainment star almost beaten to death by her UFC boyfriend when he had a case of roid-rage

True but dancers interact with many men nightly selling them a dream. So there would be higher chance of multiple stalkers. It's just a high risk job but the money can be real good for the risk
@Tornadocock from what you write it is evident that she's just making money off you. If you are having good fun, go for it! Just dont expect anything serious and NEVER put emotions for her or you'll end up bankrupt and lonely.

So very true! I was involved with three different strip clubs when I was younger. I would do the hiring of girls for the club I was partnered in and I came across a lot of different women. Then I would see these women working in the clubs and I would watch their games. Very slick indeed! I saw plenty of people drop so much money on hopes of getting laid when the girl was going home to her boyfriend afterwards. I got out of that business years ago I never really looked back. I never got played because I knew the rules but I watched so many people get played it was sad. And I was the first one to introduce Lightning to a strip bar. I took them there on his 21st ? birthday (rock)
That is saying women don't get abusing in any other form of life or career, wasn't a adult entertainment star almost beaten to death by her UFC boyfriend when he had a case of roid-rage

Yes that was Christy Mack. Thats a different issue though. What @Lightning is mentioning is the exposure of strippers to so many random strangers that are unknown. All clients at a strip club can look like saints, all dressed up, clean, but you dont know who is who in reality. You can have terrorists, illegal aliens, drug dealers, pedophiles, serial killers, etc all in the same crowd. Thats the danger. AND THATS HOW IT IS. The worst of the worst of society frequent strip clubs. You dont see them in actin thats why it doesn't "look" like.

In the case of Christy Mack, that was the man she chose to be hers. Many of these girls due to their past, they are attracted actually to the "bad boy" type. The "abusive, rough, violent" look. That "gangster" type of guy. But many times that prototype of man is not really a man, is a scarecrow and a criminal. But these girls dont know better. They either grew up without a father or grew up to an abusive/alcoholic/drug addict father.
Do any of them [these women] move off this path? or are they victims of cause and effect? always living this potential deadly, and abusive lifestyle.
Do any of them [these women] move off this path? or are they victims of cause and effect? always living this potential deadly, and abusive lifestyle.

You find all kind of girls in this industry. Not necessarily all of them have trouble past. For example one of the girls that I still talk with I met her down here at Cheetah in Pompano Beach. She moved a couple of years ago to NY due to the nastiness of the business down here. She's the type of girl that plays in the club, but doesnt do any sexual activity. Not even a hand job. She's a nice girl, from a normal family without a lot of money, but she's the type of lazy person. She's just comfortable dancing, making her money, smoking pot the whole day and staying in bed. Doesnt have the drive to do other things with her life. Eventually she will meet some good guy that loves her and take care of her.

You will find others, which I have met too that are fitness models or fitness competitors. They have their career, but in the bodybuilding industry is VERY expensive to afford diet, supplement and anabolic steroids. So many of these girls dance for that extra money while having their lives together and knowing exactly what theyre doing. On a side note, many of the girls in the fitness industry escort for this same reason.
I actually know quite a few that have successfully (relative term) moved on and done pretty damn well but almost all of those had made a move outta state to do so.
.... the expection are the ones really in school (most here all say they are in school but...). Some stay kinda local and just leave it off the resume and do fine.
I asked because in some of the posts it mentions that many working in this area have had hard lives including but not limited to sexual abuse. I understand that, but I never accept this leads someone into this line of work.

You choose it, is what I'm saying to you, and that is a personal choice, unless forced into it by some disgusting creature, its a choice.

One of my ex loves was abused by her father, and no way was she ever able to do this work.

Its a generalization that women who work in adult entertainment, and stripping, anything of this nature, have been in hard homes, or abused. Indeed, I have known loads of women that went to university here in the UK, and did escort work on the side for easy money.

You confirmed, as I already knew - friends that did it - ordinary women do this work.

I think it just needs pointing out, so these ladies dont all get put into the same box.
So you guys are 1000% right?. I did a little more digging and yes I found her Instagram account where she is wishing her ride or die a happy birthday even though "he's not here!"
I asked because in some of the posts it mentions that many working in this area have had hard lives including but not limited to sexual abuse. I understand that, but I never accept this leads someone into this line of work.

You choose it, is what I'm saying to you, and that is a personal choice, unless forced into it by some disgusting creature, its a choice.

One of my ex loves was abused by her father, and no way was she ever able to do this work.

Its a generalization that women who work in adult entertainment, and stripping, anything of this nature, have been in hard homes, or abused. Indeed, I have known loads of women that went to university here in the UK, and did escort work on the side for easy money.

You confirmed, as I already knew - friends that did it - ordinary women do this work.

I think it just needs pointing out, so these ladies dont all get put into the same box.

Well those are personal experience facts. Its a dilemma like the one "not all muslims are terrorists but 99% of terrorists are muslims" Same happens here. Of course not everybody who was abused during childhood necessarily will end up in adult entertainment or stripping. However I can tell you from personal experience, started going to strip clubs 10 years ago, was a stripper and adult entertainment star for 4, have met 100's of strippers, I would say 85% of them were abused. And when I say that I met hundreds, Im not sayin "hello, nice to meet you. By the way, were you abused during childhood?" No. Im talking about girls with who I have created a relationship of friendship. Not necessarily a lifelong relationship but enough to trust our lives and tell our stories.
One detail to point out, abuse doesnt necessarily comes from father or home. Many girls have been sexually abused in their neighborhood. They grow up drinking heavily, partying with drugs, and in those situations they have been abused not even remembering the details because of intoxication. But that same lifestyle repeated every single weekend for years, creates a very disturbed mind in a teenager.
In fact one story that I remember from a girl that I used to hangout A LOT at scarletts, she is from Ohio, country girl, raised on a pig farm, unfortunately grew up between very bad people. While at scarletts she was hooked up on opioids, and drinking HEAVY every single night. I remember seeing her drinking and nobody could understand how this girl was able to stay on two feet after that. She was getting severely wasted every single fucking night. Gorgeous girl, petite, curvy blonde hair, big bright blue eyes. Looked like a barbie doll. One of her stories was that before coming down to FL, she had an abusive boyfriend. He was very jealous, used to beat her, and in her own words "he had a huge dick and every time he fucked me I used to cry" So there you go...the variety of samples in this studied universe is too diverse.
She's the type of girl that plays in the club, but doesnt do any sexual activity. Not even a hand job. She's a nice girl, from a normal family without a lot of money, but she's the type of lazy person. She's just comfortable dancing, making her money, smoking pot the whole day and staying in bed. Doesnt have the drive to do other things with her life. Eventually she will meet some good guy that loves her and take care of her.

Kind of sounds like my wife's story, but a big BUT...

True Southern bell, played in her club, made good money but never worked in fuck spots. She slept all day, smoked weed, went no-where besides the Kava bars and ate out here and there. She had her fuck boy for when she wanted to get dick but no steady boyfriend.

She had no idea how crazy the party life was in Miami. She never heard of Electronic music and thought Scarletts was the only spot that played that type of music lol

She ran into some people in the club that preached to her about joining a power movement organization, she was a lame that wanted to save the world so she got involved. They ended up having her run guns and drive for them. They were involved in that big scandal with Rick Ross and it became a big Fed thing. She saw the really bad side of Miami O-town :devilish: . Drive bys murders and all, this "organization" was the biggest gang in Florida.

I ended up being the good guy she met. Happily ever after :D
@Jackxxx when I recently went down to visit a friend in Pompano, I stopped by Cheetahs. I couldn't believe that after 7 years, some of the same girls were still working there.

There was a mother and daughter that use to work there but I didn't see them the night I went. I also use to go out and chill with some dancers there named Miami, Mariah and Claudia. Not sure if you know any of them. We use to go to All-Star after the club closed.

My massage girl was still working there and she flipped out when she saw me. I stood for one beer and left.

Remember that club centerfolds in the middle of the industrial area of Pompano? I never understood that place. It was a Steakhouse before or something. My wife worked there one day when They first opened and made $10 lol
@Jackxxx when I recently went down to visit a friend in Pompano, I stopped by Cheetahs. I couldn't believe that after 7 years, some of the same girls were still working there.

There was a mother and daughter that use to work there but I didn't see them the night I went. I also use to go out and chill with some dancers there named Miami, Mariah and Claudia. Not sure if you know any of them. We use to go to All-Star after the club closed.

My massage girl was still working there and she flipped out when she saw me. I stood for one beer and left.

Remember that club centerfolds in the middle of the industrial area of Pompano? I never understood that place. It was a Steakhouse before or something. My wife worked there one day when They first opened and made $10 :D

I remember all those 3 names, specially Claudia. A latina with long hair and a delicious booty.

Yeah centerfolds is long gone. You're right, before it was a steakhouse or something. However after that it became a gay strip club called Swinging Richards. They were fined and shutdown by the city for nudity and prostitution. Then they build Centerfolds which was a beautiful club but never succeeded in attracting people. Eventually filed for chapter 11.

Then 1 year ago they demolished the whole block and built the new Solid Gold. The old solid gold and pure platinum on Federal Highway and Oakland Park were "indirectly" closed by the city. Basically the city of Fort Lauderdale didn't want more strip cubs in the city so they gave them a new ordinance: No more alcohol sales after 12AM. Of course a strip club cant survive without alcohol so they knew it was time to go. The old classic Solid Gold was demolished along with the strip mall in front of it and they just opened a Bahama Breeze there. The whole block where Pure Platinum was with that giant sex shop in the corner is currently flattened. Empty lot.

The new Solid Gold in Pompano I haven't been there yet, however Ive heard is a state of the art club with latest sound system, jacuzzi, different rooms, etc.
I remember all those 3 names, specially Claudia. A latina with long hair and a delicious booty.

Yeah centerfolds is long gone. You're right, before it was a steakhouse or something. However after that it became a gay strip club called Swinging Richards. They were fined and shutdown by the city for nudity and prostitution. Then they build Centerfolds which was a beautiful club but never succeeded in attracting people. Eventually filed for chapter 11.

Then 1 year ago they demolished the whole block and built the new Solid Gold. The old solid gold and pure platinum on Federal Highway and Oakland Park were "indirectly" closed by the city. Basically the city of Fort Lauderdale didn't want more strip cubs in the city so they gave them a new ordinance: No more alcohol sales after 12AM. Of course a strip club cant survive without alcohol so they knew it was time to go. The old classic Solid Gold was demolished along with the strip mall in front of it and they just opened a Bahama Breeze there. The whole block where Pure Platinum was with that giant sex shop in the corner is currently flattened. Empty lot.

The new Solid Gold in Pompano I haven't been there yet, however Ive heard is a state of the art club with latest sound system, jacuzzi, different rooms, etc.

Wow, I was in Pure Platinum one night (talk about fuck spots) and management put me up by the stage in vip with the curtains and a chick came in and sat with me. Of course I was drunk, she pulled my zipper down and started sucking my dick before I even spent a dime on her. She chilled with me the rest of the night, we went to a hotel after and she complained the whole fucking night about her kids, once I sobered up I realized she was a latina talent we use to shoot for Bang Bros named Anastaysha Benz. I was like wow, this shit is really fucked up out here and I'm no better :D

Yeah same Claudia, I hung out with her many nights. I took her and Miami to KOD one night and me being the drunk arrogant asshole I use to be, I had them both making out with me and each other and called the dancer over I was fucking with to dance for us at KOD. The dancer got mad, scratched the shit out of my neck with her claw nails (bleeding and all) and Blac Chynna jumped on her and beat the shit out of her. It was a huge mess of shit I caused that night at KOD. The dancer I was fucking with in KOD got fired and kicked a huge dent in the side of my car and then called me for a week begging me to get her job back. I was a total dick but those women loved that drama shit.
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One of the frustrations of being married to an exotic dancer/adult entertainment actress can be the sex at home. Allot of adult entertainment talent and dancers that I met in the past that were in relationships had a very little interest in having sex at home due to the nature of their profession.

Many men think marrying a stripper / adult entertainment star is going to come with amazing sex, ummm that's not always true. Again, women are emotional creatures and allot of them get fucked up with their profession and feel bringing it home is fake. It's like the mechanic working hard all day and then coming home after work to fix his broke car too.

But on the other hand, I know studs that shoot 4-5 scenes a day and then go to the Brazilian massage parlor after to get laid.

I remember sitting at lunch one day with talent and she was telling her husband sex is off for a while because her pussy is tired. :O

I myself can tell you, when I first got with my wife, we were pretty sexually active, now it's like not a big deal for her. She is a freak in the club but when she is at home, I have to be the one to initiate or there is no sex.

It can make any man feel insecure at times like "maybe I suck in bed" (I probably do anyway) :D but on the same note, she is not the same girl at home she is in the club.

So remember, all that glitter ain't gold and your mileage may vary.
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This has been a very interesting topic, to say the least! From an honest question the thread has "derailed" to a very organic conversation about experiences related to the whole scene. Lots of juicy history and good stories, I've enjoyed reading this thread, but I don't personally have much to say regarding to the subject. :D

I look forward for more stories around this subject.
@Jackxxx , allot of studs I knew use to pump before scenes to girth-up, did you pump as well before scenes?
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@Jackxxx , allot of studs I knew use to pump before scenes to girth-up, did you pump as well before scenes?

No I never did. I thought about doing it many times, but the problem is that timing in adult entertainment is very unpredictable. They call you to the on set at 9:00AM and you end up shooting at 1:00PM. And with pumping if you pump too much, it will look fake pumped up dick full of water retention. And if its too little it wont be enough to increase girth. It would have been nice tough because my girth is around 6.2. Pumping the right amount could bring it to 6.5-6.7 and still look natural.

I used to pump after though as part of my routine. First get home and jerk off, sometimes jerk off in the car while driving. Shooting the scene itself was never enough for me to release everything. I always had to jerk off after and cum again. Then take a shower and start my PE session.
@Lightning remember Gia and Sunny at Cheetah? they used to hangout sometimes with Claudia at the club. Gia was a gorgeous exotic mix of middle eastern and puerto rican. Sunny was Costa Rican with a gorgeous body. I think I still have pics of them...Ill have to dig some very old files and see if I can find them...
@Lightning remember Gia and Sunny at Cheetah? they used to hangout sometimes with Claudia at the club. Gia was a gorgeous exotic mix of middle eastern and puerto rican. Sunny was Costa Rican with a gorgeous body. I think I still have pics of them...Ill have to dig some very old files and see if I can find them...

Nah, I don't remember them by name. I would love to see who you are talking about tho. I have so many pics too :D I use to hang out with this chick there outside the club that was a medium colored latina and she had a white birthmark on her cho-cha. She was good people but I forgot her name. We use to go hang out at Wonderland when it just opened back then.

Ironically, I brought her and Dennis Rodman home from being crazy wasted (two different ocassions) and ironically they both lived in the same building around East Ft Lauderdale :D. I use to leave Dennis in the lobby as the lobby guy dealt with him every night same routine.
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Man so many bad stories in the strip club world out there. Did you know Sahara at Scarletts? She was in the same Scarletts calendar as my wife. Very beautiful mixed girl, she ended up working at Goldrush and she use to call me allot asking me to help her get out that scene, she started working streets and then got murdered from what I heard. She got caught up real bad. I think about that allot.

My wife has the callander here somewhere. I'm gonna see if she can find it so I can show you. Sahara was well known.
I remember the name Sahara. Dont remember her face or body though. If I saw a pic I would be able to recall. The girl I used to hang out with all the time at Scarlets was Abby. That was her stage name, real name was Abigail anyways. She was so fucked up in the business, she went back to Toledo around 2011. Was completely dysfunctional hooked up on drugs and alcohol for a long time. Then I spoke with her around end of 2012 when she came out of rehab. According to her she was clean. Some time later she deleter all her social media and lost contact with her. I hope she's ok. She was a gorgeous barbie doll. She was in the calendar of 2008 or 2009 one of those. She was wearing like a shiny red kinda sexy firefighter costume in the calendar.
She was VERY popular. She was making a lot of money. I dont remember her friend stage name. A girl from Belarus. Her real name was Marina. They both used to do awesome show together during the special.
By the way, with Abby and her friend we did everything but penetration in the private LOL. I guess is time to declassify that intel.
There was another girl I didn't really spend money with, but we became friends and were hanging out in the club, doing shots, etc. She was a gorgeous blonde from Dallas, her name was Star and she had a big red star tattooed around her pussy. One day we were gong to fuck in the VIP and when I pulled out my cock she ran away LMAO. I told her Id be gentle and she was like "yeah right they all say the same, then you're gonna ram that whole shit inside me" After some time I convinced her to leave the club with me, we were both wasted, and her brother outside grabbed her and told her you're not going anywhere by yourself like this. LOL. I was never able to fuck her. After that she retired and went to work as a bartender at the old voodoo lounge in downtown fort lauderdale. I saw her there a couple of times but nothing ever happened lol. Kimberly was her real name.
I posted Sahara picture above your post. You probably know her too.
Oh yeah I remember her now lol. Never had fun with her but I remember her. So many memories from those days....the music, the smell, the girls, the voice of the dj, LOL....shots after shots after shots...
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      MoS Notifier MoS Notifier: silverberg is our newest member. Welcome!