My Brother I lived with it for years. My ex girlfriend, Jan, came from a very bad background. We met each other in a drug rehab and when we first got together she told me she was with two men her whole life. I believed in at first but then she started to slip up and the truth started to come out. I found out that she was a stripper and that she slept with more than 100 guys . She came from a very abusive family and that involved rape incest and abuse. When she was with me I thought I could save her, I thought I could be the one that brings her to a place of happiness but that’s not what happened. For a little while she wore a mask well but soon she couldn’t act any longer.
When her true self came out we broke up and she left me, ironically, because of MOS. Her letter to me was all about MOS and how I cared more about my dick that I did about her. She said how she was going to go off and become a teacher and live a wholesome life, etc., etc., etc. about three years to the day she called me and want to come back and try it again and reluctantly agreed. She came back to me 10 times worse than she left me. She was going to go out with a wholesome life and that wholesome life included stripping doing drugs living with a guy that was in the KKK just horrid. And I thought about her letter how MOS was so bad but what she was doing was just fine
What I learned is once a good girl gone bad she never coming back and nobody can be anybodys Savior. There’s only one the Savior and that’s Jesus Christ. And you’re correct we are all sinners but once we except Jesus Christ we are also Saints. So the best thing to do is pray for her and others like her to find their true husband, Jesus Christ. Then and only then will they find the relief there truly looking for. And believe me I speak from very intimate experience. I can write a bestseller just based on that relationship! I’m so glad that Jesus is with you and I’m also glad that you’re with us.
Wise words my friend!!! Couldnt agree more. There is no way to rescue those people, we can just pay for them.
I have a friend in the industry, he's a producer. Wont mention his name in public because he's still involved and trying to make a come back. He comes from a very dark background. Long story short, grew up to alcoholic and drug addict parents, his dad physically abused him his whole life, after separation his mom was bringing random guys home, passing out on the floor next to him at night, of course grew up on the streets committing random minor crimes, dealing with drugs, and as an addict too. Coke, meth, since early teens. Got in the adult entertainment Biz in LA, moved to FL and started doing great. Became completely sober, clean, started doing very good as a producer, shooting for Score, Jim Gunn, Plumper Pass, Bang Bros, Josh Stone, Clubdom, etc. His decades of drug abuse took a toll on his body in his late 30's early 40's. Started having bad knee problems, back pain, teeth falling, eye cataracts, etc. In order to keep working, an evil doctor prescribed him pain killers for his knees and back. Thats the end of the story. Pills, became M&M's, not only for pain but for the brain. Wanted more and more. Couldnt shoot properly anymore, companies started using other people, broke up with his GF, pills were scarce so the dealer offered him heroin. Started shootin heroin, car was repoed, los his house, ended up on the street almost dead. A girl from adult entertainment friend of him (Jamie Valentine) rescue him and took him to rehab. Since then he's been under controlled from drugs but alcoholic. IMO, is too late for him to go back to producing in adult entertainment, but he wont listen. He doesnt have a penny and every penny he makes from random low budget shoots spend it on booze and cigarettes.
You cant change people. Eventually they gravitate back to their origins. It is sad, because in reality it was never their fault, but as you say, we can pray and hope for the best. SOME CAN CHANGE THOUGH. We all share the same potential. It is just a matter of determination.