Just out of curiosity, I have a question for the big boys. I just wanted to know from the fellows measuring 8" or more, Is your penis straight or is it curved? Seems like most of the big guys here are pretty much straight arrows. I wonder if this somehow correlates to size and gain potential. I have gone through the photo section a couple times and have not really noticed any "big bananas" that I can use as inspiration for myself...you know, something to shoot for. They all pretty much seem like cukes to me. I confess, I have been trying to straighten my curve out during girth routines. I guess it seems kind of silly, because all the cukes say they want a banana and all the bananas say they want a cuke...kind of like straight hair versus curly hair. On a side note: the wife used to tell me not to mess up my curve cause she liked it, but now that I am straightening out a little, she says she likes it better straight, so I am just not sure I know what I want to do in that regards. I'm hoping for some feedback.
I hope there is no correlation between gain potential and curvature. I am the banana type. But I can't answer your question, not exactly 8" yet.
Slighty bent , i think its due to the right cc being larger then the left one, i've definitely got more gains out of the right side as well.
I'm a prime example of this...when I was about 7.25" BP or so I had a very apparent curve, now at 8.25" BP last time I measured, and 3/8" of girth bigger, my curve is slowly dissapating
I'm pretty straight for the most part but when I get really excited I get a slight upward curve. It's not much but it's definitely noticeable. I've also been pretty much straight as long as I can remember, right form my 6.2" beginnings, right up to my current 8" status.
JEN buys a cucumber everytime she goes to the food store. It always seems to be around 10 x 6.75:D
girthius said:
What will you do when she comes home with a 14 x 8 cucumber? :)

Through in the towel:D

Maybe I could glue it on:confused:
I started out at AROUND 5.7 inches BPenis EnlargementL, and severly curved. I am now over 8 inches bpel and straighter than an arrow. I like it way better this way, I felt weird having such a curver.
Started 7 3/4" with a slight left curve. Now 8 3/4", got rid of the left curve and formed an ever so slight upward curve :)
I'm 8 3/4 long and curve downward. It only bothers me when I am hitting it from the back because it usually causes the girl pain if her head isn't on the ground. I think straighter ones look longer.